Module RSort

Require Import RUtil.
Require Export Sorting.
Require Import EquivDec.

Section RSort.

  Require Import List.
  Require Import RList.

  Section Strongly.

    Context {A:Type}.
    Context {R:A->A->Prop}.
    Context (R_dec : forall a a', {R a a'} + {~R a a'}).

    Fixpoint insertion_sort_insert a l
      := match l with
           | nil => a :: nil
           | b::xs => if (R_dec a b)
                      then a::b::xs
                      else if (R_dec b a) then
                             b::insertion_sort_insert a xs
                           else b::xs

    Fixpoint insertion_sort (l:list A)
      := match l with
           | nil => nil
           | a::xs => insertion_sort_insert a (insertion_sort xs)

    Lemma insertion_sort_insert_Sorted a (l:list A) :
      Sorted R l -> Sorted R (insertion_sort_insert a l).
      Hint Constructors LocallySorted.
      repeat rewrite Sorted_LocallySorted_iff.
      induction l; inversion 1; subst; simpl in *;
      repeat match goal with
               | [|- context [R_dec ?x ?y]] => destruct (R_dec x y)
             end; eauto.

    Lemma insertion_sort_Sorted (l:list A) : Sorted R (insertion_sort l).
      Hint Resolve insertion_sort_insert_Sorted.
      induction l; simpl; eauto.

    Require Import Permutation.

    Fixpoint is_list_sorted (l:list A) :=
      match l with
        | nil => true
        | x::xs => match xs with
                     | nil => true
                     | y::ls => if R_dec x y then is_list_sorted xs else false

    Lemma is_list_sorted_Sorted_iff l:
      is_list_sorted l = true <-> Sorted R l.
      induction l; simpl; intuition.
      - destruct l; simpl; eauto.
        destruct (R_dec a a0); simpl; intuition; try discriminate.
      - inversion H1; subst. rewrite H0; auto.
        destruct l; auto.
        inversion H5; subst.
        destruct (R_dec a a0); eauto.

    Require Import Eqdep_dec.
    Require Import RelationClasses.

    Lemma is_list_sorted_ext : forall l (p1 p2:is_list_sorted l = true), p1 = p2.
      intros. apply eq_proofs_unicity. decide equality.

    Lemma sorted_StronglySorted `{Transitive A R}: forall l, is_list_sorted l = true <-> StronglySorted R l.
      rewrite is_list_sorted_Sorted_iff.
      apply Sorted_StronglySorted.
      red. apply transitivity.
      apply StronglySorted_Sorted.

    Lemma Forall_nin_irr `{Irreflexive A R}: forall a l, Forall (R a) l -> ~ In a l.
      induction l; [auto|intros].
      inversion H0; subst; intro.
      inversion H1; subst.
      eapply irreflexivity; eauto.
      elim IHl; auto.

    Lemma StronglySorted_NoDup `{Irreflexive A R}:
      forall l, StronglySorted R l -> NoDup l.
      induction l; intros.
      inversion H0; subst.
      constructor; auto. eapply Forall_nin_irr; eauto.

    Lemma Sorted_NoDup `{StrictOrder A R}:
      forall l, Sorted R l -> NoDup l.
      apply StronglySorted_NoDup; eauto.
      apply Sorted_StronglySorted; eauto.
      red; intros; etransitivity; eauto.

    Lemma is_list_sorted_NoDup `{StrictOrder A R} :
      forall l, is_list_sorted l = true -> NoDup l.
      eapply Sorted_NoDup; eapply is_list_sorted_Sorted_iff; eauto.

    Lemma is_list_sorted_cons a r :
      is_list_sorted (a::r) = true
      (is_list_sorted r = true
       /\ match r with
            | nil => True
            | y::_ => R a y
      simpl; destruct r; intuition;
      destruct (R_dec a a0); intuition congruence.

    Lemma is_list_sorted_cons_inv {a r} :
      is_list_sorted (a::r) = true ->
      is_list_sorted r = true.
      rewrite is_list_sorted_cons. intuition.

    Lemma StronglySorted_cons_in {x a l} :
      StronglySorted R (a::l) ->
      In x l ->
      R a x.
      inversion 1; subst; intros iin.
      rewrite Forall_forall in H3.

  Lemma insertion_sort_sorted_is_id l :
    is_list_sorted l = true ->
    insertion_sort l = l.
    induction l; intros; simpl in *.
    assert (is_list_sorted l = true).
    destruct l; simpl in *; try reflexivity.
    destruct (R_dec a a0); congruence.
    specialize (IHl H0).
    rewrite IHl; clear IHl.
    destruct l; simpl in *; try reflexivity.
    revert H.
    destruct (R_dec a a0); intros; trivial.
    destruct (R_dec a0 a); congruence.

  Lemma insertion_sort_idempotent l :
    insertion_sort (insertion_sort l) =
    insertion_sort l.
    apply insertion_sort_sorted_is_id.
    apply is_list_sorted_Sorted_iff.
    apply insertion_sort_Sorted.

  Lemma insertion_sort_insert_not_nil a l :
    insertion_sort_insert a l <> nil.
    induction l; simpl; intuition; try discriminate.
    destruct (R_dec a a0); simpl in *; try discriminate.
    destruct (R_dec a0 a); simpl in *; try discriminate.

  Lemma insertion_sort_nil l :
    insertion_sort l = nil -> l = nil.
    induction l; simpl; intuition.
    apply insertion_sort_insert_not_nil in H; intuition.
 Lemma insertion_sort_insert_swap a a0 l `{StrictOrder A R}:
   R a a0 ->
   insertion_sort_insert a (insertion_sort_insert a0 l) =
   insertion_sort_insert a0 (insertion_sort_insert a l).
   revert a a0.
   induction l; simpl; intros.
   - destruct (R_dec a a0); simpl; intuition.
     destruct (R_dec a0 a); simpl; intuition.
     rewrite r0 in r. eelim irreflexivity; eauto.
   - destruct (R_dec a1 a).
     + destruct (R_dec a0 a).
        * simpl.
          destruct (R_dec a0 a1); intuition.
          destruct (R_dec a1 a); intuition.
          destruct (R_dec a1 a0); intuition.
          rewrite r3 in H0; eelim irreflexivity; eauto.
        * rewrite r in H0; intuition.
     + destruct (R_dec a0 a); simpl.
        * destruct (R_dec a1 a); intuition.
           destruct (R_dec a0 a1); intuition.
           destruct (R_dec a1 a0).
             rewrite r1 in r0; eelim irreflexivity; eauto.
             destruct (R_dec a a1); simpl;
             destruct (R_dec a0 a); intuition.
        * destruct (R_dec a a1); destruct (R_dec a a0); simpl.
             destruct (R_dec a0 a).
               rewrite r1 in r0; eelim irreflexivity; eauto.
               destruct (R_dec a a0); intuition.
               destruct (R_dec a1 a).
                rewrite r2 in r; eelim irreflexivity; eauto.
               destruct (R_dec a a1); intuition.
               f_equal; eauto.

            destruct (R_dec a a0); intuition.
            destruct (R_dec a1 a).
               rewrite r0 in r; eelim irreflexivity; eauto.
            destruct (R_dec a0 a); intuition.
            destruct (R_dec a a1); intuition.

            rewrite H0 in r; intuition.

            destruct (R_dec a0 a); intuition.
            destruct (R_dec a a0); intuition.
            destruct (R_dec a1 a); intuition.
            destruct (R_dec a a1); intuition.

  End Strongly.

  Section In.
    Lemma StronglySorted_filter {A} {R} f {l} :
      @StronglySorted A R l -> StronglySorted R (filter f l).
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      inversion 1; simpl; subst.
      destruct (f a); auto.
      constructor; auto.
      apply Forall_filter; trivial.

    Lemma in_insertion_sort_insert {A R R_dec} {x l a} :
      In x (@insertion_sort_insert A R R_dec a l) -> a = x \/ In x l.
      revert x a. induction l; simpl; [intuition | ].
      intros x a0.
      case_eq (R_dec a0 a); simpl; intros; trivial.
      revert H0.
      case_eq (R_dec a a0); simpl; intros; intuition.
      destruct (IHl _ _ H2); intuition.

    Lemma in_insertion_sort {A R R_dec} {x l} :
      In x (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l) -> In x l.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      intros inn. apply in_insertion_sort_insert in inn.

    Hint Resolve asymmetric_over_cons_inv.
    Lemma insertion_sort_insert_in_strong {A R R_dec} {x l a}
          (contr:asymmetric_over R (a::l)) :
      a = x \/ In x l -> In x (@insertion_sort_insert A R R_dec a l).
      revert x a contr. induction l; simpl; [intuition | ].
      intros x a0.
      case_eq (R_dec a0 a); simpl; intros; trivial.
      revert H0.
      case_eq (R_dec a a0); simpl; intros; intuition; subst; intuition.
      - right; apply (IHl x x); intuition.
        apply asymmetric_over_swap in contr. eauto.
      - right. apply (IHl x a0); intuition.
        apply asymmetric_over_swap in contr. eauto.

    Lemma insertion_sort_insert_in {A R R_dec} {x l a}
          (contr:forall x y, ~R x y -> ~R y x -> x = y) :
      a = x \/ In x l -> In x (@insertion_sort_insert A R R_dec a l).
      apply insertion_sort_insert_in_strong.
      apply asymmetric_asymmetric_over; eauto.

    Lemma insertion_sort_in_strong {A R R_dec} {x l}
          (contr:asymmetric_over R l) :
      In x l -> In x (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l).
      revert x.
      induction l; simpl; trivial; intros.
      specialize (IHl (asymmetric_over_cons_inv contr)).
      apply insertion_sort_insert_in_strong; trivial.
      - apply (asymmetric_over_incl contr). clear. simpl; intuition.
        apply in_insertion_sort in H0; eauto.
      - intuition.

    Hint Resolve asymmetric_asymmetric_over.

    Lemma insertion_sort_in {A R R_dec} {x l}
          (contr:forall x y, ~R x y -> ~R y x -> x = y) :
      In x l -> In x (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l).
      apply insertion_sort_in_strong; intuition.

    Lemma equivlist_insertion_sort_strong {A R} R_dec {l l'}
          (contr:asymmetric_over R l) :
      equivlist l l' ->
      equivlist (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l) (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l').
      cut (forall l l', (asymmetric_over R l) -> equivlist l l' ->
                        (forall x, In x (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l) -> In x (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l'))).
      - intros C eq x. split; intros inn.
        + specialize (C _ _ contr eq); intuition.
        + eapply C; try eapply inn.
          rewrite <- (asymmetric_over_equivlist eq); trivial.
          symmetry; trivial.
      - clear l l' contr. intros l l' asym incl x inn.
        apply in_insertion_sort in inn. apply incl in inn.
        apply insertion_sort_in_strong; trivial.
        eapply asymmetric_over_equivlist; eauto.
        symmetry. trivial.

    Lemma equivlist_insertion_sort {A R} R_dec {l l'}
          (contr:forall x y, ~R x y -> ~R y x -> x = y) :
      equivlist l l' ->
      equivlist (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l) (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l').
      eapply equivlist_insertion_sort_strong; trivial.
      apply asymmetric_asymmetric_over; trivial.

      Lemma insertion_sort_insert_insertion_nin {A:Type} lt dec
        `{StrictOrder A lt}
        (trich:forall a b, {lt a b} + {eq a b} + {lt b a})
        (a:A) a0 l :
   ~ lt a0 a ->
   ~ lt a a0 ->
   insertion_sort_insert dec a0
     (insertion_sort_insert dec a l)
   = @insertion_sort_insert A lt dec a l.
    revert a a0. induction l; simpl; intros.
    - repeat (match_destr; try congruence).
    - repeat (match_destr; try congruence);
      simpl; repeat (match_destr; try congruence); trivial.
      + rewrite l0 in l1. intuition.
      + rewrite IHl; trivial.
      + destruct (trich a a0) as [[?|?]|?];
        try congruence.
      + destruct (trich a a0) as [[?|?]|?];
        try congruence.

 Lemma insertion_sort_insert_cons_app {A:Type} lt dec
        `{StrictOrder A lt}
        (trich:forall a b, {lt a b} + {eq a b} + {lt b a}) a l l2 :
    insertion_sort dec (insertion_sort_insert dec a l ++ l2) = @insertion_sort A lt dec (a::l ++ l2).
    revert a l2.
    induction l; simpl; trivial; intros.
    destruct (dec a0 a); simpl; trivial.
    destruct (dec a a0); simpl; trivial.
    - rewrite IHl; simpl. apply insertion_sort_insert_swap; eauto.
    - rewrite insertion_sort_insert_insertion_nin; eauto.

 Lemma insertion_sort_insertion_sort_app1 {A} lt dec `{StrictOrder A lt}
        (trich:forall a b, {lt a b} + {eq a b} + {lt b a}) l1 l2 :
    insertion_sort dec (insertion_sort dec l1 ++ l2) =
    @insertion_sort A lt dec (l1 ++ l2).
    revert l2.
    induction l1; simpl; trivial; intros.
    rewrite insertion_sort_insert_cons_app; trivial.
    rewrite IHl1; trivial.

    Lemma insertion_sort_trich_equiv {A:Type} lt dec
        (trich:forall a b, {lt a b} + {eq a b} + {lt b a}) (l:list A)
  : equivlist (@insertion_sort A lt dec l) l.
     intros; split; intros.
     - apply in_insertion_sort in H; trivial.
     - eapply insertion_sort_in in H; eauto.
       destruct (trich x0 y) as [[?|?]|?]; intuition.

   Lemma insertion_sort_insert_forall_lt
   {A:Type} lt dec (a:A) (l:list A) :
     Forall (lt a) l ->
     @insertion_sort_insert A lt dec a l = a :: l.
     destruct l; simpl; trivial.
     inversion 1; subst.
     match_destr; intuition.

   Lemma sort_insert_filter_true {A:Type} f lt dec `{StrictOrder A lt}
         (trich:forall a b, {lt a b} + {eq a b} + {lt b a})
         (a:A) (l:list A) :
     StronglySorted lt l ->
     f a = true ->
         filter f (@insertion_sort_insert A lt dec a l)
     = insertion_sort_insert dec a (filter f l).
     revert a.
     induction l; simpl; intros b lsort fb.
     - rewrite fb; trivial.
     - inversion lsort; subst.
       case_eq (f a); simpl; intros fa.
       + destruct (dec b a); simpl.
         * rewrite fb.
           simpl. match_destr.
         * rewrite <- IHl; trivial.
           match_destr; simpl; rewrite fa; trivial.
       + match_destr.
         * simpl. rewrite fb, fa.
            rewrite insertion_sort_insert_forall_lt; trivial.
            apply Forall_filter.
            revert H3.
            apply Forall_impl_in; intros.
            etransitivity; eauto.
          * rewrite <- IHl; trivial.
            match_destr; simpl; rewrite fa; trivial.
            destruct (trich a b) as [[?|?]|?]; try congruence.
   Lemma sort_insert_filter_false {A:Type} f lt dec (a:A) (l:list A) :
     f a = false ->
     filter f (@insertion_sort_insert A lt dec a l) =
     filter f l.
     revert a.
     induction l; simpl; intros ? fa.
     - rewrite fa; trivial.
     - match_destr; simpl.
       + rewrite fa; trivial.
       + match_destr; simpl.
         rewrite IHl; trivial.
   Lemma sort_filter_commute {A:Type} f lt dec
         `{StrictOrder A lt}
         (trich:forall a b, {lt a b} + {eq a b} + {lt b a})
         (l:list A) :
     filter f (@insertion_sort A lt dec l)
     = insertion_sort dec (filter f l).
     induction l; simpl; trivial.
     case_eq (f a); intros fa; simpl.
     - rewrite <- IHl, sort_insert_filter_true; trivial.
       eapply Sorted_StronglySorted.
       + apply StrictOrder_Transitive.
       + eapply insertion_sort_Sorted.
     - rewrite <- IHl, sort_insert_filter_false; trivial.

   Lemma Forall_insertion_sort {A R R_dec} {P} l :
     Forall P l -> Forall P (@insertion_sort A R R_dec l).
     repeat rewrite Forall_forall.
     intros fp x inx.
     apply in_insertion_sort in inx.
  End In.

  Section map.

  Lemma map_insertion_sort_insert {A B}
        {R1 R2}
        (R1_dec : forall a a' : A, {R1 a a'} + {~ R1 a a'})
        (R2_dec : forall b b' : B, {R2 b b'} + {~ R2 b b'})
    (consistent:forall x y, R1 x y <->
                                R2 (f x) (f y)) a l :
    map f (insertion_sort_insert R1_dec a l) =
    insertion_sort_insert R2_dec (f a) (map f l).
    induction l; simpl; trivial.
    rewrite <- IHl.
    destruct (consistent a a0); destruct (consistent a0 a).
    repeat match_destr; simpl; try tauto.
  Lemma map_insertion_sort {A B}
        {R1 R2}
        (R1_dec : forall a a' : A, {R1 a a'} + {~ R1 a a'})
        (R2_dec : forall b b' : B, {R2 b b'} + {~ R2 b b'})
    (consistent:forall x y, R1 x y <->
                                R2 (f x) (f y)) l :
    map f (insertion_sort R1_dec l) =
    insertion_sort R2_dec (map f l).
    induction l; simpl; trivial.
    rewrite <- IHl.
    erewrite map_insertion_sort_insert; eauto.
  End map.

End RSort.