
Section RType.

  Inductive record_kind : Set
open records allow width subtyping: they can have additional fields not in the type description
    | Open
closed records do not allow width subtyping. They must have exactly the specified fields.
    | Closed.

  Global Instance record_kind_eqdec : EqDec record_kind eq.

  Section rtypes₀.

Syntax of types. Note that there is no guarantee yet that records are well formed. i.e., having distinct fields.

    Context {ftype:foreign_type}.

    Inductive rtype₀ : Set :=
    | Bottom₀ : rtype₀
    | Top₀ : rtype₀
    | Unit₀ : rtype₀
    | Nat₀ : rtype₀
    | Bool₀ : rtype₀
    | String₀ : rtype₀
    | Coll₀ (r:rtype₀) : rtype₀
    | Rec₀ (k:record_kind) (srl:list (string× rtype₀)) : rtype₀
    | Either₀ (tl tr:rtype₀) : rtype₀
    | Arrow₀ (tin tout : rtype₀) : rtype₀
    | Brand₀ : brands rtype₀
    | Foreign₀ (ft:foreign_type_type) : rtype₀.

    Notation "⊥₀" := Bottom₀.
    Notation "⊤₀" := Top₀.

    Definition rtype₀_rect (P : rtype₀ Type)
               (ftop : P )
               (fbottom : P )
               (funit : P Unit₀)
               (fnat : P Nat₀)
               (fbool : P Bool₀)
               (fstring : P String₀)
               (fcol : t : rtype₀, P t P (Coll₀ t))
               (frec : (k:record_kind) (r : list (string × rtype₀)), Forallt (fun abP (snd ab)) r P (Rec₀ k r))
               (feither : l r, P l P r P (Either₀ l r))
               (farrow : tin tout, P tin P tout P (Arrow₀ tin tout))
               (fbrand : b, P (Brand₀ b))
               (fforeign : ft, P (Foreign₀ ft))
        fix F (t : rtype₀) : P t :=
      match t as t0 return (P t0) with
        | ftop
        | fbottom
        | Unit₀funit
        | Nat₀fnat
        | Bool₀fbool
        | String₀fstring
        | Coll₀ xfcol x (F x)
        | Rec₀ k xfrec k x ((fix Frec (r : list (string × rtype₀)) : Forallt (fun abP (snd ab)) r :=
                               match r as c0 with
                                 | nilForallt_nil _
                                 | cons sd c0 ⇒ @Forallt_cons _ (fun abP (snd ab)) sd c0 (F (snd sd)) (Frec c0)
                               end) x)
        | Either₀ l rfeither l r (F l) (F r)
        | Arrow₀ tin toutfarrow tin tout (F tin) (F tout)
        | Brand₀ bfbrand b
        | Foreign₀ ftfforeign ft

    Definition rtype₀_ind (P : rtype₀ Prop)
               (ftop : P )
               (fbottom : P )
               (funit : P Unit₀)
               (fnat : P Nat₀)
               (fbool : P Bool₀)
               (fstring : P String₀)
               (fcol : t : rtype₀, P t P (Coll₀ t))
               (frec : (k:record_kind) (r : list (string × rtype₀)), Forall (fun abP (snd ab)) r P (Rec₀ k r))
               (feither : l r, P l P r P (Either₀ l r))
               (farrow : tin tout, P tin P tout P (Arrow₀ tin tout))
               (fbrand : b, P (Brand₀ b))
               (fforeign : ft, P (Foreign₀ ft))
        fix F (t : rtype₀) : P t :=
      match t as t0 return (P t0) with
        | ftop
        | fbottom
        | Unit₀funit
        | Nat₀fnat
        | Bool₀fbool
        | String₀fstring
        | Coll₀ xfcol x (F x)
        | Rec₀ k xfrec k x ((fix Frec (r : list (string × rtype₀)) : Forall (fun abP (snd ab)) r :=
                               match r as c0 with
                                 | nilForall_nil _
                                 | cons sd c0 ⇒ @Forall_cons _ (fun abP (snd ab)) sd c0 (F (snd sd)) (Frec c0)
                               end) x)
        | Either₀ l rfeither l r (F l) (F r)
        | Arrow₀ tin toutfarrow tin tout (F tin) (F tout)
        | Brand₀ bfbrand b
        | Foreign₀ ftfforeign ft

    Definition rtype₀_rec (P:rtype₀Set) := rtype₀_rect P.

    Global Instance rtype₀_eqdec : EqDec rtype₀ eq.

  End rtypes₀.
  Notation "⊥₀" := Bottom₀.
  Notation "⊤₀" := Top₀.

  Section well_formed_rtypes.
    Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
    Context {br:brand_relation}.

    Fixpoint wf_rtype₀ (τ:rtype₀): bool
      := match τ with
           | Coll₀ τ' ⇒ wf_rtype₀ τ'
           | Rec₀ oc srlis_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain srl)
                                           && forallb (fun abwf_rtype₀ (snd ab)) srl
           | Either₀ τl τrwf_rtype₀ τl && wf_rtype₀ τr
           | Arrow₀ τin τoutwf_rtype₀ τin && wf_rtype₀ τout
           | Brand₀ bif is_canon_brands_dec brand_relation_brands b then true else false
           | _true

    Definition rtype : Set := {τ:rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}.

    Lemma wf_rtype₀_ext:rtype₀} (pf1 pf2:wf_rtype₀ τ = true) : pf1 = pf2.

    Lemma rtype_ext} (wfτ1 wfτ2:wf_rtype₀ τ = true) :
      (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) τ wfτ1) =
      (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) τ wfτ2).

    Lemma rtype_fequal τ:rtype} : proj1_sig τ = proj1_sig τ τ = τ.

    Lemma rtype_nequal τ:rtype} : τ τ proj1_sig τ proj1_sig τ.

    Lemma map_rtype_fequal r1 r2 :
        (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
           (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) r1 =
        (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
           (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) r2
      r1 = r2.

    Lemma map_rtype_single_rec_fequal a τ r :
      (a, proj1_sig τ)::nil =
        (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
           (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) r
      ((a, τ)::nil) = r.

    Global Instance rtype_eq_dec : EqDec rtype eq.

Lifted versions of the type constructors This is the main type system, and always carries a proofs that the records are well formed
    Program Definition Bottom : rtype := Bottom₀.
    Program Definition Top : rtype := Top₀.
    Program Definition Unit : rtype := Unit₀.
    Program Definition Nat : rtype := Nat₀.
    Program Definition Bool : rtype := Bool₀.
    Program Definition String : rtype := String₀.
    Definition Coll (τ:rtype): rtype :=
      exist _ (Coll₀ (proj1_sig τ)) (proj2_sig τ).

    Program Definition Eitherl τr:rtype) : rtype :=
      exist _ (Either₀ (proj1_sig τl) (proj1_sig τr)) _.

    Program Definition Arrowl τr:rtype) : rtype :=
      exist _ (Arrow₀ (proj1_sig τl) (proj1_sig τr)) _.

    Program Definition Foreign (ft:foreign_type_type) : rtype
      := Foreign₀ ft.

    Program Definition Rec
            (srl:list (string× rtype))
            (pf_sorted:is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain srl) = true) : rtype
      := Rec₀ k (map (fun x(fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) srl).

    Program Definition Brand b : rtype := Brand₀ (canon_brands brand_relation_brands b).

    Global Instance Brand_equiv_proper :
      Proper (equiv_brands brand_relation_brands ==> eq) (Brand).

    Notation "⊥" := Bottom.
    Notation "⊤" := Top.

    Definition Option τ := Either τ Unit.

    Theorem rtype_rect (P : rtype Type)
            (ftop : P )
            (fbottom : P )
            (funit : P Unit)
            (fnat : P Nat)
            (fbool : P Bool)
            (fstring : P String)
            (fcol : t : rtype, P t P (Coll t))
            (frec : (k:record_kind) (srl : list (string × rtype))
                           (pf:is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain srl) = true),
                      Forallt (fun abP (snd ab)) srl P (Rec k srl pf))
            (feither : l τr:rtype), P τl P τr P (Either τl τr))
            (farrow : in τout:rtype), P τin P τout P (Arrow τin τout))
            (fbrand : b, P (Brand b))
            (fforeign : ft, P (Foreign ft))
       (τ:rtype), P τ.

    Theorem rtype_ind (P : rtype Prop)
            (ftop : P )
            (fbottom : P )
            (funit : P Unit)
            (fnat : P Nat)
            (fbool : P Bool)
            (fstring : P String)
            (fcol : t : rtype, P t P (Coll t))
            (frec : (k:record_kind) (srl : list (string × rtype))
                           (pf:is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain srl) = true),
                      Forall (fun abP (snd ab)) srl P (Rec k srl pf))
            (feither : l τr:rtype), P τl P τr P (Either τl τr))
            (farrow : in τout:rtype), P τin P τout P (Arrow τin τout))
            (fbrand : b, P (Brand b))
            (fforeign : ft, P (Foreign ft)) :
       (τ:rtype), P τ.

    Definition rtype_rec (P:rtypeSet) := rtype_rect P.

    Lemma wf_rtype₀_kind_irrel k₁ k₂ l :
      wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k₁ l) = wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k₂ l).

    Lemma wf_rtype₀_Brand₀ b :
      wf_rtype₀ (Brand₀ b) = true
      is_canon_brands brand_relation_brands b.

    Lemma brand_ext b pf : exist _ (Brand₀ b) pf = Brand b.

    Lemma wf_rtype₀_cons_tail {k} {a r} :
      wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k (a::r)) = true
      wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k r) = true.

    Lemma wf_rtype₀_cons_lt {k s r srl s' r'} :
      wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k ((s, r) :: srl)) = true
      lookup string_dec srl s' = Some r'
      ODT_lt s s'.

    Lemma wf_rtype₀_cons_nin {k s r srl} :
      wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k ((s, r) :: srl)) = true lookup string_dec srl s = None.

    Lemma wf_rtype₀_cons_wf {k s r srl} :
      wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k ((s, r) :: srl)) = true
      wf_rtype₀ r = true.

  End well_formed_rtypes.
  Notation "⊥" := Bottom.
  Notation "⊤" := Top.

  Lemma to_Rec {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} k l pf :
      exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true)
               k (map
                  (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
                     (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) l)) pf
      = Rec k l pf2.

  Lemma from_Rec₀ {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} {k} (l:list (string × rtype₀)) (pf : wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k l) = true) :
    {l' | pf',
          l =
             (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
                (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) l')
           Rec k l' pf' = exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Rec₀ k l) pf}.

  Lemma lookup_map_some {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} rl2 s x :
    lookup string_dec rl2 s = Some x
    lookup string_dec
              (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
                 (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) rl2) s = Some (proj1_sig x).

  Lemma lookup_map_some' {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} rl2 s x pf :
    lookup string_dec rl2 s = Some (exist _ x pf)
    lookup string_dec
              (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
                 (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) rl2) s = Some x.

    Lemma lookup_map_some_ex {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation}
    (rl2 : list (string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}))
    (s : string) (x : rtype₀) :
  ( pf, lookup string_dec rl2 s =
  Some (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) x pf))
  lookup string_dec
       (fun x0 : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
        (fst x0, proj1_sig (snd x0))) rl2) s = Some x.

  Lemma lookup_map_none {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} rl2 s :
    lookup string_dec rl2 s = None
    lookup string_dec
              (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
                 (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) rl2) s = None.

End RType.

Section recmaybe.
  Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
  Context {br:brand_relation}.
  Definition RecMaybe (k:record_kind) (lsr:list (string×rtype)) : option rtype.

  Lemma RecMaybe_some_pf_helper (z:bool) τ f :
    (if z as b
        (z = b option rtype)
       fun pf : z = true
         Some (f pf)
       fun _ : z = falseNone)
      eq_refl = Some τ
    {pf : z = true |
     τ = f pf}.

  Lemma RecMaybe_some_pf {k τ τ} :
    RecMaybe k τ = Some τ
    {pf | τ = Rec k τ pf}.

  Lemma RecMaybe_pf_some_helper (z:bool) f pf :
    z = true
    (if z as b
        (z = b option rtype)
       fun pf : z = true
         f pf
       fun _ : z = falseNone)
      eq_refl = f pf.

  Lemma RecMaybe_pf_some k l pf :
    RecMaybe k l = Some (Rec k l pf).

  Lemma RecMaybe_nil k : RecMaybe k nil = Some (Rec k nil eq_refl).

End recmaybe.

Section other.

  Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
  Context {br:brand_relation}.
  Lemma Rec_inv {k k' x pf1 y pf2} : Rec k x pf1 = Rec k' y pf2 x = y.

  Lemma Rec_kind_inv {k k' x pf1 y pf2} : Rec k x pf1 = Rec k' y pf2 k = k'.

  Lemma Rec_pr_irrel k l1 pf1 pf2 :
    Rec k l1 pf1 = Rec k l1 pf2.

  Lemma Rec_rewrite {l1 l2} k pf1 pf2 :
    l1 = l2
    Rec k l1 pf1 = Rec k l2 pf2.

  Lemma Rec_kind_rewrite k1 k2 l pf :
    k1 = k2
    Rec k1 l pf = Rec k2 l pf.

  Lemma Coll_right_inv τ:rtype) :
    (proj1_sig τ) = Coll₀ (proj1_sig τ) τ = Coll τ.

  Lemma Coll_inside:rtype) (τ₂₀:rtype₀) :
    (proj1_sig τ) = Coll₀ τ₂₀
     τ:rtype, proj1_sig τ = τ₂₀.

  Lemma map_rtype_nil x0:
    map (fun x2 : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
           (fst x2, proj1_sig (snd x2))) x0 = nil x0 = nil.

  Lemma Rec₀_eq_proj1_Reck l} :
       proj1_sig τ =
         k (map
            (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
             (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) l)
     pf, τ = Rec k l pf.

  Lemma Nat_canon pf:
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) Nat₀ pf) = Nat.

  Lemma String_canon pf:
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) String₀ pf) = String.

  Lemma Coll_canon x pf:
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Coll₀ x) pf) = Coll (exist _ x pf).

  Lemma Brand_canon x pf:
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Brand₀ x) pf) = Brand x.

  Lemma Foreign_canon ft pf:
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Foreign₀ ft) pf) = Foreign ft.

  Lemma Either₀_wf_inv {l r} :
    wf_rtype₀ (Either₀ l r) = true
    wf_rtype₀ l = true wf_rtype₀ r = true.

  Lemma Either_canon l r pf pfl pfr:
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Either₀ l r) pf) = Either (exist _ l pfl) (exist _ r pfr).

  Lemma Either_canon_ex l r pf:
     pfl pfr,
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Either₀ l r) pf) = Either (exist _ l pfl) (exist _ r pfr).

  Lemma Arrow₀_wf_inv {l r} :
    wf_rtype₀ (Arrow₀ l r) = true
    wf_rtype₀ l = true wf_rtype₀ r = true.

  Lemma Arrow_canon l r pf pfl pfr:
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Arrow₀ l r) pf) = Arrow (exist _ l pfl) (exist _ r pfr).

  Lemma Arrow_canon_ex l r pf:
     pfl pfr,
    (exist (fun τ : rtype₀wf_rtype₀ τ = true) (Arrow₀ l r) pf) = Arrow (exist _ l pfl) (exist _ r pfr).

  Lemma wf_rtype₀_Rec_In {k srl} :
            wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k srl) = true
             a b, In (a,b) srl wf_rtype₀ b = true.

  Lemma wf_rec_pf_sublist {B} {l l'} :
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (@domain _ B l) = true
    sublist l' l
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l') = true.

  Lemma lift_Rec₀_injective {k₁ k₂ l1 l2} : lift (Rec₀ k₁) l1 = lift (Rec₀ k₂) l2 l1 = l2.

  Lemma some_lift_Rec₀ {k₁ k₂ x y} :
    lift (Rec₀ k₁) x = Some (Rec₀ k₂ y)
    x = Some y.

  Lemma lift_Coll₀_injective {l1 l2} : lift Coll₀ l1 = lift Coll₀ l2 l1 = l2.

  Lemma some_lift_Coll₀ {x y} :
    lift Coll₀ x = Some (Coll₀ y)
    x = Some y.

  Lemma lift_Coll_injective {l1 l2} : lift Coll l1 = lift Coll l2 l1 = l2.

  Lemma some_lift_Coll {x y} :
    lift Coll x = Some (Coll y)
    x = Some y.

  Lemma lift_col₀_some_col₀ {x y} :
    lift Coll₀ x = Some y
    {z | y = Coll₀ z}.

  Lemma lift_col_some_col {x y} :
    lift Coll x = Some y
    {z | y = Coll z}.

  Lemma lift_rec₀_some_rec₀ {k x y} :
    lift (Rec₀ k) x = Some y
    {z | y = Rec₀ k z}.

  Definition isTop (τ:rtype) : bool.

  Lemma istop τ : {τ = Top} + {isTop τ = false}.

End other.

Notation "⊥₀" := Bottom₀.
Notation "⊤₀" := Top₀.

Notation "⊥" := Bottom.
Notation "⊤" := Top.

Cases tactic for use with the derived rtypeRectt induction principle
  Tactic Notation "rtype_rect_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "Top"%string
  | Case_aux c "Bottom"%string
  | Case_aux c "Unit"%string
  | Case_aux c "Nat"%string
  | Case_aux c "Bool"%string
  | Case_aux c "String"%string
  | Case_aux c "Coll"%string
  | Case_aux c "Rec"%string
  | Case_aux c "Either"%string
  | Case_aux c "Arrow"%string
  | Case_aux c "Brand"%string
  | Case_aux c "Foreign"%string