Module Qcert.Data.Operators.UnaryOperators

Require Import Ascii.
Require Import String.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import BrandRelation.
Require Import ForeignData.
Require Import ForeignOperators.
Require Import OperatorsUtils.

Section UnaryOperators.
  Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
  Context {foperators:foreign_operators}.
  Inductive nat_arith_unary_op
    := NatAbs (* absolute value *)
     | NatLog2 (* base2 logarithm *)
     | NatSqrt (* square root *)
  Inductive float_arith_unary_op
    := FloatNeg (* negative *)
     | FloatSqrt (* square root *)
     | FloatExp (* exponent *)
     | FloatLog (* logarithm base 2 *)
     | FloatLog10 (* logarithm base 10 *)
     | FloatCeil (* ceiling *)
     | FloatFloor (* floor *)
     | FloatAbs (* absolute value *)

  Inductive unary_op : Set :=
  | OpIdentity : unary_op (* identity, returns its value *)
  | OpNeg : unary_op (* boolean negation *)
  | OpRec : string -> unary_op (* create a record with a single field *)
  | OpDot : string -> unary_op (* record field access *)
  | OpRecRemove : string -> unary_op (* record remove the given fields *)
  | OpRecProject : list string -> unary_op (* record projects on the given fields *)
  | OpBag : unary_op (* create a singleton bag *)
  | OpSingleton : unary_op (* value within a singleton bag *)
  | OpFlatten : unary_op (* flattens a bag of bags *)
  | OpDistinct: unary_op (* distinct values in a bag *)
  | OpOrderBy : SortCriterias -> unary_op (* sorts a collection of records *)
  | OpCount : unary_op (* bag count *)
  | OpToString : unary_op (* convert any data to a string *)
  | OpToText : unary_op (* unspecified conversion from any data to a string *)
  | OpLength : unary_op (* the length of a string *)
  | OpSubstring : Z -> option Z -> unary_op (* returns the substring starting with the nth character, for m characters (or the rest of the string) *)
  | OpLike (pattern:string) : unary_op (* like expression (as in sql) *)
  | OpLeft : unary_op (* create a left value *)
  | OpRight : unary_op (* create a right value *)
  | OpBrand : brands -> unary_op (* brands a value *)
  | OpUnbrand : unary_op (* content of a branded value *)
  | OpCast : brands -> unary_op (* coerce a branded value into one of its sub-brands *)
  | OpNatUnary : nat_arith_unary_op -> unary_op (* arithmetic operations on natural floats *)
  | OpNatSum : unary_op (* sum of natural floats in a bag *)
  | OpNatMin : unary_op (* minimum of natural floats in a bag *)
  | OpNatMax : unary_op (* maximum of natural floats in a bag *)
  | OpNatMean : unary_op (* arithmetic mean of natural floats in a bag *)
  | OpFloatOfNat : unary_op (* coercion from natural float to float *)
  | OpFloatUnary : float_arith_unary_op -> unary_op (* arithmetic operations on floats *)
  | OpFloatTruncate : unary_op (* truncate *)
  | OpFloatSum : unary_op (* sum *)
  | OpFloatMean : unary_op (* arithmetic mean *)
  | OpFloatBagMin : unary_op (* minimum *)
  | OpFloatBagMax : unary_op (* maximum *)
  | OpForeignUnary
      (fu:foreign_operators_unary) : unary_op (* foreign unary operators *)

  Global Instance nat_arith_unary_op_eqdec : EqDec nat_arith_unary_op eq.
    change (forall x y : nat_arith_unary_op, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
    decide equality.

  Global Instance float_arith_unary_op_eqdec : EqDec float_arith_unary_op eq.
    change (forall x y : float_arith_unary_op, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
    decide equality.

  Global Instance SortCriterias_eqdec : EqDec SortCriterias eq.
    change (forall x y : SortCriterias, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
    decide equality; try apply string_dec.
    decide equality; try apply string_dec.
    decide equality; try apply string_dec.

  Global Instance unary_op_eqdec : EqDec unary_op eq.
    change (forall x y : unary_op, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
    decide equality; try apply string_dec.
    - induction l; decide equality; apply string_dec.
    - apply SortCriterias_eqdec.
    - apply option_eqdec.
    - apply Z_eqdec.
    - apply equiv_dec.
    - induction b; decide equality; apply string_dec.
    - apply nat_arith_unary_op_eqdec.
    - apply float_arith_unary_op_eqdec.
    - apply foreign_operators_unary_dec.

  Local Open Scope string.

  Global Instance ToString_nat_arith_unary_op : ToString nat_arith_unary_op
    := {toString :=
          fun (op:nat_arith_unary_op) =>
            match op with
            | NatAbs => "NatAbs"
            | NatLog2 => "NatLog2"
            | NatSqrt => "NatSqrt"

  Global Instance ToString_float_arith_unary_op : ToString float_arith_unary_op
    := {toString :=
          fun (op:float_arith_unary_op) =>
            match op with
            | FloatNeg => "FloatNeg"
            | FloatSqrt => "FloatSqrt"
            | FloatExp => "FloatExp"
            | FloatLog => "FloatLog"
            | FloatLog10 => "FloatLog10"
            | FloatCeil => "FloatCeil"
            | FloatFloor => "FloatFloor"
            | FloatAbs => "FloatAbs"

  Definition ToString_SortDesc sd :=
    match sd with
    | Ascending => "asc"
    | Descending => "desc"
  Definition ToString_SortCriteria (sc : string * SortDesc) :=
    let (att,sd) := sc in
    string_bracket "(" (att ++ "," ++ (ToString_SortDesc sd)) ")".
  Global Instance ToString_unary_op : ToString unary_op
    := {toString :=
          fun (op:unary_op) =>
            match op with
            | OpIdentity => "OpIdentity"
            | OpNeg => "OpNeg"
            | OpRec f => "(OpRec " ++ f ++ ")"
            | OpDot s => "(OpDot " ++ s ++ ")"
            | OpRecRemove s => "(OpRecRemove " ++ s ++ ")"
            | OpRecProject ls => "(OpRecProject "
                                      ++ (string_bracket "[" (concat "," ls) "]")
                                      ++ ")"
            | OpBag => "OpBag"
            | OpSingleton => "OpSingleton"
            | OpFlatten => "OpFlatten"
            | OpDistinct => "OpDistinct"
            | OpOrderBy ls =>
                ++ (string_bracket "[" (concat "," ( ToString_SortCriteria ls)) "]")
                ++ ")"
            | OpCount => "OpCount"
            | OpToString => "OpToString"
            | OpToText => "OpToText"
            | OpLength => "OpLength"
            | OpSubstring start len =>
              "(OpSubstring " ++ (toString start)
                                 ++ (match len with
                                     | None => ""
                                     | Some len => " " ++ (toString len)
                                    ) ++ ")"
            | OpLike pattern =>
              "(OpLike " ++ pattern ++ ")"
            | OpLeft => "OpLeft"
            | OpRight => "OpRight"
            | OpBrand b => "(OpBrand " ++ (@toString _ ToString_brands b)++ ")"
            | OpUnbrand => "OpUnbrand"
            | OpCast b => "(OpCast " ++ (@toString _ ToString_brands b) ++ ")"
            | OpNatUnary aop => "(OpNatUnary " ++ toString aop ++ ")"
            | OpNatSum => "OpNatSum"
            | OpNatMin => "OpNatMin"
            | OpNatMax => "OpNatMax"
            | OpNatMean => "OpNatMean"
            | OpFloatOfNat => "OpFloatOfNat"
            | OpFloatUnary aop => "(OpFloatUnary " ++ toString aop ++ ")"
            | OpFloatTruncate => "OpFloatTruncate"
            | OpFloatSum => "OpFloatSum"
            | OpFloatMean => "OpFloatMean"
            | OpFloatBagMin => "OpFloatBagMin"
            | OpFloatBagMax => "OpFloatBagMax"
            | OpForeignUnary fu => toString fu

End UnaryOperators.

Tactic Notation "unary_op_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "OpIdentity"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpNeg"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpRec"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpDot"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpRecRemove"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpRecProject"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpBag"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpSingleton"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFlatten"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpDistinct"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpOrderBy"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpCount"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpToString"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpToText"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpLength"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpSubstring"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpLike"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpLeft"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpRight"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpBrand"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpUnbrand"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpCast"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpNatUnary"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpNatSum"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpNatMin"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpNatMax"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpNatMean"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFloatOfNat"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFloatUnary"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFloatTruncate"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFloatSum"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFloatMean"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFloatBagMin"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpFloatBagMax"%string
  | Case_aux c "OpForeignUnary"%string