Module TOps

Section TOps.
  Require Import String List ZArith.
  Require Import Compare_dec.
  Require Import Utils Types BasicRuntime.
  Require Import ForeignDataTyping ForeignOpsTyping TUtil TData TDataSort.

  Require Import Program.

Typing rules for unary operators

  Section u.
    Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
    Context {fuop:foreign_unary_op}.
    Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
    Context {fdtyping:foreign_data_typing}.
    Context {m:brand_model}.
    Context {fuoptyping:foreign_unary_op_typing}.

    Inductive unaryOp_type : unaryOp -> rtype -> rtype -> Prop :=
    | ATIdOp τ : unaryOp_type AIdOp τ τ
    | ATNeg: unaryOp_type ANeg Bool Bool
    | ATColl {τ} : unaryOp_type AColl τ (Coll τ)
    | ATSingleton τ :
        unaryOp_type ASingleton (Coll τ) (Option τ)
    | ATFlatten τ: unaryOp_type AFlatten (Coll (Coll τ)) (Coll τ)
    | ATDistinct τ: unaryOp_type ADistinct (Coll τ) (Coll τ)
    | ATOrderBy {τ} k sl pf1 pf2:
        sublist ( fst sl) (domain τ) ->
        order_by_has_sortable_type τ ( fst sl) ->
        unaryOp_type (AOrderBy sl) (Coll (Rec k τ pf1)) (Coll (Rec k τ pf2))
    | ATRec {τ} s pf : unaryOp_type (ARec s) τ (Rec Closed ((s,τ)::nil) pf)
    | ATDot {τ' τout} k s pf :
        tdot τ' s = Some τout ->
        unaryOp_type (ADot s) (Rec k τ' pf) τout
    | ATRecRemove {τ} k s pf1 pf2 :
        unaryOp_type (ARecRemove s) (Rec k τ pf1) (Rec k (rremove τ s) pf2)
    | ATRecProject {τ} k sl pf1 pf2 :
        sublist sl (domain τ) ->
        unaryOp_type (ARecProject sl) (Rec k τ pf1) (Rec Closed (rproject τ sl) pf2)
    | ATCount τ: unaryOp_type ACount (Coll τ) Nat
    | ATSum : unaryOp_type ASum (Coll Nat) Nat
    | ATNumMin : unaryOp_type ANumMin (Coll Nat) Nat
    | ATNumMax : unaryOp_type ANumMax (Coll Nat) Nat
    | ATArithMean : unaryOp_type AArithMean (Coll Nat) Nat
    | ATToString τ: unaryOp_type AToString τ String
    | ATSubstring start olen: unaryOp_type (ASubstring start olen) String String
    | ATLike pat oescape: unaryOp_type (ALike pat oescape) String Bool
    | ATLeft τl τr: unaryOp_type ALeft τl (Either τl τr)
    | ATRight τl τr: unaryOp_type ARight τr (Either τl τr)
    | ATBrand b :
        unaryOp_type (ABrand b) (brands_type b) (Brand b)
    | ATUnbrand {bs} :
        unaryOp_type AUnbrand (Brand bs) (brands_type bs)
    | ATCast br {bs} :
        unaryOp_type (ACast br) (Brand bs) (Option (Brand br))
    | ATUArith (u:ArithUOp) : unaryOp_type (AUArith u) Nat Nat
    | ATForeignUnaryOp {fu τin τout} :
        foreign_unary_op_typing_has_type fu τin τout ->
        unaryOp_type (AForeignUnaryOp fu) τin τout.
  End u.

  Tactic Notation "unaryOp_type_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
    [ Case_aux c "ATIdOp"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATNeg"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATColl"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSingleton"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATFlatten"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATDistinct"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATOrderBy"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRec"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATDot"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRecRemove"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRecProject"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATCount"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSum"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATNumMin"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATNumMax"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATArithMean"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATToString"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSubstring"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLike"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLeft"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRight"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATBrand"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATUnbrand"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATCast"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATUArith"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATForeignUnaryOp"%string].

Typing rules for binary operators

  Section b.

    Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
    Context {fbop:foreign_binary_op}.
    Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
    Context {fdtyping:foreign_data_typing}.
    Context {m:brand_model}.
    Context {fboptyping:foreign_binary_op_typing}.
    Inductive binOp_type: binOp -> rtype -> rtype -> rtype -> Prop :=
    | ATEq {τ} : binOp_type AEq τ τ Bool
    | ATConcat {τ₁ τ₂ τ₃} pf1 pf2 pf3 :
        rec_concat_sort τ₁ τ₂ = τ₃ ->
        binOp_type AConcat (Rec Closed τ₁ pf1) (Rec Closed τ₂ pf2) (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3)
    | ATMergeConcat {τ₁ τ₂ τ₃} pf1 pf2 pf3 :
        merge_bindings τ₁ τ₂ = Some τ₃ ->
        binOp_type AMergeConcat (Rec Closed τ₁ pf1) (Rec Closed τ₂ pf2) (Coll (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3))
    | ATMergeConcatOpen {τ₁ τ₂ τ₃} pf1 pf2 pf3 :
        merge_bindings τ₁ τ₂ = Some τ₃ ->
        binOp_type AMergeConcat (Rec Open τ₁ pf1) (Rec Open τ₂ pf2) (Coll (Rec Open τ₃ pf3))
    | ATAnd : binOp_type AAnd Bool Bool Bool
    | ATOr : binOp_type AOr Bool Bool Bool
    | ATBArith (b:ArithBOp) : binOp_type (ABArith b) Nat Nat Nat
    | ATLt : binOp_type ALt Nat Nat Bool
    | ATLe : binOp_type ALe Nat Nat Bool
    | ATUnion {τ} : binOp_type AUnion (Coll τ) (Coll τ) (Coll τ)
    | ATMinus {τ} : binOp_type AMinus (Coll τ) (Coll τ) (Coll τ)
    | ATMin {τ} : binOp_type AMin (Coll τ) (Coll τ) (Coll τ)
    | ATMax {τ} : binOp_type AMax (Coll τ) (Coll τ) (Coll τ)
    | ATContains {τ} : binOp_type AContains τ (Coll τ) Bool
    | ATSConcat : binOp_type ASConcat String String String
    | ATForeignBinaryOp {fb τin₁ τin₂ τout} :
        foreign_binary_op_typing_has_type fb τin₁ τin₂ τout ->
        binOp_type (AForeignBinaryOp fb) τin₁ τin₂ τout
  End b.

  Tactic Notation "binOp_type_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
    [ Case_aux c "ATEq"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATConcat"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMergeConcat"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMergeConcatOpen"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATAnd"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATOr"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATBArith"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLt"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLe"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATUnion"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMinus"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMin"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMax"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATContains"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSConcat"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATForeignBinaryOp"%string].

Type soundness lemmas for individual operations
    Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
    Context {fuop:foreign_unary_op}.
    Context {fbop:foreign_binary_op}.
    Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
    Context {fdtyping:foreign_data_typing}.
    Context {h:brand_model}.
    Context {fuoptyping:foreign_unary_op_typing}.
    Context {fboptyping:foreign_binary_op_typing}.

  Lemma forall_typed_bunion {τ} d1 d2:
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d1 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d2 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) (bunion d1 d2).
    intros; rewrite Forall_forall in *.
    induction d1.
    simpl in *; intros.
    apply H0; assumption.
    simpl in *; intros.
    elim H1; intros; clear H1.
    apply (H x).
    left; assumption.
    assert (forall x : data, In x d1 -> data_type x τ).
    apply (H x0).
    right; assumption.
    apply IHd1; assumption.

  Lemma bminus_in_remove (x a:data) (d1 d2:list data) :
    In x (bminus d1 (remove_one a d2)) -> In x (bminus d1 d2).
    revert d2.
    induction d1; simpl; intros.
    - induction d2; simpl in *.
      revert H.
      elim (EquivDec.equiv_dec a a0); unfold EquivDec.equiv_dec; intros.
      rewrite <- a1.
      right; assumption.
      simpl in H.
      elim H; intros; clear H.
      left; assumption.
      right; apply (IHd2 H0).
    - specialize (IHd1 (remove_one a0 d2)).
      apply IHd1.
      rewrite remove_one_comm; assumption.
  Lemma forall_typed_bminus {τ} d1 d2:
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d1 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d2 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) (bminus d1 d2).
    intros; rewrite Forall_forall in *.
    induction d1.
    simpl in *; intros.
    apply H0; assumption.
    simpl in *; intros.
    assert (forall x : data, In x d1 -> data_type x τ).
    apply (H x0).
    right; assumption.
    assert (In x (bminus d1 d2))
      by (apply bminus_in_remove with (a:=a); assumption).
    apply IHd1; assumption.

  Lemma forall_typed_bmin {τ} d1 d2:
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d1 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d2 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) (bmin d1 d2).
    unfold bmin.
    assert (Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) (bminus d2 d1)).
    apply forall_typed_bminus; assumption.
    apply forall_typed_bminus; assumption.

  Lemma forall_typed_bmax {τ} d1 d2:
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d1 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d2 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) (bmax d1 d2).
    unfold bmax.
    assert (Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) (bminus d1 d2)).
    apply forall_typed_bminus; assumption.
    apply forall_typed_bunion; assumption.

  Lemma forall_in_weaken {A} (P Q:A -> Prop) l:
    (forall x : A, P x \/ In x l -> Q x)
    -> (forall x : A, In x l -> Q x).
    induction l.
    simpl in H; contradiction.
    simpl in *.
    specialize (H x). elim H0; intros; clear H0; apply H.
    right; left; assumption.
    right; right; assumption.
  Lemma forall_typed_bdistinct {τ} d1:
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) d1 ->
    Forall (fun d : data => data_type d τ) (bdistinct d1).
    intros; rewrite Forall_forall in *.
    induction d1.
    simpl in *.
    simpl in *.
    assert (forall x : data, In x d1 -> data_type x τ)
      by (apply (forall_in_weaken (fun x => a = x)); assumption).
    destruct (mult (bdistinct d1) a).
    elim H0; intros; clear H0.
    rewrite <- H2 in *.
    apply (H a).
    left; reflexivity.
    specialize (IHd1 H1 H2); assumption.
    specialize (IHd1 H1 H0); assumption.

  Lemma Forall2_lookupr_none (l : list (string * data)) (l' : list (string * rtype)) (s:string):
       (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
          fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) l l') ->
    assoc_lookupr ODT_eqdec l' s = None ->
    assoc_lookupr ODT_eqdec l s = None.
    induction H; simpl in *.
    destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
    elim H; intros; clear H.
    rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 H3.
    revert H0 IHForall2.
    elim (assoc_lookupr string_eqdec l' s); try congruence.
    elim (string_eqdec s s1); intros; try congruence.
    specialize (IHForall2 H0); rewrite IHForall2.

  Lemma Forall2_lookupr_some (l : list (string * data)) (l' : list (string * rtype)) (s:string) (d':rtype):
       (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
          fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) l l') ->
    assoc_lookupr ODT_eqdec l' s = Some d' ->
    (exists d'', assoc_lookupr ODT_eqdec l s = Some d'' /\ data_type d'' d').
    induction H; simpl in *.
    - elim H0; intros; congruence.
    - destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
      assert ((exists d, assoc_lookupr string_eqdec l' s = Some d) \/
              assoc_lookupr string_eqdec l' s = None)
        by (destruct (assoc_lookupr string_eqdec l' s);
            [left; exists r0; reflexivity|right; reflexivity]).
      elim H2; intros; clear H2.
      elim H3; intros; clear H3.
      revert H0 IHForall2.
      rewrite H2; intros.
      elim (IHForall2 H0); intros; clear IHForall2.
      elim H3; intros; clear H3.
      rewrite H4. exists x0. split;[reflexivity|assumption].
      clear IHForall2; assert (assoc_lookupr string_eqdec l s = None)
          by apply (Forall2_lookupr_none l l' s H1 H3).
      rewrite H3 in *; rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 H3.
      elim H; intros; clear H.
      rewrite H2 in *; clear H2.
      revert H0; elim (string_eqdec s s1); intros.
      exists d; split; try reflexivity.
      inversion H0; rewrite H2 in *; assumption.

  Lemma rec_concat_with_drec_concat_well_typed dl dl0 τ₁ τ₂:
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ₁) = true ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ₂) = true ->
      is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain (rec_concat_sort τ₁ τ₂)) = true ->
        (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
           fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl τ₁ ->
        (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
           fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl0 τ₂ ->
        (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
           fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) (rec_sort (dl ++ dl0))
        (rec_concat_sort τ₁ τ₂).
    intros pf1 pf2 pf3 H H0.
    assert (domain dl = domain τ₁)
      by (apply (sorted_forall_same_domain); assumption).
    assert (domain dl0 = domain τ₂)
      by (apply (sorted_forall_same_domain); assumption).
    assert (rec_sort dl = dl)
      by (apply sort_sorted_is_id; rewrite H1; assumption).
    assert (rec_sort dl0 = dl0)
      by (apply sort_sorted_is_id; rewrite H2; assumption).
    assert (rec_sort τ₂ = τ₂)
      by (apply sort_sorted_is_id; assumption).
    assert (rec_sort τ₁ = τ₁)
      by (apply sort_sorted_is_id; assumption).
    unfold rec_concat_sort.
    induction H; simpl in *.
    rewrite H4; rewrite H5.
    assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l') = true).
    revert pf1.
    destruct l'.
    destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec (fst y) (fst p)); congruence.
    assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec
                (domain (rec_sort (l' ++ τ₂))) = true)
      by (apply (@rec_sort_sorted string ODT_string) with (l1 := l' ++ τ₂); reflexivity).
    specialize (IHForall2 H8 H9).
    inversion H1.
    specialize (IHForall2 H12).
    assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l') = true).
    revert pf1.
    destruct l'; try reflexivity; simpl.
    destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec (fst y) (fst p)); congruence.
    assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l') = true)
      by (apply (@rec_sorted_skip_first string ODT_string _ l' y); assumption).
    assert (rec_sort l' = l')
      by (apply rec_sorted_id; assumption).
    assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l) = true)
      by (apply (sorted_forall_sorted l l'); assumption).
    assert (rec_sort l = l)
      by (apply rec_sorted_id; assumption).
    specialize (IHForall2 H16 H14).
    clear H4 H5 H12 H10 H13 H14 H15 H16.
    elim H; intros; clear H H4.
    clear pf1 pf2.
    assert (is_list_sorted
                 (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec x (rec_sort (l ++ dl0)))) =
    apply (insert_and_foralls_mean_same_sort l dl0 l' τ₂ x y); assumption.
    apply Forall2_cons_sorted; assumption.

  Lemma concat_well_typed {τ₁ τ₂ τ₃} d1 d2 pf1 pf2 pf3:
    rec_concat_sort τ₁ τ₂ = τ₃ ->
    data_type d1 (Rec Closed τ₁ pf1) ->
    data_type d2 (Rec Closed τ₂ pf2) ->
    exists dl dl0 d3,
      d1 = drec dl /\
      d2 = drec dl0 /\
      ((rec_sort (dl ++ dl0)) = d3) /\
      data_type (drec d3) (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3).
    destruct (data_type_Rec_inv H0); subst.
    destruct (data_type_Rec_inv H1); subst.
    apply dtrec_closed_inv in H0.
    apply dtrec_closed_inv in H1.
    do 3 eexists; do 3 (split; try reflexivity).
    apply dtrec_full.
    apply rec_concat_with_drec_concat_well_typed; assumption.

  Lemma rremove_well_typed τ s dl:
      (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
         fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl τ ->
      (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
         fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) (rremove dl s)
      (rremove τ s).
    intros F2.
    induction F2; simpl; trivial.
    destruct H; simpl in *.
    rewrite H.

  Lemma rproject_well_typed τ rl s dl:
      (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
         fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl rl ->
    sublist s (domain τ) ->
    sublist τ rl ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ) = true ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true ->
      (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
         fst d = fst r /\ data_type (snd d) (snd r)) (rproject dl s)
      (rproject τ s).
    assert (sublist s (domain rl)) by
        (apply (sublist_trans s (domain τ) (domain rl)); try assumption;
         apply sublist_domain; assumption).
    assert (NoDup (domain rl))
      by (apply is_list_sorted_NoDup_strlt; assumption).
    rewrite (rproject_sublist τ rl s H2 H3); try assumption.
    clear H0 H1 H4 H2.
    induction H.
    - apply Forall2_nil.
    - inversion H5; subst.
      assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l') = true)
        by (apply (@rec_sorted_skip_first string ODT_string _ l' y); assumption).
      specialize (IHForall2 H1 H6).
      elim H; intros.
      simpl; rewrite H2.
      destruct (in_dec string_dec (fst y) s).
      apply Forall2_cons; try assumption; split; assumption.
Main type-soundness lemma for binary operators

  Require Import RelationClasses EquivDec.
  Existing Instance rec_field_lt_strict.

  Definition mapTopNotSub s l2 (l:list (string*rtype)) :=
    map (fun xy => (fst xy, if in_dec string_dec (fst xy) s
                            then snd xy
                            else match lookup string_dec l2 (fst xy) with
                                   | Some y' => y'
                                   | None => Top
                   )) l.

  Lemma mapTopNotSub_domain s l2 l :
    domain (mapTopNotSub s l2 l) = domain l.
    induction l; simpl; congruence.
  Lemma mapTopNotSub_in {s l x} l2:
    In (fst x) s -> In x l -> In x (mapTopNotSub s l2 l).
    induction l; simpl; intuition.
    subst. destruct x; simpl in *.
    match_destr; intuition.

  Lemma mapTopNotSub_in2 {s l x y} l2:
      ~ In x s -> In x (domain l) -> lookup string_dec l2 x = Some y -> In (x,y) (mapTopNotSub s l2 l).
    induction l; simpl; intuition.
    match_destr; intuition.
    rewrite H1. intuition.

    Lemma in_mapTopNotSub {s l x} l2:
    In (fst x) s -> In x (mapTopNotSub s l2 l) -> In x l.
    induction l; simpl; intuition.
      destruct a; subst. simpl in *.
      match_destr; intuition.
  Lemma mapTopNotSub_in_sublist {s l x} l2 :
    sublist s l ->
      In x s -> In x (mapTopNotSub (domain s) l2 l).
    eapply mapTopNotSub_in; eauto.
    - destruct x. apply in_dom in H0; simpl; trivial.
    - eapply sublist_In; eauto.
  Lemma mapTopNotSub_sublist {s l s'} l2:
    sublist s l ->
    sublist s s' ->
    sublist s (mapTopNotSub (domain s') l2 l).
    revert s s'.
    induction l; inversion 1; subst.
    - constructor.
    - simpl; intros.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      + apply sublist_cons. apply IHl; trivial.
           eapply sublist_skip_l; eauto.
      + elim n.
        eapply in_dom.
        eapply (sublist_In H0).
        simpl. left; reflexivity.
    - simpl; intros.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      apply sublist_skip; auto.

  Lemma mapTopNotSub_sublist_same {s l} l2:
    sublist s l ->
    sublist s (mapTopNotSub (domain s) l2 l).
    intros. apply mapTopNotSub_sublist; trivial.

  Lemma mapTopNotSub_in_inv {s l2 l x} :
    In x (mapTopNotSub s l2 l) ->
    (In (fst x) s /\ In x l) \/
    (~ In (fst x) s /\
     (In x l2 \/
      (~ In (fst x) (domain l2) /\ snd x = Top))).
    induction l; simpl; intuition.
    destruct x. destruct a; simpl in *.
    inversion H0; simpl in *; subst.
    match_destr; intuition.
    right; split; trivial.
    match_case; intros.
    - left. eapply lookup_in; eauto.
    - apply lookup_none_nin in H. intuition.

  Lemma mapTopNotSub_compatible {t1 t2} rl1 rl2 :
    NoDup (domain rl1) -> NoDup (domain rl2) ->
    sublist t1 rl1 ->
    sublist t2 rl2 ->
  compatible t1 t2 = true ->
    compatible (mapTopNotSub (domain t1) t2 rl1)
               (mapTopNotSub (domain t2) t1 rl2) = true.
    unfold compatible, RCompat.compatible.
    repeat rewrite forallb_forall.
    unfold compatible_with.
    match_case; intros.
    match_destr. elim c; clear c; red.
    destruct x; simpl in *.
    apply assoc_lookupr_in in H5.
    generalize (mapTopNotSub_in_inv H4); simpl.
    - destruct (in_domain_in H6) as [r' inn].
       specialize (H3 _ inn).
       simpl in *.
       apply in_mapTopNotSub in H4; simpl; trivial.
       apply (sublist_In H1) in inn.
       generalize (nodup_in_eq H inn H4); intros; subst.
       match_case_in H3; intros.
       + rewrite H7 in H3.
         match_destr_in H3. unfold equiv in *; subst.
         apply assoc_lookupr_in in H7.
         apply in_mapTopNotSub in H5; simpl; trivial.
         * apply (sublist_In H2) in H7.
           generalize (nodup_in_eq H0 H7 H5); trivial.
         * eapply in_dom; eauto.
       + clear H3.
          apply mapTopNotSub_in_inv in H5.
          simpl in *.
          apply assoc_lookupr_none_nin in H7.
          generalize (sublist_In H1 _ H3); intros ? .
          eapply (nodup_in_eq H H8 H9); eauto.
    - apply mapTopNotSub_in_inv in H5. simpl in *.
      + generalize (sublist_In H2 _ H7); intros.
         eapply (nodup_in_eq H0); eauto.
      + apply in_dom in H8; intuition.
      + apply in_dom in H7. intuition.
    - apply mapTopNotSub_in_inv in H5. simpl in *.
      + apply in_dom in H7. intuition.
      + congruence.

  Require Import Bool.

  Lemma Forall2_compat_mapTopNotSub {x x0 rl rl0 t2} t1:
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl0) = true ->
    sublist t2 rl0 ->
    Forall2 (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
                fst d = fst r /\ snd dsnd r) x rl ->
        Forall2 (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
                fst d = fst r /\ snd dsnd r) x0 rl0 ->
        compatible x x0 = true ->
          (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
             fst d = fst r /\ snd dsnd r) x (mapTopNotSub t1 t2 rl).
    revert x x0 rl0 t1 t2.
    induction rl; intros; inversion H2; subst; auto 1.
    clear H2.
    destruct x1; destruct a; simpl in H8; destruct H8; subst.
    - simpl; split; trivial.
      match_case; intros; eauto 2.
      apply lookup_in in H2.
      destruct (Forall2_In_r H3 (sublist_In H1 _ H2)) as [[??] [?[??]]].
      simpl in *; subst.
      rewrite andb_true_iff in H4. destruct H4 as [cw _ ].
      unfold compatible_with in cw.
      match_case_in cw; intros.
      + rewrite H4 in cw. match_destr_in cw.
         unfold equiv in *; subst.
         apply assoc_lookupr_in in H4.
         assert (nd:NoDup (domain x0)).
         (rewrite (sorted_forall_same_domain H3); eauto 2).
         generalize (nodup_in_eq nd H4 H6); intros; subst.
      + apply assoc_lookupr_none_nin in H4. apply in_dom in H6.
    - eapply IHrl; eauto 3.
      + eapply is_list_sorted_cons_inv; eauto.
      + unfold compatible, RCompat.compatible in *. rewrite forallb_forall in *.
         intros. apply H4; simpl; intuition.

  Lemma Forall2_compat_app_strengthen {x x0 rl rl0 t1 t2}:
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl0) = true ->
    sublist t1 rl ->
    sublist t2 rl0 ->
    compatible t1 t2 = true ->
    Forall2 (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
                fst d = fst r /\ snd dsnd r) x rl ->
        Forall2 (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
                fst d = fst r /\ snd dsnd r) x0 rl0 ->
        compatible x x0 = true ->
        exists rl' rl0',
          compatible rl' rl0' = true /\
          sublist t1 rl' /\
          sublist t2 rl0' /\
          Forall2 (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
                      fst d = fst r /\ snd dsnd r) x rl' /\
          Forall2 (fun (d : string * data) (r : string * rtype) =>
                      fst d = fst r /\ snd dsnd r) x0 rl0'.
    exists (mapTopNotSub (domain t1) t2 rl).
    exists (mapTopNotSub (domain t2) t1 rl0).
    - apply mapTopNotSub_compatible; eauto.
    - apply mapTopNotSub_sublist_same; trivial.
    - apply mapTopNotSub_sublist_same; trivial.
    - eapply Forall2_compat_mapTopNotSub; eauto.
    - eapply Forall2_compat_mapTopNotSub;
        try eapply H4; eauto.
      + unfold compatible in *. apply compatible_true_sym in H6; trivial.
         rewrite (sorted_forall_same_domain H5); eauto.

  Lemma sorted_sublists_sorted_concat (τ₁ τ₂ rl rl0:list (string*rtype)):
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ₁) = true ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ₂) = true ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true ->
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl0) = true ->
    compatible rl rl0 = true ->
    sublist τ₁ rl ->
    sublist τ₂ rl0 ->
    sublist (rec_sort (τ₁ ++ τ₂)) (rec_sort (rl ++ rl0)).
    eapply Sorted_incl_sublist; eauto; try apply insertion_sort_Sorted.
    generalize (in_insertion_sort H6); intros inn.
    apply insertion_sort_in_strong.
    - apply compatible_asymmetric_over.
      apply compatible_app_compatible; trivial.
    - clear H6. revert x inn. apply sublist_In.
      apply sublist_app; trivial.

  Lemma typed_binop_yields_typed_data {τ₁ τ₂ τout} (d1 d2:data) (b:binOp) :
    (d1 ▹ τ₁) -> (d2 ▹ τ₂) -> (binOp_type b τ₁ τ₂ τout) ->
    (exists x, fun_of_binop brand_relation_brands b d1 d2 = Some x /\ x ▹ τout).
    Hint Constructors data_type.
    binOp_type_cases (dependent induction H1) Case; simpl.
    - Case "ATEq"%string.
      unfold unbdata.
      destruct (if data_eq_dec d1 d2 then true else false).
      exists (dbool true); split; [reflexivity|apply dtbool].
      exists (dbool false); split; [reflexivity|apply dtbool].
    - Case "ATConcat"%string.
      assert(exists dl dl0 d3,
               d1 = drec dl /\
               d2 = drec dl0 /\
               ((rec_sort (dl ++ dl0)) = d3) /\
               data_type (drec d3) (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3)).
      apply (concat_well_typed d1 d2 pf1 pf2 pf3); assumption.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      elim H3; clear H3; intros.
      elim H4; clear H4; intros.
      rewrite H2; rewrite H3; clear H0 H1.
      exists (drec x1).
      rewrite <- H4 in *.
      split; [reflexivity|assumption].
    - Case "ATMergeConcat"%string.
      destruct (data_type_Rec_inv H); subst.
      destruct (data_type_Rec_inv H0); subst.
      apply dtrec_closed_inv in H.
      apply dtrec_closed_inv in H0.
      unfold merge_bindings in *.
      destruct (RCompat.compatible τ₁ τ₂); try discriminate.
      inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
      destruct (RCompat.compatible x x0);
        (eexists; split; [reflexivity|]); eauto.
      econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
      apply dtrec_full.
      unfold rec_concat_sort.
      apply rec_concat_with_drec_concat_well_typed; auto.
    - Case "ATMergeConcatOpen"%string.
      destruct (data_type_Rec_inv H); subst.
      destruct (data_type_Rec_inv H0); subst.
      inversion H; clear H; subst; clear H6.
      inversion H0; clear H0; subst; clear H8.
      rtype_equalizer. subst.
      case_eq (merge_bindings x x0); intros.
      + unfold merge_bindings in *.
        case_eq (RCompat.compatible τ₁ τ₂); intros eqq; rewrite eqq in *; try discriminate.
        inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
        case_eq (RCompat.compatible x x0); intros eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in *;
          (eexists; split; [reflexivity | ]); eauto.
        * econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
          inversion H; clear H; subst.
          assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain (rec_sort (rl ++ rl0))) = true)
            by (apply (@rec_sort_sorted string ODT_string _ (rl++rl0)); reflexivity).
          destruct (Forall2_compat_app_strengthen pf' pf'0 H5 H6 eqq H7 H9 eqq2) as [rl'[rl0' [?[?[?[??]]]]]].
          assert(pfrl':is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl') = true).
          rewrite <- (sorted_forall_same_domain H3).
          rewrite (sorted_forall_same_domain H7); trivial.
          assert(pfrl0':is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl0') = true).
          rewrite <- (sorted_forall_same_domain H4).
          rewrite (sorted_forall_same_domain H9); trivial.
 need a lemma about strengthening here *)          apply (@dtrec_open _ _ _ _ (rec_sort (x ++ x0)) (rec_sort (rl' ++ rl0'))); try assumption.
          apply sorted_sublists_sorted_concat; trivial.
          apply rec_concat_with_drec_concat_well_typed; try assumption.
          unfold rec_concat_sort.
        * congruence.
      + exists (dcoll []); split; try reflexivity;
        apply dtcoll; apply Forall_nil.
    - Case "ATAnd"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      exists (dbool (b && b0)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtbool].
    - Case "ATOr"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      exists (dbool (b || b0)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtbool].
    - Case "ATBArith"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
    - Case "ATLt"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      exists (dbool (if Z_lt_dec n n0 then true else false)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtbool].
    - Case "ATLe"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      exists (dbool (if Z_le_dec n n0 then true else false)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtbool].
    - Case "ATUnion"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      autorewrite with alg.
      exists (dcoll (bunion dl dl0)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtcoll].
      assert (r = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      assert (r0 = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      rewrite H1 in *; rewrite H2 in *.
      apply forall_typed_bunion; assumption.
    - Case "ATMinus"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      autorewrite with alg.
      exists (dcoll (bminus dl dl0)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtcoll].
      assert (r = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      assert (r0 = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      rewrite H1 in *; rewrite H2 in *.
      apply forall_typed_bminus; assumption.
    - Case "ATMin"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      autorewrite with alg.
      exists (dcoll (bmin dl dl0)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtcoll].
      assert (r = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      assert (r0 = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      rewrite H1 in *; rewrite H2 in *.
      apply forall_typed_bmin; assumption.
    - Case "ATMax"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
      autorewrite with alg.
      exists (dcoll (bmax dl dl0)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtcoll].
      assert (r = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      assert (r0 = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      rewrite H1 in *; rewrite H2 in *.
      apply forall_typed_bmax; assumption.
    - Case "ATContains"%string.
      inversion H0.
      rtype_equalizer; subst.
      dependent induction H0.
      rtype_equalizer; subst. subst.
      destruct (in_dec data_eq_dec d1 dl).
      + exists (dbool true).
        split; try reflexivity.
        apply dtbool.
      + exists (dbool false).
        split; try reflexivity.
        apply dtbool.
    - Case "ATSConcat"%string.
      dependent induction H; dependent induction H0; simpl.
    - Case "ATForeignBinaryOp"%string.
      eapply foreign_binary_op_typing_sound; eauto.

  Definition canon_brands_alt {br:brand_relation} (b:brands) :=
    fold_right meet [] (map (fun x => x::nil) b).

  Lemma canon_brands_alt_is_canon {br:brand_relation} (b:brands) :
    is_canon_brands brand_relation_brands (canon_brands_alt b).
    unfold canon_brands_alt.
    destruct b; simpl.
    - red; intuition.
    - apply brand_meet_is_canon.

  Lemma canon_brands_fold_right_hoist {br:brand_relation} (l:list brands) :
      (fun a b : brands => canon_brands brand_relation_brands (a ++ b))
      [] l =
    canon_brands brand_relation_brands
                 (fold_right (fun a b : brands => (a ++ b))
                             [] l).
    induction l; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite IHl.
      rewrite app_commutative_equivlist.
      rewrite canon_brands_canon_brands_app1.
      rewrite app_commutative_equivlist.
  Lemma canon_brands_alt_equiv {br:brand_relation} (b:brands) :
    canon_brands brand_relation_brands b
    = canon_brands_alt b.
    unfold canon_brands_alt.
    unfold meet; simpl.
    unfold brand_meet.
    rewrite canon_brands_fold_right_hoist.
    generalize (fold_right_app_map_singleton b); simpl.

  Require Import Permutation.

Main type-soundness lemma for unary operators
  Lemma typed_unop_yields_typed_data {τ₁ τout} (d1:data) (u:unaryOp) :
    (d1 ▹ τ₁) -> (unaryOp_type u τ₁ τout) ->
    (exists x, fun_of_unaryop brand_relation_brands u d1 = Some x /\ x ▹ τout).
    Hint Resolve dtsome dtnone.

    unaryOp_type_cases (dependent induction H0) Case; simpl.
    - Case "ATIdOp"%string.
    - Case "ATNeg"%string.
       dependent induction H; simpl.
      exists (dbool (negb b)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtbool].
    - Case "ATColl"%string.
      exists (dcoll [d1]); split; try
      reflexivity. apply dtcoll; apply Forall_forall; intros. elim H0;
      intros. rewrite <- H1; assumption. contradiction.
    - Case "ATSingleton"%string.
      inversion H; rtype_equalizer.
      repeat (destruct dl; eauto).
      inversion H2; subst.
    - Case "ATFlatten"%string.
      dependent induction H.
      rewrite Forall_forall in *.
      unfold rflatten.
      induction dl; simpl in *.
      exists (dcoll []).
      split; try reflexivity.
      apply dtcoll; apply Forall_nil.
      assert (forall x : data, In x dl -> data_type x r) by
          (intros; apply (H x0); right; assumption).
      elim (IHdl H0); clear IHdl H0; intros.
      elim H0; clear H0; intros.
      unfold lift in H0.
      assert (exists a', oflat_map
           (fun x : data =>
            match x with
            | dcoll y => Some y
            | _ => None
            end) dl = Some a' /\ x0 = (dcoll a')).
      revert H0.
      destruct (oflat_map
       (fun x1 : data =>
        match x1 with
          | dcoll y => Some y
          | _ => None
        end) dl); intros.
      inversion H0.
      exists l; split; reflexivity.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      rewrite H2; clear H2 H0.
      assert (data_type a r)
        by (apply (H a); left; reflexivity).
      assert (r = Coll τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      rewrite H2 in *; clear H2.
      dependent induction H0.
      assert (r0 = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      exists (dcoll (dl0 ++ x1)); split; try reflexivity.
      apply dtcoll.
      dependent induction H1.
      assert (r1 = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      apply Forall_app; rewrite Forall_forall in *.
      rewrite H2 in *; assumption.
      rewrite H3 in *; assumption.
    - Case "ATDistinct"%string.
      dependent induction H.
      autorewrite with alg.
      exists (dcoll (bdistinct dl)).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtcoll].
      assert (r = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      rewrite H0 in *.
      apply forall_typed_bdistinct; assumption.
    - Case "ATOrderBy"%string.
      intros. apply (order_by_well_typed d1 sl H H0 H1).
    - Case "ATRec"%string.
      exists (drec [(s,d1)]).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtrec_full].
      apply Forall2_cons.
      split; [reflexivity|assumption].
      apply Forall2_nil.
    - Case "ATDot"%string.
      dependent induction H. rtype_equalizer; subst.
      unfold tdot in *.
      unfold edot in *.
      apply (Forall2_lookupr_some _ _ _ _ H1).
      eapply assoc_lookupr_nodup_sublist; eauto.
    - Case "ATRecRemove"%string.
      dependent induction H; rtype_equalizer. subst.
      exists (drec (rremove dl s)); split; try reflexivity.
      eapply dtrec; try (apply rremove_well_typed; try eassumption).
      + apply is_sorted_rremove; trivial.
      + apply sublist_filter; trivial.
      + intuition; congruence.
    - Case "ATRecProject"%string.
      dependent induction H.
      rtype_equalizer ; subst.
      exists (drec (rproject dl sl)); split; try reflexivity.
      apply dtrec_full.
      clear H0 pf1.
      apply (rproject_well_typed τ rl); try assumption.
    - Case "ATCount"%string.
      dependent induction H.
      autorewrite with alg.
      exists (dnat (Z_of_nat (bcount dl))).
      split; [reflexivity|apply dtnat].
    - Case "ATSum"%string.
      dependent induction H. revert r x H. induction dl; simpl; [eauto|intros].
      inversion H; subst. destruct (IHdl r x H3) as [x0 [x0eq x0d]].
      destruct H2; try solve[simpl in x; discriminate].
      simpl in *.
      destruct (some_lift x0eq); subst.
      rewrite e. simpl. eauto.
    - Case "ATNumMin"%string.
      dependent induction H.
      destruct r.
      destruct x0; simpl in x; try congruence.
      induction dl. rewrite Forall_forall in H.
      unfold lifted_min; simpl.
      exists (dnat 0). auto.
      inversion H. subst.
      specialize (IHdl H3).
      elim IHdl; clear IHdl; intros.
      elim H0; clear H0; intros.
      unfold lifted_min in *.
      unfold lift in *.
      unfold lifted_zbag in *.
      assert (Nat = (exist (fun τ₀ : rtype₀ => wf_rtype₀ τ₀ = true) Nate))
        by (apply rtype_fequal; reflexivity).
      rewrite <- H4 in H2.
      destruct (data_type_Nat_inv H2); subst.
      destruct (rmap (ondnat (fun x3 : Z => x3)) dl); try congruence.
      exists (dnat (fold_right (fun x3 y : Z => Z.min x3 y) x1 l)).
      split; [reflexivity|auto].
    - Case "ATNumMax"%string.
      dependent induction H.
      destruct r.
      destruct x0; simpl in x; try congruence.
      induction dl. rewrite Forall_forall in H.
      unfold lifted_max; simpl.
      exists (dnat 0). auto.
      inversion H. subst.
      specialize (IHdl H3).
      elim IHdl; clear IHdl; intros.
      elim H0; clear H0; intros.
      unfold lifted_max in *.
      unfold lift in *.
      unfold lifted_zbag in *.
      assert (Nat = (exist (fun τ₀ : rtype₀ => wf_rtype₀ τ₀ = true) Nate))
        by (apply rtype_fequal; reflexivity).
      rewrite <- H4 in H2.
      destruct (data_type_Nat_inv H2); subst.
      destruct (rmap (ondnat (fun x3 : Z => x3)) dl); try congruence.
      exists (dnat (fold_right (fun x3 y : Z => Z.max x3 y) x1 l)).
      split; [reflexivity|auto].
    - Case "ATArithMean"%string.
      assert(dsum_pf:exists x : data, lift dnat (lift_oncoll dsum d1) = Some x /\ xNat).
      {dependent induction H. revert r x H. induction dl; simpl; [eauto|intros].
      inversion H; subst. destruct (IHdl r x H3) as [x0 [x0eq x0d]].
      destruct H2; try solve[simpl in x; discriminate].
      simpl in *.
      destruct (some_lift x0eq); subst.
      rewrite e. simpl. eauto.
      destruct dsum_pf as [x [xeq xtyp]].
      apply some_lift in xeq.
      destruct xeq as [? eqq1 eqq2].
      simpl in eqq1.
      inversion eqq2; clear eqq2; subst.
      destruct (is_nil_dec d1); simpl.
      + subst; simpl; eauto.
      + exists (dnat (Z.quot x (Z_of_nat (length d1)))).
         split; [ | constructor ].
         unfold darithmean.
         rewrite eqq1; simpl.
         destruct d1; simpl; congruence.
    - Case "ATToString"%string.
    - Case "ATSubstring"%string.
    - Case "ATLike"%string.
    - Case "ATLeft"%string.
    - Case "ATRight"%string.
    - Case "ATBrand"%string.
      eexists; split; try reflexivity.
      apply dtbrand'.
      + eauto.
      + rewrite brands_type_of_canon; trivial.
      + rewrite canon_brands_equiv; reflexivity.
    - Case "ATUnbrand"%string.
      destruct d1; try solve[inversion H].
      apply dtbrand'_inv in H.
      destruct H as [isc [dt subb]].
      eexists; split; try reflexivity.
      rewrite subb in dt.
    - Case "ATCast"%string.
      inversion H; subst.
      match_destr; [| eauto].
      econstructor; split; try reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
    - Case "ATUArith"%string.
      dependent induction H; simpl.
    - Case "ATForeignUnaryOp"%string.
      eapply foreign_unary_op_typing_sound; eauto.

Additional auxiliary lemmas

  Lemma tdot_rec_concat_sort_neq {A} (l:list (string*A)) a b xv :
       a <> b ->
       tdot (rec_concat_sort l [(a, xv)]) b =
       tdot (rec_sort l) b.
     unfold tdot, edot; intros.
     unfold rec_concat_sort.
     apply (@assoc_lookupr_drec_sort_app_nin string ODT_string).
     simpl; intuition.

  Lemma tdot_rec_concat_sort_eq {A} (l : list (string * A)) a b :
               ~ In a (domain l) ->
               tdot (rec_concat_sort l [(a, b)]) a = Some b.
    unfold tdot.
    apply (@assoc_lookupr_insertion_sort_fresh string ODT_string).
End TOps.

  Tactic Notation "unaryOp_type_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
    [ Case_aux c "ATIdOp"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATNeg"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATColl"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSingleton"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATFlatten"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATDistinct"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATOrderBy"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRec"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATDot"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRecRemove"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRecProject"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATCount"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSum"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATNumMin"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATNumMax"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATArithMean"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATToString"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSubstring"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLike"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLeft"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATRight"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATBrand"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATUnbrand"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATCast"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATUArith"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATForeignUnaryOp"%string].

  Tactic Notation "binOp_type_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
    [ Case_aux c "ATEq"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATConcat"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMergeConcat"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMergeConcatOpen"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATAnd"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATOr"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATBArith"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLt"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATLe"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATUnion"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMinus"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMin"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATMax"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATContains"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATSConcat"%string
    | Case_aux c "ATForeignBinaryOp"%string].