
Section TData.

  Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
  Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
  Context {fdtyping:foreign_data_typing}.
  Context {m:brand_model}.

  Definition Rrec (r1 r2:(string×data)) :=
    ODT_lt_dec (fst r1) (fst r2).

  Inductive data_type : data rtype Prop :=
  | dttop d : data_normalized brand_relation_brands d data_type d Top
  | dtunit : data_type dunit Unit
  | dtnat n : data_type (dnat n) Nat
  | dtbool b : data_type (dbool b) Bool
  | dtstring s : data_type (dstring s) String
  | dtcoll dl r : Forall (fun ddata_type d r) dl
                  data_type (dcoll dl) (Coll r)
  | dtrec k dl rl rl_sub pf
          (pf':is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true) :
      sublist rl_sub rl
      (k = Closed rl_sub = rl)
        (fun d r(fst d) = (fst r) data_type (snd d) (snd r))
        dl rl
      data_type (drec dl) (Rec k rl_sub pf)
  | dtleft {d τl} τr : data_type d τl data_type (dleft d) (Either τl τr)
  | dtright {d} τlr} : data_type d τr data_type (dright d) (Either τl τr)
  | dtbrand b b' d :
      is_canon_brands brand_relation_brands b
      data_normalized brand_relation_brands d
      Forall (fun bb
                  lookup string_dec brand_context_types bb = Some τ
                  data_type d τ
                ) b
      b b'
      data_type (dbrand b d) (Brand b')
  | dtforeign {fd fτ} :
      foreign_data_typing_has_type fd fτ
      data_type (dforeign fd) (Foreign fτ)

  Notation "d ▹ r" := (data_type d r) (at level 70).
  Section opt.

    Lemma dtsome {d τ} :
      data_type d τ
      data_type (dsome d) (Option τ).

    Lemma dtnone τ :
      data_type dnone (Option τ).

    Lemma dtsome_inv {d τ} :
      data_type (dsome d) (Option τ)
      data_type d τ.

  End opt.

  Lemma dtrec_closed_inv {dl rl pf} :
    data_type (drec dl) (Rec Closed rl pf)
      (fun d r(fst d) = (fst r) data_type (snd d) (snd r))
      dl rl.

  Lemma dtrec_full k {dl rl} pf:
         (fun d r(fst d) = (fst r) data_type (snd d) (snd r))
         dl rl
       data_type (drec dl) (Rec k rl pf).

  Lemma dtrec_open {dl : list (string×data)} {rl rl_sub : list (string×rtype)}
        pf (pf':is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true) :
       sublist rl_sub rl
         (fun d r(fst d) = (fst r) data_type (snd d) (snd r))
         dl rl
       data_type (drec dl) (Rec Open rl_sub pf).

  Lemma dtrec_open_pf {dl : list (string×data)} {rl rl_sub : list (string×rtype)}
        (pf':is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true) :
     (sub:sublist rl_sub rl),
         (fun d r(fst d) = (fst r) data_type (snd d) (snd r))
         dl rl
       data_type (drec dl) (Rec Open rl_sub (is_list_sorted_sublist pf' (sublist_domain sub))).

  Lemma dtrec_closed_is_open k dl rl pf :
    data_type (drec dl) (Rec Closed rl pf)
    data_type (drec dl) (Rec k rl pf).

  Lemma dtbrand_inv b b' d :
    data_type (dbrand b d) (Brand b')
      is_canon_brands brand_relation_brands b
      data_normalized brand_relation_brands d
      Forall (fun bb
                  lookup string_dec brand_context_types bb = Some τ
                  data_type d τ
                ) b
      b b'.

  Lemma dtbrand_refl {b d}:
    is_canon_brands brand_relation_brands b
    data_normalized brand_relation_brands d
    Forall (fun bb
                  lookup string_dec brand_context_types bb = Some τ
                  data_type d τ
           ) b
    data_type (dbrand b d) (Brand b).

  Lemma data_type_ext d τ pf1 pf2:
    d (exist _ τ pf1) d (exist _ τ pf2).

  Lemma data_type_fequal d τ τ:
    (proj1_sig τ) = (proj1_sig τ)
    (d τ d τ).

  Lemma data_type_not_bottom {d} : d False.

Section inv.

  Lemma data_type_dunit_inv {τ}:
    isTop τ = false
    dunit τ τ = Unit.

  Lemma data_type_dnat_inv {n τ}:
    isTop τ = false
    dnat n τ τ = Nat.

  Lemma data_type_dbool_inv {b τ}:
    isTop τ = false
    dbool b τ τ = Bool.

  Lemma data_type_dstring_inv {s τ}:
    isTop τ = false
    dstring s τ τ = String.

  Lemma data_type_dcoll_inv {d τ}:
    isTop τ = false
    dcoll d τ
    {τ' | τ = Coll τ'}.

  Lemma data_type_drec_inv {sdl τ}:
    isTop τ = false
    drec sdl τ
    {k : record_kind & {τ' | pf, τ = Rec k τ' pf}}.

  Lemma data_type_dleft_inv {d τ} :
    isTop τ = false
    dleft d τ
    {τl : rtype & {τr | τ = Either τl τr}}.

    Lemma data_type_dright_inv {d τ} :
    isTop τ = false
    dright d τ
    {τl : rtype & {τr | τ = Either τl τr}}.

  Lemma data_type_dsome_inv {d τ} :
    isTop τ = false
    dsome d τ
    {τl : rtype & {τr | τ = Either τl τr}}.

    Lemma data_type_dnone_inv {τ} :
    isTop τ = false
    dnone τ
    {τl : rtype & {τr | τ = Either τl τr}}.

  Lemma data_type_Unit_inv {d}:
    d Unit
    d = dunit.

  Lemma data_type_Nat_inv {d}:
    d Nat
    {n | d = dnat n}.

  Lemma data_type_Bool_inv {d}:
    d Bool
    {b | d = dbool b}.

  Lemma data_type_String_inv {d}:
    d String
    {s | d = dstring s}.

  Lemma data_type_Col_inv {d τ}:
    d Coll τ
    {dl | d = dcoll dl}.

  Lemma Col_inv {d τ}:
    dcoll d Coll τ
    Forall (fun cc τ) d.

  Lemma data_type_Rec_inv {d k τ pf} :
    d Rec k τ pf
    {dl | d = drec dl}.

    Lemma data_type_Arrow_inv {d τin τout}:
    d Arrow τin τout

    Lemma data_type_Foreign_inv {d ft}:
    d Foreign ft
    {fd | d = dforeign fd}.

  Lemma data_type_Either_inv {d τl τr}:
    d Either τl τr
    {dl | d = dleft dl dl τl} + {dr | d = dright dr dr τr}.

    Lemma data_type_Option_inv {d τ}:
    d Option τ
    {ds | d = dsome ds ds τ} + {d = dnone}.

    Lemma data_type_Brand_inv {d br} :
    d Brand br
    {bs:brands & {d' | d = dbrand bs d'}}.

End inv.

Inversion tactic for typed data

Lemma data_type_Rec_sublist {r k l l' pf} pf' :
      drec r Rec k l pf
      sublist l' l
      drec r Rec Open l' pf'.

Lemma sorted_forall_same_domain {dl τ}:
    Forall2 (fun (d : string × data) (r : string × rtype) ⇒
          fst d = fst r data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl τ
    (domain dl) = (domain τ).

Lemma data_type_Rec_domain {r k l pf} :
      drec r Rec k l pf
      sublist (domain l) (domain r).

Lemma data_type_Rec_closed_domain {r l pf} :
      drec r Rec Closed l pf
      domain r = domain l.

Lemma data_type_Recs_domain {r k l pf l' pf'} :
  drec r Rec k l pf
  drec r Rec Closed l' pf'
  sublist (domain l) (domain l').

Lemma data_type_Recs_closed_domain {r l l' pf pf'} :
  drec r Rec Closed l pf
  drec r Rec Closed l' pf'
  domain l = domain l'.

Lemma dtrec_edot_parts a k τ pf s x y:
  drec a Rec k τ pf
  edot a s = Some x
  edot τ s = Some y
  x y.

Lemma coll_type_cons a c x:
  dcoll (a :: c) Coll x
  a x dcoll c Coll x.

Lemma dcoll_coll_in_inv {d τ a} :
  In a d dcoll d Coll τ a τ.

Lemma rec_type_closed_cons {x y l l' pf} pf':
  drec (x :: l) Rec Closed (y :: l') pf
  (snd x) (snd y) drec l Rec Closed l' pf'.

Lemma rec_type_cons {k x y l l' pf} pf':
  drec (x :: l) Rec k (y :: l') pf
  ((fst x) = (fst y) (snd x) (snd y) drec l Rec k l' pf')
   ((fst x) (fst y) drec l Rec k (y::l') pf).

  Lemma sorted_forall_sorted (dl:list (string×data)) (τ:list (string×rtype)):
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ) = true
    Forall2 (fun (d : string × data) (r : string × rtype) ⇒
          fst d = fst r data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl τ
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain dl) = true.

  Lemma insert_and_foralls_mean_same_sort l1 l2 τ τ x y:
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain (rec_sort (τ ++ τ))) = true
      (fun (d : string × data) (r : string × rtype) ⇒
         fst d = fst r data_type (snd d) (snd r))
      (rec_sort (l1 ++ l2)) (rec_sort (τ ++ τ))
    (fst x = fst y)
         (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec y (rec_sort (τ ++ τ)))) = true
         (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec x (rec_sort (l1 ++ l2)))) = true.

  Lemma sorted_cons_skip {A} (l:list (string×A)) (x x0:string×A) :
      (domain (rec_cons_sort x (x0 :: l))) = true
         (domain (rec_cons_sort x l)) = true.

  Lemma Forall2_cons_sorted l1 l2 x y :
      (fun (d : string × data) (r : string × rtype) ⇒
         fst d = fst r data_type (snd d) (snd r))
      l1 l2
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec
                      (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec x l1)) =
    is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec
                      (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec y l2)) =
    true fst x = fst y data_type (snd x) (snd y)
      (fun (d : string × data) (r : string × rtype) ⇒
         fst d = fst r data_type (snd d) (snd r))
      (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec x l1)
      (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec y l2).

  Lemma dtrec_rec_concat_sort {x xt pfx y yt pfy} pxyt :
    drec x Rec Closed xt pfx
    drec y Rec Closed yt pfy
    drec (rec_concat_sort x y) Rec Closed (rec_concat_sort xt yt) pxyt.

  Lemma dttop' d : data_normalized brand_relation_brands d d .

  Lemma Forall_map {A B} P (f:AB) l :
    Forall P (map f l) Forall (fun xP (f x)) l.

Well typed data must be normalized
Lemma showing that normalization preserves typing
  Lemma normalize_preserves_type d τ :
    d τ normalize_data brand_relation_brands d τ.

  Lemma dttop_weaken {d τ} : data_type d τ data_type d .

End TData.

Notation "d ▹ r" := (data_type d r) (at level 70).

Section rmap.
  Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
  Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
  Context {fdtyping:foreign_data_typing}.
  Context {m:brand_model}.

  Lemma rmap_concat_empty_right τ pf l:
    Forall (fun d : datad Rec Closed τ pf) l
    (rmap_concat (fun _ : dataSome (dcoll (drec nil :: nil))) l) = Some l.

  Lemma rmap_concat_empty_left τ pf l:
    Forall (fun d : datad Rec Closed τ pf) l
    (rmap_concat (fun _ : dataSome (dcoll l)) (drec nil::nil)) = Some l.

End rmap.

Section subtype.

  Lemma subtype_Rec_sublist_strengthen
        {m:brand_model} {dl rl srl k1 pf srl0 pf0 k2} :
         (fun (d : string × data) (r : string × rtype) ⇒
            fst d = fst r data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl rl)
         (subl:sublist srl rl)
         (subt:Rec k1 srl pf <: Rec k2 srl0 pf0)
         (pf3:is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain rl) = true)
        (fun ab : string × rtype
          (d : data) (τ : rtype),
         snd ab <: τ data_type d (snd ab) data_type d τ) srl),
         (fun (d : string × data) (r : string × rtype) ⇒
            fst d = fst r data_type (snd d) (snd r)) dl l2
    sublist srl0 l2.

Global Instance data_type_subtype_prop
       {m:brand_model} : Proper (eq ==> subtype ==> impl) (data_type).

  Global Instance data_type_subtype_prop'
         {m:brand_model} d : Proper (subtype ==> impl) (data_type d).

  Lemma join_preserves_data_type
        {m:brand_model} {d τ}:
    d τ τ, d (τ τ).

  Theorem subtyping_preserves_data_type
          {m:brand_model} {d τ τ}:
    d τ τ τ d τ.

  Lemma map_rtype_meet_cons2_nin
        {br:brand_relation} s x l1 l2 :
    ¬ In s (domain l1)
    map_rtype_meet l1 ((s, x) :: l2)
    = map_rtype_meet l1 l2.

  Lemma lookup_diff_cons2_nin {A B C} dec s x (l1:list (A×B)) (l2:list (A×C)) :
    ¬ In s (domain l1)
  lookup_diff dec l1 ((s, x) :: l2)
  = lookup_diff dec l1 l2.

  Lemma lookup_diff_sublist {A B C} (dec: a a':A, {a=a'} + {aa'})
        (l1:list (A×B)) (l2:list (A×C)):
    sublist (lookup_diff dec l1 l2) l1.

  Theorem meet_preserves_data_type
          {m:brand_model} {d τ τ}:
    d τ d τ d (τ τ).

  Theorem meet_data_type_iff
          {m:brand_model} d τ τ:
    d (τ τ) (d τ d τ).

  Lemma brands_type_Forall
        {m:brand_model} d b :
    d (brands_type b)
     (data_normalized brand_relation_brands d
    Forall (fun bb
                lookup string_dec brand_context_types bb = Some τ
                d τ
           ) b).

  Lemma dtbrand'
        {m:brand_model} b b' d:
      is_canon_brands brand_relation_brands b
      d (brands_type b)
      b b'
      data_type (dbrand b d) (Brand b').

  Lemma dtbrand'_inv
        {m:brand_model} b b' d:
    data_type (dbrand b d) (Brand b')
    is_canon_brands brand_relation_brands b
    d (brands_type b)
    b b'.

End subtype.