
Section rtype_meetjoin.

Definition record_kind_rtype_join {B} (k₁ k₂:record_kind) (l₁ l₂:list (string × B))
  := match k₁, k₂ with
       | Closed, Closed
         if (domain l₁) == (domain l₂) then Closed else Open
       | _, _Open

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_open_l {B} k l₁ l₂:
  @record_kind_rtype_join B Open k l₁ l₂ = Open.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_open_r {B} k l₁ l₂:
  @record_kind_rtype_join B k Open l₁ l₂ = Open.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_closed_inv {B} k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂:
  @record_kind_rtype_join B k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂ = Closed
  k₁ = Closed k₂ = Closed domain l₁ = domain l₂.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_idempotent {B} k l :
  @record_kind_rtype_join B k k l l = k.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_comm_kind {B} k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂ :
  @record_kind_rtype_join B k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂ =
  record_kind_rtype_join k₂ k₁ l₁ l₂.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_comm_list {B} k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂ :
  @record_kind_rtype_join B k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂ =
  record_kind_rtype_join k₁ k₂ l₂ l₁.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_comm {B} k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂ :
  @record_kind_rtype_join B k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂ =
  record_kind_rtype_join k₂ k₁ l₂ l₁.

Definition rtype_meet_compatible_records {A B} (k₁ k₂:record_kind)
             (l₁:list (string×A)) (l₂:list (string × B)) : Prop
    := match k₁, k₂ with
       | Open, OpenTrue
       | Open, Closedsublist (domain l₁) (domain l₂)
       | Closed, Opensublist (domain l₂) (domain l₁)
       | Closed, Closed(domain l₂) = (domain l₁)

Lemma rtype_meet_compatible_records_dec {A B} (k₁ k₂:record_kind)
        (l₁:list (string×A)) (l₂:list (string × B)) :
    {rtype_meet_compatible_records k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂} + {¬ rtype_meet_compatible_records k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂}.

Definition record_kind_rtype_meet (k₁ k₂:record_kind)
  := match k₁, k₂ with
       | Open, OpenOpen
       | _, _Closed

Lemma rtype_meet_compatible_records_idempotent {B} k₁ k₂ r :
  @rtype_meet_compatible_records B B k₁ k₂ r r.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_meet_idempotent k : record_kind_rtype_meet k k = k.

Lemma rtype_meet_compatible_records_commutative {A B} k₁ k₂ r₁ r₂:
  @rtype_meet_compatible_records A B k₁ k₂ r₁ r₂
  @rtype_meet_compatible_records B A k₂ k₁ r₂ r₁.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_meet_commutative k₁ k₂ : record_kind_rtype_meet k₁ k₂ = record_kind_rtype_meet k₂ k₁.

Lemma rtype_meet_compatible_records_domain_eq_l {A B C}
      (k₁ k₂:record_kind) (l₁:list (string×A)) (l₁':list (string×B)) (l₂:list (string × C)) :
  domain l₁ = domain l₁'
  rtype_meet_compatible_records k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂
  = rtype_meet_compatible_records k₁ k₂ l₁' l₂.

Lemma rtype_meet_compatible_records_domain_eq_r {A B C}
      (k₁ k₂:record_kind) (l₁:list (string×A)) (l₂:list (string×B)) (l₂':list (string × C)) :
  domain l₂ = domain l₂'
  rtype_meet_compatible_records k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂
  = rtype_meet_compatible_records k₁ k₂ l₁ l₂'.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_meet_associative k k0 k1 :
  record_kind_rtype_meet (record_kind_rtype_meet k k0) k1
  = record_kind_rtype_meet k (record_kind_rtype_meet k0 k1).

Section mj.
  Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
  Context {br:brand_relation}.

  Fixpoint rtype_join₀ τ:rtype₀) : rtype₀
  := match τ, τ with
       | , τ ⇒ τ
       | τ, ⇒ τ
       | Unit₀, Unit₀Unit₀
       | Nat₀, Nat₀Nat₀
       | Bool₀, Bool₀Bool₀
       | String₀, String₀String₀
       | Coll₀ τ₁', Coll₀ τ₂'Coll₀ (rtype_join₀ τ₁' τ₂')
       | Rec₀ k₁ srl, Rec₀ k₂ srl'Rec₀ (record_kind_rtype_join k₁ k₂ srl srl')
                                ((fix map_rtype_join₀ l1 l2 :=
                                match l1 with
                                  | nilnil
                                  | (s,r)::srsmatch lookup string_dec l2 s with
                                                      | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
                                                      | Some r'(s,rtype_join₀ r r')::(map_rtype_join₀ srs l2)
                                end) srl srl')
       | Either₀ τl₁ τr₁, Either₀ τl₂ τr₂Either₀ (rtype_join₀ τl₁ τl₂) (rtype_join₀ τr₁ τr₂)
       | Arrow₀ τl₁ τr₁, Arrow₀ τl₂ τr₂Arrow₀ (rtype_meet₀ τl₁ τl₂) (rtype_join₀ τr₁ τr₂)
       | Brand₀ b₁, Brand₀ b₂Brand₀ (brand_join brand_relation_brands b₁ b₂)
       | Foreign₀ ft₁, Foreign₀ ft₂Foreign₀ (join ft₁ ft₂)
       | _, _
  with rtype_meet₀ τ:rtype₀) : rtype₀
  := match τ, τ with
       | , τ ⇒ τ
       | τ, ⇒ τ
       | Unit₀, Unit₀Unit₀
       | Nat₀, Nat₀Nat₀
       | Bool₀, Bool₀Bool₀
       | String₀, String₀String₀
       | Coll₀ τ₁', Coll₀ τ₂'Coll₀ (rtype_meet₀ τ₁' τ₂')
       | Rec₀ k₁ srl, Rec₀ k₂ srl'
         if rtype_meet_compatible_records_dec k₁ k₂ srl srl'
         then Rec₀ (record_kind_rtype_meet k₁ k₂)
                  (rec_concat_sort ((fix map_rtype_meet₀ l1 l2 :=
                     match l1 with
                       | nilnil
                       | (s,r)::srsmatch lookup string_dec l2 s with
                                         | None(s,r)::map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                                         | Some r'(s,rtype_meet₀ r r')::(map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2)
                     end) srl srl')
                                   (lookup_diff string_dec srl' srl))
       | Either₀ τl₁ τr₁, Either₀ τl₂ τr₂
         Either₀ (rtype_meet₀ τl₁ τl₂) (rtype_meet₀ τr₁ τr₂)
       | Arrow₀ τl₁ τr₁, Arrow₀ τl₂ τr₂Arrow₀ (rtype_join₀ τl₁ τl₂) (rtype_meet₀ τr₁ τr₂)
       | Brand₀ τ, Brand₀ τBrand₀ (brand_meet brand_relation_brands τ τ)
       | Foreign₀ ft₁, Foreign₀ ft₂Foreign₀ (meet ft₁ ft₂)
       | _, _

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_domain_subset r srl x:
  In x (domain (((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s0, r1) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
               | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) r srl))) In x (domain r) In x (domain srl).

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_domain_subset_inv r srl x:
 In x (domain r) In x (domain srl)
  In x (domain (((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s0, r1) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
               | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) r srl))).

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_rtype_joins {r₁ r₂ s τ τ} :
  lookup string_dec r₁ s = Some τ
    lookup string_dec r₂ s = Some τ
    lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
                | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
            end) r₁ r₂)) s = Some (rtype_join₀ τ τ).

Lemma NoDup_map_rtype_join₀ {r₁ r₂} :
      NoDup (domain r₁) NoDup (domain
      ((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
          list (string × rtype₀) :=
          match l1 with
          | nilnil
          | (s0, r1) :: srs
              match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
              | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
              | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
          end) r₁ r₂)).

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_domain r srl:
  (domain (((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s,r)::srsmatch lookup string_dec l2 s with
                             | None(s,r)::map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                             | Some r'(s,rtype_meet₀ r r')::(map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2)
             r srl))) = domain r.

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_rtype_meets {r₁ r₂ s τ τ} :
  lookup string_dec r₁ s = Some τ
    lookup string_dec r₂ s = Some τ
    lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_meet₀ r r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                | None(s, r)::map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
            end) r₁ r₂)) s = Some (rtype_meet₀ τ τ).

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_some_none {r₁ r₂ s τ} :
  lookup string_dec r₁ s = Some τ
    lookup string_dec r₂ s = None
    lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_meet₀ r r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                | None(s, r)::map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
            end) r₁ r₂)) s = Some τ.

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_none {r₁ r₂ s} :
  lookup string_dec r₁ s = None
    lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_meet₀ r r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                | None(s, r)::map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
            end) r₁ r₂)) s = None.

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_disjoint r₁ r₂ :
  disjoint (domain ((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
          list (string × rtype₀) :=
          match l1 with
          | nilnil
          | (s,r)::srsmatch lookup string_dec l2 s with
                            | None(s,r)::map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                            | Some r'(s,rtype_meet₀ r r')::(map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2)
          end) r₁ r₂)) (domain (lookup_diff string_dec r₂ r₁)).

Lemma NoDup_map_rtype_meet₀_lookup_diff {r₁ r₂} :
      NoDup (domain r₁)
      NoDup (domain r₂)
      NoDup (domain
               (((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
          list (string × rtype₀) :=
          match l1 with
          | nilnil
          | (s,r)::srsmatch lookup string_dec l2 s with
                             | None(s,r)::map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                             | Some r'(s,rtype_meet₀ r r')::(map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2)
          end) r₁ r₂) ++ (lookup_diff string_dec r₂ r₁))).

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_cons2_nin a b l1 l2 :
                  ¬ In a (domain l1)
                  ((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
         list (string × rtype₀) :=
         match l1 with
         | nilnil
         | (s, r2) :: srs
             match lookup string_dec l2 s with
             | Some r'(s, rtype_meet₀ r2 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
             | None(s, r2) :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
         end) l1 ((a,b) :: l2))
                  ((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
             list (string × rtype₀) :=
             match l1 with
             | nilnil
             | (s, r) :: srs
                 match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                 | Some r'(s, rtype_meet₀ r r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                 | None(s, r) :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
             end) l1 l2).

Lemma rtype_join₀_meet₀_wf τ} :
  wf_rtype₀ τ = true
  wf_rtype₀ τ = true
  wf_rtype₀ (rtype_join₀ τ τ) = true
wf_rtype₀ (rtype_meet₀ τ τ) = true.

Corollary rtype_join₀_wf τ} :
  wf_rtype₀ τ = true
  wf_rtype₀ τ = true
  wf_rtype₀ (rtype_join₀ τ τ) = true.

Corollary rtype_meet₀_wf τ} :
  wf_rtype₀ τ = true
  wf_rtype₀ τ = true
  wf_rtype₀ (rtype_meet₀ τ τ) = true.

This definition does not reduce well. To reduce with it, use autorewrite using rtype_join.
Program Definition rtype_join τ:rtype) : rtype
  := exist _ (rtype_join₀ τ τ) (rtype_join₀_wf (proj2_sig τ) (proj2_sig τ)).

Program Definition rtype_meet τ:rtype) : rtype
  := exist _ (rtype_meet₀ τ τ) (rtype_meet₀_wf (proj2_sig τ) (proj2_sig τ)).

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_lookup_none1 {l₁ l₂ s r} :
lookup string_dec l₂ s = None
(fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
      end) ((s, r)::l₁) l₂ =
(fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ l₂.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_lookup_none2 {l₁ l₂ s r} :
lookup string_dec l₁ s = None
(fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ ((s, r) :: l₂) =
(fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ l₂.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_lookup_some2 {l₁ l₂ s τ τ} :
  lookup string_dec l₁ s = Some τ
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l₁) = true
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain ((s,τ)::l₂)) = true
   (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ ((s, τ) :: l₂) =
 (s, rtype_join₀ τ τ)
   :: (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
         list (string × rtype₀) :=
         match l1 with
         | nilnil
         | (s0, r1) :: srs
             match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
             | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
             | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
         end) l₁ l₂.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_idempotent' k {rl1} :
   (wf1 : wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k rl1) = true)
         (subH : Forall
                   (fun ab : string × rtype₀
                      wf_rtype₀ (snd ab) = true
                      rtype_join₀ (snd ab) (snd ab) = (snd ab)) rl1),
       (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s, r) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s with
               | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) rl1 rl1
       = rl1.

Lemma rtype_join₀_meet₀_idempotent a :
  wf_rtype₀ a = true
  rtype_join₀ a a = a
   rtype_meet₀ a a = a.

Corollary rtype_join₀_idempotent a:
   (awf:wf_rtype₀ a = true),
    rtype_join₀ a a = a.

Corollary rtype_meet₀_idempotent a:
   (awf:wf_rtype₀ a = true),
    rtype_meet₀ a a = a.

Theorem rtype_join_idempotent: a, rtype_join a a = a.

Theorem rtype_meet_idempotent a : rtype_meet a a = a.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_idempotent k {rl1} :
   (wf1 : wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k rl1) = true),
       (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s, r) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s with
               | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) rl1 rl1
       = rl1.

 Lemma map_rtype_join₀_commutative' k₁ k₂ {rl1 rl2} :
   (wf1 : wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k₁ rl1) = true)
           (wf2 : wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k₂ rl2) = true)
           (subH : Forall
                  (fun ab : string × rtype₀
                      b : rtype₀,
                     wf_rtype₀ (snd ab) = true
                       wf_rtype₀ b = true rtype_join₀ (snd ab) b = rtype_join₀ b (snd ab)) rl1),
       (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s, r) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s with
               | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) rl1 rl2
       = (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s, r) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s with
               | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) rl2 rl1.

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_lookup_none1 {l₁ l₂ s r} :
lookup string_dec l₂ s = None
(fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
      end) ((s, r)::l₁) l₂ =
(fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ l₂.

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_lookup_none2 {l₁ l₂ s r} :
lookup string_dec l₁ s = None
(fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ ((s, r) :: l₂) =
(fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ l₂.

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_lookup_some2 {l₁ l₂ s τ τ} :
  lookup string_dec l₁ s = Some τ
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l₁) = true
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain ((s,τ)::l₂)) = true
   (fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s0, r1) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
          | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
          | Nonemap_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
      end) l₁ ((s, τ) :: l₂) =
 (s, rtype_meet₀ τ τ)
   :: (fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
         list (string × rtype₀) :=
         match l1 with
         | nilnil
         | (s0, r1) :: srs
             match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
             | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
             | Nonemap_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
         end) l₁ l₂.

Lemma rtype_join₀_meet₀_commutative a b:
   (awf : wf_rtype₀ a = true)
         (bwf : wf_rtype₀ b = true),
    rtype_join₀ a b = rtype_join₀ b a
     rtype_meet₀ a b = rtype_meet₀ b a.

Corollary rtype_join₀_commutative a b:
   (awf : wf_rtype₀ a = true)
         (bwf : wf_rtype₀ b = true),
         rtype_join₀ a b = rtype_join₀ b a.

Corollary rtype_meet₀_commutative a b:
   (awf : wf_rtype₀ a = true)
         (bwf : wf_rtype₀ b = true),
         rtype_meet₀ a b = rtype_meet₀ b a.

Theorem rtype_join_commutative: a b, rtype_join a b = rtype_join b a.

Theorem rtype_meet_commutative: a b, rtype_meet a b = rtype_meet b a.

 Lemma map_rtype_join₀_commutative k₁ k₂ {rl1 rl2} :
   (wf1 : wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k₁ rl1) = true)
           (wf2 : wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k₂ rl2) = true),
       (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s, r) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s with
               | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) rl1 rl2
       = (fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s, r) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s with
               | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) rl2 rl1.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_lookup_rtype_join {l₁ l₂ s τ τ} :
   lookup string_dec l₁ s = Some τ
   lookup string_dec l₂ s = Some τ
   lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s0, r1) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
               | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) l₁ l₂)) s = Some (rtype_join₀ τ τ).

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_lookup_none1_rtype_join {l₁ l₂ s} :
   lookup string_dec l₁ s = None
   lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s0, r1) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
               | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) l₁ l₂)) s = None.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_lookup_none2_rtype_join {l₁ l₂ s} :
   lookup string_dec l₂ s = None
   lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
           list (string × rtype₀) :=
           match l1 with
           | nilnil
           | (s0, r1) :: srs
               match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
               | Some r'(s0, rtype_join₀ r1 r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
               | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
           end) l₁ l₂)) s = None.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_domain_sublist a b :
  sublist (domain ((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} : list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
                | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
            end) a b)) (domain a).

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_domain_is_list_sorted {a b} :
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain a) = true
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain ((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
                | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
            end) a b)) = true.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_domain {a b}:
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain a) = true
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain b) = true
  domain a = domain b
  domain ((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
                | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
            end) a b) = domain a.

Lemma record_kind_rtype_join_associative {k k0 k1 a b c}:
    wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k a) = true
   wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k0 b) = true
   wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k1 c) = true
   (record_kind_rtype_join (record_kind_rtype_join k k0 a b) k1
        ((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
                | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
            end) a b) c) =
 (record_kind_rtype_join k (record_kind_rtype_join k0 k1 b c) a
        ((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s, r) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
                | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
            end) b c)).

Lemma domain_map_rtype_meet₀_diff r srl :
      domain (rec_concat_sort
            ((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
                list (string × rtype₀) :=
                match l1 with
                | nilnil
                | (s, r) :: srs
                    match lookup string_dec l2 s with
                    | Some r'(s, rtype_meet₀ r r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                    | None(s, r) :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                end) r srl) (lookup_diff string_dec srl r)) =
      domain (rec_concat_sort r srl).

Lemma NoDup_domain_lookups_Permutation {A B : Type} dec (l l' : list (A×B)) :
       NoDup (domain l)
       NoDup (domain l')
       ( x : A, lookup dec l x = lookup dec l' x)
       Permutation l l'.

Lemma lookup_nodup_perm {A B : Type}
      (dec : a a' : A, {a = a'} + {a a'})
         (l l' : list (A × B)) (a : A) :
       NoDup (domain l)
       Permutation l l'
       lookup dec l a = lookup dec l' a.

Lemma map_rtype_meet₀_domain_rec_concat_sort r srl s :
              NoDup (domain r)
              NoDup (domain srl)
        lookup string_dec (rec_concat_sort ((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s0, r0) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
                | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r0 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                | None(s0, r0) :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
            end) r srl) (lookup_diff string_dec srl r)) s
              = lookup string_dec (((fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
            list (string × rtype₀) :=
            match l1 with
            | nilnil
            | (s0, r0) :: srs
                match lookup string_dec l2 s0 with
                | Some r'(s0, rtype_meet₀ r0 r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
                | None(s0, r0) :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
            end) r srl) ++ (lookup_diff string_dec srl r)) s.

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_associative' {k k0 k1 a b c}:
     (fun ab : string × rtype₀
       b c : rtype₀,
      wf_rtype₀ (snd ab) = true
      wf_rtype₀ b = true
      wf_rtype₀ c = true
      rtype_join₀ (rtype_join₀ (snd ab) b) c = rtype_join₀ (snd ab) (rtype_join₀ b c)) a
    wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k a) = true
   wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k0 b) = true
   wf_rtype₀ (Rec₀ k1 c) = true
     rtype_join₀ (rtype_join₀ (Rec₀ k a) (Rec₀ k0 b)) (Rec₀ k1 c) =
     rtype_join₀ (Rec₀ k a) (rtype_join₀ (Rec₀ k0 b) (Rec₀ k1 c)).

Lemma rtype_join₀_meet₀_associative {a b c : rtype₀} :
   wf_rtype₀ a = true
   wf_rtype₀ b = true
   wf_rtype₀ c = true
   rtype_join₀ (rtype_join₀ a b) c = rtype_join₀ a (rtype_join₀ b c)
    rtype_meet₀ (rtype_meet₀ a b) c = rtype_meet₀ a (rtype_meet₀ b c).

Corollary rtype_join₀_associative {a b c : rtype₀} :
   wf_rtype₀ a = true
   wf_rtype₀ b = true
   wf_rtype₀ c = true
   rtype_join₀ (rtype_join₀ a b) c = rtype_join₀ a (rtype_join₀ b c).

Corollary rtype_meet₀_associative {a b c : rtype₀} :
   wf_rtype₀ a = true
   wf_rtype₀ b = true
   wf_rtype₀ c = true
   rtype_meet₀ (rtype_meet₀ a b) c = rtype_meet₀ a (rtype_meet₀ b c).

Theorem rtype_join_associative : a b c,
    rtype_join (rtype_join a b) c = rtype_join a (rtype_join b c).

Theorem rtype_meet_associative : a b c,
    rtype_meet (rtype_meet a b) c = rtype_meet a (rtype_meet b c).

Lemma map_rtype_join₀_nil_r l₁ :
      ((fix map_rtype_join₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
         list (string × rtype₀) :=
         match l1 with
         | nilnil
         | (s, r) :: srs
             match lookup string_dec l2 s with
             | Some r'(s, rtype_join₀ r r') :: map_rtype_join₀ srs l2
             | Nonemap_rtype_join₀ srs l2
         end) l₁ nil) = nil.

End mj.
End rtype_meetjoin.

Section rtype_join_re.

since rtype_join does not reduce nicely, we define a bunch of reduction equations these will then be added in to the rtype_join autorewrite database

Lemma rtype_nequal {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} {τ τ:rtype} : τ τ proj1_sig τ proj1_sig τ.

Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
Context {m:brand_relation}.
Lemma rtype_join_Top_l τ :
  rtype_join τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Top_r τ : rtype_join τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Bottom_r τ : rtype_join τ = τ.

Lemma rtype_join_Bottom_l τ : rtype_join τ = τ.

Lemma rtype_join_Unit_eq : rtype_join Unit Unit = Unit.

Lemma rtype_join_Unit_neq_l τ: τ τ Unit rtype_join Unit τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Unit_neq_r τ: τ τ Unit rtype_join τ Unit = .

Lemma rtype_join_Nat_eq : rtype_join Nat Nat = Nat.

Lemma rtype_join_Nat_neq_l τ: τ τ Nat rtype_join Nat τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Nat_neq_r τ: τ τ Nat rtype_join τ Nat = .

Lemma rtype_join_Bool_eq : rtype_join Bool Bool = Bool.

Lemma rtype_join_Bool_neq_l τ: τ τ Bool rtype_join Bool τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Bool_neq_r τ: τ τ Bool rtype_join τ Bool = .

Lemma rtype_join_String_eq : rtype_join String String = String.

Lemma rtype_join_String_neq_l τ: τ τ String rtype_join String τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_String_neq_r τ: τ τ String rtype_join τ String = .

Lemma rtype_join_Coll_eq τ τ : rtype_join (Coll τ) (Coll τ) = Coll (rtype_join τ τ).

Lemma rtype_join_Coll_neq_l τ τ: τ ( τ, τ Coll τ) rtype_join (Coll τ) τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Coll_neq_r τ τ: τ ( τ, τ Coll τ) rtype_join τ (Coll τ) = .

Fixpoint map_rtype_join l1 l2 :=
  match l1 with
    | nilnil
    | (s,r)::srsmatch lookup string_dec l2 s with
                      | Nonemap_rtype_join srs l2
                      | Some r'(s,rtype_join r r')::(map_rtype_join srs l2)

Lemma map_rtype_join_sublist_l l₁ l₂ : sublist (domain (map_rtype_join l₁ l₂)) (domain l₁).

Lemma map_rtype_join_is_sorted l₁ l₂ :
  is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain l₁) = true
   is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain (map_rtype_join l₁ l₂)) = true.

Lemma rtype_join_Rec_eq k₁ rl₁ pf₁ k₂ rl₂ pf₂ :
  rtype_join (Rec k₁ rl₁ pf₁) (Rec k₂ rl₂ pf₂) =
  Rec (record_kind_rtype_join k₁ k₂ rl₁ rl₂)
        (map_rtype_join rl₁ rl₂) (map_rtype_join_is_sorted rl₁ rl₂ pf₁).

Lemma rtype_join_Rec_neq_l τ k rl pf :
  τ ( k₂ rl₂ pf₂, τ Rec k₂ rl₂ pf₂) rtype_join (Rec k rl pf) τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Rec_neq_r τ k rl pf :
  τ ( k₂ rl₂ pf₂, τ Rec k₂ rl₂ pf₂) rtype_join τ (Rec k rl pf) = .

Lemma rtype_join_Either_eq τl₁ τr₁ τl₂ τr₂ : rtype_join (Either τl₁ τr₁) (Either τl₂ τr₂) = Either (rtype_join τl₁ τl₂) (rtype_join τr₁ τr₂).

Lemma rtype_join_Either_neq_l τ τl τr: τ ( τl₂ τr₂, τ Either τl₂ τr₂) rtype_join (Either τl τr) τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Either_neq_r τ τl τr: τ ( τl₂ τr₂, τ Either τl₂ τr₂) rtype_join τ (Either τl τr) = .

Lemma rtype_join_Brand_eq x y : rtype_join (Brand x) (Brand y) = Brand (brand_join brand_relation_brands x y).

Lemma rtype_join_Brand_neq_l τ y: τ ( x, τ Brand x) rtype_join (Brand y) τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Brand_neq_r τ y: τ ( x, τ Brand x) rtype_join τ (Brand y) = .

 Lemma rtype_join_Foreign_eq x y : rtype_join (Foreign x) (Foreign y) = Foreign (join x y).

Lemma rtype_join_Foreign_neq_l τ y: τ ( x, τ Foreign x) rtype_join (Foreign y) τ = .

Lemma rtype_join_Foreign_neq_r τ y: τ ( x, τ Foreign x) rtype_join τ (Foreign y) = .
End rtype_join_re.

Section rtype_meet_re.

since rtype_meet does not reduce nicely, we define a bunch of reduction equations these will then be added in to the rtype_meet autorewrite database

Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
Context {m:brand_relation}.

Lemma rtype_meet_Top_l τ :
  rtype_meet τ = τ.

Lemma rtype_meet_Top_r τ : rtype_meet τ = τ.

Lemma rtype_meet_Bottom_r τ : rtype_meet τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Bottom_l τ : rtype_meet τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Unit_eq : rtype_meet Unit Unit = Unit.

Lemma rtype_meet_Unit_neq_l τ: τ τ Unit rtype_meet Unit τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Unit_neq_r τ: τ τ Unit rtype_meet τ Unit = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Nat_eq : rtype_meet Nat Nat = Nat.

Lemma rtype_meet_Nat_neq_l τ: τ τ Nat rtype_meet Nat τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Nat_neq_r τ: τ τ Nat rtype_meet τ Nat = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Bool_eq : rtype_meet Bool Bool = Bool.

Lemma rtype_meet_Bool_neq_l τ: τ τ Bool rtype_meet Bool τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Bool_neq_r τ: τ τ Bool rtype_meet τ Bool = .

Lemma rtype_meet_String_eq : rtype_meet String String = String.

Lemma rtype_meet_String_neq_l τ: τ τ String rtype_meet String τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_String_neq_r τ: τ τ String rtype_meet τ String = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Coll_eq τ τ : rtype_meet (Coll τ) (Coll τ) = Coll (rtype_meet τ τ).

Lemma rtype_meet_Coll_neq_l τ τ: τ ( τ, τ Coll τ) rtype_meet (Coll τ) τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Coll_neq_r τ τ: τ ( τ, τ Coll τ) rtype_meet τ (Coll τ) = .

Fixpoint map_rtype_meet l1 l2 :=
  match l1 with
    | nilnil
    | (s,r)::srsmatch lookup string_dec l2 s with
                      | None(s,r)::map_rtype_meet srs l2
                      | Some r'(s,rtype_meet r r')::(map_rtype_meet srs l2)

Lemma map_rtype_meet_domain r srl:
  domain (map_rtype_meet r srl) = domain r.

  Lemma NoDup_map_rtype_meet_lookup_diff {r₁ r₂} :
      NoDup (domain r₁)
      NoDup (domain r₂)
      NoDup (domain
               ((map_rtype_meet r₁ r₂) ++ (lookup_diff string_dec r₂ r₁))).

  Lemma map_rtype_meet_sublist_l l₁ l₂ : sublist (domain (map_rtype_meet l₁ l₂)) (domain l₁).

Lemma map_rtype_meet_eq
      (rl₁ rl₂ : list (string × rtype)) :
   (fix map_rtype_meet₀ (l1 l2 : list (string × rtype₀)) {struct l1} :
      list (string × rtype₀) :=
      match l1 with
      | nilnil
      | (s, r) :: srs
          match lookup string_dec l2 s with
          | Some r'(s, rtype_meet₀ r r') :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
          | None(s, r) :: map_rtype_meet₀ srs l2
        (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
         (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) rl₁)
        (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
         (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) rl₂) =
     (fun x : string × {τ : rtype₀ | wf_rtype₀ τ = true}
        (fst x, proj1_sig (snd x))) (map_rtype_meet rl₁ rl₂).

Lemma rtype_meet_Rec_eq k₁ rl₁ pf₁ k₂ rl₂ pf₂ :
  rtype_meet (Rec k₁ rl₁ pf₁) (Rec k₂ rl₂ pf₂) =
  if rtype_meet_compatible_records_dec k₁ k₂ rl₁ rl₂
      Rec (record_kind_rtype_meet k₁ k₂)
          (rec_concat_sort (map_rtype_meet rl₁ rl₂) (lookup_diff string_dec rl₂ rl₁)) (drec_concat_sort_sorted _ _)
   else .

Lemma rtype_meet_Rec_neq_l τ k rl pf :
  τ ( k₂ rl₂ pf₂, τ Rec k₂ rl₂ pf₂) rtype_meet (Rec k rl pf) τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Rec_neq_r τ k rl pf :
  τ ( k₂ rl₂ pf₂, τ Rec k₂ rl₂ pf₂) rtype_meet τ (Rec k rl pf) = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Either_eq τl₁ τr₁ τl₂ τr₂ : rtype_meet (Either τl₁ τr₁) (Either τl₂ τr₂) = Either (rtype_meet τl₁ τl₂) (rtype_meet τr₁ τr₂).

Lemma rtype_meet_Either_neq_l τ τl τr: τ ( τl₂ τr₂, τ Either τl₂ τr₂) rtype_meet (Either τl τr) τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Either_neq_r τ τl τr: τ ( τl₂ τr₂, τ Either τl₂ τr₂) rtype_meet τ (Either τl τr) = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Brand_eq x y : rtype_meet (Brand x) (Brand y) = Brand (brand_meet brand_relation_brands x y).

Lemma rtype_meet_Brand_neq_l τ y: τ ( x, τ Brand x) rtype_meet (Brand y) τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Brand_neq_r τ y: τ ( x, τ Brand x) rtype_meet τ (Brand y) = .

 Lemma rtype_meet_Foreign_eq x y : rtype_meet (Foreign x) (Foreign y) = Foreign (meet x y).

Lemma rtype_meet_Foreign_neq_l τ y: τ ( x, τ Foreign x) rtype_meet (Foreign y) τ = .

Lemma rtype_meet_Foreign_neq_r τ y: τ ( x, τ Foreign x) rtype_meet τ (Foreign y) = .

End rtype_meet_re.