
Section CAMP.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

Patterns in CAMP
  Inductive pat : Set :=
  | pconst : data pat
  | punop : unaryOp pat pat
  | pbinop : binOp pat pat pat
  | pmap : pat pat

  | passert : pat pat
  | porElse : pat pat pat
  | pit : pat
  | pletIt : pat pat pat
  | pgetconstant : string pat
  | penv : pat
  | pletEnv : pat pat pat
  | pleft : pat
  | pright : pat.

  Tactic Notation "pat_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "pconst"%string
  | Case_aux c "punop"%string
  | Case_aux c "pbinop"%string
  | Case_aux c "pmap"%string

  | Case_aux c "passert"%string
  | Case_aux c "porElse"%string
  | Case_aux c "pit"%string
  | Case_aux c "pletIt"%string
  | Case_aux c "pgetconstant"%string
  | Case_aux c "penv"%string
  | Case_aux c "pletEnv"%string
  | Case_aux c "pleft"%string
  | Case_aux c "pright"%string].

  Global Instance pat_eqdec : EqDec pat eq.

  Global Instance ToString_pat : ToString pat
    := { toString :=
           fix toStringp (p:pat) : string :=
             match p with
               | pconst d ⇒ "(pconst " ++ toString d ++ ")"
               | punop u p1 ⇒ "(punop " ++ toString u ++ " " ++ toStringp p1 ++ ")"
               | pbinop b p1 p2 ⇒ "(pbinop " ++ toString b ++ " " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
               | pmap p1 ⇒ "(pmap " ++ toStringp p1 ++ ")"
               | passert p1 ⇒ "(passert " ++ toStringp p1 ++ ")"
               | porElse p1 p2 ⇒ "(porElse " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
               | pit ⇒ "pit"
               | pletIt p1 p2 ⇒ "(pletIt " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
               | pgetconstant s ⇒ "(pgetconstant " ++ s ++ ")"
               | penv ⇒ "penv"
               | pletEnv p1 p2 ⇒ "(pletEnv " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
               | pleft ⇒ "pleft"
               | pright ⇒ "pright"

  Definition pat_src_path
    := list nat.

  Fixpoint toString_pat_with_path (p:pat) (loc:pat_src_path) :=
    match loc with
      | nilbracketString "<<<" (toString p) ">>>"
      | pos::loc'
        match p with
      | pconst d ⇒ "(pconst " ++ toString d ++ ")"
      | punop u p1 ⇒ "(punop " ++ toString u ++ " " ++
                                toString_pat_with_path p1 loc' ++ ")"
      | pbinop b p1 p2 ⇒ "(pbinop "
                            ++ toString b ++ " " ++
                            (if pos == 0
                             then toString_pat_with_path p1 loc'
                             else toString p1)
                            ++ " " ++
                            (if pos == 1
                             then toString_pat_with_path p2 loc'
                             else toString p2) ++ ")"
      | pmap p1 ⇒ "(pmap " ++ toString_pat_with_path p1 loc' ++ ")"
      | passert p1 ⇒ "(passert " ++ toString_pat_with_path p1 loc' ++ ")"
      | porElse p1 p2 ⇒ "(porElse " ++
                            (if pos == 0
                             then toString_pat_with_path p1 loc'
                             else toString p1)
                            ++ " " ++
                            (if pos == 1
                             then toString_pat_with_path p2 loc'
                             else toString p2) ++ ")"

      | pit ⇒ "pit"
      | pletIt p1 p2 ⇒ "(pletIt " ++
                            (if pos == 0
                             then toString_pat_with_path p1 loc'
                             else toString p1)
                            ++ " " ++
                            (if pos == 1
                             then toString_pat_with_path p2 loc'
                             else toString p2) ++ ")"
      | pgetconstant s ⇒ "(pgetconstant " ++ s ++ ")"
      | penv ⇒ "penv"
      | pletEnv p1 p2 ⇒ "(pletEnv " ++
                            (if pos == 0
                             then toString_pat_with_path p1 loc'
                             else toString p1)
                            ++ " " ++
                            (if pos == 1
                             then toString_pat_with_path p2 loc'
                             else toString p2) ++ ")"

      | pleft ⇒ "pleft"
      | pright ⇒ "pright"

  Section eval.
Evaluating a pattern returns a presult. The error strings are for debugging purposes

  Inductive presult A :=
  | TerminalError : presult A
  | RecoverableError : presult A
  | Success (res:A) : presult A.

  Global Instance print_presult {A} {tos:ToString A} : ToString (presult A)
    := { toString :=
           fun pr
             match pr with
               | TerminalError ⇒ "TerminalError (for more info, use debug mode)"
               | RecoverableError ⇒ "RecoverableError (for more info, use debug mode)"
               | Success res ⇒ "Success: " ++ toString res

  Global Instance presult_eqdec {A} {dec:EqDec A eq} :
    EqDec (presult A) eq.

Useful lifting functions used in the evaluation of patterns. Used to handle the various possible presults
  Definition liftpr {A B:Type} (f:AB) (pr:presult A) : presult B
    := match pr with
       | TerminalErrorTerminalError
       | RecoverableErrorRecoverableError
       | Success aSuccess (f a)

  Definition bindpr {A B:Type} (pr:presult A) (f:Apresult B) : presult B
    := match pr with
       | TerminalErrorTerminalError
       | RecoverableErrorRecoverableError
       | Success a ⇒ (f a)

  Lemma liftpr_bindpr {A B:Type} (f:AB) pr :
    liftpr f pr = bindpr pr (fun xSuccess (f x)).

  Fixpoint gather_successes {A:Type} (os:list (presult A)) : presult (list A)
    := match os with
       | nilSuccess nil
       | (TerminalError)::xsTerminalError
       | (RecoverableError)::xsgather_successes xs
       | (Success a)::xsliftpr (cons a) (gather_successes xs)

  Fixpoint enforce_successes {A:Type} (os:list (presult A)) : presult (list A)
    := match os with
       | nilSuccess nil
       | (TerminalError)::xsTerminalError
       | (RecoverableError)::xsRecoverableError
       | (Success a)::xsliftpr (cons a) (gather_successes xs)

  Definition op2tpr {A:Type} (o:option A) : presult A
    := match o with
       | NoneTerminalError
       | Some xSuccess x

Semantics of CAMP pattern, returning a presult
  Context (h:brand_relation_t).
  Context (constant_env:bindings).

  Fixpoint interp (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (d:data) : presult data
    := match p with
       | pconst d'Success (normalize_data h d')
       | punop op p₁bindpr (interp p₁ bind d)
                               (fun d' ⇒ (op2tpr (fun_of_unaryop h op d')))
       | pbinop op p₁ p₂
         bindpr (interp p₁ bind d)
                (fun d'₁
                   bindpr (interp p₂ bind d)
                          (fun d'₂ ⇒ (op2tpr (fun_of_binop h op d'₁ d'₂))))
       | pmap p₁
         match d with
         | dcoll lliftpr dcoll (gather_successes (map (interp p₁ bind) l))
         | _TerminalError


       | passert p₁
         bindpr (interp p₁ bind d)
                (fun d'match d' with
                           | dbool trueSuccess (drec nil)
                           | dbool falseRecoverableError
                           | _TerminalError
       | porElse p₁ p₂
         match interp p₁ bind d with
         | TerminalErrorTerminalError
         | RecoverableErrorinterp p₂ bind d
         | Success xSuccess x
       | pitSuccess d
       | pletIt p₁ p₂
         bindpr (interp p₁ bind d) (interp p₂ bind)
       | pgetconstant sop2tpr (edot constant_env s)
       | penvSuccess (drec bind)
       | pletEnv p₁ p₂
         bindpr (interp p₁ bind d)
                (fun rd'₁match rd'₁ with
                             | drec d'₁match merge_bindings bind d'₁ with
                                           | Some bind'interp p₂ bind' d
                                           | NoneRecoverableError
                             | _TerminalError
       | pleft
         match d with
         | dleft d'Success d'
         | dright _RecoverableError
         | _TerminalError
       | pright
         match d with
         | dright d'Success d'
         | dleft _RecoverableError
         | _TerminalError

  End eval.

an alternative version of the compiler that keeps debug information. Theorem interp_debug_correct ensures that this version is kept in sync with the simpler compiler. This forces some code duplication, but the interpreter is relatively small and simple. Trying to avoid code duplication complicates the (relatively longer) compilers and proofs.
  Section eval_debug.

  Inductive presult_debug A :=
  | TerminalError_debug (s:string) (loc:pat_src_path) : presult_debug A
  | RecoverableError_debug (s:string) : presult_debug A
  | Success_debug (res:A) : presult_debug A.

  Definition print_presult_debug {A} {tos:ToString A} (p:pat) (pr:presult_debug A)
    := match pr with
         | TerminalError_debug s loc ⇒ "TerminalError: " ++ s ++ ". This error occurred in the bracketed code: \n" ++ (toString_pat_with_path p (rev loc))
         | RecoverableError_debug s ⇒ "RecoverableError: " ++ s
         | Success_debug res ⇒ "Success: " ++ toString res

Useful lifting functions used in the evaluation of patterns. Used to handle the various possible presults
  Definition liftpr_debug {A B:Type} (f:AB) (pr:presult_debug A) : presult_debug B
    := match pr with
       | TerminalError_debug s locTerminalError_debug s loc
       | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
       | Success_debug aSuccess_debug (f a)

  Definition bindpr_debug {A B:Type} (pr:presult_debug A) (f:Apresult_debug B) : presult_debug B
    := match pr with
       | TerminalError_debug s locTerminalError_debug s loc
       | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
       | Success_debug a ⇒ (f a)

  Lemma liftpr_debug_bindpr_debug {A B:Type} (f:AB) pr :
    liftpr_debug f pr = bindpr_debug pr (fun xSuccess_debug (f x)).

  Fixpoint gather_successes_debug {A:Type} (os:list (presult_debug A)) : presult_debug (list A)
    := match os with
       | nilSuccess_debug nil
       | (TerminalError_debug s loc)::xsTerminalError_debug s loc
       | (RecoverableError_debug s)::xsgather_successes_debug xs
       | (Success_debug a)::xsliftpr_debug (cons a) (gather_successes_debug xs)

  Fixpoint enforce_successes_debug {A:Type} (os:list (presult_debug A)) : presult_debug (list A)
    := match os with
       | nilSuccess_debug nil
       | (TerminalError_debug s loc)::xsTerminalError_debug s loc
       | (RecoverableError_debug s)::xsRecoverableError_debug s
       | (Success_debug a)::xsliftpr_debug (cons a) (gather_successes_debug xs)

  Definition op2tpr_debug {A:Type} (err:string) (loc:pat_src_path) (o:option A) : presult_debug A
    := match o with
       | NoneTerminalError_debug err loc
       | Some xSuccess_debug x

Semantics of CAMP pattern, returning a presult
  Context (h:brand_relation_t).
  Context (constant_env:list(string×data)).

  Context (print_env:bool).

  Definition mk_err (desc:string) (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (it:data)
    := toString p ++ " failed" ++ desc ++ "." ++
                (if print_env
                 then "\n Current environment (env): "
                        ++ toString (drec bind)
                 else "") ++
                "\n Current scrutinee (it): "
                ++ toString it ++

  Definition punop_err (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (it:data) (d:data) : string
    := (mk_err "" p bind it ++ " The operator's argument was: " ++ toString d ++ "\n").

  Definition binop_err (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (it:data) (d'₁ d'₂:data) : string
    := (mk_err "" p bind it ++ " The operator's first argument was: " ++ toString d'₁
               ++ "\n The operator's second argument was: " ++ toString d'₂
       ++ "\n").

  Definition pmap_err (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
    := mk_err " because the scrutinee was not a collection" p bind it.

  Definition passert_err (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (it d:data) : string
    := mk_err " because the argument was not a boolean" p bind it
              ++ " The argument to passert was: " ++ toString d
               ++ "\n".

  Definition pletEnv_err (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (it d:data) : string
    := mk_err " because its first argument was not a record" p bind it
              ++ " The first argument to pletEnv was: " ++ toString d.

  Definition pleft_err (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
    := mk_err " because the scrutinee was an incompatible type" pleft bind it.

  Definition pright_err (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
      := mk_err " because the scrutinee was an incompatible type" pright bind it.

    Definition pgetconstant_err s (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
      := mk_err (" because the given field (" ++ s ++
                ") is not a valid constant") (pgetconstant s) bind it
                ++ " The set of constants for this execution is: " ++
                (bracketString "{" (joinStrings "; " (domain constant_env)) "}")
                ++ "\n".

  Fixpoint interp_debug (loc:pat_src_path) (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (d:data) : presult_debug data
    := match p with
       | pconst d'Success_debug (normalize_data h d')
       | punop op p₁
         match interp_debug (0::loc) p₁ bind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc'TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug d'
             match fun_of_unaryop h op d' with
               | NoneTerminalError_debug (punop_err (punop op p₁) bind d d') loc
               | Some xSuccess_debug x
       | pbinop op p₁ p₂
         match interp_debug (0::loc) p₁ bind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc'TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug d'₁
             match interp_debug (1::loc) p₂ bind d with
               | TerminalError_debug s loc'TerminalError_debug s loc'
               | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
               | Success_debug d'₂
                 match fun_of_binop h op d'₁ d'₂ with
                   | NoneTerminalError_debug (binop_err (pbinop op p₁ p₂) bind d d'₁ d'₂) loc
                   | Some xSuccess_debug x
       | pmap p₁
         match d with
         | dcoll lliftpr_debug dcoll (gather_successes_debug (map (interp_debug (0::loc) p₁ bind) l))
         | _TerminalError_debug (pmap_err (pmap p₁) bind d) loc


       | passert p₁
         match interp_debug (0::loc) p₁ bind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc'TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug d'
             match d' with
               | dbool trueSuccess_debug (drec nil)
               | dbool falseRecoverableError_debug "assertion failure"
               | _TerminalError_debug (passert_err (passert p₁) bind d d') loc
       | porElse p₁ p₂
         match interp_debug (0::loc) p₁ bind d with
         | TerminalError_debug s loc'TerminalError_debug s loc'
         | RecoverableError_debug _interp_debug (1::loc) p₂ bind d
         | Success_debug xSuccess_debug x
       | pitSuccess_debug d
       | pletIt p₁ p₂
         match interp_debug (0::loc) p₁ bind d with
         | TerminalError_debug s loc'TerminalError_debug s loc'
         | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
         | Success_debug xinterp_debug (1::loc) p₂ bind x
       | pgetconstant s
         match edot constant_env s with
           | Some xSuccess_debug x
           | NoneTerminalError_debug (pgetconstant_err s bind d) loc
       | penvSuccess_debug (drec bind)
       | pletEnv p₁ p₂
         match interp_debug (0::loc) p₁ bind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc'TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug sRecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug rd'₁
             match rd'₁ with
               | drec d'₁match merge_bindings bind d'₁ with
                               | Some bind'interp_debug (1::loc) p₂ bind' d
                               | NoneRecoverableError_debug "bindings could not be unfied"
               | _TerminalError_debug (pletEnv_err (pletEnv p₁ p₂) bind d rd'₁) loc
       | pleft
         match d with
         | dleft d'Success_debug d'
         | dright _RecoverableError_debug "pleft called on a pright"
         | _TerminalError_debug (pleft_err bind d) loc
       | pright
         match d with
         | dright d'Success_debug d'
         | dleft _RecoverableError_debug "pright called on a pleft"
         | _TerminalError_debug (pright_err bind d) loc

  Definition presult_same {A} (res:presult A) (res_debug:presult_debug A) :=
    match res, res_debug with
      | TerminalError, TerminalError_debug _ _True
      | RecoverableError, RecoverableError_debug _True
      | Success x, Success_debug yx = y
      | _, _False

  Lemma liftpr_presult_same {A B} (f:AB) d1 d2 :
      presult_same d1 d2
      presult_same (liftpr f d1) (liftpr_debug f d2).

  Lemma gather_successes_presult_same {A} d1 d2 :
      Forall2 (@presult_same A) d1 d2
      presult_same (gather_successes d1) (gather_successes_debug d2).

  Lemma bindpr_presult_same {A B} d1 d2 f1 f2:
    presult_same d1 d2
    ( x, presult_same (f1 x) (f2 x))
    presult_same (@bindpr A B d1 f1) (bindpr_debug d2 f2).

  Theorem interp_debug_correct (loc:pat_src_path) (p:pat) (bind:bindings) (d:data) :
      (interp h constant_env p bind d)
      (interp_debug loc p bind d).

  End eval_debug.

  Lemma interp_const_sort h c p b d:
    interp h (rec_sort c) p b d = interp h c p b d.

Semantics of CAMP patterns, returning a presult
  Definition eval_pattern_debug (h:list(string×string)) (print_env:bool) (p:pat) (world:list data)
    : presult_debug data
    := interp_debug h (mkWorld world) print_env nil p nil dunit.

  Definition eval_pattern_res_to_string
             (h:list(string×string)) (print_env:bool) (p:pat) (world:list data)
    : string
    := print_presult_debug p
                           (interp_debug h
                                         (mkWorld world)
                                         print_env nil p nil dunit).

  Definition eval_pattern_res (h:list(string×string)) (p:pat) (world:list data)
    : presult data
    := interp h (mkWorld world) p nil dunit.

  Definition eval_pattern (h:list(string×string)) (p:pat) (world:list data)
    : option (list data)
    := match eval_pattern_res h p world with
       | Success _ lSome (l::nil)
       | RecoverableError _Some nil
       | TerminalError _None