Section subtype.
Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
Context {br:brand_relation}.
Inductive subtype : rtype → rtype → Prop :=
| STop r : subtype r ⊤
| SBottom r : subtype ⊥ r
| SRefl r : subtype r r
| SColl r1 r2 : subtype r1 r2 → subtype (Coll r1) (Coll r2)
Allow width subtyping of open records and depth subtyping of both types of records. Also, a closed record can be a subtype of an open record (but not vice versa)
| SRec k1 k2 rl1 rl2 pf1 pf2 : (∀ s r',
lookup string_dec rl2 s = Some r' →
∃ r, lookup string_dec rl1 s = Some r ∧
subtype r r') →
(k2 = Closed → k1 = Closed ∧
(∀ s, In s (domain rl1) → In s (domain rl2))) →
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec k2 rl2 pf2)
| SEither l1 l2 r1 r2 :
subtype l1 l2 →
subtype r1 r2 →
subtype (Either l1 r1) (Either l2 r2)
| SArrow in1 in2 out1 out2:
subtype in2 in1 →
subtype out1 out2 →
subtype (Arrow in1 out1) (Arrow in2 out2)
| SBrand b1 b2 : sub_brands brand_relation_brands b1 b2 → subtype (Brand b1) (Brand b2)
| SForeign ft1 ft2 :
foreign_type_sub ft1 ft2 →
subtype (Foreign ft1) (Foreign ft2)
Lemma SRec_open k1 rl1 rl2 pf1 pf2 :
(∀ s r',
lookup string_dec rl2 s = Some r' →
∃ r, lookup string_dec rl1 s = Some r ∧
subtype r r') →
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec Open rl2 pf2).
Lemma SRec_closed_in_domain {k1 k2 rl1 rl2 pf1 pf2} :
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec k2 rl2 pf2) →
(∀ x, In x (domain rl2) → In x (domain rl1)).
Lemma SRec_closed_equiv_domain {k1 rl1 rl2 pf1 pf2} :
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec Closed rl2 pf2) →
(∀ x, In x (domain rl1) ↔ In x (domain rl2)).
Lemma UIP_refl_dec
(dec:∀ x y:A, {x = y} + {x ≠ y})
(p1:x = x) : p1 = eq_refl x.
lookup string_dec rl2 s = Some r' →
∃ r, lookup string_dec rl1 s = Some r ∧
subtype r r') →
(k2 = Closed → k1 = Closed ∧
(∀ s, In s (domain rl1) → In s (domain rl2))) →
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec k2 rl2 pf2)
| SEither l1 l2 r1 r2 :
subtype l1 l2 →
subtype r1 r2 →
subtype (Either l1 r1) (Either l2 r2)
| SArrow in1 in2 out1 out2:
subtype in2 in1 →
subtype out1 out2 →
subtype (Arrow in1 out1) (Arrow in2 out2)
| SBrand b1 b2 : sub_brands brand_relation_brands b1 b2 → subtype (Brand b1) (Brand b2)
| SForeign ft1 ft2 :
foreign_type_sub ft1 ft2 →
subtype (Foreign ft1) (Foreign ft2)
Lemma SRec_open k1 rl1 rl2 pf1 pf2 :
(∀ s r',
lookup string_dec rl2 s = Some r' →
∃ r, lookup string_dec rl1 s = Some r ∧
subtype r r') →
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec Open rl2 pf2).
Lemma SRec_closed_in_domain {k1 k2 rl1 rl2 pf1 pf2} :
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec k2 rl2 pf2) →
(∀ x, In x (domain rl2) → In x (domain rl1)).
Lemma SRec_closed_equiv_domain {k1 rl1 rl2 pf1 pf2} :
subtype (Rec k1 rl1 pf1) (Rec Closed rl2 pf2) →
(∀ x, In x (domain rl1) ↔ In x (domain rl2)).
Lemma UIP_refl_dec
(dec:∀ x y:A, {x = y} + {x ≠ y})
(p1:x = x) : p1 = eq_refl x.
This follows trivially from the consistency of join and subtype.
However, this version should have better computational properties.
Lemma subtype_both_dec x y :
(prod ({subtype x y} + {¬ subtype x y}) ({subtype y x} + {¬ subtype y x})).
Theorem subtype_dec x y : {subtype x y} + {¬ subtype x y}.
End subtype.
Lemma subtype_ext {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} {a b pfa pfb} :
subtype (exist _ a pfa) (exist _ b pfb) →
∀ pfa' pfb',
subtype (exist _ a pfa') (exist _ b pfb').
Lemma subtype_Either_inv {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} {τl τr τl' τr'} :
subtype (Either τl τr) (Either τl' τr') →
subtype τl τl' ∧
subtype τr τr'.
Lemma subtype_Arrow_inv {ftype:foreign_type} {br:brand_relation} {τl τr τl' τr'} :
subtype (Arrow τl τr) (Arrow τl' τr') →
subtype τl' τl ∧
subtype τr τr'.
Notation "r1 <: r2" := (subtype r1 r2) (at level 70).