Module TNNRC

Section TNNRC.

  Require Import String.
  Require Import List.
  Require Import Arith.
  Require Import Program.
  Require Import EquivDec Morphisms.

  Require Import Utils BasicSystem.
  Require Import cNNRC NNRC.
  Require Import TcNNRC.

Typing rules for NNRC
  Section typ.

    Context {m:basic_model}.
    Definition nnrc_ext_type (env:tbindings) (n:nnrc) (t:rtype) : Prop :=
      nnrc_type env (nnrc_ext_to_nnrc n) t.
  End typ.
Main lemma for the type correctness of NNNRC

  Theorem typed_nnrc_ext_yields_typed_data {m:basic_model} {τ} (env:bindings) (tenv:tbindings) (e:nnrc) :
    bindings_type env tenv ->
    nnrc_ext_type tenv e τ ->
    (exists x, (@nnrc_ext_eval _ brand_relation_brands env e) = Some x /\ (data_type x τ)).
    unfold nnrc_ext_eval.
    unfold nnrc_ext_type in H0.
    apply (typed_nnrc_yields_typed_data env tenv).

  Global Instance nnrc_ext_type_lookup_equiv_prop {m:basic_model} :
    Proper (lookup_equiv ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) nnrc_ext_type.
    generalize nnrc_type_lookup_equiv_prop; intro Hnnrc_prop.
    unfold Proper, respectful, lookup_equiv, iff, impl in *; intros; subst.
    apply Hnnrc_prop; try reflexivity;
      try assumption.


Ltac nnrc_ext_inverter :=
  unfold nnrc_ext_type, nnrc_ext_to_nnrc in *; simpl in *; try nnrc_inverter.

Ltac nnrc_ext_input_well_typed :=
  repeat progress
         match goal with
         | [HO:nnrc_ext_type ?Γ ?opout,
               HE:bindings_type ?env
            |- context [(nnrc_ext_eval brand_relation_brands ?env ?op)]] =>
           let xout := fresh "dout" in
           let xtype := freshout" in
           let xeval := fresh "eout" in
           destruct (typed_nnrc_ext_yields_typed_data env Γ op HE HO)
             as [xout [xeval xtype]]; rewrite xeval in *; simpl