Section TDNNRC.
Context {m:basic_model}.
Section tplug.
Class TAlgPlug {plug_type:Set} {plug:AlgPlug plug_type} :=
mkTAlgPlug {
plug_typing : plug_type → tbindings → rtype → Prop;
End tplug.
Typing rules for NNRC
Section typ.
Fixpoint tcombine (l:list string) (l':list drtype) {struct l} : option tbindings :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ Some []
| x :: tl ⇒
match l' with
| [] ⇒ Some []
| (Tlocal _) :: _ ⇒ None
| (Tdistr y) :: tl' ⇒
match tcombine tl tl' with
| Some tl'' ⇒ Some ((x,y) :: tl'')
| None ⇒ None
Inductive dnnrc_type `{tplug: TAlgPlug} {A} : tdbindings → dnnrc A plug_type → drtype → Prop :=
| TDNNRCVar {τ} tenv v : ∀ (a:A), lookup equiv_dec tenv v = Some τ → dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCVar a v) τ
| TDNNRCConst {τ} tenv c : ∀ (a:A), data_type (normalize_data brand_relation_brands c) τ → dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCConst a c) (Tlocal τ)
| TDNNRCBinop {τ₁ τ₂ τ} tenv b e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
binOp_type b τ₁ τ₂ τ →
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) →
dnnrc_type tenv e2 (Tlocal τ₂) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCBinop a b e1 e2) (Tlocal τ)
| TDNNRCUnop {τ₁ τ} tenv u e1 :
∀ (a:A),
unaryOp_type u τ₁ τ →
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCUnop a u e1) (Tlocal τ)
| TDNNRCLet {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 τ₁ →
dnnrc_type ((v,τ₁)::tenv) e2 τ₂ →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCLet a v e1 e2) τ₂
| TDNNRCForLocal {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal (Coll τ₁)) →
dnnrc_type ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tlocal (Coll τ₂))
| TDNNRCForDist {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tdistr τ₁) →
dnnrc_type ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tdistr τ₂)
| TDNNRCIf {τ} tenv e1 e2 e3 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal Bool) →
dnnrc_type tenv e2 τ →
dnnrc_type tenv e3 τ →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCIf a e1 e2 e3) τ
| TDNNRCEither {τ τl τr} tenv ed xl el xr er :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv ed (Tlocal (Either τl τr)) →
dnnrc_type ((xl,(Tlocal τl))::tenv) el τ →
dnnrc_type ((xr,(Tlocal τr))::tenv) er τ →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCEither a ed xl el xr er) τ
| TDNNRCCollect {τ} tenv e :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e (Tdistr τ) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCCollect a e) (Tlocal (Coll τ))
| TDNNRCDispatch {τ} tenv e :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e (Tlocal (Coll τ)) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCDispatch a e) (Tdistr τ)
| TDNNRCAlg {τout} tenv tbindings op nl :
∀ (a:A),
Forall2 (fun n τ ⇒ fst n = fst τ
∧ dnnrc_type tenv (snd n) (Tdistr (snd τ)))
nl tbindings →
plug_typing op tbindings (Coll τout) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCAlg a op nl) (Tdistr τout)
End typ.
Fixpoint tcombine (l:list string) (l':list drtype) {struct l} : option tbindings :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ Some []
| x :: tl ⇒
match l' with
| [] ⇒ Some []
| (Tlocal _) :: _ ⇒ None
| (Tdistr y) :: tl' ⇒
match tcombine tl tl' with
| Some tl'' ⇒ Some ((x,y) :: tl'')
| None ⇒ None
Inductive dnnrc_type `{tplug: TAlgPlug} {A} : tdbindings → dnnrc A plug_type → drtype → Prop :=
| TDNNRCVar {τ} tenv v : ∀ (a:A), lookup equiv_dec tenv v = Some τ → dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCVar a v) τ
| TDNNRCConst {τ} tenv c : ∀ (a:A), data_type (normalize_data brand_relation_brands c) τ → dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCConst a c) (Tlocal τ)
| TDNNRCBinop {τ₁ τ₂ τ} tenv b e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
binOp_type b τ₁ τ₂ τ →
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) →
dnnrc_type tenv e2 (Tlocal τ₂) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCBinop a b e1 e2) (Tlocal τ)
| TDNNRCUnop {τ₁ τ} tenv u e1 :
∀ (a:A),
unaryOp_type u τ₁ τ →
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCUnop a u e1) (Tlocal τ)
| TDNNRCLet {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 τ₁ →
dnnrc_type ((v,τ₁)::tenv) e2 τ₂ →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCLet a v e1 e2) τ₂
| TDNNRCForLocal {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal (Coll τ₁)) →
dnnrc_type ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tlocal (Coll τ₂))
| TDNNRCForDist {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tdistr τ₁) →
dnnrc_type ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tdistr τ₂)
| TDNNRCIf {τ} tenv e1 e2 e3 :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e1 (Tlocal Bool) →
dnnrc_type tenv e2 τ →
dnnrc_type tenv e3 τ →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCIf a e1 e2 e3) τ
| TDNNRCEither {τ τl τr} tenv ed xl el xr er :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv ed (Tlocal (Either τl τr)) →
dnnrc_type ((xl,(Tlocal τl))::tenv) el τ →
dnnrc_type ((xr,(Tlocal τr))::tenv) er τ →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCEither a ed xl el xr er) τ
| TDNNRCCollect {τ} tenv e :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e (Tdistr τ) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCCollect a e) (Tlocal (Coll τ))
| TDNNRCDispatch {τ} tenv e :
∀ (a:A),
dnnrc_type tenv e (Tlocal (Coll τ)) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCDispatch a e) (Tdistr τ)
| TDNNRCAlg {τout} tenv tbindings op nl :
∀ (a:A),
Forall2 (fun n τ ⇒ fst n = fst τ
∧ dnnrc_type tenv (snd n) (Tdistr (snd τ)))
nl tbindings →
plug_typing op tbindings (Coll τout) →
dnnrc_type tenv (DNNRCAlg a op nl) (Tdistr τout)
End typ.
Main lemma for the type correctness of DNNRC