Module Qcert.Data.Operators.UnaryOperatorsSem

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Compare_dec.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import BrandRelation.
Require Import ForeignData.
Require Import Data.
Require Import DataLift.
Require Import DataNorm.
Require Import ForeignOperators.
Require Import Iterators.
Require Import RecOperators.
Require Import OperatorsUtils.
Require Import SortBy.
Require Export UnaryOperators.

Section UnaryOperatorsSem.
  Context {fdata:foreign_data}.

  Definition nat_arith_unary_op_eval (op:nat_arith_unary_op) (z:Z) :=
    match op with
    | NatAbs => Z.abs z
    | NatLog2 => Z.log2 z
    | NatSqrt => Z.sqrt z

  Definition float_arith_unary_op_eval (op:float_arith_unary_op) (f:float) :=
    match op with
    | FloatNeg => float_neg f
    | FloatSqrt => float_sqrt f
    | FloatExp => float_exp f
    | FloatLog => float_log f
    | FloatLog10 => float_log10 f
    | FloatCeil => float_ceil f
    | FloatFloor => float_floor f
    | FloatAbs => float_absolute f

  Context (h:brand_relation_t).
  Context {foperators:foreign_operators}.

  Global Instance ToString_data : ToString data
    := { toString := foreign_operators_unary_data_tostring }.

  Fixpoint defaultDataToString (d:data) : string
    := match d with
       | dunit => "unit"%string
       | dnat n => toString n
       | dfloat n => toString n
       | dbool b => toString b
       | dstring s => stringToString s
       | dcoll l => string_bracket
                      (String.concat ", "%string
                              (map defaultDataToString l))
       | drec lsd => string_bracket
                       (String.concat ", "%string
                               (map (fun xy => let '(x,y):=xy in
                                               (append (stringToString x) (append "->"%string
                                                                                  (defaultDataToString y)))
                                    ) lsd))
       | dleft d => string_bracket
                      (defaultDataToString d)
       | dright d => string_bracket
                       (defaultDataToString d)
       | dbrand b d => (string_bracket
                          (append (@toString _ ToString_brands b)
                                  (append ":" (defaultDataToString d)))
       | dforeign fd => toString fd

  Definition unary_op_eval (uop:unary_op) (d:data) : option data :=
    match uop with
    | OpIdentity => Some d
    | OpNeg => unudbool negb d
    | OpRec s => Some (drec ((s,d) :: nil))
    | OpDot s =>
      match d with
      | drec r => edot r s
      | _ => None
    | OpRecRemove s =>
      match d with
      | drec r => Some (drec (rremove r s))
      | _ => None
    | OpRecProject sl =>
      match d with
      | drec r => Some (drec (rproject r sl))
      | _ => None
    | OpBag => Some (dcoll (d :: nil))
    | OpSingleton =>
      match d with
      | dcoll (d'::nil) => Some (dsome d')
      | dcoll _ => Some dnone
      | _ => None
    | OpFlatten =>
      lift_oncoll (fun l => (lift dcoll (oflatten l))) d
    | OpDistinct =>
      rondcoll (@bdistinct data data_eq_dec) d
    | OpOrderBy sc =>
      data_sort (map get_criteria sc) d
    | OpCount =>
      lift dnat (ondcoll (fun z => Z_of_nat (bcount z)) d)
    | OpToString =>
      Some (dstring (foreign_operators_unary_data_tostring d))
    | OpToText =>
      Some (dstring (foreign_operators_unary_data_totext d))
    | OpLength =>
      unndstring (fun s => Z_of_nat (String.length s)) d
    | OpSubstring start olen =>
      match d with
      | dstring s =>
        Some (dstring (
                  let real_start :=
                      (match start with
                       | 0%Z => 0
                       | Z.pos p => Pos.to_nat p
                       | Z.neg n => (String.length s) - (Pos.to_nat n)
                       end) in
                  let real_olen :=
                      match olen with
                      | Some len =>
                        match len with
                        | 0%Z => 0
                        | Z.pos p => Pos.to_nat p
                        | Z.neg n => 0
                      | None => (String.length s) - real_start
                      end in
                  (substring real_start real_olen s)))
      | _ => None
    | OpLike pat =>
      match d with
      | dstring s => Some (dbool (string_like s pat None))
      | _ => None
    | OpLeft => Some (dleft d)
    | OpRight => Some (dright d)
    | OpBrand b => Some (dbrand (canon_brands h b) d)
    | OpUnbrand =>
      match d with
      | dbrand _ d' => Some d'
      | _ => None
    | OpCast b =>
      match d with
      | dbrand b' _ =>
        if (sub_brands_dec h b' b)
          Some (dsome d)
          Some (dnone)
      | _ => None
    | OpNatUnary op =>
      match d with
      | dnat n => Some (dnat (nat_arith_unary_op_eval op n))
      | _ => None
    | OpNatSum =>
      lift dnat (lift_oncoll dsum d)
    | OpNatMin =>
      match d with
      | dcoll l => lifted_min l
      | _ => None
    | OpNatMax =>
      match d with
      | dcoll l => lifted_max l
      | _ => None
    | OpNatMean =>
      lift dnat (lift_oncoll darithmean d)
    | OpFloatOfNat =>
      match d with
      | dnat n => Some (dfloat (float_of_int n))
      | _ => None
    | OpFloatUnary op =>
      match d with
      | dfloat n => Some (dfloat (float_arith_unary_op_eval op n))
      | _ => None
    | OpFloatTruncate =>
      match d with
      | dfloat f => Some (dnat (float_truncate f))
      | _ => None
    | OpFloatSum =>
      lift_oncoll lifted_fsum d
    | OpFloatMean =>
      lift_oncoll lifted_farithmean d
    | OpFloatBagMin =>
      lift_oncoll lifted_fmin d
    | OpFloatBagMax =>
      lift_oncoll lifted_fmax d
    | OpForeignUnary fu => foreign_operators_unary_interp h fu d

  Lemma data_normalized_edot l s o :
    edot l s = Some o ->
    data_normalized h (drec l) ->
    data_normalized h o.
    unfold edot.
    inversion 2; subst.
    apply assoc_lookupr_in in H.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H2.
    specialize (H2 _ H).
    simpl in *; trivial.

  Lemma data_normalized_filter l :
    data_normalized h (drec l) ->
    forall f, data_normalized h (drec (filter f l)).
    inversion 1; subst; intros.
    - apply Forall_filter; trivial.
    - apply (@sorted_over_filter string ODT_string); trivial.

  Lemma data_normalized_rremove l :
    data_normalized h (drec l) ->
    forall s, data_normalized h (drec (rremove l s)).
    unfold rremove; intros.
    apply data_normalized_filter; trivial.

   Lemma data_normalized_rproject l :
    data_normalized h (drec l) ->
    forall l2, data_normalized h (drec (rproject l l2)).
    unfold rremove; intros.
    unfold rproject.
    apply data_normalized_filter; trivial.

  Lemma data_normalized_bdistinct l :
    data_normalized h (dcoll l) -> data_normalized h (dcoll (bdistinct l)).
    inversion 1; subst.
    apply bdistinct_Forall; trivial.

  Lemma dnnone : data_normalized h dnone.
    repeat constructor.

  Lemma dnsome d :
    data_normalized h d ->
    data_normalized h (dsome d).
    repeat constructor; trivial.

  Local Hint Constructors data_normalized Forall : qcert.
  Local Hint Resolve dnnone dnsome : qcert.
  Lemma unary_op_eval_normalized {u d o} :
    unary_op_eval u d = Some o ->
    data_normalized h d ->
    data_normalized h o.
    unary_op_cases (destruct u) Case; simpl;
    try solve [inversion 1; subst; eauto 3 with qcert
              | destruct d; inversion 1; subst; eauto 3 with qcert].
    - Case "OpDot"%string.
      destruct d; try discriminate.
      intros. eapply data_normalized_edot; eauto.
    - Case "OpRecRemove"%string.
      destruct d; try discriminate.
      inversion 1; subst.
      intros; apply data_normalized_rremove; eauto.
    - Case "OpRecProject"%string.
      destruct d; try discriminate.
      inversion 1; subst.
      intros; apply data_normalized_rproject; eauto.
    - Case "OpSingleton"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      destruct l.
      + inversion 1. inversion 1; subst; qeauto.
      + destruct l; inversion 1; subst; eauto 2 with qcert.
        rewrite <- data_normalized_dcoll; intros [??]; qeauto.
    - Case "OpFlatten"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      unfold oflatten.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
      inversion H; subst.
      apply (lift_flat_map_Forall e H1); intros.
      match_destr_in H0.
      inversion H0; subst.
      inversion H2; trivial.
    - Case "OpDistinct"%string.
      destruct d; try discriminate.
      unfold rondcoll.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
      simpl in *. inversion e; subst.
      intros; apply data_normalized_bdistinct; trivial.
    - Case "OpOrderBy"%string.
      apply data_sort_normalized.
    - Case "OpUnbrand"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1; subst; trivial.
    - Case "OpCast"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      match_destr; inversion 1; subst; qeauto.
    - Case "OpNatSum"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
    - Case "OpNatMin"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      unfold lifted_min.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
    - Case "OpNatMax"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      unfold lifted_min.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
    - Case "OpNatMean"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      apply some_lift in H.
      destruct H as [???]; subst.
    - Case "OpFloatSum"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
    - Case "OpFloatMean"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      apply some_lift in H.
      destruct H as [???]; subst.
    - Case "OpFloatBagMin"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      unfold lifted_min.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
    - Case "OpFloatBagMax"%string.
      destruct d; simpl; try discriminate.
      unfold lifted_min.
      intros ll; apply some_lift in ll.
      destruct ll; subst.
    - Case "OpForeignUnary"%string.
      intros eqq dn.
      eapply foreign_operators_unary_normalized in eqq; eauto.

End UnaryOperatorsSem.