Module RAssoc

Require Import List.
Require Import Sumbool.
Require Import Bool.

Require Import Permutation.
Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Peano_dec.

Require Import RUtil RList RString.

Section RAssoc.

  Section assoc.
    Context {A B:Type}.
    Context (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}).

    Fixpoint lookup l a : option B
      := match l with
           | nil => None
           | (f',v')::os => if dec a f' then Some v' else lookup os a

    Fixpoint update_first l a n : list (A*B)
      := match l with
           | nil => nil
           | (f',v')::os => if dec a f' then (a,n)::os else (f',v')::(update_first os a n)

    Definition domain (l:list (A*B)) := map (@fst A B) l.

    Lemma domain_eq (l:list (A*B)) : domain l = map fst l.
    Lemma domain_nil (l:list (A*B)) :
      domain l = nil <-> l = nil.
      destruct l; simpl in *; intuition discriminate.

    Lemma domain_rev (l:list (A*B)) : domain (rev l) = rev (domain l).
      unfold domain. apply map_rev.

    Lemma domain_update_first l a v: domain (update_first l a v) = domain l.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a0; simpl.
      destruct (dec a a0); subst; auto.
      simpl. congruence.

    Lemma map_eta_fst_domain l :
      (map (fun x : A * B => fst x) l) = domain l.
      unfold domain.
      apply map_eq.
      apply Forall_forall; auto.

    Lemma in_dom : forall {l} {a b}, In (a,b) l -> In a (domain l).
      unfold domain; induction l; simpl; trivial.
      intros. destruct a; simpl in *; intuition.
      inversion H0; intuition.

    Lemma in_domain_in : forall {l} {a}, In a (domain l) -> exists b, In (a,b) l.
      induction l; simpl. intuition.
      simpl in *. subst; econstructor. intuition.
      destruct (IHl _ H0); eauto.

    Lemma lookup_none_nin : forall {l} {a:A}, lookup l a = None -> ~ In a (domain l).
      induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
      destruct a. destruct (dec a0 a); subst; try discriminate.

   Lemma lookup_nin_none {l x} : ~ In x (domain l) -> lookup l x = None.
      induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
      destruct a; simpl in *. intuition.
      destruct (dec x a); subst; intuition.

    Lemma NoDup_domain_NoDup {l} : NoDup (domain l) -> NoDup l.
      Hint Constructors NoDup.
      induction l; simpl; intros; trivial.
      inversion H; subst.
      constructor; auto.
      intro ina; apply H2.
      destruct a.
      eapply in_dom; eauto.

    Lemma lookup_in : forall l {a:A} {b:B}, lookup l a = Some b -> In (a,b) l.
      induction l; simpl; intuition.
      - discriminate.
      - destruct (dec a a0).
        + inversion H; intuition congruence.
        + intuition.

    Lemma lookup_in_domain : forall l {a:A} {b:B}, lookup l a = Some b -> In a (domain l).
      induction l; simpl; intuition.
      - discriminate.
      - destruct (dec a a0); simpl.
        + inversion H; intuition congruence.
        + right; apply (IHl a b0); assumption.

    Lemma lookup_to_front {l a x} : lookup l a = Some x -> exists l', Permutation l ((a,x)::l').
      apply lookup_in in H.
      apply in_split in H.
      destruct H as [l1 [l2 leq]].
      exists (l1++l2).
      rewrite leq.
      apply Permutation_middle.

    Global Instance dom_perm : Proper (@Permutation (A*B) ==> @Permutation A) domain.
      repeat red; intros.
      apply Permutation_map; auto.

    Global Instance perm_nodup :Proper (@Permutation (A) ==> iff) (@NoDup A).
      cut (forall l1 l2, @Permutation A l1 l2 -> (NoDup l1 -> NoDup l2)).
      - repeat red; intros; intuition eauto. symmetry in H0; eauto.
      - apply (@Permutation_ind_bis _ (fun x y => NoDup x -> NoDup y)); intuition.
        + inversion H1; subst. constructor; auto. intro; apply H4.
          symmetry in H; apply (Permutation_in _ H); trivial.
        + inversion H1; subst. inversion H5; subst. constructor; auto.
          * simpl in *. intro; apply H6. symmetry in H; apply (Permutation_in _ H); trivial.
            intuition congruence.
          * constructor; auto.
            simpl in *. intuition. apply H8. symmetry in H. apply (Permutation_in _ H).

    Lemma nodup_in_eq : forall {l} {a b c}, NoDup (domain l) -> In (a,b) l -> In (a,c) l -> b = c.
      induction l; simpl; intros; inversion H.
      intuition; subst.
      try inversion H0; try inversion H2; subst; trivial.
      - elim H4. eapply in_dom; eauto.
      - elim H4. eapply in_dom; eauto.
      - eauto.

    Lemma in_dom_lookup_strong : forall {l} {a:A}, In a (domain l) -> {v | lookup l a = Some v}.
      induction l; simpl; [tauto|]; intros.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      destruct (dec a0 a); [eauto|].
      apply IHl.

    Lemma in_dom_lookup : forall {l} {a:A}, In a (domain l) -> exists v, lookup l a = Some v.
      intros ? ? ind.
      destruct (in_dom_lookup_strong ind).

    Lemma in_lookup_strong : forall {l} {a:A} {b0:B}, In (a,b0) l -> {v | lookup l a = Some v}.
      Hint Resolve in_dom_lookup_strong in_dom.
      intros. eauto.

    Lemma in_lookup : forall {l} {a:A} {b0:B}, In (a,b0) l -> exists v, lookup l a = Some v.
      Hint Resolve in_dom_lookup in_dom.
      intros. eauto.

    Lemma in_lookup_nodup : forall {l} {a:A} {b:B}, NoDup (domain l) -> In (a,b) l -> lookup l a = Some b.
      destruct (in_lookup H0).
      generalize (lookup_in _ H1); intros.
      generalize (nodup_in_eq H H0 H2); congruence.

    Lemma nin_update {l a} : lookup l a = None -> forall v, update_first l a v = l.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a0. destruct (dec a a0); intuition congruence.

    Lemma in_update_break {l a v} :
      lookup l a = Some v -> forall vv,
                             exists l1 l2, l = l1++(a,v)::l2 /\
                                           update_first l a vv = l1++(a,vv)::l2.
      induction l; simpl; intuition (try discriminate).
      destruct a0. destruct (dec a a0); intuition; subst.
      - inversion H; subst.
        exists nil; exists l; simpl; intuition.
      - destruct (H0 vv) as [l1 [l2 [leq1 leq2]]].
        subst. exists ((a0,b)::l1); exists l2; simpl; intuition.

    Lemma lookup_some_nodup_perm {l l'} a v:
      NoDup (domain l) ->
      Permutation l l' ->
      lookup l a = Some v ->
      lookup l' a = Some v.
      intros. apply lookup_in in H1.
      apply (Permutation_in _ H0) in H1.
      apply in_lookup_nodup; auto.
      rewrite H0 in H; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_none_perm {l l'} a :
      Permutation l l' ->
      lookup l a = None ->
      lookup l' a = None.
      case_eq (lookup l' a); trivial.
      intros b bleq.
      apply lookup_in in bleq.
      symmetry in H.
      apply (Permutation_in _ H) in bleq.
      apply lookup_none_nin in H0.
      elim H0. eapply in_dom; eauto.

    Lemma update_first_NoDup_perm_proper {l l'} a v :
      NoDup (domain l) ->
      Permutation l l' ->
      Permutation (update_first l a v) (update_first l' a v).
      case_eq (lookup l a); [intros vv eqv|intros neq].
      - generalize (lookup_some_nodup_perm _ _ H H0 eqv); intro eqv'.
        destruct (in_update_break eqv v) as [l1 [l2 [leq1 leq2]]].
        destruct (in_update_break eqv' v) as [l1' [l2' [leq1' leq2']]].
        subst; rewrite leq2, leq2'.
        rewrite (Permutation_app_comm l1), (Permutation_app_comm l1').
        simpl. apply perm_skip.
        rewrite (Permutation_app_comm l1), (Permutation_app_comm l1') in H0.
        simpl in H0.
        apply Permutation_cons_inv in H0.
      - repeat rewrite nin_update; auto. eapply lookup_none_perm; eauto.

    Lemma lookup_app {l1 l2} x:
      lookup (l1++l2) x =
      match lookup l1 x with
        | Some y => Some y
        | None => lookup l2 x
      revert l2 x. induction l1; simpl; intros.
      - trivial.
      - destruct a; simpl. rewrite IHl1.
        destruct (dec x a); reflexivity.

    Lemma lookup_app_in {l1 l2} a b :
      lookup (l1++l2) a = Some b -> In (a,b) l1 \/ In (a,b) l2.
      rewrite lookup_app in H.
      case_eq (lookup l1 a); intros.
      - rewrite H0 in H; inversion H.
        rewrite H2 in *; clear H2 H b0.
        left; apply lookup_in; assumption.
      - rewrite H0 in H; clear H0.
        right; apply lookup_in; assumption.
    Lemma domain_cons a (l:list (A*B)) :
      domain (a::l) = (fst a)::domain l.
  End assoc.

  Lemma cut_down_to_incl_to
        {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l:list (A*B)) l2 :
    incl (domain (cut_down_to l l2)) l2.
    red; intros.
    apply in_domain_in in H.
    destruct H as [? inn].
    apply cut_down_to_in in inn.
    simpl in inn; intuition.
  Lemma incl_domain_cut_down_incl
        {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq}
        (l:list (A*B)) l2 :
    incl l2 (domain l) ->
    incl l2 (domain (cut_down_to l l2)).
    unfold incl; intros.
    specialize (H _ H0).
    apply in_domain_in in H. destruct H as [? inn].
    eapply in_dom.
    apply cut_down_to_in; simpl.

  Global Instance domain_incl_proper A B : Proper (@incl (A*B) ==> @incl A) (@domain A B).
    unfold Proper, respectful, incl; intros.
    apply in_domain_in in H0.
    destruct H0.
    specialize (H _ H0).
    eapply in_dom; eauto.

  Fixpoint assoc_lookupr {A B:Type} {P Q:A->A->Prop} (eqd:forall a a':A, {P a a'} + {Q a a'}) (l:list (A*B)) (a:A) : option B
    := match l with
       | nil => None
       | cons (a',d) r2 =>
         match assoc_lookupr eqd r2 a with
         | Some d' => Some d'
         | None =>
           if eqd a a'
           then Some d
           else None
  Fixpoint projectr {A B:Type} {P Q:A->A->Prop} (eqd:forall a a':A, {P a a'} + {Q a a'}) (l:list (A*B)) (ats:list A) : list (option (A*B)) :=
    match ats with
    | nil => nil
    | cons a ats' =>
      match assoc_lookupr eqd l a with
      | Some d => (Some (a,d)) :: (projectr eqd l ats')
      | None => None :: (projectr eqd l ats')

  Require Import Permutation.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_app {A B:Type} (l1 l2:list (A*B)) x (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    assoc_lookupr dec (l1++l2) x =
    match assoc_lookupr dec l2 x with
    | Some y => Some y
    | None => assoc_lookupr dec l1 x
    revert l2 x. induction l1; simpl; intros.
    - destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l2 x); trivial.
    - destruct a. rewrite IHl1.
      destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l2 x); trivial.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_lookup
        {A B} dec x (ls:list (A*B)):
    assoc_lookupr dec ls x = lookup dec (rev ls) x.
    induction ls; simpl; trivial.
    destruct a.
    rewrite IHls.
    rewrite lookup_app; simpl.
  Lemma lookup_assoc_lookupr
        {A B} dec x (ls:list (A*B)):
    lookup dec ls x = assoc_lookupr dec (rev ls) x.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_lookup.
    rewrite rev_involutive.

  Lemma in_dom_lookupr_strong {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) a (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    In a (domain l) -> {v|assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some v}.
    intros. induction l; simpl in *; [tauto|].
    destruct a0.
    simpl in *.
    case_eq (assoc_lookupr dec l a); simpl; [eauto|].
    destruct (dec a a0); simpl; [eauto|].
    intros ln; elim n.
    destruct X; congruence.

  Lemma in_dom_lookupr {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) a (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    In a (domain l) -> exists v, assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some v.
    intros ind.
    destruct (in_dom_lookupr_strong _ _ dec ind); eauto.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_in {A B:Type} (l :list (A*B)) a b (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some b -> In (a,b) l.
    induction l; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
    destruct a0. destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l a); auto.
    destruct (dec a a0); auto.
    inversion H; subst. auto.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_none_nin {A B}
         (dec : forall x0 y : A, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y}) {l x} :
    assoc_lookupr dec l x = (@None B) -> ~ In x (domain l).
    intros ind.
    destruct (in_dom_lookupr _ _ dec ind).

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_nodup_perm {A B:Type} (l l':list (A*B)) x (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) :
    NoDup (domain l) -> Permutation l l' -> assoc_lookupr dec l x = assoc_lookupr dec l' x.
    revert l' x.
    induction l; simpl; intros.
    - apply Permutation_nil in H0; subst; simpl; trivial.
    - destruct a; simpl.
      assert (inl:In (a,b) l')
        by (apply (Permutation_in _ H0); simpl; intuition).
      destruct (in_split _ _ inl) as [l1 [l2 ?]]; subst.
      rewrite <- Permutation_middle in H0.
      apply Permutation_cons_inv in H0.
      inversion H; subst.
      rewrite (IHl _ _ H4 H0).
      repeat rewrite assoc_lookupr_app. simpl.
      destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l2 x); trivial.
      case_eq (assoc_lookupr dec l1 x);
        destruct (dec x a); trivial.
      intros. elim H3.
      apply assoc_lookupr_in in H1.
      apply in_dom in H1.
      eapply Permutation_in; [symmetry; apply Permutation_map; eassumption|].
      rewrite map_app.
      eapply in_or_app. auto.

  Lemma in_split_strong {A:Type} `{EqDec A eq} {x} {l:list A} : In x l -> {l1:list A & {l2:list A | l = l1 ++ x::l2}}.
    induction l; simpl; intuition.
    destruct (equiv_dec a x); unfold equiv, complement in *.
    - rewrite e. exists nil; exists l; reflexivity.
    - destruct (In_dec equiv_dec x l).
      + destruct (IHl i) as [l1 [l2 eql]].
        exists (a::l1); exists l2. rewrite eql.
      + assert False; intuition.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_nin_none {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) x (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}) : ~ In x (domain l) -> assoc_lookupr dec l x = None.
    induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
    destruct a; simpl in *. intuition.
    destruct (assoc_lookupr dec l x); try congruence.
    destruct (dec x a); subst; intuition.

  Lemma in_assoc_lookupr_nodup {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) a b (dec:forall x y, {x=y} + {x <> y}):
    NoDup (domain l) -> In (a,b) l -> assoc_lookupr dec l a = Some b.
    induction l.
    simpl in *.
    inversion H; subst.
    specialize (IHl H4).
    destruct a0; simpl in *.
    elim H0; clear H0; intros.
    inversion H0; subst.
    clear H0 H.
    assert (assoc_lookupr dec l a = None).
    apply assoc_lookupr_nin_none; assumption.
    rewrite H.
    destruct (dec a a); congruence.
    rewrite (IHl H0).

  Definition permutation_dec {A:Type} `{EqDec A eq} (l l':list A)
    : {Permutation l l'} + {~Permutation l l'}.
    revert l'. induction l.
    - destruct l'.
      + left; trivial.
      + right. apply Permutation_nil_cons.
    - intros. destruct (In_dec equiv_dec a l').
      + destruct (in_split_strong i) as [l1 [l2 eql]].
        destruct (IHl (l1++l2)).
        * left. subst. apply Permutation_cons_app; trivial.
        * right. intro P. elim n. subst. rewrite <- Permutation_middle in P.
          apply (Permutation_cons_inv P).
      + right. intro P. apply n. eapply (Permutation_in _ P). simpl; intuition.

  Lemma permutation_prover {A:Set} {dec:EqDec A eq}
           (l1 l2:list A)
           (pf:holds (permutation_dec l1 l2)) :
              Permutation l1 l2.
    generalize (permutation_dec l1 l2).
    unfold holds, is_true in *.
    match_destr_in pf.

  Lemma NoDup_app_inv {A:Type} {a b:list A} : NoDup (a++b) -> NoDup a.
    induction b; intuition.
    - rewrite app_nil_r in H; trivial.
    - rewrite <- Permutation_middle in H.
      inversion H; subst; auto.

  Hint Resolve NoDup_app_inv.

  Lemma NoDup_app_inv2 {A:Type} {a b:list A} : NoDup (a++b) -> NoDup b.
    rewrite Permutation_app_comm.

  Lemma domain_length {A B:Type} (l:list (A*B)) :
    length (domain l) = length l.
    apply map_length.
  Lemma domain_app {A B:Type} (ll₂:list (A*B)) :
    domain (l₁ ++ l₂) = domain l₁ ++ domain l₂.
    unfold domain. rewrite map_app; trivial.

  Section distinctdom.
    Fixpoint bdistinct_domain {A B} {R} `{dec:EqDec A R} (l:list (A*B)) :=
      match l with
      | nil => nil
      | x :: l' =>
        let dl' := bdistinct_domain l' in
        if (existsb (fun z => (fst x) ==b (fst z)) dl') then
          dl' else x::dl'

    Lemma bdistinct_domain_NoDup {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      NoDup (domain (bdistinct_domain l)).
      Hint Constructors NoDup.
      induction l; simpl.
      - eauto.
      - case_eq (existsb (fun z : A * B => fst a ==b fst z) (bdistinct_domain l)).
        + trivial.
        + intros; constructor; trivial.
          rewrite existsb_not_forallb, negb_false_iff, forallb_forall in H.
          intros inn.
          destruct (in_domain_in inn).
          specialize (H _ H0).
          simpl in H.
          unfold equiv_decb in *.
          match_destr_in H. intuition.

    Lemma bdistinct_domain_domain_equiv {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      equivlist (domain (bdistinct_domain l)) (domain l).
      induction l; simpl.
      - reflexivity.
      - match_case; intros.
        + rewrite IHl.
          rewrite existsb_exists in H.
          destruct H as [? [??]].
          split; simpl; intuition; subst.
          unfold equiv_decb in H0.
          match_destr_in H0. rewrite e.
          eapply equivlist_in; eauto.
          destruct x.
          eapply in_dom; eauto.
        + rewrite existsb_not_forallb, negb_false_iff, forallb_forall in H.
          rewrite domain_cons. split; simpl; intuition; subst.
          * right; apply (equivlist_in IHl _ H1).
          * generalize (equivlist_in (symmetry IHl) _ H1); eauto.

    Lemma bdistinct_rev_domain_equivlist {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      equivlist ((domain l)) (domain (bdistinct_domain (rev l))).
      rewrite bdistinct_domain_domain_equiv.
      rewrite domain_rev.
      rewrite <- (Permutation_rev (domain l)).

    Lemma bdistinct_domain_assoc_lookupr {A B} {dec:EqDec A eq} (l:list (A*B)) :
      forall x,
        assoc_lookupr dec (bdistinct_domain l) x
        = assoc_lookupr dec l x.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a; simpl; intros.
      match_case; match_case; simpl; intros; rewrite IHl, H; trivial.
      rewrite existsb_exists in H0.
      destruct H0 as [[??] [?inn eqq]].
      unfold equiv_decb in *; simpl in * .
      match_destr_in eqq.
      unfold Equivalence.equiv in *.
      rewrite <- IHl in H.
      apply assoc_lookupr_none_nin in H.
      apply in_dom in inn.

  End distinctdom.
  Section lookup_eq.
    Context {A B:Type}.
    Context {dec:EqDec A eq}.

    Definition lookup_incl (l1 l2:list (A*B)) : Prop
      := forall (x:A) (y:B), lookup dec l1 x = Some y ->
                             lookup dec l2 x = Some y.

    Global Instance lookup_incl_pre : PreOrder lookup_incl.
      unfold lookup_incl.
      constructor; red; intros; intuition.
    Definition lookup_equiv (l1 l2:list (A*B)) : Prop
      := forall (x:A), lookup dec l1 x = lookup dec l2 x.

    Global Instance lookup_equiv_equiv : Equivalence lookup_equiv.
      unfold lookup_equiv.
      constructor; red; simpl.
      - reflexivity.
      - eauto.
      - intros.
        etransitivity; eauto.

    Global Instance lookup_incl_equiv : subrelation lookup_equiv lookup_incl.
      repeat red; intros.

    Global Instance lookup_incl_part : PartialOrder lookup_equiv lookup_incl.
      unfold lookup_equiv, lookup_incl.
      intros l1 l2.
      unfold relation_conjunction, predicate_intersection,
      pointwise_extension, Basics.flip.
      split; [split|].
      - congruence.
      - congruence.
      - intros [eqq1 eqq2] x.
        specialize (eqq1 x).
        specialize (eqq2 x).
        destruct (lookup dec l1 x).
        + rewrite (eqq1 _ eq_refl); trivial.
        + destruct (lookup dec l2 x); trivial.
          rewrite (eqq2 _ eq_refl); trivial.

    Lemma lookup_incl_dec_nodup {decb:EqDec B eq} :
      forall x y, NoDup (domain x) -> {lookup_incl x y} + {~ lookup_incl x y}.
      intros x y nd.
      revert nd.
      unfold lookup_incl.
      induction x; simpl; intros.
      - left. intros; try discriminate.
      - destruct a; simpl in *.
        case_eq (lookup dec y a); intros.
        + destruct (decb b b0); unfold Equivalence.equiv in * .
          * { destruct IHx.
              - inversion nd; trivial.
              - left.
                intros ? ? eqq; subst.
                match_destr_in eqq; unfold Equivalence.equiv in * .
                + inversion eqq; clear eqq; subst.
                + auto.
              - right.
                intro inn; apply n.
                apply (inn x0 y0).
                red in e; subst.
                apply lookup_in in H0.
                apply in_dom in H0.
                inversion nd; subst.
          * right; intros inn.
            { rewrite (inn a b) in H.
              - inversion H; congruence.
              - match_destr; congruence.
        + right. intro inn.
          rewrite (inn a b) in H.
          * discriminate.
          * match_destr.

    Lemma lookup_incl_dec {decb:EqDec B eq} :
      forall x y, {lookup_incl x y} + {~ lookup_incl x y}.
      destruct (lookup_incl_dec_nodup (rev (bdistinct_domain (rev x))) y).
      - rewrite domain_rev.
        rewrite NoDup_rev.
        apply bdistinct_domain_NoDup.
      - left.
        unfold lookup_incl in *; intros.
        apply l.
        rewrite <- assoc_lookupr_lookup.
        rewrite (bdistinct_domain_assoc_lookupr (rev x) x0).
        rewrite lookup_assoc_lookupr in H.
      - right.
        unfold lookup_incl in *.
        intros inn; apply n; clear n; intros.
        apply inn.
        rewrite <- assoc_lookupr_lookup in H.
        rewrite (bdistinct_domain_assoc_lookupr (rev x) x0) in H.
        rewrite lookup_assoc_lookupr.

    Instance lookup_equiv_eqdec {decb:EqDec B eq} :
      EqDec (list (A*B)) lookup_equiv.
      unfold Equivalence.equiv, complement.
      intros x y.
      destruct (lookup_incl_dec x y).
      - destruct (lookup_incl_dec y x).
        + left.
          apply lookup_incl_part; split; trivial.
        + right.
          intros eqq.
          apply lookup_incl_part in eqq.
          destruct eqq; intuition.
      - right.
        intros eqq.
        apply lookup_incl_part in eqq.
        destruct eqq; intuition.

    Lemma lookup_incl_cons_l_nin (l1 l2:list (A*B)) x y :
      lookup_incl l1 l2 ->
      ~ In x (domain l1) ->
      lookup_incl l1 ((x,y)::l2).
      unfold lookup_incl; simpl; intros.
      match_destr; unfold Equivalence.equiv in *; subst.
      - apply lookup_in in H1.
        apply in_dom in H1.
      - auto.

    Lemma lookup_remove_duplicate l v x l' x' l'' :
        (l ++ (v,x)::l' ++ (v,x')::l'')
        (l ++ (v,x)::l' ++ l'').
      red; intros.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.

    Lemma lookup_remove_nin l v0 (x:B) l' v :
      v <> v0 ->
      lookup dec (l ++ (v0,x) :: l') v = lookup dec (l ++ l') v.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.

    Lemma lookup_swap_neq l1 v1 x1 v2 x2 l2 :
      v1 <> v2 ->
      red; intros.
      repeat rewrite lookup_app.

    Lemma lookup_equiv_perm_nodup {l1 l2} :
      NoDup (domain l1) ->
      Permutation l1 l2 ->
      lookup_equiv l1 l2.
      unfold lookup_equiv; intros.
      case_eq (lookup dec l1 x); intros.
      - apply lookup_in in H1.
        rewrite H0 in H1.
        apply in_lookup_nodup; trivial.
        rewrite <- H0.
      - symmetry.
        eapply lookup_none_perm in H1; eauto.

  End lookup_eq.

  Lemma assoc_lookupr_lookup_nodup {A B} dec x (ls:list (A*B)):
    NoDup (domain ls) ->
      assoc_lookupr dec ls x = lookup dec ls x.
    intros nd.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_lookup.
    apply lookup_equiv_perm_nodup; trivial.
    - rewrite domain_rev.
      rewrite <- Permutation_rev; trivial.
    - rewrite <- Permutation_rev. reflexivity.
    Lemma remove_domain_filter {A B} `{dec:EqDec A eq} s l:
    remove equiv_dec s (domain l) =
    domain (filter (fun x : A * B => s <>b fst x) l).
    induction l; simpl; trivial.
    unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb.
    rewrite IHl.
    destruct (equiv_dec s (fst a)); simpl; trivial.
   Lemma fold_left_remove_all_nil_in_not_inv {B} {x ps l}:
     In x (fold_left
        (fun (h : list nat) (xy : nat * B) =>
         remove_all (fst xy) h)
        ps l) ->
     ~ In x (domain ps).
     revert l.
     induction ps; simpl; intuition; subst.
     - simpl in *.
       apply fold_left_remove_all_nil_in_inv in H.
       rewrite remove_all_filter in H.
       apply filter_In in H. unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb in *.
       intuition. match_destr_in H1.
     - eauto.

   Lemma fold_left_remove_all_nil_in {B} {x ps l}:
     In x l ->
     ~ In x (domain ps) ->
     In x (fold_left
        (fun (h : list nat) (xy : nat * B) =>
         remove_all (fst xy) h)
        ps l).
     revert l.
     induction ps using rev_ind; simpl; intuition; subst.
     rewrite fold_left_app; simpl.
     rewrite remove_all_filter.
     rewrite domain_app, in_app_iff in H0.
     simpl in H0.
     apply filter_In. split.
     - apply IHps; intuition.
     - unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb.
       red in e; subst. intuition.

     Definition swap {A B} (xy:A*B) := (snd xy, fst xy).

  Section swap.
    Lemma swap_idempotent {A B} (a:A*B) : swap (swap a) = a.
      destruct a; unfold swap; simpl; trivial.
    Lemma in_swap {A B} x (l:list (A*B)):
      In x (map swap l) <-> In (swap x) l.
      rewrite in_map_iff. split.
      - destruct 1 as [? [??]]; subst.
        rewrite swap_idempotent; trivial.
      - intros. econstructor; split; try eassumption.
        rewrite swap_idempotent; trivial.

    Lemma in_swap_in {A B} x (l:list (A*B)):
      In (swap x) (map swap l) <-> In x l.
      rewrite in_swap, swap_idempotent; intuition.
  End swap.

  Section ldiff.

    Fixpoint lookup_diff {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) (l₁:list (A*B)) (l₂:list (A*C)) :=
      match lwith
        | nil => nil
        | x::xs => match lookup dec l₂ (fst x) with
                     | None => x::lookup_diff dec xs l
                     | Some _ => lookup_diff dec xs l

    Lemma lookup_diff_none1 {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) {l₁:list(A*B)} (l₂:list (A*C)) {x} :
      lookup dec lx = None ->
      lookup dec (lookup_diff dec ll₂) x = None.
      revert x.
      induction l₁; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a; simpl; intros.
      case_eq (dec x a); intuition; subst; rewrite H0 in H; try discriminate.
      case_eq (lookup dec la); simpl; intuition.
      rewrite H0. auto.

    Lemma lookup_diff_none2 {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) (l₁:list (A*B)) {l₂:list (A*C)} {x} :
      lookup dec lx = None ->
      lookup dec (lookup_diff dec ll₂) x = lookup dec lx.
      revert x.
      induction l₁; simpl; trivial.
      destruct a; simpl; intuition.
      destruct (dec x a); subst.
      - rewrite H; simpl.
        destruct (dec a a); intuition.
      - generalize (IHla). destruct (lookup dec la); intuition.
        simpl. destruct (dec x a); intuition.

    Lemma lookup_diff_some2 {A B C:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'}) (l₁:list(A*B)) {l₂:list (A*C)} {x t} :
      lookup dec lx = Some t ->
      lookup dec (lookup_diff dec ll₂) x = None.
      induction l₁; simpl; intuition.
      case_eq (lookup dec la0); intuition.
      destruct (dec x a0); subst; intuition.
      rewrite H in H1. discriminate.

    Lemma lookup_diff_inv {A B C} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          x (l1:list (A*B)) (l2:list (A*C)):
      In x (lookup_diff dec l1 l2) ->
      In x l1 /\ ~ In (fst x) (domain l2).
      revert l2.
      induction l1; simpl; intros.
      - intuition.
      - match_case_in H; intros; rewrite H0 in H.
        + specialize (IHl1 _ H). intuition.
        + simpl in H. destruct H; subst.
          * intuition.
            apply lookup_none_nin in H0.
            destruct x.
            simpl in *. intuition.
          * specialize (IHl1 _ H). intuition.

    Lemma lookup_diff_nilr {A B C:Type}
          (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          (l₁:list (A*B)) :
      (lookup_diff dec l₁ (@nil (A*C))) = l₁.
      induction l₁; simpl; congruence.

    Lemma NoDup_lookup_diff {A B:Type} (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          {rr₂:list (A*B)} :
      NoDup (domain r₁) -> NoDup (domain (lookup_diff dec rr₂)).
      induction r₁; simpl; trivial.
      inversion 1; subst.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      apply (lookup_nin_none dec) in H2.
      destruct (lookup dec ra); intuition.
      simpl; constructor; auto.
      generalize (lookup_diff_none1 dec rH2); intros nin.
      apply lookup_none_nin in nin; auto.

    Lemma lookup_diff_domain_bounded {A B C} dec ll₂ :
      incl (domain l₁) (domain l₂) ->
      @lookup_diff A B C dec ll₂ = nil.
      unfold incl.
      induction l₁; simpl; trivial.
      - rewrite IHl₁; trivial.
        simpl in *; intuition.
      - intros lo.
         apply lookup_none_nin in lo.
         specialize (H (fst a)); simpl in H.
         cut_to H; [ | intuition ].

    Lemma lookup_diff_bounded {A B} dec ll₂ :
      incl ll₂ ->
      @lookup_diff A B B dec ll₂ = nil.
      apply lookup_diff_domain_bounded.
      apply domain_incl_proper; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_diff_same_domain2 {A B C D} dec (l1:list (A*B)) (l2:list (A*C)) (l3:list (A*D)) :
      equivlist (domain l2) (domain l3) ->
      lookup_diff dec l1 l2 = lookup_diff dec l1 l3.
      intros eqq.
      induction l1; simpl; trivial.
      rewrite IHl1.
      specialize (eqq (fst a)).
      match_case; intros.
      - apply lookup_in in H.
        apply in_dom in H.
        destruct eqq as [eqq _].
        specialize (eqq H).
        apply (in_dom_lookup dec) in eqq.
        destruct eqq as [? eqq1].
        rewrite eqq1.
      - apply lookup_none_nin in H.
        match_case; intros.
        apply lookup_in in H0.
        apply in_dom in H0.
        destruct eqq as [_ eqq].
        specialize (eqq H0).

    Lemma map_lookup_diff {A B C} dec (f:A*B->A*C) (l1:list (A*B)) (l2:list (A*C)):
      (forall a, fst a = fst (f a)) ->
      map f (lookup_diff dec l1 l2) = lookup_diff dec (map f l1) l2.
      intros preserves.
      induction l1; simpl; trivial.
      rewrite <- preserves.
      simpl; rewrite IHl1; trivial.

    Lemma lookup_diff_disjoint
          {A B:Type}
          (dec:forall a a':A, {a=a'} + {a<>a'})
          (ll₂:list (A*B)) :
      disjoint (domain (lookup_diff dec ll₂)) (domain l₂).
      red; intros.
      apply (in_dom_lookup dec) in H; destruct H.
      apply (in_dom_lookup dec) in H0; destruct H0.
      rewrite (lookup_diff_some2 dec lH0) in H.
  End ldiff.

  Section substlist.
    Definition substlist_subst {A} {dec:EqDec A eq}
               (substlist:list (A*A)) (inp:A)
      := match lookup equiv_dec substlist inp with
         | Some x => x
         | None => inp
  End substlist.

  Section conv.
    Require Import List Ascii String.
    Import ListNotations.
    Definition ascii_mk_lower_substtable
      := [("A", "a");("B", "b");("C", "c");("D", "d");("E", "e")
          ;("F", "f");("G", "g");("H", "h");("I", "i");("J", "j")
          ;("K", "k");("L", "l");("M", "m");("N", "n");("O", "o")
          ;("P", "p");("Q", "q");("R", "r");("S", "s");("T", "t")
          ;("U", "u");("V", "v");("W", "w");("X", "x");("Y", "y")
          ;("Z", "z")]%char.

    Definition ascii_mk_lower (c:ascii) : ascii
      := substlist_subst ascii_mk_lower_substtable c.

    Definition mk_lower (s:string) : string
      := map_string ascii_mk_lower s.

  End conv.
End RAssoc.