
Section CAMPtoNRA.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

  Definition lift_failure d :=
    match d with
      | TerminalErrorNone
      | RecoverableErrorSome (dcoll nil)
      | Success d'Some (dcoll (d'::nil))

Translation from CAMP to NRA

  Fixpoint nra_of_pat (p:pat) : nra :=
    match p with
      | pconst d'pat_match (AConst d')
      | punop uop p₁AMap (AUnop uop AID) (nra_of_pat p₁)
      | pbinop bop p₁ p₂
        AMap (ABinop bop (AUnop (ADot "a1") AID) (AUnop (ADot "a2") AID))
             (AProduct (AMap (AUnop (ARec "a1") AID) (nra_of_pat p₁))
                       (AMap (AUnop (ARec "a2") AID) (nra_of_pat p₂)))
      | pmap p₁
          (AUnop AFlatten
                    (nra_of_pat p₁)
                       (AUnop AColl (pat_wrap_a1 (AUnop (ADot "PDATA") AID))))))
      | passert p₁AMap (AConst (drec nil)) (ASelect AID (nra_of_pat p₁))
      | porElse p₁ p₂ADefault (nra_of_pat p₁) (nra_of_pat p₂)
      | pitpat_match pat_data
      | pletIt p₁ p₂
        AUnop AFlatten
              (AMap (nra_of_pat p₂)
                       (AUnop AColl
                              (pat_wrap_a1 (nra_of_pat p₁)))))
      | pgetconstant spat_match (AUnop (ADot s) pat_const_env)
      | penvpat_match pat_bind
      | pletEnv p₁ p₂
        AUnop AFlatten
                 (nra_of_pat p₂)
                    (AMap (ABinop AConcat
                                  (AUnop (ARec "PDATA") (AUnop (ADot "PDATA") AID))
                                   (ABinop AConcat
                                           (AUnop (ARec "PCONST") (AUnop (ADot "PCONST") AID))
                                           (AUnop (ARec "PBIND1") (ABinop AMergeConcat
                                                                 (AUnop (ADot "PBIND") AID)
                                                                 (AUnop (ADot "PBIND1") AID)))))
                             (AUnop AColl
                                    (ABinop AConcat
                                            (AUnop (ARec "a1") (nra_of_pat p₁))))))))
      | pleft
        AApp (AEither (pat_match AID) (pat_fail)) pat_data
      | pright
        AApp (AEither (pat_fail) (pat_match AID)) pat_data

top level version sets up the appropriate input (with an empty context)

  Definition nra_of_pat_top c p :=
    AUnop AFlatten
          (AMap (nra_of_pat p)
                (AUnop AColl
                       (pat_context (AConst (drec c)) (AConst (drec nil)) AID))).

Auxiliary lemmas -- all used inside pmap proof

  Lemma rmap_lift (l:list data) :
    rmap (fun x : dataSome (drec (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l =
    Some (map (fun x ⇒ (drec (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l).

  Lemma rmap_lift2 c bind (l l':list data):
       (fun x : data
          match x with
            | drec r1
                      (("PBIND", drec bind)
                         :: ("PCONST", c)
                         :: ("a1", dcoll l') :: nil) r1))
            | _None
       (map (fun x : datadrec (("PDATA", x) :: nil)) l)) =
    Some (map (fun x :data ⇒ (drec
                      (("PBIND", drec bind)
                         :: ("PCONST", c)
                         :: ("a1", dcoll l') :: nil) (("PDATA", x) :: nil)))) l).

  Lemma rmap_lift3 c bind (l l':list data):
      (fun x : data
         match x with
           | drec rSome (drec (rremove r "a1"))
           | _None
         (fun x : data
                 (("PBIND", drec bind)
                    :: ("PCONST", c)
                    :: ("a1", dcoll l') :: nil)
                 (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l ++ nil)
    Some (map (fun x : data
                      (("PBIND", drec bind) :: ("PCONST", c) :: nil)
                      (("PDATA", x) :: nil))) l ++ nil).

  Lemma rflatten_lift1 (l:option (list data)):
       (fun d1 : data
          lift_oncoll (fun l0 : list datalift dcoll (rflatten l0)) d1)
       (lift dcoll
             (lift (fun t' : list datadcoll nil :: t') l))) =
       (fun d1 : data
          lift_oncoll (fun l0 : list datalift dcoll (rflatten l0)) d1)
       (lift dcoll l)).

Theorem 4.2: lemma of translation correctness for patterns

  Theorem pat_trans_correct {h:brand_relation_t} c p bind d:
    lift_failure (interp h c p bind d) = nra_eval h (nra_of_pat p) (pat_context_data (drec (rec_sort c)) (drec bind) d).

  Lemma pat_trans_yields_coll {h:brand_relation_t} p d d0:
    nra_eval h (nra_of_pat p) d = Some d0
    {x | d0 = dcoll x}.

  Lemma pat_trans_top_pat_context {h:brand_relation_t} c p d:
    Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c
    nra_eval h (nra_of_pat_top c p) d
    = nra_eval h (nra_of_pat p) (pat_context_data (drec (rec_sort c)) (drec nil) d).

  Lemma pat_trans_top_correct {h:brand_relation_t} c p d:
    Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c
    lift_failure (interp h c p nil d) = nra_eval h (nra_of_pat_top c p) d.

  Definition lift_pat_failure (d : option data) :=
    match d with
      | Some (dcoll nil) ⇒ RecoverableError
      | Some (dcoll (l::nil)) ⇒ Success l
      | _TerminalError

  Lemma pat_trans_correct_r {h:brand_relation_t} c p bind d:
      interp h c p bind d =
      lift_pat_failure (nra_eval h (nra_of_pat p) (pat_context_data (drec (rec_sort c)) (drec bind) d)).

  Lemma pat_trans_top_correct_r {h:brand_relation_t} c p d:
    Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c
      interp h c p nil d =
      lift_pat_failure (nra_eval h (nra_of_pat_top c p) d).

  Section size.

Proof showing linear size translation
    Lemma pat_trans_size p :
      nra_size (nra_of_pat p) 41 × pat_size p.

  End size.

  Section sugar.

    Definition nra_of_pand (p1 p2:pat) : nra :=
      nra_of_pat (pand p1 p2).

    Definition nra_for_pand (q1 q2:nra) : nra :=
                 ⟩( unnest_two "PBIND1" "PBIND"
                               (χ⟨‵[| ("PDATA", (ID) · "PDATA")|]
                                    (‵[| ("PCONST", (ID) · "PCONST")|]
                                        ‵[| ("PBIND1", (ID) · "PBIND" (ID) · "PBIND1")|])
                                 ⟩( unnest_two "a1" "PBIND1"
                                                      ‵[| ("a1",
                                                            χ⟨‵[||] ⟩( σ⟨ID ⟩( q1)))|]|}))))))%nra.

    Lemma nra_of_pand_works (p1 p2:pat) :
      nra_of_pat (pand p1 p2) = nra_for_pand (nra_of_pat p1) (nra_of_pat p2).

    Definition nra_of_WW (p:pat) :=
      nra_of_pat (WW p).

  End sugar.