Module RData

Section RData.
  Require Import String.
  Require Import List.
  Require Import Sumbool.
  Require Import ZArith.
  Require Import Bool.

  Require Import RUtil.
  Require Export RBindings.
  Require Import EquivDec.
  Require Import BrandRelation.
  Require Import ForeignData.

Data is: - nil - used for undefined results. - nat - a number - bool - true or false - string - a character string - coll - a bag - drec - a record

  Unset Elimination Schemes.

  Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
  Inductive data : Set :=
  | dunit : data
  | dnat : Z -> data
  | dbool : bool -> data
  | dstring : string -> data
  | dcoll : list data -> data
  | drec : list (string * data) -> data
  | dleft : data -> data
  | dright : data -> data
  | dbrand : brands -> data -> data
  | dforeign : foreign_data_type -> data

  Set Elimination Schemes.

Induction principles used as backbone for inductive proofs on data
  Definition data_rect (P : data -> Type)
             (funit : P dunit)
             (fnat : forall n : Z, P (dnat n))
             (fbool : forall b : bool, P (dbool b))
             (fstring : forall s : string, P (dstring s))
             (fcoll : forall c : list data, Forallt P c -> P (dcoll c))
             (frec : forall r : list (string * data), Forallt (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r -> P (drec r))
             (fleft: forall d, P d -> P (dleft d))
             (fright: forall d, P d -> P (dright d))
             (fbrand: forall b d, P d -> P (dbrand b d))
             (fforeign: forall fd, P (dforeign fd))
      fix F (d : data) : P d :=
    match d as d0 return (P d0) with
      | dunit => funit
      | dnat x => fnat x
      | dbool x => fbool x
      | dstring x => fstring x
      | dcoll x => fcoll x ((fix F2 (c : list data) : Forallt P c :=
                            match c as c0 with
                              | nil => Forallt_nil _
                              | cons d c0 => @Forallt_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F2 c0)
                            end) x)
      | drec x => frec x ((fix F3 (r : list (string*data)) : Forallt (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r :=
                           match r as c0 with
                             | nil => Forallt_nil _
                             | cons sd c0 => @Forallt_cons _ (fun ab => P (snd ab)) sd c0 (F (snd sd)) (F3 c0)
                           end) x)
      | dleft x => fleft _ (F x)
      | dright x => fright _ (F x)
      | dbrand b x => fbrand b _ (F x)
      | dforeign fd => fforeign fd

  Definition data_ind (P : data -> Prop)
             (funit : P dunit)
             (fnat : forall n : Z, P (dnat n))
             (fbool : forall b : bool, P (dbool b))
             (fstring : forall s : string, P (dstring s))
             (fcoll : forall c : list data, Forall P c -> P (dcoll c))
             (frec : forall r : list (string * data), Forall (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r -> P (drec r))
             (fleft: forall d, P d -> P (dleft d))
             (fright: forall d, P d -> P (dright d))
             (fbrand: forall b d, P d -> P (dbrand b d))
             (fforeign: forall fd, P (dforeign fd))
      fix F (d : data) : P d :=
    match d as d0 return (P d0) with
      | dunit => funit
      | dnat x => fnat x
      | dbool x => fbool x
      | dstring x => fstring x
      | dcoll x => fcoll x ((fix F2 (c : list data) : Forall P c :=
                            match c with
                              | nil => Forall_nil _
                              | cons d c0 => @Forall_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F2 c0)
                            end) x)
      | drec x => frec x ((fix F3 (r : list (string*data)) : Forall (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r :=
                           match r with
                             | nil => Forall_nil _
                             | cons sd c0 => @Forall_cons _ (fun ab => P (snd ab)) sd c0 (F (snd sd)) (F3 c0)
                           end) x)
      | dleft d => fleft d (F d)
      | dright d => fright d (F d)
      | dbrand b d => fbrand b d (F d)
      | dforeign fd => fforeign fd

  Definition data_rec (P:data->Set) := data_rect P.
  Lemma dataInd2 (P : data -> Prop)
        (f : P dunit)
        (f0 : forall n : Z, P (dnat n))
        (fb : forall b : bool, P (dbool b))
        (f1 : forall s : string, P (dstring s))
        (f2 : forall c : list data, (forall x, In x c -> P x) -> P (dcoll c))
        (f3 : forall r : list (string * data), (forall x y, In (x,y) r -> P y) -> P (drec r))
        (f4 : forall d, P d -> P (dleft d))
        (f5 : forall d, P d -> P (dright d))
        (f6 : forall b d, P d -> P (dbrand b d))
        (fforeign : forall fd, P (dforeign fd)):
    forall d, P d.
    apply data_ind; trivial.
    - intros. rewrite Forall_forall in H.
    - intros. rewrite Forall_forall in H.
      apply f3.
      intros. apply (H (x,y)). trivial.

  Lemma brand_eq_dec : EqDec brand eq.
    repeat red. apply string_dec.
Equality is decidable for data
  Lemma data_eq_dec : forall x y:data, {x=y}+{x<>y}.
    induction x; destruct y; try solve[right; inversion 1].
    - left; trivial.
    - destruct (Z_eq_dec n z).
      + left; f_equal; trivial.
      + right;intro;apply n0;inversion H; trivial.
    - destruct (bool_dec b b0).
      + left; f_equal; trivial.
      + right;intro;apply n;inversion H; trivial.
    - destruct (string_dec s s0).
      + left; f_equal; trivial.
      + right;intro;apply n;inversion H; trivial.
    - destruct (list_Forallt_eq_dec c l H). subst. auto.
      right; inversion 1. auto.
    - destruct (list_Forallt_eq_dec r l); subst; auto.
      + apply (forallt_impl H).
        apply forallt_weaken; clear; intros.
        destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
        apply pair_eq_dec; auto.
        apply string_dec.
      + right; inversion 1; auto.
    - destruct (IHx y).
      + left. subst; trivial.
      + right; inversion 1; auto.
    - destruct (IHx y).
      + left. subst; trivial.
      + right; inversion 1; auto.
    - destruct (b == b0); unfold equiv, complement in *.
      + destruct (IHx y); [left|right]; congruence.
      + right; congruence.
    - destruct (foreign_data_dec fd f).
      + left. f_equal; apply e.
      + right. inversion 1; congruence.

  Require Import EquivDec.

  Global Instance data_eqdec : EqDec data eq := data_eq_dec.

  Lemma rec_eq_dec : forall x y: list (string*data), {x=y}+{x<>y}.
    apply (list_Forallt_eq_dec x y).
    apply forallt_weaken.
    destruct x0; destruct y0.
    apply pair_eq_dec.
    apply string_dec.
    apply data_eq_dec.

  Global Instance rec_eqdec : EqDec (list (string*data)) eq := rec_eq_dec.

  Definition dsome x := dleft x.
  Definition dnone := dright dunit.

  Definition bindings := list (string*data).

End RData.

Class ConstLiteral {fdata:foreign_data} (A:Type)
      := dconst : A -> data.

Global Instance ConstLiteral_nat {fdata:foreign_data} : ConstLiteral Z
  := dnat.

Global Instance ConstLiteral_bool {ftype:foreign_data} : ConstLiteral bool
  := dbool.

Global Instance ConstLiteral_string {fdata:foreign_data} : ConstLiteral string
  := dstring.