Module CAMP

CAMP is a small calculus for pattern matching. Its purpose is to capture the semantics of rules languages that rely on the ability to recover from match failure.

Two distinct evaluation functions for CAMP are defined. The first is a standard evaluation function and serves as semantic definition. The second is equivalent but maintains a trace of the evaluation for debugging purposes.
Section CAMP.

  Require Import String.
  Require Import List.
  Require Import EquivDec.
  Require Import Morphisms.
  Require Import BasicRuntime.
  Require Import CAMPUtil.
  Local Open Scope string.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

Abstract Syntax Tree

CAMP patterns are pure expressions. They match against a current value in the context of an environment. The environment has a globale component which is static, and a local component which can be modified in the course of evaluation.

Operations include: pmap, a functional map which skips match failure; passert, which turns match failure into a terminal failure, and porElse which allows to continue to a new pattern in case of match failure.

Compared to the published material, three new operators are added: pgetConstant which accesses the global environment, pleft and pright which support pattern matching against choice values.
  Inductive camp : Set :=
  | pconst : data -> camp (* Constant value *)
  | punop : unaryOp -> camp -> camp (* Unary operators *)
  | pbinop : binOp -> camp -> camp -> camp (* Binary operators *)
  | pmap : camp -> camp (* Functional map *)
  | passert : camp -> camp (* Assert pattern-matching success *)
  | porElse : camp -> camp -> camp (* Recover from failure *)
  | pit : camp (* Current value being matched *)
  | pletIt : camp -> camp -> camp (* Set the current value *)
  | pgetConstant : string -> camp (* Access to a global variable *)
  | penv : camp (* Current environment *)
  | pletEnv : camp -> camp -> camp (* Add bindings to the environment *)
  | pleft : camp (* Matches if the value is a left choice *)
  | pright : camp. (* Matches if the value is a right choice *)

  Tactic Notation "camp_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
    [ Case_aux c "pconst"%string
    | Case_aux c "punop"%string
    | Case_aux c "pbinop"%string
    | Case_aux c "pmap"%string
    | Case_aux c "passert"%string
    | Case_aux c "porElse"%string
    | Case_aux c "pit"%string
    | Case_aux c "pletIt"%string
    | Case_aux c "pgetConstant"%string
    | Case_aux c "penv"%string
    | Case_aux c "pletEnv"%string
    | Case_aux c "pleft"%string
    | Case_aux c "pright"%string].

Equality between two CAMP patterns is decidable.
  Global Instance camp_eqdec : EqDec camp eq.
    change (forall x y : camp, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
    decide equality.
    apply data_eqdec.
    apply unaryOp_eqdec.
    apply binOp_eqdec.
    apply string_dec.

Evaluation Semantics

Evaluation takes a camp pattern, a global environment, a local environment and a current value. It returns a presult which can be either a successful evaluation holding a value, a match failure, or a terminal failure.

The external context for evaluation includes a brand relation, and a global environment.
  Section Evaluation.
    Context (h:brand_relation_t).
    Context (constant_env:bindings).

    Fixpoint camp_eval (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (d:data) : presult data
      := match p with
         | pconst d' => Success (normalize_data h d')
         | punop op p₁ => bindpr (camp_eval pbind d)
                                 (fun d' => (op2tpr (fun_of_unaryop h op d')))
         | pbinop op pp₂ =>
           bindpr (camp_eval pbind d)
                  (fun d'₁ =>
                     bindpr (camp_eval pbind d)
                            (fun d'₂ => (op2tpr (fun_of_binop h op d'₁ d'₂))))
         | pmap p₁ =>
           match d with
           | dcoll l => liftpr dcoll (gather_successes (map (camp_eval pbind) l))
           | _ => TerminalError
         | passert p₁ =>
           bindpr (camp_eval pbind d)
                  (fun d' => match d' with
                             | dbool true => Success (drec nil)
                             | dbool false => RecoverableError
                             | _ => TerminalError
         | porElse pp₂ =>
           match camp_eval pbind d with
           | TerminalError => TerminalError
           | RecoverableError => camp_eval pbind d
           | Success x => Success x
         | pit => Success d
         | pletIt pp₂ =>
           bindpr (camp_eval pbind d) (camp_eval pbind)
         | pgetConstant s => op2tpr (edot constant_env s)
         | penv => Success (drec bind)
         | pletEnv pp₂ =>
           bindpr (camp_eval pbind d)
                  (fun rd'₁ => match rd'₁ with
                               | drec d'₁ => match merge_bindings bind d'₁ with
                                             | Some bind' => camp_eval pbind' d
                                             | None => RecoverableError
                               | _ => TerminalError
         | pleft =>
           match d with
           | dleft d' => Success d'
           | dright _ => RecoverableError
           | _ => TerminalError
         | pright =>
           match d with
           | dright d' => Success d'
           | dleft _ => RecoverableError
           | _ => TerminalError

  End Evaluation.

Pretty Printing

Evaluation traces rely on printing support for CAMP's abstract syntax.
  Global Instance ToString_camp : ToString camp
    := { toString :=
           fix toStringp (p:camp) : string :=
             match p with
             | pconst d => "(pconst " ++ toString d ++ ")"
             | punop u p1 => "(punop " ++ toString u ++ " " ++ toStringp p1 ++ ")"
             | pbinop b p1 p2 => "(pbinop " ++ toString b ++ " " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
             | pmap p1 => "(pmap " ++ toStringp p1 ++ ")"
             | passert p1 => "(passert " ++ toStringp p1 ++ ")"
             | porElse p1 p2 => "(porElse " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
             | pit => "pit"
             | pletIt p1 p2 => "(pletIt " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
             | pgetConstant s => "(pgetConstant " ++ s ++ ")"
             | penv => "penv"
             | pletEnv p1 p2 => "(pletEnv " ++ toStringp p1++ " " ++ toStringp p2 ++ ")"
             | pleft => "pleft"
             | pright => "pright"
  Fixpoint toString_camp_with_path (p:camp) (loc:camp_src_path) :=
    match loc with
    | nil => bracketString "<<<" (toString p) ">>>"
    | pos::loc' =>
      match p with
      | pconst d => "(pconst " ++ toString d ++ ")"
      | punop u p1 => "(punop " ++ toString u ++ " " ++
                                toString_camp_with_path p1 loc' ++ ")"
      | pbinop b p1 p2 => "(pbinop "
                            ++ toString b ++ " " ++
                            (if pos == 0
                             then toString_camp_with_path p1 loc'
                             else toString p1)
                            ++ " " ++
                            (if pos == 1
                             then toString_camp_with_path p2 loc'
                             else toString p2) ++ ")"
      | pmap p1 => "(pmap " ++ toString_camp_with_path p1 loc' ++ ")"
      | passert p1 => "(passert " ++ toString_camp_with_path p1 loc' ++ ")"
      | porElse p1 p2 => "(porElse " ++
                                     (if pos == 0
                                      then toString_camp_with_path p1 loc'
                                      else toString p1)
                                     ++ " " ++
                                     (if pos == 1
                                      then toString_camp_with_path p2 loc'
                                      else toString p2) ++ ")"
      | pit => "pit"
      | pletIt p1 p2 => "(pletIt " ++
                                   (if pos == 0
                                    then toString_camp_with_path p1 loc'
                                    else toString p1)
                                   ++ " " ++
                                   (if pos == 1
                                    then toString_camp_with_path p2 loc'
                                    else toString p2) ++ ")"
      | pgetConstant s => "(pgetConstant " ++ s ++ ")"
      | penv => "penv"
      | pletEnv p1 p2 => "(pletEnv " ++
                                     (if pos == 0
                                      then toString_camp_with_path p1 loc'
                                      else toString p1)
                                     ++ " " ++
                                     (if pos == 1
                                      then toString_camp_with_path p2 loc'
                                      else toString p2) ++ ")"
      | pleft => "pleft"
      | pright => "pright"

Traced Evaluation

An alternative version of the compiler that keeps debug information. While this forces some code duplication, this is mitigated by the fact that the evaluation code is relatively small and simple.

The context is the same as for default evaluation, with an additional printing flag.

  Section EvaluationDebug.
    Context (h:brand_relation_t).
    Context (constant_env:list(string*data)).
    Context (print_env:bool).

The following functions are used to produce error messages.
    Definition mk_err (desc:string) (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (it:data)
      := toString p ++ " failed" ++ desc ++ "." ++
                  (if print_env
                   then "\n Current environment (env): "
                          ++ toString (drec bind)
                   else "") ++
                  "\n Current scrutinee (it): "
                  ++ toString it ++
    Definition punop_err (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (it:data) (d:data) : string
      := (mk_err "" p bind it ++ " The operator's argument was: " ++ toString d ++ "\n").
    Definition binop_err (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (it:data) (d'₁ d'₂:data) : string
      := (mk_err "" p bind it ++ " The operator's first argument was: " ++ toString d'₁
                 ++ "\n The operator's second argument was: " ++ toString d'₂
                 ++ "\n").

    Definition pmap_err (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
      := mk_err " because the scrutinee was not a collection" p bind it.

    Definition passert_err (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (it d:data) : string
      := mk_err " because the argument was not a boolean" p bind it
                ++ " The argument to passert was: " ++ toString d
                ++ "\n".
    Definition pletEnv_err (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (it d:data) : string
      := mk_err " because its first argument was not a record" p bind it
                ++ " The first argument to pletEnv was: " ++ toString d.

    Definition pleft_err (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
      := mk_err " because the scrutinee was an incompatible type" pleft bind it.
    Definition pright_err (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
      := mk_err " because the scrutinee was an incompatible type" pright bind it.
    Definition pgetConstant_err s (bind:bindings) (it:data) : string
      := mk_err (" because the given field (" ++ s ++
                                              ") is not a valid constant") (pgetConstant s) bind it
                ++ " The set of constants for this execution is: " ++
                (bracketString "{" (joinStrings "; " (domain constant_env)) "}")
                ++ "\n".

The alternative traced evaluation is defined as follows.
    Fixpoint camp_eval_debug (loc:camp_src_path) (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (d:data) : presult_debug data
      := match p with
         | pconst d' => Success_debug (normalize_data h d')
         | punop op p₁ =>
           match camp_eval_debug (0::loc) pbind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc' => TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug d' =>
             match fun_of_unaryop h op d' with
             | None => TerminalError_debug (punop_err (punop op p₁) bind d d') loc
             | Some x => Success_debug x
         | pbinop op pp₂ =>
           match camp_eval_debug (0::loc) pbind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc' => TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug d'₁ =>
             match camp_eval_debug (1::loc) pbind d with
             | TerminalError_debug s loc' => TerminalError_debug s loc'
             | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
             | Success_debug d'₂ =>
               match fun_of_binop h op d'₁ d'₂ with
               | None => TerminalError_debug (binop_err (pbinop op pp₂) bind d d'₁ d'₂) loc
               | Some x => Success_debug x
         | pmap p₁ =>
           match d with
           | dcoll l => liftpr_debug dcoll (gather_successes_debug (map (camp_eval_debug (0::loc) pbind) l))
           | _ => TerminalError_debug (pmap_err (pmap p₁) bind d) loc
         | passert p₁ =>
           match camp_eval_debug (0::loc) pbind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc' => TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug d' =>
             match d' with
             | dbool true => Success_debug (drec nil)
             | dbool false => RecoverableError_debug "assertion failure"
             | _ => TerminalError_debug (passert_err (passert p₁) bind d d') loc
         | porElse pp₂ =>
           match camp_eval_debug (0::loc) pbind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc' => TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug _ => camp_eval_debug (1::loc) pbind d
           | Success_debug x => Success_debug x
         | pit => Success_debug d
         | pletIt pp₂ =>
           match camp_eval_debug (0::loc) pbind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc' => TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug x => camp_eval_debug (1::loc) pbind x
         | pgetConstant s =>
           match edot constant_env s with
           | Some x => Success_debug x
           | None => TerminalError_debug (pgetConstant_err s bind d) loc
         | penv => Success_debug (drec bind)
         | pletEnv pp₂ =>
           match camp_eval_debug (0::loc) pbind d with
           | TerminalError_debug s loc' => TerminalError_debug s loc'
           | RecoverableError_debug s => RecoverableError_debug s
           | Success_debug rd'₁ =>
             match rd'₁ with
             | drec d'₁ => match merge_bindings bind d'₁ with
                           | Some bind' => camp_eval_debug (1::loc) pbind' d
                           | None => RecoverableError_debug "bindings could not be unfied"
             | _ => TerminalError_debug (pletEnv_err (pletEnv pp₂) bind d rd'₁) loc
         | pleft =>
           match d with
           | dleft d' => Success_debug d'
           | dright _ => RecoverableError_debug "pleft called on a pright"
           | _ => TerminalError_debug (pleft_err bind d) loc
         | pright =>
           match d with
           | dright d' => Success_debug d'
           | dleft _ => RecoverableError_debug "pright called on a pleft"
           | _ => TerminalError_debug (pright_err bind d) loc

The following theorem states that traced evaluation is equivalent to regular evaluation.
    Theorem camp_eval_debug_correct (loc:camp_src_path) (p:camp) (bind:bindings) (d:data) :
        (camp_eval h constant_env p bind d)
        (camp_eval_debug loc p bind d).
      revert loc bind d.
      camp_cases (induction p) Case; simpl; intros.
      - trivial.
      - apply bindpr_presult_same; [eauto | ]; intros.
        destruct (fun_of_unaryop h u x); simpl; trivial.
      - apply bindpr_presult_same; [eauto | ]; intros.
        apply bindpr_presult_same; [eauto | ]; intros.
        destruct (fun_of_binop h b x x0); simpl; trivial.
      - destruct d; simpl; trivial.
        apply liftpr_presult_same.
        apply gather_successes_presult_same.
        rewrite <- Forall2_map.
        apply Forall2_refl; red; intros.
        apply IHp.
      - apply bindpr_presult_same; [eauto | ]; intros.
        destruct x; simpl; trivial.
        destruct b; simpl; trivial.
      - specialize (IHp1 (0::loc) bind d); red in IHp1.
        repeat match_destr_in IHp1; try tauto.
      - trivial.
      - apply bindpr_presult_same; [eauto | ]; intros.
      - unfold op2tpr. match_destr; simpl; trivial.
      - trivial.
      - apply bindpr_presult_same; [eauto | ]; intros.
        destruct x; simpl; trivial.
        destruct (merge_bindings bind l); simpl; trivial.
      - destruct d; simpl; trivial.
      - destruct d; simpl; trivial.

  End EvaluationDebug.


Top-level evaluation functions are used externally by the Q*cert compiler. They take a CAMP pattern and a global environment as input. The initial local environment is set to an empty record, and the initial current value to unit.

The result of evaluation is lifted back from presult to and optional value for consistency with evaluation functions for the other intermediate languages.
  Section Top.
    Context (h:brand_relation_t).

    Definition presult_to_result (pr:presult data) : option data :=
      match pr with
      | Success l => Some (dcoll (l::nil))
      | RecoverableError => Some (dcoll nil)
      | TerminalError => None

    Definition camp_eval_top_to_presult (q:camp) (global_env:bindings) : presult data :=
      camp_eval h (rec_sort global_env) q nil dunit.

The main top-level evaluation function for CAMP is as follows.
    Definition camp_eval_top (q:camp) (global_env:bindings) : option data :=
      presult_to_result (camp_eval_top_to_presult q global_env).

    Definition presult_debug_to_result (pr:presult_debug data) : option data :=
      match pr with
      | Success_debug l => Some (dcoll (l::nil))
      | RecoverableError_debug _ => Some (dcoll nil)
      | TerminalError_debug _ _ => None

    Definition camp_eval_top_debug_to_presult_debug
               (debug:bool) (q:camp) (global_env:bindings) : presult_debug data :=
      camp_eval_debug h (rec_sort global_env) debug nil q nil dunit.

    Theorem camp_eval_top_debug_correct (debug:bool) (p:camp) (global_env:bindings) (d:data) :
        (camp_eval_top_to_presult p global_env)
        (camp_eval_top_debug_to_presult_debug debug p global_env).
      unfold camp_eval_top_to_presult.
      unfold camp_eval_top_debug_to_presult_debug.
      apply camp_eval_debug_correct.
    Definition camp_eval_top_debug_to_data
               (debug:bool) (q:camp) (global_env:bindings) : option data :=
      presult_debug_to_result (camp_eval_debug h (rec_sort global_env) debug nil q nil dunit).

The main top-level traced evaluation function for CAMP is as follows.
    Definition camp_eval_top_debug (debug:bool) (q:camp) (global_env:bindings) : string :=
      print_presult_debug q toString_camp_with_path
                          (camp_eval_top_debug_to_presult_debug debug q global_env).
  End Top.


Tactic Notation "camp_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "pconst"%string
  | Case_aux c "punop"%string
  | Case_aux c "pbinop"%string
  | Case_aux c "pmap"%string
  | Case_aux c "passert"%string
  | Case_aux c "porElse"%string
  | Case_aux c "pit"%string
  | Case_aux c "pletIt"%string
  | Case_aux c "pgetConstant"%string
  | Case_aux c "penv"%string
  | Case_aux c "pletEnv"%string
  | Case_aux c "pleft"%string
  | Case_aux c "pright"%string].