Module Qcert.Translation.Lang.CAMPtoNRA

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataRuntime.
Require Import NRARuntime.
Require Import CAMPRuntime.
Section CAMPtoNRA.
  Local Open Scope string_scope.
  Local Open Scope list_scope.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

  Definition lift_failure d :=
    match d with
      | TerminalError => None
      | RecoverableError => Some (dcoll nil)
      | Success d' => Some (dcoll (d'::nil))

Translation from CAMP to NRA

  Fixpoint nra_of_camp (p:camp) : nra :=
    match p with
    | pconst d' => nra_match (NRAConst d')
    | punop uop p₁ => NRAMap (NRAUnop uop NRAID) (nra_of_camp p₁)
    | pbinop bop pp₂ =>
      NRAMap (NRABinop bop (NRAUnop (OpDot "a1") NRAID) (NRAUnop (OpDot "a2") NRAID))
             (NRAProduct (NRAMap (NRAUnop (OpRec "a1") NRAID) (nra_of_camp p₁))
                         (NRAMap (NRAUnop (OpRec "a2") NRAID) (nra_of_camp p₂)))
    | pmap p₁ =>
        (NRAUnop OpFlatten
                    (nra_of_camp p₁)
                       (NRAUnop OpBag (nra_wrap_a1 (NRAUnop (OpDot "PDATA") NRAID))))))
    | passert p₁ => NRAMap (NRAConst (drec nil)) (NRASelect NRAID (nra_of_camp p₁))
    | porElse pp₂ => NRADefault (nra_of_camp p₁) (nra_of_camp p₂)
    | pit => nra_match nra_data
    | pletIt pp₂ =>
      NRAUnop OpFlatten
              (NRAMap (nra_of_camp p₂)
                         (NRAUnop OpBag
                                  (nra_wrap_a1 (nra_of_camp p₁)))))
    | pgetConstant s => nra_match (NRAGetConstant s)
    | penv => nra_match nra_bind
    | pletEnv pp₂ =>
      NRAUnop OpFlatten
                 (nra_of_camp p₂)
                    (NRAMap (NRABinop OpRecConcat
                                      (NRAUnop (OpRec "PDATA") (NRAUnop (OpDot "PDATA") NRAID))
                                      (NRAUnop (OpRec "PBIND1") (NRABinop OpRecMerge
                                                                          (NRAUnop (OpDot "PBIND") NRAID)
                                                                          (NRAUnop (OpDot "PBIND1") NRAID))))
                               (NRAUnop OpBag
                                        (NRABinop OpRecConcat
                                                  (NRAUnop (OpRec "a1") (nra_of_camp p₁))))))))
    | pleft =>
      NRAApp (NRAEither (nra_match NRAID) (nra_fail)) nra_data
    | pright =>
      NRAApp (NRAEither (nra_fail) (nra_match NRAID)) nra_data

top level version sets up the appropriate input (with an empty context)

  Definition nra_of_camp_top p :=
    NRAUnop OpFlatten
          (NRAMap (nra_of_camp p)
                (NRAUnop OpBag
                       (nra_context (NRAConst (drec nil)) NRAID))).

Auxiliary lemmas -- all used inside pmap proof

  Lemma lift_map_lift (l:list data) :
    lift_map (fun x : data => Some (drec (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l =
    Some (map (fun x => (drec (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l).
    induction l; simpl. reflexivity.
    rewrite IHl.

  Lemma lift_map_lift2 bind (l l':list data):
       (fun x : data =>
          match x with
            | drec r1 =>
                      (("PBIND", drec bind)
                         :: ("a1", dcoll l') :: nil) r1))
            | _ => None
       (map (fun x : data => drec (("PDATA", x) :: nil)) l)) =
    Some (map (fun x :data => (drec
                      (("PBIND", drec bind)
                         :: ("a1", dcoll l') :: nil) (("PDATA", x) :: nil)))) l).
    induction l; simpl.
    rewrite IHl.

  Lemma lift_map_lift3 bind (l l':list data):
      (fun x : data =>
         match x with
           | drec r => Some (drec (rremove r "a1"))
           | _ => None
         (fun x : data =>
                 (("PBIND", drec bind)
                    :: ("a1", dcoll l') :: nil)
                 (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l ++ nil)
    Some (map (fun x : data =>
                      (("PBIND", drec bind) :: nil)
                      (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l ++ nil).
    induction l; simpl.
    rewrite IHl.

  Lemma oflatten_lift1 (l:option (list data)):
       (fun d1 : data =>
          lift_oncoll (fun l0 : list data => lift dcoll (oflatten l0)) d1)
       (lift dcoll
             (lift (fun t' : list data => dcoll nil :: t') l))) =
       (fun d1 : data =>
          lift_oncoll (fun l0 : list data => lift dcoll (oflatten l0)) d1)
       (lift dcoll l)).
    destruct l; try reflexivity.
    induction l; simpl; try reflexivity.
    unfold oflatten; simpl.
    assert (forall d, lift (fun t':list data => t') d = d).
    destruct d; try reflexivity.
    rewrite H.

Theorem 4.2: lemma of translation correctness for campterns

  Theorem camp_trans_correct {h:brand_relation_t} c p bind d:
    lift_failure (camp_eval h c p bind d) = nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp p) (nra_context_data (drec bind) d).
    revert d bind;
    camp_cases (induction p) Case; simpl; intros.
    - Case "pconst"%string.
    - Case "punop"%string.
      rewrite <- IHp; clear IHp; simpl.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p bind d); try reflexivity.
      simpl; destruct (unary_op_eval h u res); reflexivity.
    - Case "pbinop"%string.
      rewrite <- IHp1; rewrite <- IHp2; clear IHp1 IHp2.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p1 bind d); try reflexivity.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p2 bind d); try reflexivity.
      simpl; destruct (binary_op_eval h b res res0); reflexivity.
    - Case "pmap"%string.
      destruct d; try reflexivity.
      unfold omap_product in *; simpl.
      unfold oncoll_map_concat in *; simpl.
      rewrite lift_map_lift; simpl.
      unfold omap_concat in *; simpl.
      rewrite lift_map_lift2; simpl.
      rewrite lift_map_lift3; simpl.
      induction l; simpl; try reflexivity.
      unfold nra_context_data in IHp.
      assert ((rec_concat_sort (("PBIND", drec bind) :: nil)
                   (("PDATA", a) :: nil)) =
              ("PBIND", drec bind) :: ("PDATA", a) :: nil).
      rewrite H; clear H.
      rewrite <- (IHp a bind).
      clear IHp.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p bind a); try reflexivity; simpl.
      rewrite IHl; simpl.
      rewrite oflatten_lift1.
      revert IHl.
      destruct ((lift_map (nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp p))
                 (fun x : data =>
                    (rec_concat_sort (("PBIND", drec bind) :: nil)
                       (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l ++ nil))).
      * simpl. intros.
        unfold oflatten in *.
        revert IHl.
        destruct ((lift_flat_map
              (fun x : data =>
               match x with
               | dcoll y => Some y
               | _ => None
               end) l0)); simpl; intros;
        revert IHl;
        destruct (gather_successes (map (camp_eval h c p bind) l)); intros; simpl in *; try reflexivity; congruence.
      * simpl.
        destruct ((gather_successes (map (camp_eval h c p bind) l))); simpl; intros.
    - Case "passert"%string.
      rewrite <- IHp; clear IHp; simpl.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p bind d); try reflexivity.
      destruct res; try reflexivity; simpl.
      destruct b; reflexivity.
    - Case "porElse"%string.
      rewrite <- IHp1; clear IHp1; simpl.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p1 bind d); simpl; auto.
    - Case "pit"%string.
    - Case "pletIt"%string.
      rewrite <- IHp1; clear IHp1; simpl.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p1 bind d); try reflexivity.
      specialize (IHp2 res).
      unfold nra_context_data in IHp2.
      rewrite <- IHp2; clear IHp2.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p2 bind res); reflexivity.
    - Case "pgetConstant"%string.
      destruct (edot c s); simpl; trivial.
    - Case "penv"%string.
    - Case "pletEnv"%string.
      rewrite <- IHp1; clear IHp1; simpl.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p1 bind d); try reflexivity.
      destruct res; try reflexivity.
      destruct (merge_bindings bind l); try reflexivity.
      specialize (IHp2 d l0).
      unfold nra_context_data in *.
      rewrite <- IHp2; clear IHp2; simpl.
      destruct (camp_eval h c p2 l0 d); try reflexivity.
    - Case "pleft"%string.
      unfold lift_failure. destruct d; simpl; trivial.
    - Case "pright"%string.
      unfold lift_failure. destruct d; simpl; trivial.

  Lemma camp_trans_yields_coll {h:brand_relation_t} c p d d0:
    Forall (fun x => data_normalized h (snd x)) c ->
    nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp p) d = Some d0 ->
    {x | d0 = dcoll x}.
    Ltac findcol :=
      repeat match goal with
        | [H:context [ olift _ ?x] |- _ ] =>
          (case_eq x; [intros ?|idtac]; intros eq; rewrite eq in H;
           simpl in *; try discriminate)
        | [H:context [ olift2 _ ?x ?y] |- _ ] =>
          (case_eq x;
           [intros ?|idtac]; intros eq; rewrite eq in H;
           simpl in *; try discriminate);
            (case_eq y;
             [intros ?|idtac]; intros eq2; rewrite eq2 in H;
             simpl in *; try discriminate)
        | [H:lift_oncoll _ ?d = Some _ |- _] =>
          destruct d; simpl in *; try discriminate
        | [H:lift _ _ = Some _ |- _ ] =>
          apply some_lift in H; destruct H; try subst
        | [H:Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H; try subst
      end; eauto.
    revert d d0; induction p; simpl; intros; try findcol.
    destruct (IHp1 _ _ H eq). subst.
    destruct x; findcol.
    destruct d; try congruence.
    destruct (edot l "PDATA"); try congruence.
    destruct d1; try congruence;
    [ exists (d1::nil); congruence | exists (nil); congruence].
    destruct d1; try congruence;
    [ exists nil; congruence | exists (d1::nil); congruence].

  Lemma camp_trans_top_nra_context {h:brand_relation_t} c p d:
    Forall (fun x => data_normalized h (snd x)) c ->
    nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp_top p) d
    = nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp p) (nra_context_data (drec nil) d).
    unfold olift, nra_context_data; intros; trivial.
    case_eq (h ⊢ (nra_of_camp p) @ₐ (drec (("PBIND", drec nil) :: ("PDATA", d) :: nil)) ⊣ c); simpl; trivial; intros.
    unfold oflatten.
    apply camp_trans_yields_coll in H0; trivial.
    destruct H0; subst; simpl.
    rewrite app_nil_r.

  Lemma camp_trans_top_correct {h:brand_relation_t} c p d:
    Forall (fun x => data_normalized h (snd x)) c ->
    lift_failure (camp_eval h c p nil d) = nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp_top p) d.
    rewrite camp_trans_top_nra_context by trivial.
    apply camp_trans_correct.

  Definition lift_camp_failure (d : option data) :=
    match d with
      | Some (dcoll nil) => RecoverableError
      | Some (dcoll (l::nil)) => Success l
      | _ => TerminalError

  Lemma camp_trans_correct_r {h:brand_relation_t} c p bind d:
      camp_eval h c p bind d =
      lift_camp_failure (nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp p) (nra_context_data (drec bind) d)).
    rewrite <- camp_trans_correct.
    destruct (camp_eval h c p bind d); intros; simpl; reflexivity.

  Lemma camp_trans_top_correct_r {h:brand_relation_t} c p d:
    Forall (fun x => data_normalized h (snd x)) c ->
      camp_eval h c p nil d =
      lift_camp_failure (nra_eval h c (nra_of_camp_top p) d).
    rewrite <- camp_trans_top_correct by trivial.
    destruct (camp_eval h c p nil d); intros; simpl; eauto.

  Section size.
Proof showing linear size translation
    Lemma camp_trans_size p :
      nra_size (nra_of_camp p) <= 41 * camp_size p.
      induction p; simpl; lia.

  End size.

  Section sugar.
    Definition nra_of_pand (p1 p2:camp) : nra :=
      nra_of_camp (pand p1 p2).

    Definition nra_for_pand (q1 q2:nra) : nra :=
                 ⟩( unnest_two "PBIND1" "PBIND"
                               (χ⟨‵[| ("PDATA", (ID) · "PDATA")|]
                                   ⊕ ‵[| ("PBIND1", (ID) · "PBIND" ⊗ (ID) · "PBIND1")|]
                                 ⟩( unnest_two "a1" "PBIND1"
                                                     ⊕ ‵[| ("a1",
                                                            χ⟨‵[||] ⟩( σ⟨ID ⟩( q1)))|]|}))))))%nra.

    Lemma nra_of_pand_works (p1 p2:camp) :
      nra_of_camp (pand p1 p2) = nra_for_pand (nra_of_camp p1) (nra_of_camp p2).
    Definition nra_of_WW (p:camp) :=
      nra_of_camp (WW p).

  End sugar.

  Section Top.
    Context (h:brand_relation_t).

    Definition camp_to_nra_top (q:camp) : nra :=
      NRAApp (nra_of_camp q) (nra_context (NRAConst (drec nil)) (NRAConst dunit)).

    Theorem camp_to_nra_top_correct :
      forall q:camp, forall global_env:bindings,
          camp_eval_top h q global_env =
          nra_eval_top h (camp_to_nra_top q) global_env.
      unfold camp_eval_top.
      unfold nra_eval_top.
      unfold camp_to_nra_top.
      unfold presult_to_result.
      unfold camp_eval_top_to_presult.
      generalize (@camp_trans_correct h (rec_sort global_env) q nil dunit); intros.
      unfold lift_failure in H.
      destruct (camp_eval h (rec_sort global_env) q nil dunit);
      rewrite H;
      unfold nra_context_data in *; reflexivity.
  End Top.