Module tDNNRCSub

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Program.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import BasicSystem.
Require Import DNNRCSystem.
Require Import tDNNRC.

Section tDNNRCSub.

  Context {m:basic_model}.

  Section typ.
    Inductive dnnrc_type_sub {A plug_type:Set}
              {plug:AlgPlug plug_type} {tplug: TAlgPlug} :
      tdbindings -> @dnnrc _ A plug_type -> drtype -> Prop :=
    | TDNNRCVar {τ} tenv v : forall (a:A), lookup equiv_dec tenv v = Some τ -> dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCVar a v) τ
    | TDNNRCConst {τ} tenv c : forall (a:A), data_type (normalize_data brand_relation_brands c) τ -> dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCConst a c) (Tlocal τ)
    | TDNNRCBinop {τ₁ τ₂ τ} tenv b e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          binOp_type b τ₁ τ₂ τ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e2 (Tlocal τ₂) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCBinop a b e1 e2) (Tlocal τ)
    | TDNNRCUnop {τ₁ τ} tenv u e1 :
        forall (a:A),
          unaryOp_type u τ₁ τ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCUnop a u e1) (Tlocal τ)
    | TDNNRCLet {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e1 τ₁ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub ((v,τ₁)::tenv) e2 τ₂ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCLet a v e1 e2) τ₂
    | TDNRCForLocal {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e1 (Tlocal (Coll τ₁)) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tlocal (Coll τ₂))
    | TDNRCForDist {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e1 (Tdistr τ₁) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tdistr τ₂)
    | TDNRCIf {τ} tenv e1 e2 e3 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e1 (Tlocal Bool) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e2 τ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e3 τ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCIf a e1 e2 e3) τ
    | TDNNRCEither {τ τl τr} tenv ed xl el xr er :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv ed (Tlocal (Either τl τr)) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub ((xl,(Tlocal τl))::tenv) el τ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub ((xr,(Tlocal τr))::tenv) er τ ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCEither a ed xl el xr er) τ
    | TDNNRCCollect {τ} tenv e :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e (Tdistr τ) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCCollect a e) (Tlocal (Coll τ))
    | TDNNRCDispatch {τ} tenv e :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv e (Tlocal (Coll τ)) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCDispatch a e) (Tdistr τ)
    | TDNNRCAlgout} tenv tbindings op nl :
        forall (a:A),
          Forall2 (fun n τ => fst n = fst τ
                              /\ dnnrc_type_sub tenv (snd n) (Tdistr (snd τ)))
                  nl tbindings ->
          plug_typing op tbindings (Coll τout) ->
          dnnrc_type_sub tenv (DNNRCAlg a op nl) (Tdistr τout)
    | TDNNRCSubsumptionenv τout} τenv' τout' e:
        tdbindings_sub τenv' τenv ->
        drtype_sub τout τout' ->
        dnnrc_type_sub τenv e τout ->
        dnnrc_type_sub τenv' e τout'

    Global Instance dnnrc_type_sub_proper {A plug_type:Set} {plug:AlgPlug plug_type} {tplug: TAlgPlug} :
      Proper (tdbindings_sub --> eq ==> drtype_sub ==> impl) (dnnrc_type_sub (A:=A)).
      unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros.
      eapply TDNNRCSubsumption; eauto.
    Global Instance dbindings_type_proper :
      Proper (eq ==> tdbindings_sub ==> impl) dbindings_type.
      unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl, tdbindings_sub, dbindings_type; intros.
      revert y y0 H0 H1.
      induction x0; intros x y0 F1 F2
      ; invcs F1; invcs F2; trivial.
      destruct a; destruct y; destruct x1; intuition; simpl in *; subst.
      rewrite H0 in H2.

  End typ.

  Section lift.
    Lemma dnnrc_type_to_dnnrc_type_sub {A} (plug_type:Set) (plug:AlgPlug plug_type) {tplug:TAlgPlug} {τ} (env:dbindings) (tenv:tdbindings) (e:@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :
      dnnrc_type tenv e τ ->
      dnnrc_type_sub tenv e τ.
      Hint Constructors dnnrc_type_sub.
      revert tenv τ.
      induction e; simpl; intros tenv τ dt; invcs dt; eauto.
      - econstructor; try eassumption.
        revert H5.
        apply Forall2_incl.
        rewrite Forall_forall in H.
        intros ? ? inn1 inn2 [eqq1 eqq2].
  End lift.
Main lemma for the type correctness of DNNNRC
  Theorem typed_dnnrc_yields_typed_data {A} {plug_type:Set} (plug:AlgPlug plug_type) {tplug:TAlgPlug} {τ} (env:dbindings) (tenv:tdbindings) (e:@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :
    dbindings_type env tenv ->
    dnnrc_type_sub tenv e τ ->
    (exists x, (dnnrc_eval brand_relation_brands env e) = Some x /\ (ddata_type x τ)).
    revert env H.
    dependent induction H0; simpl; intros.
    - unfold dbindings_type in *.
      dependent induction H0.
      simpl in *; congruence.
      simpl in *.
      destruct x; simpl in *.
      elim H0; clear H0; intros.
      destruct y; simpl in *.
      rewrite H0 in *; clear H0.
      revert H.
      elim (equiv_dec v s0); intros.
      exists d.
      inversion H.
      rewrite H3 in *; clear H3 H a.
      split; [reflexivity|assumption].
      specialize (IHForall2 H); clear H.
    - exists (Dlocal (normalize_data brand_relation_brands c)).
      intros. split; [reflexivity|constructor; assumption].
    - specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub1 env H0); specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub2 env H0).
      elim IHdnnrc_type_sub1; intros; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub1;
        elim IHdnnrc_type_sub2; intros; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub2.
      elim H1; clear H1; intros.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      rewrite H1; rewrite H2.
      inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
      inversion H4; clear H4; subst.
      elim (@typed_binop_yields_typed_data _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ τ₁ τ₂ τ _ _ b H7 H6 H); intros.
      elim H3; clear H3; intros.
      exists (Dlocal x); simpl.
      + rewrite H3; reflexivity.
      + constructor; assumption.
    - specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub env H1).
      elim IHdnnrc_type_sub; intros; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      rewrite H2; clear H2.
      inversion H3; clear H3; intros; subst.
      elim (@typed_unop_yields_typed_data _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ τ₁ τ _ u H5 H); intros.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      exists (Dlocal x); simpl.
      + rewrite H2; reflexivity.
      + constructor; assumption.
    - destruct (IHdnnrc_type_sub1 _ H) as [?[re1 ?]].
      destruct (IHdnnrc_type_sub2 ((v,x)::env)) as [?[re2 ?]].
      + apply Forall2_cons; intuition.
      + unfold var in *.
        rewrite re1.
        assert ((@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
                (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                   (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
                (prod DNNRCBase.var (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
                (@pair DNNRCBase.var (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                   v x) env) e2) = (@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
                (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                   (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
             (@cons (prod string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
                (@pair string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))) v x)
                env) e2)) by reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H2 in re2; clear H2.
        rewrite re2.
    - specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub1 env H).
      elim IHdnnrc_type_sub1; intros; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub1.
      elim H0; clear H0; intros.
      rewrite H0; clear H0; simpl.
      inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
      dependent induction H3.
      induction dl; simpl in *.
      + exists (Dlocal (dcoll [])).
        split; [reflexivity|].
        constructor; apply dtcoll; apply Forall_nil.
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *.
        simpl in H0.
        assert (forall x : data, In x dl -> data_type x r)
          by (intros; apply (H0 x0); right; assumption).
        specialize (IHdl H1); clear H1.
        elim IHdl; intros; clear IHdl.
        elim H1; clear H1; intros.
        unfold lift in H1.
        unfold var in *.
        assert (exists x1, rmap
           (fun d1 : data =>
            olift checkLocal
              (dnnrc_eval brand_relation_brands ((v, Dlocal d1) :: env) e2))
           dl = Some x1 /\ (Dlocal (dcoll x1)) = x0).
        revert H1.
        assert (@rmap (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
              (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
              (fun d1 : @data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) =>
               @olift (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                 (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                 (@checkLocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                 (@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
                       (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                          (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
                       (prod DNNRCBase.var
                          (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
                       (@pair DNNRCBase.var
                          (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))) v
                          (@Dlocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) d1)) env)
                    e2)) dl = (@rmap (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
             (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
             (fun d1 : @data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) =>
              @olift (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                (@checkLocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                (@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
                      (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                         (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
                      (prod string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
                      (@pair string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))) v
                         (@Dlocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) d1)) env) e2))
             dl)) by reflexivity.
        rewrite H1; clear H1.
        elim (rmap
                (fun d1 : data =>
                   olift checkLocal
                         (dnnrc_eval brand_relation_brands ((v, Dlocal d1) :: env) e2)) dl); intros.
        inversion H1; simpl in *. subst; clear H1;
        exists a1; split; congruence.
        elim H3; clear H3; intros.
        elim H3; clear H3; intros.
        assert ((@rmap (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
            (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
            (fun d1 : @data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) =>
             @olift (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
               (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
               (@checkLocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
               (@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
                     (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                        (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
                     (prod string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
                     (@pair string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))) v
                        (@Dlocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) d1)) env) e2))
            dl) = (@rmap (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                      (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                      (fun d1 : @data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) =>
                       @olift (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                         (@data (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                         (@checkLocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)))
                         (@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
                               (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                                  (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
                               (prod DNNRCBase.var
                                  (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
                               (@pair DNNRCBase.var
                                  (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))) v
                                  (@Dlocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) d1))
                               env) e2)) dl)) by reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H5; clear H5.
        rewrite H3.
        rewrite <- H4 in *; clear H1 H3 H4; simpl.
        specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub2 ((v,Dlocal a0)::env)).
        assert (dbindings_type ((v, Dlocal a0) :: env) ((v, Tlocal τ₁) :: tenv)).
        unfold dbindings_type.
        apply Forall2_cons; try assumption.
        simpl; split; try reflexivity.
        assert (r = τ₁) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
        rewrite H1 in *; clear H1 x.
        constructor. apply (H0 a0); left; reflexivity.
        specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub2 H1); clear H1.
        elim IHdnnrc_type_sub2; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub2; intros.
        elim H1; clear H1; intros.
        assert ((@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
               (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                  (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
            (@cons (prod string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
               (@pair string (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))) v
                      (@Dlocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) a0)) env) e2) =
               (@dnnrc_eval (@basic_model_runtime m) A plug_type
                       (@brand_model_relation (@basic_model_foreign_type m)
                          (@basic_model_brand_model m))) plug
                       (prod DNNRCBase.var
                          (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))))
                       (@pair DNNRCBase.var
                          (@ddata (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m))) v
                          (@Dlocal (@foreign_runtime_data (@basic_model_runtime m)) a0)) env)
                    e2)) by reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H4; clear H4.
        rewrite H1; simpl.
        inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
        exists (Dlocal (dcoll (d::x1))); split; try reflexivity.
        constructor; apply dtcoll.
        rewrite Forall_forall; simpl; intros.
        elim H3; clear H3; intros.
        rewrite H3 in *; assumption.
        inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
        dependent induction H7.
        rewrite Forall_forall in *.
        assert (r0 = τ₂) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
        apply (H2 x2); assumption.
    - admit.
    - specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub1 env H); specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub2 env H); specialize (IHdnnrc_type_sub3 env H).
      elim IHdnnrc_type_sub1; intros; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub1;
      elim IHdnnrc_type_sub2; intros; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub2;
      elim IHdnnrc_type_sub3; intros; clear IHdnnrc_type_sub3.
      elim H0; clear H0; intros.
      elim H1; clear H1; intros.
      elim H2; clear H2; intros.
      rewrite H0.
      inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
      dependent induction H8.
      destruct b.
      + rewrite H1.
        exists x0; split; [reflexivity|assumption].
      + rewrite H2.
        exists x1; split; [reflexivity|assumption].
    - destruct (IHdnnrc_type_sub1 _ H) as [dd [evald typd]].
      inversion typd; clear typd; subst.
      apply data_type_Either_inv in H2.
      rewrite evald.
      destruct H2 as [[ddl[? typd]]|[ddr[? typd]]]; subst.
      + destruct (IHdnnrc_type_sub2 ((xl,Dlocal ddl)::env));
        unfold dbindings_type in *; auto.
        apply Forall2_cons; auto; split; [auto|constructor;auto].
        exists x; auto.
      + destruct (IHdnnrc_type_sub3 ((xr,Dlocal ddr)::env));
        unfold dbindings_type in *; auto.
        apply Forall2_cons; auto; split; [auto|constructor;auto].
        exists x; auto.
    - elim (IHdnnrc_type_sub env H); intros.
      elim H1; clear H1; intros.
      rewrite H1; simpl.
      inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
      exists (Dlocal (dcoll dl)).
      simpl. split; [reflexivity|].
    - elim (IHdnnrc_type_sub env H); intros.
      elim H1; clear H1; intros.
      rewrite H1; simpl.
      inversion H2; clear H2; subst; simpl.
      dependent induction H5.
      exists (Ddistr dl).
      simpl. split; [reflexivity|].
      assert (r = τ) by (apply rtype_fequal; assumption).
      subst; assumption.
    - admit.
 We will need a special inductive principle because of the list of expressions in TDNRAlg *)    - rewrite H in H2.
      destruct (IHdnnrc_type_sub _ H2) as [dd [dd_eval dd_typ]].
      rewrite H0 in dd_typ.

End tDNNRCSub.