Auxiliary lemmas
Lemma rec_sort_is_sorted {A} (l:list (string×A)) :
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain (rec_sort l)) = true.
Auxiliary definitions and lemmas for type environments
Typing for CAMP
Typing rules for CAMP Patterns
Section t.
Context (constants:tbindings).
Inductive pat_type :
tbindings → pat → rtype → rtype → Prop :=
| PTconst Γ τ₁ {τ₂} d :
data_type (normalize_data brand_relation_brands d) τ₂ →
Γ |= pconst d ; τ₁ ~> τ₂
| PTunop {Γ τ₁ τ₂ τ₃ u p} :
Γ |= p ; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
unaryOp_type u τ₂ τ₃ →
Γ |= punop u p ; τ₁ ~> τ₃
| PTbinop {Γ τ₁ τ₂₁ τ₂₂ τ₃ b p₁ p₂} :
Γ |= p₁ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂₁ →
Γ |= p₂ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂₂ →
binOp_type b τ₂₁ τ₂₂ τ₃ →
Γ |= pbinop b p₁ p₂ ; τ₁ ~> τ₃
| PTmap {Γ τ₁ τ₂ p} :
Γ |= p ; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
Γ |= pmap p ; Coll τ₁ ~> Coll τ₂
| PTassert {Γ τ₁ p} pf :
Γ |= p ; τ₁ ~> Bool →
Γ |= passert p ; τ₁ ~> Rec Closed nil pf
| PTorElse {Γ τ₁ τ₂ p₁ p₂} :
Γ |= p₁ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
Γ |= p₂ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
Γ |= porElse p₁ p₂ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂
| PTit Γ τ : Γ |= pit ; τ ~> τ
| PTletIt {Γ τ₁ τ₂ τ₃ p₁ p₂} :
Γ |= p₁ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
Γ |= p₂ ; τ₂ ~> τ₃ →
Γ |= pletIt p₁ p₂ ; τ₁ ~> τ₃
| PTgetconstant {Γ} τ₁ s τout:
tdot constants s = Some τout →
Γ |= pgetconstant s; τ₁ ~> τout
| PTenv {Γ} τ₁ pf :
Γ |= penv ; τ₁ ~> Rec Closed Γ pf
| PTletEnv {Γ τ₁ τ₂ p₁ p₂} Γ' pf Γ'' :
Γ |= p₁ ; τ₁ ~> Rec Closed Γ' pf →
Some Γ'' = merge_bindings Γ Γ' →
Γ'' |= p₂ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
Γ |= pletEnv p₁ p₂ ; τ₁ ~> τ₂
| PTLeft Γ τl τr :
Γ |= pleft; (Either τl τr) ~> τl
| PTRight Γ τl τr :
Γ |= pright; (Either τl τr) ~> τr
where "g |= p ; a ~> b" := (pat_type g p a b).
End t.
Auxiliary lemmas for the type soudness results
Lemma data_type_drec_nil pf :
data_type (drec nil) (Rec Closed nil pf).
Lemma concat_bindings_type {env₁ env₂ Γ₁ Γ₂} :
bindings_type env₁ Γ₁ →
bindings_type env₂ Γ₂ →
bindings_type (env₁ ++ env₂)
(Γ₁ ++ Γ₂).
Lemma insertion_sort_insert_bindings_type {env Γ d r} s :
bindings_type env Γ →
data_type d r →
(RSort.insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec
(s, d) env)
(RSort.insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec
(s, r) Γ).
Lemma rec_sort_bindings_type {env Γ} :
bindings_type env Γ →
bindings_type (rec_sort env)
(rec_sort Γ).
Lemma rec_concat_sort_bindings_type {env₁ env₂ Γ₁ Γ₂} :
bindings_type env₁ Γ₁ →
bindings_type env₂ Γ₂ →
bindings_type (rec_concat_sort env₁ env₂)
(rec_concat_sort Γ₁ Γ₂).
Lemma merge_bindings_type {env₁ env₂ env₃ Γ₁ Γ₂ Γ₃} :
bindings_type env₁ Γ₁ →
bindings_type env₂ Γ₂ →
Some env₃ = merge_bindings env₁ env₂ →
Some Γ₃ = merge_bindings Γ₁ Γ₂ →
bindings_type env₃ Γ₃.
Main type soudness lemma
Notation "[ c & g ] |= p ; a ~> b" := (pat_type c g p a b) (at level 90).
Theorem typed_pat_success_or_recoverable {c} {τc}
{Γ τin τout} {p:pat} {env} {d} :
bindings_type c τc →
bindings_type env Γ →
([τc & Γ] |= p ; τin ~> τout) →
(data_type d τin) →
(∃ x, interp brand_relation_brands c p env d = Success x ∧ (data_type x τout))
∨ (interp brand_relation_brands c p env d = RecoverableError).
Additional lemma used in the correctness for typed translation from NNRC to CAMP
Lemma pat_type_tenv_rec {τc Γ p τ₁ τ₂} :
NoDup (domain Γ) →
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
[τc & rec_sort Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Lemma pat_type_const_sort_f {τc Γ p τ₁ τ₂} :
[rec_sort τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Lemma pat_type_const_sort_b {τc Γ p τ₁ τ₂} :
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
[rec_sort τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Lemma pat_type_const_sort {τc Γ p τ₁ τ₂} :
[rec_sort τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ ↔
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Notation "[ c & g ] |= p ; a ~> b" := (pat_type c g p a b) (at level 90) : rule_scope.
NoDup (domain Γ) →
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
[τc & rec_sort Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Lemma pat_type_const_sort_f {τc Γ p τ₁ τ₂} :
[rec_sort τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Lemma pat_type_const_sort_b {τc Γ p τ₁ τ₂} :
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ →
[rec_sort τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Lemma pat_type_const_sort {τc Γ p τ₁ τ₂} :
[rec_sort τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂ ↔
[τc & Γ] |= p; τ₁ ~> τ₂.
Notation "[ c & g ] |= p ; a ~> b" := (pat_type c g p a b) (at level 90) : rule_scope.