Section RRelation.
Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
Definition ldeq := (@Permutation data).
Notation "X ≅ Y" := (ldeq X Y) (at level 70).
Definition edot {A} (r:list (string×A)) (a:string) : option A :=
assoc_lookupr ODT_eqdec r a.
Lemma edot_nodup_perm {A:Type} (l l':list (string×A)) x :
NoDup (domain l) → Permutation l l' → edot l x = edot l' x.
Lemma edot_fresh_concat {A} x (d:A) b :
¬ In x (domain b) →
edot (rec_concat_sort b ((x,d)::nil)) x = Some d.
Definition unbdbool (f:bool → bool → bool) (d1 d2:data) : option data :=
match d1 with
| dbool b1 ⇒
match d2 with
| dbool b2 ⇒ Some (dbool (f b1 b2))
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition unudbool (f:bool → bool) (d:data) : option data :=
match d with
| dbool b ⇒Some (dbool (f b))
| _ ⇒ None
Definition unbdnat (f:Z → Z → bool) (d1 d2:data) : option data :=
match d1 with
| dnat n1 ⇒
match d2 with
| dnat n2 ⇒ Some (dbool (f n1 n2))
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition unbdata (f:data → data → bool) (d1 d2:data) : option data :=
Some (dbool (f d1 d2)).
Definition unsdstring (f:string → string → string) (d1 d2:data) : option data :=
match d1 with
| dstring s1 ⇒
match d2 with
| dstring s2 ⇒ Some (dstring (f s1 s2))
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Lemma unsdstring_is_string f d1 d2 d3:
unsdstring f d1 d2 = Some d3 → ∃ s:string, d3 = dstring s.
Definition ondcoll2 {A} : (list data → list data → A) → data → data → option A.
Definition rondcoll2 (f:(list data → list data → list data)) (d1 d2:data) : option data :=
lift dcoll (ondcoll2 f d1 d2).
Definition ondnat {A} (f : Z → A) (d : data) :=
match d with
| dnat n ⇒ Some (f n)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition ondcoll {A} (f : list data → A) (d : data) :=
match d with
| dcoll l ⇒ Some (f l)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition lift_oncoll {A} (f : list data → option A) (d : data) :=
match d with
| dcoll l ⇒ f l
| _ ⇒ None
Lemma lift_oncoll_dcoll {A} (f : list data → option A) (dl : list data) :
lift_oncoll f (dcoll dl) = f dl.
Lemma olift_on_lift_dcoll (f:list data→option data) (d1:option (list data)):
olift (lift_oncoll f) (lift dcoll d1) =
olift f d1.
Lemma olift_lift_dcoll (f:list data → option (list data)) (d1:option (list data)):
olift (fun c1 : list data ⇒ lift dcoll (f c1)) d1 =
lift dcoll (olift f d1).
Lemma lift_dcoll_inversion d1 d2:
d1 = d2 → lift dcoll d1 = lift dcoll d2.
Definition rondcoll (f:list data → list data) (d:data) : option data :=
lift dcoll (ondcoll f d).
Lemma lift_filter_Forall {A} {f:A→option bool} {P} {l x} :
lift_filter f l = Some x →
Forall P l →
Forall P x.
Fixpoint oflat_map {A B} (f : A → option (list B)) (l:list A) : option (list B) :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ Some nil
| x :: t ⇒
match f x with
| None ⇒ None
| Some x' ⇒
lift (fun t' ⇒ x' ++ t') (oflat_map f t)
Fixpoint rmap {A B} (f : A → option B) (l:list A) : option (list B) :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ Some nil
| x :: t ⇒
match f x with
| None ⇒ None
| Some x' ⇒
lift (fun t' ⇒ x' :: t') (rmap f t)
Lemma rmap_Forall {A B} {f:A→option B} {P} {l x} :
rmap f l = Some x →
Forall P l →
∀ (P2:B→Prop),
(∀ x z, f x = Some z → P x → P2 z) →
Forall P2 x.
Lemma oflat_map_Forall {A B} {f:A→option (list B)} {P} {l x} :
oflat_map f l = Some x →
Forall P l →
∀ P2,
(∀ x z, f x = Some z → P x → Forall P2 z) →
Forall P2 x.
Lemma rmap_id l:
rmap (fun d : data ⇒ Some d) l = Some l.
Lemma rmap_map {A} (f:data → A) l:
rmap (fun d : data ⇒ Some (f d)) l = Some (map f l).
Lemma rmap_map_merge {A} {B} {C} (f1:A → B) (f2:B → option C) (l: list A):
(rmap (fun d ⇒ f2 (f1 d)) l) =
rmap f2 (map f1 l).
Lemma lift_dcoll_cons_rmap d l1 l2 :
lift dcoll l1 = lift dcoll l2 →
lift dcoll (lift (fun t ⇒ d :: t) l1) = lift dcoll (lift (fun t ⇒ d :: t) l2).
Lemma rmap_over_app {A B} (f:A → option B) (l1:list A) (l2:list A) :
rmap f (l1 ++ l2) = olift2 (fun x y ⇒ Some (x++y)) (rmap f l1) (rmap f l2).
Fixpoint listo_to_olist {a: Type} (l: list (option a)) : option (list a) :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ Some nil
| Some x :: xs ⇒ match listo_to_olist xs with
| None ⇒ None
| Some xs ⇒ Some (x::xs)
| None :: xs ⇒ None
Lemma listo_to_olist_simpl_rmap {A B:Type} (f:A → option B) (l:list A) :
rmap f l = (listo_to_olist (map f l)).
Lemma listo_to_olist_some {A:Type} (l:list (option A)) (l':list A) :
listo_to_olist l = Some l' →
l = (map Some l').
Definition rfilter {A} (f:(string×A) → bool) (l:list (string×A)) : list (string×A) :=
filter f l.
Definition rremove {A} (l:list (string×A)) (s:string) : list (string×A) :=
filter (fun x ⇒ if string_dec s (fst x) then false else true) l.
Definition rproject {A} (l:list (string×A)) (s:list string) : list (string×A) :=
filter (fun x ⇒ if in_dec string_dec (fst x) s then true else false) l.
Lemma rproject_nil_l {A} (s:list string) :
@rproject A [] s = [].
Lemma rproject_nil_r {A} (l:list (string×A)) :
@rproject A l [] = [].
Lemma rproject_rec_sort_commute {B} (l1:list (string×B)) sl:
rproject (rec_sort l1) sl = rec_sort (rproject l1 sl).
Lemma rproject_map_fst_same {B C} (f:string×B→string×C) (l:list (string×B)) sl
(samedom:∀ a, In a l → fst (f a) = fst a) :
rproject (map f l) sl = map f (rproject l sl).
Lemma rproject_app {B} (l1 l2:list (string×B)) sl:
rproject (l1 ++ l2) sl = (rproject l1 sl) ++ (rproject l2 sl).
Lemma rproject_rproject {B} (l:list (string×B)) sl1 sl2:
rproject (rproject l sl2) sl1 = rproject l (set_inter string_dec sl2 sl1).
Lemma rproject_Forall2_same_domain {B C} P (l1:list(string×B)) (l2:list (string×C)) ls :
Forall2 P l1 l2 →
domain l1 = domain l2 →
Forall2 P (rproject l1 ls) (rproject l2 ls).
Lemma sublist_rproject {A} (l:list(string×A)) sl: sublist (rproject l sl) l.
Lemma rproject_remove_all {B} s sl (l1:list(string×B)):
rproject l1 (remove_all s sl) =
filter (fun x ⇒ nequiv_decb s (fst x)) (rproject l1 sl).
Lemma rec_sort_rproject_remove_all_in {B} s sl l1 l2 :
In s sl →
In s (@domain _ B l2) →
rec_sort (rproject l1 sl ++ l2) =
rec_sort (rproject l1 (remove_all s sl) ++ l2).
Lemma rec_sort_rproject_remove_in {B} s sl l1 l2 :
In s sl →
In s (@domain _ B l2) →
rec_sort (rproject l1 sl ++ l2) =
rec_sort (rproject l1 (remove string_dec s sl) ++ l2).
Lemma rondcoll2_dcoll f (l1 l2:list data):
rondcoll2 f (dcoll l1) (dcoll l2) = Some (dcoll (f l1 l2)).
Lemma rondcoll_dcoll f (l:list data):
rondcoll f (dcoll l) = Some (dcoll (f l)).
Lemma ondcoll_dcoll {A} (f:list data → A) (l:list data):
ondcoll f (dcoll l) = Some (f l).
Lemma dcoll_map_app {A} (f:A → data) (l1 l2:list A) :
Some (dcoll (map f l1 ++ map f l2)) = rondcoll2 bunion (dcoll (map f l1)) (dcoll (map f l2)).
Definition orecconcat (a:data) (x:data) :=
match a with
| drec r2 ⇒
match x with
| drec r1 ⇒ Some (drec (rec_concat_sort r2 r1))
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition omap_concat (a:data) (d1:list data) : option (list data) :=
rmap (fun x ⇒ orecconcat a x) d1.
Definition oomap_concat
(f:data → option data)
(a:data) :=
match f a with
| Some (dcoll y) ⇒ omap_concat a y
| _ ⇒ None
Definition rmap_concat (f:data → option data) (d:list data) : option (list data) :=
oflat_map (oomap_concat f) d.
Lemma rmap_concat_cons f d a x y :
rmap_concat f d = Some x →
(oomap_concat f a) = Some y →
rmap_concat f (a :: d) = Some (y ++ x).
Lemma rmap_concat_cons_none f d a :
rmap_concat f d = None → rmap_concat f ((drec a) :: d) = None.
Lemma rmap_concat_cons_none_first f d a :
(oomap_concat f a) = None → rmap_concat f (a :: d) = None.
Definition rproduct (d1 d2:list data) : option (list data) :=
oflat_map (fun x ⇒ omap_concat x d2) d1.
Lemma rproduct_cons (d1 d2:list data) a x y:
rproduct d1 d2 = Some x →
(omap_concat a d2) = Some y →
rproduct (a::d1) d2 = Some (y ++ x).
Definition rflatten (d:list data) : option (list data) :=
oflat_map (fun x ⇒
match x with
| dcoll y ⇒ Some y
| _ ⇒ None end) d.
Lemma rflatten_cons (l:list data) rest r' :
rflatten rest = Some r' →
rflatten ((dcoll l) :: rest) = Some (l ++ r').
Lemma rflatten_app (l1 l2:list data) r1 r2 :
rflatten l1 = Some r1 →
rflatten l2 = Some r2 →
rflatten (l1 ++ l2) = Some (r1 ++ r2).
Lemma rflatten_map_dcoll_id coll :
rflatten (map (fun d : data ⇒ dcoll (d::nil)) coll) = Some coll.
Lemma rflatten_cons_none (d:data) rest :
rflatten rest = None →
rflatten (d :: rest) = None.
Lemma rflatten_app_none1 l1 l2 :
rflatten l1 = None →
rflatten (l1 ++ l2) = None.
Lemma rflatten_app_none2 l1 l2 :
rflatten l2 = None →
rflatten (l1 ++ l2) = None.
Definition rif {A} (e:A → option bool) (a:A) : option (list A) :=
match (e a) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some b ⇒
if b then Some (a::nil) else Some nil
Definition lrflatten {A} : option (list (list A)) → option (list A) :=
lift lflatten.
Definition orfilter {A} (f:A → option bool) (ol:option (list A)) : option (list A) :=
olift (lift_filter f) ol.
Lemma filter_eq_flatten_if {A} (e:A → option bool) (ol:option (list A)) :
orfilter e ol = lrflatten (olift (rmap (rif e)) ol).
Definition oand (x1 x2: option bool) : option bool :=
match x1 with
| None ⇒ None
| Some b1 ⇒
match x2 with
| None ⇒ None
| Some b2 ⇒ Some (andb b1 b2)
Lemma rmap_ext {A B : Type} (f g : A → option B) (l : list A) :
(∀ x, In x l → f x = g x) →
rmap f l = rmap g l.
Lemma oflat_map_ext {A B} (f g:A→option (list B)) l :
(∀ x, In x l → f x = g x) →
oflat_map f l = oflat_map g l.
Lemma oomap_concat_ext_weak f g a :
(f a = g a) →
oomap_concat f a = oomap_concat g a.
Lemma rmap_concat_ext f g l :
(∀ x, In x l → f x = g x) →
rmap_concat f l = rmap_concat g l.
Lemma olift_ext {A B : Type} (f g : A → option B) (x : option A) :
(∀ a, x = Some a → f a = g a) →
olift f x = olift g x.
Lemma lift_oncoll_ext {A : Type} (f g : list data → option A) (d : data) :
(∀ a, d = dcoll a → f a = g a) →
lift_oncoll f d = lift_oncoll g d.
Lemma lift_filter_ext {A : Type} (f g : A → option bool) (l : list A) :
(∀ x, In x l → f x = g x) →
lift_filter f l = lift_filter g l.
Lemma rmap_map_fusion {A B C}
(f:B→option C) (g:A → B) (l:list A) :
rmap f (map g l) = rmap (fun x ⇒ f (g x)) l.
Definition recconcat (r1 r2:list (string×data)) :=
rec_concat_sort r1 r2.
Definition map_concat (r2:list (string×data)) (d:list (list (string×data))) :=
map (fun x ⇒ recconcat r2 x) d.
Definition product (d1 d2:list (list (string×data))) :=
(flat_map (fun x ⇒ map_concat x d2) d1).
Definition ldeqt := (@Permutation (list (string×data))).
Notation "b1 ⊖ b2" := (bminus b2 b1) (right associativity, at level 70) : rbag_scope.
Lemma lift_empty_dcoll l :
olift rflatten (lift (fun t' : list data ⇒ dcoll nil :: t') l) = olift rflatten l.
Lemma lift_cons_dcoll a l:
olift rflatten
(lift (fun t' : list data ⇒ dcoll [a] :: t') l) =
lift (fun t' ⇒ a::t') (olift rflatten l).
Lemma rflatten_through_match l1 l2:
olift rflatten
match lift dcoll (Some l1) with
| Some x' ⇒
lift (fun t' : list data ⇒ x' :: t') l2
| None ⇒ None
end =
lift (fun t' : list data ⇒ l1 ++ t')
(olift rflatten l2).
End RRelation.
Section Misc.
Lemma in_rec_sort_insert {A} `{EqDec A eq} (x:string × A) (s:string) (a:A) l:
In x (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec (s, a) l) →
x = (s, a) ∨ In x l.
End Misc.
Section MergeBindings.
Definition merge_bindings {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l₁ l₂:list (string × A)) : option (list (string × A)) :=
if compatible l₁ l₂
then Some (rec_concat_sort l₁ l₂)
else None.
Lemma merge_bindings_nil_r {A} `{EqDec A eq} l : merge_bindings l nil = Some (rec_sort l).
Lemma merge_bindings_single_nin {A} `{EqDec A eq} b x d :
¬ In x (domain b) →
merge_bindings b ((x,d)::nil) =
Some (rec_concat_sort b ((x,d)::nil)).
Lemma merge_bindings_sorted {A} `{EqDec A eq} {g g1 g2} :
Some g = merge_bindings g1 g2 →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (@domain string A g) = true.
Lemma edot_merge_bindings {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l1 l2:list (string×A)) (s:string) (x:A) :
merge_bindings l1 [(s, x)] = Some l2 →
edot l2 s = Some x.
Lemma merge_bindings_nodup {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l l0 l1:list (string×A)):
merge_bindings l l0 = Some l1 → NoDup (domain l1).
Lemma merge_bindings_compatible {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l l0 l1:list (string×A)):
merge_bindings l l0 = Some l1 → compatible l l0 = true.
Lemma sorted_cons_is_compatible {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l:list (string×A)) (a:string×A):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain (a :: l)) = true →
compatible_with (fst a) (snd a) l = true.
Lemma compatible_self {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l:list (string×A)):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l) = true →
compatible l l = true.
Lemma merge_self_sorted {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l:list (string×A)):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l) = true →
merge_bindings l l = Some l.
Lemma merge_self_sorted_r {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l:list (string×A)):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l) = true →
merge_bindings l (rec_sort l) = Some (rec_sort l).
Lemma same_domain_merge_bindings_eq
{A} `{EqDec A eq} (l₁ l₂ l₃:list (string×A)) :
NoDup (domain l₁) →
domain l₁ = domain l₂ →
merge_bindings l₁ l₂ = Some l₃ →
l₁ = l₂.
Definition compatible {A:Type} `{x:EqDec A eq} := @compatible string A _ _ _ _.
Lemma merge_returns_compatible {A} `{equiv:EqDec A eq} (l1 l2 l3:list (string×A)):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l1) = true →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l2) = true →
compatible l1 l2 = true →
rec_concat_sort l1 l2 = l3 →
compatible l1 l3 = true.
Lemma merge_idem {A} `{EqDec A eq} (l l0 l1:list (string×A)):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l) = true →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l0) = true →
merge_bindings l l0 = Some l1 →
merge_bindings l l1 = Some l1.
End MergeBindings.
Section RRemove.
Lemma is_sorted_rremove {A} (l:list (string × A)) (s:string):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l) = true →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain (rremove l s)) = true.
Lemma domain_rremove {A} s (l:list (string×A)) :
domain (rremove l s) = remove_all s (domain l).
Lemma rremove_rec_sort_commute {B} (l1:list (string×B)) s:
rremove (rec_sort l1) s = rec_sort (rremove l1 s).
Lemma rremove_app {B} (l1 l2:list (string×B)) s:
rremove (l1 ++ l2) s = rremove l1 s ++ rremove l2 s.
Lemma nin_rremove {B} (l:list (string×B)) s :
¬ In s (domain l) →
rremove l s = l.
End RRemove.
Section RProject.
Lemma rproject_with_lookup {A} (l1 l2:list (string × A)) (s:list string):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l1) = true →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l2) = true →
sublist l1 l2 →
(∀ x, In x s → assoc_lookupr string_dec l1 x = assoc_lookupr string_dec l2 x) →
rproject l1 s = rproject l2 s.
Lemma rproject_sublist {A} (l1 l2:list (string × A)) (s:list string) :
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l1) = true →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l2) = true →
sublist s (domain l1) →
sublist l1 l2 →
rproject l1 s = rproject l2 s.
Lemma rproject_equivlist {B} (l:list (string×B)) sl1 sl2 :
equivlist sl1 sl2 →
rproject l sl1 = rproject l sl2.
Lemma rproject_sortfilter {B} (l:list (string×B)) sl1 :
rproject l (insertion_sort ODT_lt_dec sl1) = rproject l sl1.
Lemma rproject_concat_dist {A} (l1 l2:list (string × A)) (s:list string) :
rproject (rec_concat_sort l1 l2) s = rec_concat_sort (rproject l1 s) (rproject l2 s).
End RProject.
Section SRProject.
Definition sorted_vector (s:list string) : list string :=
insertion_sort ODT_lt_dec s.
Lemma sorted_vector_sorted (s:list string) :
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (sorted_vector s) = true.
Definition projected_subset (s1 s2:list string) : list string :=
filter (fun x ⇒ if in_dec string_dec x s2 then true else false) s1.
Lemma projected_subst_sorted (s1 s2:list string) :
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec s1 = true →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (projected_subset s1 s2) = true.
Lemma sorted_projected_subset_is_sublist (s1 s2:list string):
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec s1 = true →
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec s2 = true →
sublist (projected_subset s1 s2) s2.
Definition srproject {A} (l:list (string×A)) (s:list string) : list (string×A) :=
let ps := (projected_subset (sorted_vector s) (domain l)) in
rproject l ps.
Lemma insertion_sort_insert_equiv_vec (x a:string) (l:list string) :
In x
(RSort.insertion_sort_insert ODT_lt_dec a l) ↔
a = x ∨ In x l.
Lemma sorted_vector_equivlist l :
equivlist (sorted_vector l) l.
Lemma equivlist_in_dec (x:string) (s1 s2:list string) :
(equivlist s1 s2) →
(if (in_dec string_dec x s1) then true else false) =
(if (in_dec string_dec x s2) then true else false).
Lemma sorted_vector_in_dec (x:string) (s1:list string):
(if (in_dec string_dec x s1) then true else false) =
(if (in_dec string_dec x (sorted_vector s1)) then true else false).
Lemma in_intersection_projected (x:string) (s1 s2:list string) :
In x s1 ∧ In x s2 → In x (projected_subset s1 s2).
Lemma in_projected (x:string) (s1 s2:list string) :
In x (projected_subset s1 s2) → In x s1.
Lemma sproject_in_dec {A} (x:string) (s1:list string) (l:list (string×A)) :
In x (domain l) →
(if (in_dec string_dec x s1) then true else false) =
(if (in_dec string_dec x (projected_subset s1 (domain l))) then true else false).
Lemma rproject_sproject {A} (l:list (string×A)) (s:list string) :
is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l) = true →
rproject l s = srproject l s.
End SRProject.
Notation "X ≅ Y" := (ldeq X Y) (at level 70) : rbag_scope. Notation "b1 ⊎ b2" := (bunion b2 b1) (right associativity, at level 70) : rbag_scope. Notation "b1 ⊖ b2" := (bminus b2 b1) (right associativity, at level 70) : rbag_scope. Notation "b1 × b2" := (rproduct b1 b2) (right associativity, at level 70) : rbag_scope. Notation "b1 min-b b2" := (bmin b1 b2) (right associativity, at level 70) : rbag_scope.
Notation "b1 max-b b2" := (bmax b1 b2) (right associativity, at level 70) : rbag_scope.
Notation "distinct-b b1" := (bdistinct b1) (right associativity, at level 70) : rbag_scope.