Module RBinaryOpsSem

Section RBinaryOpsSem.

  Require Import String List Compare_dec.
  Require Import ZArith.

  Require Import Utils.
  Require Import RBag RData RDataNorm RRelation.
  Require Import RUtilOps.
  Require Export RBinaryOps.
  Require Import BrandRelation.
  Require Import RCompat.
  Require Import ForeignData.
  Require Import ForeignOps.

  Definition fun_of_arithbop (op:ArithBOp) : Z -> Z -> Z
    := match op with
       | ArithPlus => Z.add
       | ArithMinus=> Z.sub
       | ArithMult => Z.mul
       | ArithMin => Z.min
       | ArithMax => Z.max
       | ArithDivide=> Z.quot
       | ArithRem => Z.rem

  Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
  Context {fbop:foreign_binary_op}.
  Context (h:brand_relation_t).

  Definition fun_of_binop (bop:binOp) : data -> data -> option data :=
    match bop with
    | ABArith op =>
      fun d1 d2 =>
        match d1, d2 with
        | dnat n1, dnat n2 => Some (dnat (fun_of_arithbop op n1 n2))
        | _, _ => None
    | AAnd => fun d1 d2 => unbdbool andb d1 d2
    | AOr => fun d1 d2 => unbdbool orb d1 d2
    | AEq => fun d1 d2 => unbdata (fun x y => if data_eq_dec x y then true else false) d1 d2
    | ALt => fun d1 d2 => unbdnat (fun x y => if Z_lt_dec x y then true else false) d1 d2
    | ALe => fun d1 d2 => unbdnat (fun x y => if Z_le_dec x y then true else false) d1 d2
    | AUnion => fun d1 d2 => rondcoll2 bunion d1 d2
    | AMinus => fun d1 d2 => rondcoll2 (@bminus data data_eq_dec) d1 d2
    | AMin => fun d1 d2 => rondcoll2 (@bmin data data_eq_dec) d1 d2
    | AMax => fun d1 d2 => rondcoll2 (@bmax data data_eq_dec) d1 d2
    | AContains => fun d1 d2 => ondcoll (fun l =>
                                           if in_dec data_eq_dec d1 l
                                           then dbool true else dbool false) d2
    | ASConcat => fun d1 d2 => unsdstring append d1 d2
    | AConcat =>
      fun d1 d2 =>
        match d1, d2 with
        | (drec r1), (drec r2) => Some (drec (rec_sort (r1++r2)))
        | _, _ => None
    | AMergeConcat =>
      fun d1 d2 =>
        match d1, d2 with
        | (drec r1), (drec r2) =>
          match merge_bindings r1 r2 with
          | Some x => Some (dcoll ((drec x) :: nil))
          | None => Some (dcoll nil)
        | _, _ => None
    | AForeignBinaryOp fb => foreign_binary_op_interp h fb

  Lemma fun_of_binop_normalized {b d1 d2 o} :
    fun_of_binop b d1 d2 = Some o ->
    data_normalized h d1 -> data_normalized h d2 ->
    data_normalized h o.
    Hint Constructors data_normalized Forall.
    destruct b; simpl; intros;
    try solve [
          unfold rondcoll2 in *;
          destruct d1; simpl in *; try discriminate;
          destruct d2; simpl in *; try discriminate;
          inversion H; subst;
          eauto 1;
          inversion H; subst;
          inversion H0; inversion H1; subst;
          solve [apply bunion_Forall; trivial
                | apply bminus_Forall; trivial
                | apply bmin_Forall; trivial
                | apply bmax_Forall; trivial]
    - do 2 match_destr_in H.
      inversion H; clear H; subst.
      apply data_normalized_rec_sort_app; trivial.
    - do 2 match_destr_in H.
      unfold merge_bindings in H.
      destruct (compatible l l0); inversion H; eauto 2.
      constructor. constructor; trivial.
      apply data_normalized_rec_concat_sort; trivial.
    - destruct d2; simpl in *; try discriminate.
      match_destr_in H; inversion H; eauto.
    - eapply foreign_binary_op_normalized; eauto.
End RBinaryOpsSem.