Section DNNRCDatasetRewrites.
Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.
Fixpoint dnnrc_map_plug {A: Set} {P: Set}
(f: P → P)
(e: dnnrc A P) : dnnrc A P
:= match e with
| DNNRCVar a e0 ⇒ DNNRCVar a e0
| DNNRCConst a e0 ⇒ DNNRCConst a e0
| DNNRCBinop a b e1 e2 ⇒
DNNRCBinop a b (dnnrc_map_plug f e1) (dnnrc_map_plug f e2)
| DNNRCUnop a u e0 ⇒
DNNRCUnop a u (dnnrc_map_plug f e0)
| DNNRCLet a x e1 e2 ⇒
DNNRCLet a x (dnnrc_map_plug f e1) (dnnrc_map_plug f e2)
| DNNRCFor a x e1 e2 ⇒
DNNRCFor a x (dnnrc_map_plug f e1) (dnnrc_map_plug f e2)
| DNNRCIf a e1 e2 e3 ⇒
(dnnrc_map_plug f e1)
(dnnrc_map_plug f e2)
(dnnrc_map_plug f e3)
| DNNRCEither a e0 x1 e1 x2 e2 ⇒
DNNRCEither a (dnnrc_map_plug f e0) x1 (dnnrc_map_plug f e1) x2 (dnnrc_map_plug f e2)
| DNNRCGroupBy a g sl e0 ⇒
DNNRCGroupBy a g sl (dnnrc_map_plug f e0)
| DNNRCCollect a e0 ⇒
DNNRCCollect a (dnnrc_map_plug f e0)
| DNNRCDispatch a e0 ⇒
DNNRCDispatch a (dnnrc_map_plug f e0)
| DNNRCAlg a p sdl ⇒
DNNRCAlg a (f p) (map (fun sd ⇒ (fst sd, (dnnrc_map_plug f (snd sd)))) sdl)
Lemma dnnrc_map_plug_correct {A: Set} {P: Set}
{plug:AlgPlug P}
{f: P → P}
(pf:∀ (a:A) e env, dnnrc_eq (DNNRCAlg a e env) (DNNRCAlg a (f e) env))
(e: dnnrc A P) :
dnnrc_eq e (dnnrc_map_plug f e).
Fixpoint dnnrc_map_deep {A: Set} {P: Set}
(f: dnnrc A P → dnnrc A P)
(e: dnnrc A P) : dnnrc A P
:= match e with
| DNNRCVar a e0 ⇒
f (DNNRCVar a e0)
| DNNRCConst a e0 ⇒
f (DNNRCConst a e0)
| DNNRCBinop a b e1 e2 ⇒
f (DNNRCBinop a b (dnnrc_map_deep f e1) (dnnrc_map_deep f e2))
| DNNRCUnop a u e0 ⇒
f (DNNRCUnop a u (dnnrc_map_deep f e0))
| DNNRCLet a x e1 e2 ⇒
f (DNNRCLet a x (dnnrc_map_deep f e1) (dnnrc_map_deep f e2))
| DNNRCFor a x e1 e2 ⇒
f (DNNRCFor a x (dnnrc_map_deep f e1) (dnnrc_map_deep f e2))
| DNNRCIf a e1 e2 e3 ⇒
f (DNNRCIf a
(dnnrc_map_deep f e1)
(dnnrc_map_deep f e2)
(dnnrc_map_deep f e3))
| DNNRCEither a e0 x1 e1 x2 e2 ⇒
f (DNNRCEither a (dnnrc_map_deep f e0) x1 (dnnrc_map_deep f e1) x2 (dnnrc_map_deep f e2))
| DNNRCGroupBy a g sl e0 ⇒
f (DNNRCGroupBy a g sl (dnnrc_map_deep f e0))
| DNNRCCollect a e0 ⇒
f (DNNRCCollect a (dnnrc_map_deep f e0))
| DNNRCDispatch a e0 ⇒
f (DNNRCDispatch a (dnnrc_map_deep f e0))
| DNNRCAlg a p sdl ⇒
f (DNNRCAlg a p (map (fun sd ⇒ (fst sd, (dnnrc_map_deep f (snd sd)))) sdl))
Lemma dnnrc_map_deep_correctness {A: Set} {P: Set}
{plug:AlgPlug P}
{f: dnnrc A P → dnnrc A P}
(pf:∀ e, dnnrc_eq e (f e))
(e: dnnrc A P) :
dnnrc_eq e (dnnrc_map_deep f e).
Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
Context {h:brand_relation_t}.
Context {m:brand_model}.
Discover the traditional casting the world pattern:
Iterate over a collection (the world), cast the element and perform some action on success, return the empty collection otherwise, and flatten at the end.
We can translate this into a filter with a user defined cast function.
We do not inline unbranding, as we would have to make sure that we don't use the branded value anywhere.
Definition rec_cast_to_filter {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset) :
dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset
:= match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x
(DNNRCCollect t3 xs)
(DNNRCEither _ (DNNRCUnop t4 (ACast brands) (DNNRCVar _ x'))
(DNNRC.DNNRCConst _ (dcoll nil)))) ⇒
if (x == x')
match olift tuneither (lift_tlocal (ta_inferred t4)) with
| Some (castSuccessType, _) ⇒
let algTypeA := ta_mk (ta_base t4) (Tdistr castSuccessType) in
let collectTypeA := ta_mk (ta_base t3) (Tlocal (Coll castSuccessType)) in
let ALG := (DNNRCAlg algTypeA
(DSFilter (CUDFCast brands (CCol "$type"))
(DSVar "map_cast"))
(("map_cast"%string, xs)::nil)) in
(DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 leftVar (DNNRCCollect collectTypeA ALG)
| _ ⇒ e
else e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_cast_to_filter_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"rec cast filter"
(@rec_cast_to_filter A) .
Fixpoint rewrite_unbrand_or_fail
{A: Set} {P: Set}
(s: string)
(e: dnnrc A P) : option (dnnrc A P)
:= match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AUnbrand (DNNRCVar t2 v) ⇒
if (s == v)
then Some (DNNRCVar t1 s)
else None
| DNNRCVar _ v ⇒
if (s == v)
then None
else Some e
| DNNRCConst _ _ ⇒ Some e
| DNNRCBinop a b x y ⇒
lift2 (DNNRCBinop a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y)
| DNNRCUnop a b x ⇒
lift (DNNRCUnop a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCLet a b x y ⇒
lift2 (DNNRCLet a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y)
| DNNRCFor a b x y ⇒
lift2 (DNNRCFor a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y)
| DNNRCIf a x y z ⇒
match rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s z with
| Some x', Some y', Some z' ⇒ Some (DNNRCIf a x' y' z')
| _, _, _ ⇒ None
| DNNRCEither a x b y c z ⇒
match rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s z with
| Some x', Some y', Some z' ⇒ Some (DNNRCEither a x' b y' c z')
| _, _, _ ⇒ None
| DNNRCGroupBy a g sl x ⇒
lift (DNNRCGroupBy a g sl) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCCollect a x ⇒
lift (DNNRCCollect a) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCDispatch a x ⇒
lift (DNNRCDispatch a) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCAlg _ _ _ ⇒ None
Definition rec_lift_unbrand
{A : Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
(dnnrc (type_annotation _) dataset) :=
match e with
| DNNRCFor t1 x (DNNRCCollect t2 xs as c) body ⇒
match lift_tlocal (di_required_typeof c) with
| Some (exist _ (Coll₀ (Brand₀ bs)) _) ⇒
let t := proj1_sig (brands_type bs) in
match rewrite_unbrand_or_fail x body with
| Some e' ⇒
let ALG :=
DNNRCAlg (dnnrc_annotation_get xs)
(DSSelect (("$blob"%string, CCol "unbranded.$blob")
:: ("$known"%string, CCol "unbranded.$known")::nil)
(DSSelect (("unbranded"%string, CUDFUnbrand t (CCol "$data"))::nil)
(DSVar "lift_unbrand")))
(("lift_unbrand"%string, xs)::nil)
DNNRCFor t1 x (DNNRCCollect t2 ALG) e'
| None ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_lift_unbrand_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"rec lift unbrand"
" rec_lift_unbrand"
(@rec_lift_unbrand A) .
Fixpoint spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type (r: rtype₀) :=
match r with
| Nat₀
| Bool₀
| String₀ ⇒ true
| Rec₀ Closed fs ⇒
forallb (compose spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type snd) fs
| Either₀ l r ⇒
andb (spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type l)
(spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type r)
| Bottom₀
| Top₀
| Unit₀
| Coll₀ _
| Rec₀ Open _
| Arrow₀ _ _
| Brand₀ _
| Foreign₀ _ ⇒ false
Fixpoint condition_to_column {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset)
(binding: (string × column)) :=
match e with
| DNNRCUnop _ (ADot fld) (DNNRCVar _ n) ⇒
let (var, _) := binding in
if (n == var)
then Some (CCol ("$known."%string ++ fld))
else None
| DNNRCConst _ d ⇒
lift (fun t ⇒ CLit (d, (proj1_sig t))) (lift_tlocal (di_required_typeof e))
| DNNRCBinop _ AEq l r ⇒
let types_are_okay :=
lift2 (fun lt rt ⇒ andb (equiv_decb lt rt)
(spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type (proj1_sig lt)))
(lift_tlocal (di_typeof l)) (lift_tlocal (di_typeof r)) in
match types_are_okay, condition_to_column l binding, condition_to_column r binding with
| Some true, Some l', Some r' ⇒
Some (CEq l' r')
| _, _, _ ⇒ None
| DNNRCBinop _ ASConcat l r ⇒
lift2 CSConcat
(condition_to_column l binding)
(condition_to_column r binding)
| DNNRCBinop _ ALt l r ⇒
lift2 CLessThan
(condition_to_column l binding)
(condition_to_column r binding)
| DNNRCUnop _ AToString x ⇒
lift CToString
(condition_to_column x binding)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition rec_if_else_empty_to_filter {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
(dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset) :=
match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x (DNNRCCollect t3 xs)
(DNNRCIf _ condition
(DNNRC.DNNRCConst _ (dcoll nil)))) ⇒
match condition_to_column condition (x, CCol "abc") with
| Some c' ⇒
let ALG :=
DNNRCAlg (dnnrc_annotation_get xs)
(DSFilter c' (DSVar "if_else_empty_to_filter"))
(("if_else_empty_to_filter"%string, xs)::nil)
DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x (DNNRCCollect t3 ALG)
| None ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_if_else_empty_to_filter_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
(@rec_if_else_empty_to_filter A) .
Definition rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset :=
match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x xs
(DNNRCUnop t3 AColl e)) ⇒
DNNRCFor t1 x xs e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"Simplifes flatten of a for comprehension that creates singleton bags"
(@rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten A) .
Definition rec_for_to_select {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset :=
match e with
| DNNRCFor t1 x (DNNRCCollect t2 xs) body ⇒
match lift_tlocal (di_typeof body) with
| Some String ⇒
match condition_to_column body (x, CCol "abc") with
| Some body' ⇒
let ALG_type := Tdistr String in
let ALG :=
DNNRCAlg (ta_mk (ta_base t1) ALG_type)
(DSSelect (("value"%string, body')::nil) (DSVar "for_to_select"))
(("for_to_select"%string, xs)::nil)
DNNRCCollect t1 ALG
| None ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_for_to_select_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"rec for to select"
(@rec_for_to_select A) .
Definition dnnrc_optim_list {A} :
list (OptimizerStep (dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset))
:= [
; rec_lift_unbrand_step
; rec_if_else_empty_to_filter_step
; rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten_step
; rec_for_to_select_step
Lemma dnnrc_optim_list_distinct {A:Set}:
optim_list_distinct (@dnnrc_optim_list A).
Definition run_dnnrc_optims {A}
{logger:optimizer_logger string (dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset)}
(optims:list string)
: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset → dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset :=
run_phase dnnrc_map_deep (dnnrc_size dataset_size) dnnrc_optim_list
("[dnnrc] " ++ phaseName) optims iterationsBetweenCostCheck.
Definition dnnrc_default_optim_list : list string
:= [
optim_step_name (@rec_for_to_select_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_if_else_empty_to_filter_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_lift_unbrand_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_cast_to_filter_step unit)
Remark dnnrc_default_optim_list_all_valid {A:Set}
: valid_optims (@dnnrc_optim_list A) dnnrc_default_optim_list = (dnnrc_default_optim_list,nil).
Definition dnnrcToDatasetRewrite {A:Set}
{logger:optimizer_logger string (dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset)}
:= run_dnnrc_optims "" dnnrc_default_optim_list 6.
End DNNRCDatasetRewrites.
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset) :
dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset
:= match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x
(DNNRCCollect t3 xs)
(DNNRCEither _ (DNNRCUnop t4 (ACast brands) (DNNRCVar _ x'))
(DNNRC.DNNRCConst _ (dcoll nil)))) ⇒
if (x == x')
match olift tuneither (lift_tlocal (ta_inferred t4)) with
| Some (castSuccessType, _) ⇒
let algTypeA := ta_mk (ta_base t4) (Tdistr castSuccessType) in
let collectTypeA := ta_mk (ta_base t3) (Tlocal (Coll castSuccessType)) in
let ALG := (DNNRCAlg algTypeA
(DSFilter (CUDFCast brands (CCol "$type"))
(DSVar "map_cast"))
(("map_cast"%string, xs)::nil)) in
(DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 leftVar (DNNRCCollect collectTypeA ALG)
| _ ⇒ e
else e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_cast_to_filter_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"rec cast filter"
(@rec_cast_to_filter A) .
Fixpoint rewrite_unbrand_or_fail
{A: Set} {P: Set}
(s: string)
(e: dnnrc A P) : option (dnnrc A P)
:= match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AUnbrand (DNNRCVar t2 v) ⇒
if (s == v)
then Some (DNNRCVar t1 s)
else None
| DNNRCVar _ v ⇒
if (s == v)
then None
else Some e
| DNNRCConst _ _ ⇒ Some e
| DNNRCBinop a b x y ⇒
lift2 (DNNRCBinop a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y)
| DNNRCUnop a b x ⇒
lift (DNNRCUnop a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCLet a b x y ⇒
lift2 (DNNRCLet a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y)
| DNNRCFor a b x y ⇒
lift2 (DNNRCFor a b) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y)
| DNNRCIf a x y z ⇒
match rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s z with
| Some x', Some y', Some z' ⇒ Some (DNNRCIf a x' y' z')
| _, _, _ ⇒ None
| DNNRCEither a x b y c z ⇒
match rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s y, rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s z with
| Some x', Some y', Some z' ⇒ Some (DNNRCEither a x' b y' c z')
| _, _, _ ⇒ None
| DNNRCGroupBy a g sl x ⇒
lift (DNNRCGroupBy a g sl) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCCollect a x ⇒
lift (DNNRCCollect a) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCDispatch a x ⇒
lift (DNNRCDispatch a) (rewrite_unbrand_or_fail s x)
| DNNRCAlg _ _ _ ⇒ None
Definition rec_lift_unbrand
{A : Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
(dnnrc (type_annotation _) dataset) :=
match e with
| DNNRCFor t1 x (DNNRCCollect t2 xs as c) body ⇒
match lift_tlocal (di_required_typeof c) with
| Some (exist _ (Coll₀ (Brand₀ bs)) _) ⇒
let t := proj1_sig (brands_type bs) in
match rewrite_unbrand_or_fail x body with
| Some e' ⇒
let ALG :=
DNNRCAlg (dnnrc_annotation_get xs)
(DSSelect (("$blob"%string, CCol "unbranded.$blob")
:: ("$known"%string, CCol "unbranded.$known")::nil)
(DSSelect (("unbranded"%string, CUDFUnbrand t (CCol "$data"))::nil)
(DSVar "lift_unbrand")))
(("lift_unbrand"%string, xs)::nil)
DNNRCFor t1 x (DNNRCCollect t2 ALG) e'
| None ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_lift_unbrand_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"rec lift unbrand"
" rec_lift_unbrand"
(@rec_lift_unbrand A) .
Fixpoint spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type (r: rtype₀) :=
match r with
| Nat₀
| Bool₀
| String₀ ⇒ true
| Rec₀ Closed fs ⇒
forallb (compose spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type snd) fs
| Either₀ l r ⇒
andb (spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type l)
(spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type r)
| Bottom₀
| Top₀
| Unit₀
| Coll₀ _
| Rec₀ Open _
| Arrow₀ _ _
| Brand₀ _
| Foreign₀ _ ⇒ false
Fixpoint condition_to_column {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset)
(binding: (string × column)) :=
match e with
| DNNRCUnop _ (ADot fld) (DNNRCVar _ n) ⇒
let (var, _) := binding in
if (n == var)
then Some (CCol ("$known."%string ++ fld))
else None
| DNNRCConst _ d ⇒
lift (fun t ⇒ CLit (d, (proj1_sig t))) (lift_tlocal (di_required_typeof e))
| DNNRCBinop _ AEq l r ⇒
let types_are_okay :=
lift2 (fun lt rt ⇒ andb (equiv_decb lt rt)
(spark_equality_matches_qcert_equality_for_type (proj1_sig lt)))
(lift_tlocal (di_typeof l)) (lift_tlocal (di_typeof r)) in
match types_are_okay, condition_to_column l binding, condition_to_column r binding with
| Some true, Some l', Some r' ⇒
Some (CEq l' r')
| _, _, _ ⇒ None
| DNNRCBinop _ ASConcat l r ⇒
lift2 CSConcat
(condition_to_column l binding)
(condition_to_column r binding)
| DNNRCBinop _ ALt l r ⇒
lift2 CLessThan
(condition_to_column l binding)
(condition_to_column r binding)
| DNNRCUnop _ AToString x ⇒
lift CToString
(condition_to_column x binding)
| _ ⇒ None
Definition rec_if_else_empty_to_filter {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
(dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset) :=
match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x (DNNRCCollect t3 xs)
(DNNRCIf _ condition
(DNNRC.DNNRCConst _ (dcoll nil)))) ⇒
match condition_to_column condition (x, CCol "abc") with
| Some c' ⇒
let ALG :=
DNNRCAlg (dnnrc_annotation_get xs)
(DSFilter c' (DSVar "if_else_empty_to_filter"))
(("if_else_empty_to_filter"%string, xs)::nil)
DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x (DNNRCCollect t3 ALG)
| None ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_if_else_empty_to_filter_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
(@rec_if_else_empty_to_filter A) .
Definition rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset :=
match e with
| DNNRCUnop t1 AFlatten
(DNNRCFor t2 x xs
(DNNRCUnop t3 AColl e)) ⇒
DNNRCFor t1 x xs e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"Simplifes flatten of a for comprehension that creates singleton bags"
(@rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten A) .
Definition rec_for_to_select {A: Set}
(e: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset):
dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset :=
match e with
| DNNRCFor t1 x (DNNRCCollect t2 xs) body ⇒
match lift_tlocal (di_typeof body) with
| Some String ⇒
match condition_to_column body (x, CCol "abc") with
| Some body' ⇒
let ALG_type := Tdistr String in
let ALG :=
DNNRCAlg (ta_mk (ta_base t1) ALG_type)
(DSSelect (("value"%string, body')::nil) (DSVar "for_to_select"))
(("for_to_select"%string, xs)::nil)
DNNRCCollect t1 ALG
| None ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
| _ ⇒ e
Definition rec_for_to_select_step {A:Set}
:= mkOptimizerStep
"rec for to select"
(@rec_for_to_select A) .
Definition dnnrc_optim_list {A} :
list (OptimizerStep (dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset))
:= [
; rec_lift_unbrand_step
; rec_if_else_empty_to_filter_step
; rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten_step
; rec_for_to_select_step
Lemma dnnrc_optim_list_distinct {A:Set}:
optim_list_distinct (@dnnrc_optim_list A).
Definition run_dnnrc_optims {A}
{logger:optimizer_logger string (dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset)}
(optims:list string)
: dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset → dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset :=
run_phase dnnrc_map_deep (dnnrc_size dataset_size) dnnrc_optim_list
("[dnnrc] " ++ phaseName) optims iterationsBetweenCostCheck.
Definition dnnrc_default_optim_list : list string
:= [
optim_step_name (@rec_for_to_select_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_remove_map_singletoncoll_flatten_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_if_else_empty_to_filter_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_lift_unbrand_step unit)
; optim_step_name (@rec_cast_to_filter_step unit)
Remark dnnrc_default_optim_list_all_valid {A:Set}
: valid_optims (@dnnrc_optim_list A) dnnrc_default_optim_list = (dnnrc_default_optim_list,nil).
Definition dnnrcToDatasetRewrite {A:Set}
{logger:optimizer_logger string (dnnrc (type_annotation A) dataset)}
:= run_dnnrc_optims "" dnnrc_default_optim_list 6.
End DNNRCDatasetRewrites.