
Section Dataset.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.
  Context {ftype: ForeignType.foreign_type}.
  Context {m : TBrandModel.brand_model}.

  Definition var := string.

  Inductive column :=
  | CCol : string column
  | CDot : string column column
  | CLit : data × rtype₀ column
  | CPlus : column column column
  | CEq : column column column
  | CLessThan : column column column
  | CNeg : column column
  | CToString : column column
  | CSConcat : column column column
  | CUDFCast : list string column column
  | CUDFUnbrand : rtype₀ column column.

  Inductive dataset :=
  | DSVar : string dataset
  | DSSelect : list (string × column) dataset dataset
  | DSFilter : column dataset dataset
  | DSCartesian : dataset dataset dataset
  | DSExplode : string dataset dataset.

  Section eval.
    Context (h:brand_relation_t).

Evaluate a column expression in an environment of toplevel columns

i.e. a row in a dataset.

    Fixpoint fun_of_column (c: column) (row: list (string × data)) : option data :=
      let fc := flip fun_of_column row in
      match c with
      | CCol n
        lookup string_eqdec row n
      | CNeg c1
        olift (unudbool negb) (fc c1)
      | CDot n c1
        match fc c1 with
        | Some (drec fs) ⇒ edot fs n
        | _None
      | CLit (d, _)Some (normalize_data h d)
      | CPlus c1 c2
        match fc c1, fc c2 with
        | Some (dnat l), Some (dnat r) ⇒ Some (dnat (Z.add l r))
        | _, _None
      | CEq c1 c2
        lift2 (fun x ydbool (if data_eq_dec x y then true else false)) (fc c1) (fc c2)
      | CLessThan c1 c2
      | CToString c1
        lift (compose dstring dataToString) (fc c1)
      | CSConcat c1 c2
        match fc c1, fc c2 with
        | Some (dstring l), Some (dstring r) ⇒ Some (dstring (l ++ r))
        | _, _None
      | CUDFCast target_brands column_of_runtime_brands
        match fc column_of_runtime_brands with
        | Some (dcoll runtime_brand_strings) ⇒
          lift (fun runtime_brands
                  dbool (if sub_brands_dec h runtime_brands target_brands then true else false))
               (listo_to_olist (map (fun smatch s with dstring sSome s | _None end) runtime_brand_strings))
        | _None
      | CUDFUnbrand _ _None

    Fixpoint dataset_eval (dsenv : coll_bindings) (e: dataset) : option (list data) :=
      match e with
      | DSVar slookup equiv_dec dsenv s
      | DSSelect cs d
        match dataset_eval dsenv d with
        | Some rows
          let cfuns: list (string × (list (string × data) option data)) :=
              map (fun p(fst p, fun_of_column (snd p))) (rec_sort cs) in
          let rfun: data option (list (string × data)) :=
              fun row
                match row with
                | drec fs
                  listo_to_olist (map (fun plift (fun r(fst p, r)) ((snd p) fs)) cfuns)
                | _None
          let results := map (compose (lift drec) rfun) rows in
          listo_to_olist results
        | _None
      | DSFilter c d
        let cfun := fun_of_column c in
                  (filter (fun row
                             match row with
                             | drec fs
                               match cfun fs with
                               | Some (dbool true) ⇒ true
                               | _false
                             | _false
                  (dataset_eval dsenv d)
      | DSCartesian d1 d2
        match dataset_eval dsenv d1, dataset_eval dsenv d2 with
        | Some rs1, Some rs2
          let data :=
              flat_map (fun r1map (fun r2
                                         match r1, r2 with
                                         | drec a, drec bSome (drec (rec_concat_sort a b))
                                         | _, _None
                       rs1 in
          listo_to_olist data
        | _, _None
      | DSExplode s d1
        match dataset_eval dsenv d1 with
        | Some l
          let data :=
              flat_map (fun row
                          match row with
                          | drec fields
                            match edot fields s with
                            | Some (dcoll inners) ⇒
                              map (fun inner
                                     orecconcat (drec fields) (drec ((s, inner)::nil)))
                            | _None::nil
                          | _None::nil
                       l in
          listo_to_olist data
        | _None
  End eval.

  Section DatasetPlug.

    Definition wrap_dataset_eval h dsenv q :=
      lift dcoll (@dataset_eval h dsenv q).

    Lemma fun_of_column_normalized {h c r o}:
      Forall (fun d : string × datadata_normalized h (snd d)) r
      fun_of_column h c r = Some o
      data_normalized h o.

    Lemma dataset_eval_normalized h :
       q:dataset, (constant_env:coll_bindings) (o:data),
      Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) (bindings_of_coll_bindings constant_env)
      wrap_dataset_eval h constant_env q = Some o
      data_normalized h o.

  End DatasetPlug.

End Dataset.