Module Qcert.CAMP.Lang.CAMPUtil

Encoding and utility functions to support the result of evaluation over CAMP patterns.

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataRuntime.

Section CAMPUtil.
  Local Open Scope string.

Evaluating a CAMP pattern returns a presult, which includes two kinds of errors: either a match failure, which is recoverable, or a terminal error.
  Inductive presult A :=
  | TerminalError : presult A
  | RecoverableError : presult A
  | Success (res:A) : presult A.

  Arguments TerminalError {A}.
  Arguments RecoverableError {A}.
  Arguments Success {A} res.

Equality between two presult is decidable
  Global Instance presult_eqdec {A} {dec:EqDec A eq} :
    EqDec (presult A) eq.
    red; unfold equiv, complement.
    destruct x; destruct y; simpl;
      try solve [right; inversion 1]; eauto 2.
    destruct (res == res0); unfold equiv, complement in *;
      [left | right; inversion 1]; congruence.
Prints a presult
  Global Instance print_presult {A} {tos:ToString A} : ToString (presult A)
    := { toString :=
           fun pr =>
             match pr with
             | TerminalError => "TerminalError (for more info, use debug mode)"
             | RecoverableError => "RecoverableError (for more info, use debug mode)"
             | Success res => "Success: " ++ toString res
Lifting functions used in the evaluation of patterns. Used to handle the various possible presults during evaluation.
  Definition liftpr {A B:Type} (f:A->B) (pr:presult A) : presult B
    := match pr with
       | TerminalError => TerminalError
       | RecoverableError => RecoverableError
       | Success a => Success (f a)

  Definition bindpr {A B:Type} (pr:presult A) (f:A->presult B) : presult B
    := match pr with
       | TerminalError => TerminalError
       | RecoverableError => RecoverableError
       | Success a => (f a)

  Lemma liftpr_bindpr {A B:Type} (f:A->B) pr :
    liftpr f pr = bindpr pr (fun x => Success (f x)).
    destruct pr; simpl; trivial.

Accumulates successful evaluation, skipping match failures. A terminal error is always final.
  Fixpoint gather_successes {A:Type} (os:list (presult A)) : presult (list A)
    := match os with
       | nil => Success nil
       | (TerminalError)::xs => TerminalError
       | (RecoverableError)::xs => gather_successes xs
       | (Success a)::xs => liftpr (cons a) (gather_successes xs)

Accumulates successful evaluation, but propagating match failure to the top
  Definition enforce_successes {A:Type} (os:list (presult A)) : presult (list A)
    := match os with
       | nil => Success nil
       | (TerminalError)::xs => TerminalError
       | (RecoverableError)::xs => RecoverableError
       | (Success a)::xs => liftpr (cons a) (gather_successes xs)
  Definition op2tpr {A:Type} (o:option A) : presult A
    := match o with
       | None => TerminalError
       | Some x => Success x

  Definition op2rpr {A:Type} (o:option A) : presult A
    := match o with
       | None => RecoverableError
       | Some x => Success x

  Section Debug.
  Definition camp_src_path
    := list nat.

    Inductive presult_debug A :=
    | TerminalError_debug (s:string) (loc:camp_src_path) : presult_debug A
    | RecoverableError_debug (s:string) : presult_debug A
    | Success_debug (res:A) : presult_debug A.

    Arguments TerminalError_debug {A} s loc.
    Arguments RecoverableError_debug {A} s.
    Arguments Success_debug {A} res.

    Definition print_presult_debug {A} {B} {tos:ToString A} (p:B)
               (pPrint:B -> camp_src_path -> string) (pr:presult_debug A)
      := match pr with
         | TerminalError_debug s loc => "TerminalError: " ++ s ++ ". This error occurred in the bracketed code: \n" ++ (pPrint p (rev loc))
         | RecoverableError_debug s => "RecoverableError: " ++ s
         | Success_debug res => "Success: " ++ toString res
Useful lifting functions used in the evaluation of patterns. Used to handle the various possible presults
    Definition liftpr_debug {A B:Type} (f:A->B) (pr:presult_debug A) : presult_debug B
      := match pr with
         | TerminalError_debug s loc => TerminalError_debug s loc
         | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
         | Success_debug a => Success_debug (f a)

    Definition bindpr_debug {A B:Type} (pr:presult_debug A) (f:A->presult_debug B) : presult_debug B
      := match pr with
         | TerminalError_debug s loc => TerminalError_debug s loc
         | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
         | Success_debug a => (f a)

    Lemma liftpr_debug_bindpr_debug {A B:Type} (f:A->B) pr :
      liftpr_debug f pr = bindpr_debug pr (fun x => Success_debug (f x)).
      destruct pr; simpl; trivial.

    Fixpoint gather_successes_debug {A:Type} (os:list (presult_debug A)) : presult_debug (list A)
      := match os with
         | nil => Success_debug nil
         | (TerminalError_debug s loc)::xs => TerminalError_debug s loc
         | (RecoverableError_debug s)::xs => gather_successes_debug xs
         | (Success_debug a)::xs => liftpr_debug (cons a) (gather_successes_debug xs)

    Definition enforce_successes_debug {A:Type} (os:list (presult_debug A)) : presult_debug (list A)
      := match os with
         | nil => Success_debug nil
         | (TerminalError_debug s loc)::xs => TerminalError_debug s loc
         | (RecoverableError_debug s)::xs => RecoverableError_debug s
         | (Success_debug a)::xs => liftpr_debug (cons a) (gather_successes_debug xs)
    Definition op2tpr_debug {A:Type} (err:string) (loc:camp_src_path) (o:option A) : presult_debug A
      := match o with
         | None => TerminalError_debug err loc
         | Some x => Success_debug x
    Definition op2rpr_debug {A:Type} (err:string) (o:option A) : presult_debug A
      := match o with
         | None => RecoverableError_debug err
         | Some x => Success_debug x

    Definition presult_same {A} (res:presult A) (res_debug:presult_debug A) :=
      match res, res_debug with
      | TerminalError, TerminalError_debug _ _ => True
      | RecoverableError, RecoverableError_debug _ => True
      | Success x, Success_debug y => x = y
      | _, _ => False
    Lemma liftpr_presult_same {A B} (f:A->B) d1 d2 :
      presult_same d1 d2 ->
      presult_same (liftpr f d1) (liftpr_debug f d2).
      unfold presult_same.
      destruct d1; destruct d2; simpl; congruence.

    Lemma gather_successes_presult_same {A} d1 d2 :
      Forall2 (@presult_same A) d1 d2 ->
      presult_same (gather_successes d1) (gather_successes_debug d2).
      unfold presult_same.
      induction 1; simpl; trivial.
      destruct x; destruct y; destruct (gather_successes l); destruct (gather_successes_debug l'); simpl in *; subst; intuition.
    Lemma bindpr_presult_same {A B} d1 d2 f1 f2:
      presult_same d1 d2 ->
      (forall x, presult_same (f1 x) (f2 x)) ->
      presult_same (@bindpr A B d1 f1) (bindpr_debug d2 f2).
      destruct d1; destruct d2; simpl in *; try tauto.
      intros; subst; auto.
  End Debug.

Maps the input/output(s) between NNRC and CAMP

  Definition pr2op {A:Type} (pr:presult A) : option A
    := match pr with
       | Success a => Some a
       | _ => None

  Lemma pr2op_op2tpr {A:Type} (op:option A) :
    pr2op (op2tpr op) = op.
    destruct op; trivial.

  Lemma pr2op_op2rpr {A:Type} (op:option A) :
    pr2op (op2rpr op) = op.
    destruct op; trivial.

  Definition isRecoverableError {A:Type} (pr:presult A)
    := match pr with
       | RecoverableError => true
       | _ => false
  Lemma op2tpr_not_recoverable {A:Type} (op:option A) :
    isRecoverableError (op2tpr op) = false.
    destruct op; trivial.

  Lemma isRecoverableError_liftpr {A B:Type} (f:A->B) (pr:presult A)
    : isRecoverableError (liftpr f pr) = isRecoverableError pr.
    destruct pr; trivial.

End CAMPUtil.

Arguments TerminalError {A}.
Arguments RecoverableError {A}.
Arguments Success {A} res.

Arguments TerminalError {A}.
Arguments RecoverableError {A}.
Arguments Success {A} res.
Arguments TerminalError_debug {A} s loc.
Arguments RecoverableError_debug {A} s.
Arguments Success_debug {A} res.