Module Qcert.NRAEnv.Optim.TNRAEnvRewrite

Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Program.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import String.
Require Import BinNums.
Require Import List.
Require Import ListSet.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataSystem.
Require Import cNRAEnvSystem.
Require Import NRAEnvRewrite.

Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list_scope.

Section TNRAEnvRewrite.

  Local Open Scope nraenv_core_scope.


  Context {m:basic_model}.

  Lemma tand_comm_arrow (qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    q₁ ∧ q₂ ⇒ q₂ ∧ q₁.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    intuition; nraenv_core_inferer. generalize envand_comm; intros.
    unfold nraenv_core_eq in H.
    simpl in H. apply H; qeauto.

  Lemma tand_commc τenv τin} (qqql qr: m ⊧ τinBool ⊣ τcenv) :
    (`ql = `q₂ ∧ `q₁) ->
    (`qr = `q₁ ∧ `q₂) ->
    ql ≡τ qr.
    apply talg_rewrites_eq_is_typed_eq.
    rewrite H; rewrite H0.
    apply tand_comm_arrow.

  Lemma tconcat_empty_record_r_arrow q:
    q ⊕ ‵[||] ⇒ q.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    invcs H0.
    cut_to H4; [| tauto].
    invcs H5.
    revert pf3; rewrite rec_concat_sort_nil_r.
    rewrite sort_sorted_is_id by trivial.
    intros pf3.
    rewrite <- (is_list_sorted_ext StringOrder.lt_dec _ pf1 pf3).
    clear pf3.
    split; trivial.
    rewrite app_nil_r.
    apply data_type_normalized in τout.
    invcs τout.
    rewrite sort_sorted_is_id; trivial.

  Lemma tconcat_empty_record_l_arrow q:
    ‵[||] ⊕ qq.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    invcs H0.
    cut_to H4; [| tauto].
    invcs H5.
    revert pf3; rewrite rec_concat_sort_nil_l.
    rewrite sort_sorted_is_id by trivial.
    intros pf3.
    rewrite <- (is_list_sorted_ext StringOrder.lt_dec _ pf2 pf3).
    clear pf3.
    split; trivial.
    apply data_type_normalized in τout.
    invcs τout.
    rewrite sort_sorted_is_id; trivial.

  Lemma tmerge_empty_record_r_arrow q:
    q ⊗ ‵[||] ⇒ ‵{| q |}.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    simpl in *.
    inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
    rtype_equalizer. subst.
    specialize (H5 eq_refl); subst; clear H4.
    assert (‵{|q|} ▷ τin >=> Coll (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3) ⊣ τcenv /\
            q ▷ τin >=> Rec Closed τ₃ pf3 ⊣ τcenv ).
    - inversion H6; clear H6; subst.
      clear pf2 pf'.
      rewrite merge_bindings_nil_r in H.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id in H; try assumption.
      inversion H; clear H; subst.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₃ pf1 = Rec Closed τ₃ pf3).
      apply rtype_fequal; reflexivity.
      rewrite H in H7. clear H pf1.
    - econstructor. elim H0; clear H0; intros. assumption.
      elim H0; clear H0; intros.
      assert ((q ⊗ ‵[||]) ▷ τin >=> Coll (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3) ⊣ τcenv).
      econstructor; qeauto; try econstructor; eauto.
      apply dtrec_full; simpl; assumption.
      dependent induction τout.
      assert (domain dl = domain rl0) by (apply sorted_forall_same_domain; assumption).
      rewrite merge_bindings_nil_r.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id. reflexivity.
      rewrite H8.
    - assert (‵{|q|} ▷ τin >=> Coll (Rec Open τ₃ pf3) ⊣ τcenv /\
              q ▷ τin >=> Rec Open τ₃ pf3 ⊣ τcenv ).
      inversion H0. rtype_equalizer; subst.
      inversion H6; clear H6; intros. subst.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      inversion H4. subst.
      rewrite merge_bindings_nil_r in H.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id in H; try assumption.
      inversion H; clear H; subst.
      assert (Rec Open τ₃ pf1 = Rec Open τ₃ pf3).
      apply rtype_fequal; reflexivity.
      rewrite H in H7. clear H pf1. assumption.
      inversion H4. subst.
      rewrite merge_bindings_nil_r in H.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id in H; try assumption.
      inversion H; clear H; subst.
      assert (Rec Open τ₃ pf1 = Rec Open τ₃ pf3).
      apply rtype_fequal; reflexivity.
      rewrite H in H7; assumption.
      econstructor. elim H1; clear H1; intros; assumption; intros.
      dependent induction τout.
      rtype_equalizer. subst.
      inversion H0; clear H0; intros.
      rtype_equalizer; subst.
      rewrite merge_bindings_nil_r.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id. reflexivity.
      assert (domain dl = domain rl) by (apply sorted_forall_same_domain; assumption).
      rewrite H0; assumption.

  Lemma tmerge_empty_record_l_arrow q:
    ‵[||] ⊗ q ⇒ ‵{| q |}.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
      (inversion H0; clear H0; subst;
      rtype_equalizer; subst;
      inversion H6; clear H6; subst;
      unfold merge_bindings in H;
      inversion H4; subst;
      match_destr_in H;
      unfold rec_concat_sort in H; simpl in H;
      rewrite rec_sorted_id in H by trivial;
      inversion H; clear H; subst;
      simpl in *;
      destruct (is_list_sorted_ext StringOrder.lt_dec _ pf3 pf2);
      split; [econstructor; qeauto |
        unfold rec_concat_sort; simpl;
        rewrite rec_sorted_id; trivial;
        apply data_type_normalized in τout;
        inversion τout; subst; trivial]).

  Lemma tdot_over_rec_arrow a q :
    (‵[| (a, q)|]) · aq.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (dot_over_rec a q)).
    unfold tdot, edot in H4; simpl in H4.
    destruct (string_eqdec s s); congruence.

  Lemma teither_app_over_dleft_arrow (qq₂: nraenv_core) d :
    (cNRAEnvEither qq₂) ◯ (cNRAEnvConst (dleft d)) ⇒ q₁ ◯ (cNRAEnvConst d).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (either_app_over_dleft qqd)).
    inversion H0.

  Lemma teither_app_over_dright_arrow qqd :
    (cNRAEnvEither qq₂) ◯ (cNRAEnvConst (dright d)) ⇒ q₂ ◯ (cNRAEnvConst d).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (either_app_over_dright qqd)).
    inversion H0.

  Lemma teither_app_over_aleft_arrow (qqq: nraenv_core) :
    (cNRAEnvEither qq₂) ◯ (cNRAEnvUnop OpLeft q) ⇒ q₁ ◯ q.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (either_app_over_aleft qqq)).

  Lemma teither_app_over_aright_arrow qqq :
    (cNRAEnvEither qq₂) ◯ (cNRAEnvUnop OpRight q) ⇒ q₂ ◯ q.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (either_app_over_aright qqq)).

  Lemma tdot_over_concat_eq_r_arrow a (qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    (q₁ ⊕ ‵[| (a, q₂) |])·aq₂.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    unfold tdot, edot, rec_concat_sort in H0.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_drec_sort
    , (@assoc_lookupr_app string) in H0.
    simpl in H0.
    destruct (string_eqdec s s); [| congruence].
    invcs H0.
    split; trivial.
    unfold edot.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_drec_sort
    , (@assoc_lookupr_app string).
    destruct (string_eqdec s s); [| congruence].

  Lemma tdot_over_concat_neq_r_arrow aa₂ (qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    a₁ <> a₂ ->
    (q₁ ⊕ ‵[| (a₁, q₂) |])·a₂ ⇒ q₁·a₂.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    unfold tdot, edot, rec_concat_sort in H1.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_drec_sort
    , (@assoc_lookupr_app string) in H1.
    simpl in H1.
    destruct (string_eqdec as); [congruence | ].
    - nraenv_core_inferer.
    - intros.
    unfold edot, rec_concat_sort.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_drec_sort
    , (@assoc_lookupr_app string).
    destruct (string_eqdec as); [congruence | ].

  Lemma tdot_over_concat_neq_l_arrow aa₂ (qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    a₁ <> a₂ ->
    (‵[| (a₁, q₁) |] ⊕ q₂ )·a₂ ⇒ q₂·a₂.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    unfold tdot, edot, rec_concat_sort in H1.
    rewrite assoc_lookupr_drec_sort
    , (@assoc_lookupr_app string) in H1.
    simpl in H1.
    destruct (string_eqdec as); [congruence | ].
    match_case_in H1; intros; rewrite H0 in H1; invcs H1.
    - nraenv_core_inferer.
    - intros.
      unfold edot, rec_concat_sort.
      rewrite assoc_lookupr_insertion_sort_insert_neq; trivial.
      rewrite assoc_lookupr_drec_sort.

  Lemma tenvdot_from_duplicate_r_arrow aa₂ (qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    (‵[| (a₁, q₁) |] ⊕ ‵[| (a₂, q₂) |])·a₂ ⇒ q₂.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    nraenv_core_inferer. econstructor; eauto.
    - unfold tdot, edot in H0.
      unfold rec_concat_sort in H0.
      simpl in H0.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); simpl in H0.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); simpl in H0.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s); try congruence.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.
    - intros.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); simpl in H0.
      unfold edot; simpl.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); simpl in H0.
      unfold edot; simpl.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s); try congruence.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.
      unfold edot; simpl.
      destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.

  Lemma tenvdot_from_duplicate_l_arrow aa₂ (qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    a₁ <> a₂ -> (‵[| (a₁, q₁) |] ⊕ ‵[| (a₂, q₂) |])·a₁ ⇒ q₁.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    nraenv_core_inferer. econstructor; eauto.
    - unfold tdot, edot in H1.
      unfold rec_concat_sort in H1.
      simpl in H1.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); simpl in H1.
      destruct (string_eqdec s s1); try congruence.
      destruct (string_eqdec s s); try congruence.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); simpl in H1.
      destruct (string_eqdec s s); try congruence.
      assert (s = s1) by (apply lt_contr1; assumption).
    - intros.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); simpl in H1.
      unfold edot; simpl.
      destruct (string_eqdec s s1); try congruence.
      destruct (string_eqdec s s); try congruence.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); simpl in H1.
      unfold edot; simpl.
      destruct (string_eqdec s s); try congruence.
      assert (s = s1) by (apply lt_contr1; assumption).

  Lemma tproduct_singletons_arrow aaqq₂:
    ‵{|‵[| (a₁, q₁) |] |} × ‵{| ‵[| (a₂, q₂) |] |} ⇒
     ‵{|‵[| (a₁, q₁) |] ⊕ ‵[| (a₂, q₂) |] |}.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (product_singletons aaqq₂)).
    repeat (econstructor; eauto).
    eauto. eauto.

  Lemma tproduct_empty_right_arrow q:
    q × ‵{| ‵[||] |} ⇒ q.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    - dtype_inverter.
      inversion H0; clear H0.
      assert (rl_sub = rl) by auto; clear H5.
      clear H4.
      assert (rl = []) by (inversion H6; reflexivity).
      assert (rec_concat_sort τ₁ [] = τ₁).
      unfold rec_concat_sort.
      rewrite app_nil_r.
      rewrite rec_sorted_id by trivial.
      assert (Coll (Rec Closed τ₁ pf1) = Coll (Rec Closed (rec_concat_sort τ₁ []) pf3)).
      apply rtype_fequal.
      rewrite H.
      rewrite <- H0.
    - intros.
      inversion H0.
      inversion τout.
      rewrite (omap_product_empty_right τ₁ x1).

  Lemma tproduct_empty_left_arrow q:
    ‵{| ‵[||] |} × qq.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    - dtype_inverter.
      inversion H0; clear H0.
      assert (rl_sub = rl) by auto; clear H5.
      clear H4.
      assert (rl = []) by (inversion H6; reflexivity).
      assert (rec_concat_sort [] τ₂ = τ₂).
      unfold rec_concat_sort.
      rewrite app_nil_l.
      rewrite rec_sorted_id by trivial.
      assert (Coll (Rec Closed τ₂ pf2) = Coll (Rec Closed (rec_concat_sort [] τ₂) pf3)).
      apply rtype_fequal.
      rewrite H.
      rewrite <- H0.
    - intros.
      inversion H0.
      inversion τout.
      rewrite (omap_product_empty_left τ₂ x1).

  Lemma tconcat_over_rec_eq s pp₂ :
     ‵[| (s, p₁) |] ⊕ ‵[| (s, p₂) |] ⇒ ‵[| (s, p₂) |].
     red; intros.
     split; simpl.
     - revert pf3.
       unfold rec_concat_sort; simpl.
       destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s);
         [ elim (ODT_lt_irr (odt:=ODT_string) s); trivial | ].
       intros; econstructor; eauto.
       econstructor; eauto.
     - intros.
       destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s);
         [ elim (ODT_lt_irr (odt:=ODT_string) s); trivial | ].
  Lemma tmerge_concat_to_concat_arrow aaqq₂:
    a₁ <> a₂ ->
    ‵[| (a₁, q₁)|] ⊗ ‵[| (a₂, q₂) |] ⇒ ‵{|‵[| (a₁, q₁)|] ⊕ ‵[| (a₂, q₂)|]|}.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (merge_concat_to_concat aaqqH)).
    unfold merge_bindings in H2.
    simpl in H2.
    unfold compatible_with in H2.
    simpl in H2.
    destruct (equiv_dec s s1); try congruence.
    simpl in H2.
    inversion H2.
    repeat (econstructor; eauto).
    eauto. eauto.
  Lemma tmerge_with_concat_to_concat_arrow aaqq₂:
    a₁ <> a₂ ->
    ‵[| (a₁, q₁)|] ⊗ (‵[| (a₁, q₁) |] ⊕ ‵[| (a₂, q₂) |]) ⇒ ‵{|‵[| (a₁, q₁)|] ⊕ ‵[| (a₂, q₂)|]|}.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; eauto.
    - unfold merge_bindings in H2; simpl in H2.
      unfold compatible_with in H2; simpl in H2.
      unfold rec_concat_sort in H2; simpl in H2.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); simpl in *.
      + destruct (equiv_dec s s1); try congruence.
        destruct (equiv_dec s s); try congruence.
        destruct (@equiv_dec rtype (@eq rtype) (@eq_equivalence rtype)
                             rtype_eq_dec s3 s0); simpl in H2; try congruence.
        rewrite e0 in *; clear e0.
        destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); try congruence.
        simpl in H2.
        destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s); try congruence.
        assert False by (apply (lt_contr3 s); assumption); contradiction.
        inversion H2. subst; clear H2.
        repeat econstructor; eauto.
        unfold rec_concat_sort in *.
        rewrite sort_sorted_is_id. reflexivity.
      + simpl in *.
        destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); simpl in *; try congruence.
        * destruct (equiv_dec s s); try congruence; simpl.
          destruct (@equiv_dec rtype (@eq rtype) (@eq_equivalence rtype)
                             rtype_eq_dec s3 s0); simpl in H2; try congruence.
          rewrite e0 in *; clear e0 e.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); try congruence; simpl in *.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); try congruence; simpl in *.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); try congruence; simpl in *.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s); try congruence; simpl in *.
          assert False by (apply (lt_contr3 s); assumption); contradiction.
          inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
          repeat econstructor; eauto.
          rewrite drec_concat_sort_app_comm.
          unfold rec_concat_sort.
          rewrite sort_sorted_is_id. reflexivity.
          constructor. simpl.
          unfold not; intros.
          elim H0; auto; intros.
          constructor; auto.
        * destruct (equiv_dec s s1); try congruence; simpl in *.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); try congruence; simpl in *.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); try congruence; simpl in *.
          assert (s = s1).
          apply lt_contr1; assumption.
    - intros. input_well_typed.
      destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); try congruence; simpl.
      + unfold merge_bindings; simpl.
        unfold compatible_with; simpl.
        destruct (equiv_dec s s1); try congruence.
        destruct (equiv_dec s s); try congruence.
        destruct (equiv_dec dout dout); try congruence.
        unfold rec_concat_sort; simpl.
        destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); try congruence; simpl.
        destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s); try congruence; simpl.
        assert False. apply (lt_contr3 s); assumption. contradiction.
      + destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); try congruence; simpl.
        * unfold merge_bindings; simpl.
          unfold compatible_with; simpl.
          destruct (equiv_dec s s); try congruence.
          destruct (equiv_dec s s1); try congruence.
          destruct (equiv_dec dout dout); try congruence.
          unfold rec_concat_sort; simpl.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); try congruence; simpl.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s1); try congruence; simpl.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s1 s); try congruence; simpl.
          destruct (StringOrder.lt_dec s s); try congruence; simpl.
          assert False. apply (lt_contr3 s); assumption. contradiction.
        * unfold merge_bindings; simpl.
          unfold compatible_with; simpl.
          destruct (equiv_dec s s1); try congruence; simpl.
          assert (s = s1).
          apply lt_contr1; assumption.
          eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.

  Lemma tselect_over_nil q : σ⟨ q ⟩(‵{||}) ⇒ ‵{||}.
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply select_over_nil.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tselect_and_comm_arrow (q qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    σ⟨ q₁ ∧ q₂ ⟩(q) ⇒ σ⟨ q₂ ∧ q₁ ⟩(q).
    rewrite tand_comm_arrow.
  Lemma tselect_and_commc τenv τin τ} (q ql qr: m ⊧ τinColl τ ⊣ τcenv)
        (qq₂: m ⊧ τ ⇝ Bool ⊣ τcenv) :
    (`ql = σ⟨ `q₂ ∧ `q₁ ⟩(`q)) ->
    (`qr = σ⟨ `q₁ ∧ `q₂ ⟩(`q)) ->
    ql ≡τ qr.
    apply talg_rewrites_eq_is_typed_eq.
    rewrite H; rewrite H0.
    apply tselect_and_comm_arrow.

  Lemma tselect_and_arrow (q qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(σ⟨ q₂ ⟩(q)) ⇒ σ⟨ q₂ ∧ q₁ ⟩(q).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    split;[nraenv_core_inferer|idtac]; intros.
    autorewrite with alg.
    apply lift_dcoll_inversion.
    clear eout.
    inversion τout; clear τout; subst.
    rtype_equalizer. subst.
    induction dout; try reflexivity; simpl in *.
    inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
    specialize (IHdout H4); clear H4.
    rewrite <- IHdout; clear IHdout.
    input_well_typed. subst; simpl.
    dtype_inverter. simpl.
    destruct (lift_filter
                (fun x' : data =>
                   match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                   | Some (dbool b0) => Some b0
                   | _ => None
                   end) dout).
    + destruct x1; simpl.
      * input_well_typed.
        inversion eout0; subst.
      * input_well_typed.
        destruct (lift_filter
                    (fun x' : data =>
                       match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                         | Some (dbool b0) => Some b0
                         | _ => None
                       end) l); reflexivity.
    + destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;env); try reflexivity.

  Lemma selection_split_and (q qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    σ⟨ q₂ ∧ q₁ ⟩(q) ⇒ σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(σ⟨ q₂ ⟩(q)).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    split;[nraenv_core_inferer|idtac]; intros.
    autorewrite with alg.
    apply lift_dcoll_inversion.
    clear eout.
    inversion τout; clear τout; subst.
    rtype_equalizer. subst.
    induction dout; try reflexivity; simpl in *.
    inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
    specialize (IHdout H3); clear H3.
    rewrite IHdout; clear IHdout.
    input_well_typed. subst; simpl.
    dtype_inverter. simpl.
    destruct (lift_filter
                (fun x' : data =>
                   match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                   | Some (dbool b0) => Some b0
                   | _ => None
                   end) dout).
    + destruct x1; simpl.
      * input_well_typed.
        inversion eout0; subst.
      * input_well_typed.
        destruct (lift_filter
                    (fun x' : data =>
                       match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                         | Some (dbool b0) => Some b0
                         | _ => None
                       end) l); reflexivity.
    + destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;env); try reflexivity.

  Lemma tselect_andc τenv τin τ} (q ql qr: m ⊧ τin ⇝ (Coll τ) ⊣ τcenv) (qq₂:m ⊧ τ ⇝ Bool ⊣ τcenv) :
    (`ql = σ⟨ `q₁ ⟩(σ⟨ `q₂ ⟩(`q))) ->
    (`qr = σ⟨ `q₂ ∧ `q₁ ⟩(`q)) ->
    (ql ≡τ qr).
    apply talg_rewrites_eq_is_typed_eq.
    rewrite H; rewrite H0.
    apply tselect_and_arrow.

  Lemma tselect_comm_arrow (q qq₂:nraenv_core) :
    σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( q )) ⇒ σ⟨ q₂ ⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q )).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    assert (exists τ, σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( q )) ▷ τin >=> Coll τ ⊣ τcenv) by nraenv_core_inferer.
    split; try assumption; intros.
    elim H0; clear H0; intros τ; intros.
    clear H τout.
    assert (σ⟨ q₂ ⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q )) ▷ τin >=> Coll τ ⊣ τcenv) by nraenv_core_inferer.
    assert (q ▷ τin >=> Coll τ ⊣ τcenv) by nraenv_core_inferer.
    assert (q₁ ▷ τ >=> Bool ⊣ τcenv) by nraenv_core_inferer.
    assert (q₂ ▷ τ >=> Bool ⊣ τcenv) by nraenv_core_inferer.
    assert (σ⟨ q₁ ∧ q₂ ⟩( q ) ▷ τin >=> Coll τ ⊣ τcenv) by qeauto.
    assert (σ⟨ q₂ ∧ q₁ ⟩( q ) ▷ τin >=> Coll τ ⊣ τcenv) by qeauto.
    rewrite (tselect_and (exist _ q H1)
                         (exist _ (σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( q ))) H0)
                         (exist _ (σ⟨ q₂ ∧ q₁ ⟩( q )) H5)
                         (exist _ qH2) (exist _ qH3)); try assumption; try reflexivity.
    rewrite (tselect_and (exist _ q H1)
                         (exist _ (σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q ))) H)
                         (exist _ (σ⟨ q₁ ∧ q₂ ⟩( q )) H4)
                         (exist _ qH3) (exist _ qH2)); try assumption; try reflexivity.
    assert (q₁ ∧ q₂ ▷ τ >=> Bool ⊣ τcenv) by qeauto.
    assert (q₂ ∧ q₁ ▷ τ >=> Bool ⊣ τcenv) by qeauto.
    rewrite (tselect_and_comm
               (exist _ q H1)
               (exist _ (σ⟨q₂ ∧ q₁ ⟩( q )) H5)
               (exist _ (σ⟨q₁ ∧ q₂ ⟩( q )) H4)
               (exist _ qH2) (exist _ qH3) eq_refl eq_refl); intros; try assumption; reflexivity.
  Lemma tselect_commc τenv τin τ} (qq₂:m ⊧ τ ⇝ Bool ⊣ τcenv) (q ql qr: m ⊧ τin ⇝ (Coll τ) ⊣ τcenv) :
    (`ql = σ⟨ `q₁ ⟩(σ⟨ `q₂ ⟩(`q))) ->
    (`qr = σ⟨ `q₂ ⟩(σ⟨ `q₁ ⟩(`q))) ->
    ql ≡τ qr.
    apply talg_rewrites_eq_is_typed_eq.
    rewrite H; rewrite H0.
    apply tselect_comm_arrow.

  Lemma tenvflatten_collc τenv τin τout} (q:m ⊧ τinColl τout ⊣ τcenv) (ql qr:m ⊧ τinColl τout ⊣ τcenv):
    (`ql = ♯flatten(‵{| `q |})) -> (`qr = `q) -> ql ≡τ qr.
    unfold tnraenv_core_eq; intros.
    rewrite H; rewrite H0; clear H H0.
    dependent induction q; simpl.
    assert (exists d, brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ x @ₑ x0c;env = Some (dcoll d)).
    - generalize (@typed_nraenv_core_yields_typed_data m τc τenv τin (Coll τout) c env x0 x dt_c dt_env dt_x p); intros.
      elim H; clear H; intros.
      elim H; clear H; intros.
      inversion H0.
      exists dl. rewrite H2; assumption.
    - elim H; clear H; intros.
      rewrite H; simpl.
      rewrite app_nil_r; reflexivity.

  Lemma tenvflatten_coll_arrow (q:nraenv_core):
    ♯flatten(‵{| q |}) ⇒ q.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    split; try assumption; intros.
    rewrite app_nil_r; reflexivity.

  Lemma tenvflatten_nil_arrow :
    ♯flatten(‵{||}) ⇒ ‵{||}.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (envflatten_nil)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.
    repeat (econstructor; simpl).
  Lemma tenvflatten_map_coll_arrow qq₂ :
    ♯flatten(χ⟨ ‵{| q₁ |} ⟩( q₂ )) ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (envflatten_map_coll qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tflatten_flatten_map_either_nil ppp₃ :
    ♯flatten( ♯flatten(χ⟨cNRAEnvEither p₁ ‵{||} ◯ p₂⟩(p₃))) ⇒
     ♯flatten( χ⟨cNRAEnvEither( ♯flatten(p₁)) ‵{||} ◯ p₂⟩(p₃)).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (flatten_flatten_map_either_nil ppp₃)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.
    repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
  Lemma tflatten_mapenv_coll_arrow q₁:
    ♯flatten(cNRAEnvMapEnv (‵{| q₁ |})) ⇒ cNRAEnvMapEnv q₁.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (flatten_mapenv_coll q₁)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tdouble_flatten_map_coll_arrow qqq₃ :
    ♯flatten(χ⟨ χ⟨ ‵{| q₃ |} ⟩( q₁ ) ⟩( q₂ )) ⇒ χ⟨ ‵{| q₃ |} ⟩(♯flatten(χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ))).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    autorewrite with alg.
    clear eout H7.
    induction dout; try reflexivity.
    inversion τout.
    rtype_equalizer. subst.
    inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
    assert (dcoll doutColl τ₁) by (constructor; assumption).
    specialize (IHdout H); clear H.
    destruct (lift_map
                   (fun x0 : data =>
                      (fun d : data =>
                         (fun c1 : list data =>
                          lift dcoll
                               (fun x1 : data =>
                                olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                                  (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x1c;env))
                               c1)) d)
                      (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x0c;env)) dout);
      destruct ((lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) dout)); simpl in *; try congruence.
    - unfold olift in *.
      case_eq (oflatten l0); intros; rewrite H in *.
      + rewrite (oflatten_cons dout0 l0 l1 H).
        rewrite lift_map_over_app.
        destruct ((lift_map
           (fun x0 : data =>
            match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
            | Some x' => Some (dcoll [x'])
            | None => None
            end) l1)); simpl in *; try congruence.
        destruct ((lift_map
              (fun x0 : data =>
               match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
               | Some x' => Some (dcoll [x'])
               | None => None
               end) dout0)); simpl; try reflexivity.
        unfold lift in *.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros.
        rewrite H0 in IHdout.
        inversion IHdout.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons l3 l l4).
        subst; reflexivity. assumption.
        rewrite H0 in IHdout; congruence.
        destruct (lift_map
              (fun x0 : data =>
               match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
               | Some x' => Some (dcoll [x'])
               | None => None
               end) dout0); try reflexivity.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons_none); auto.
        unfold lift in IHdout.
        destruct (oflatten l); try congruence.
      + simpl in *.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons_none); simpl in *; auto.
        destruct ((lift_map
              (fun x0 : data =>
               match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
               | Some x' => Some (dcoll [x'])
               | None => None
               end) dout0)); simpl.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons_none); simpl in *; auto.
        unfold lift in IHdout.
        destruct (oflatten l); try congruence.
    - destruct ((lift_map
               (fun x0 : data =>
                olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                      (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env)) dout0)); simpl.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons_none); simpl in *; auto.
        unfold lift in IHdout.
        destruct (oflatten l); try congruence.
    - case_eq (oflatten l); intros.
      rewrite H in IHdout.
      rewrite (oflatten_cons dout0 l l0); try assumption; simpl.
      rewrite lift_map_over_app.
      simpl in IHdout.
      destruct ((lift_map
                (fun x0 : data =>
                 olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                       (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env)) l0)); simpl in *; try congruence.
      destruct (lift_map
                  (fun x0 : data =>
                     olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                           (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env)) dout0); try reflexivity.
      rewrite oflatten_cons_none; simpl in *; auto.
      destruct (lift_map
                  (fun x0 : data =>
                     olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                           (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env)) dout0); reflexivity.
    - destruct (lift_map
                  (fun x0 : data =>
                     olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                           (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env)) dout0); reflexivity.
  Lemma tnested_map_over_singletons_arrow qqq₃:
    ♯flatten(χ⟨ σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(‵{|q₂|}) ⟩(q₃)) ⇒ σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(χ⟨ q₂ ⟩(q₃)).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto; intros.
    autorewrite with alg.
    clear eout.
    induction dout; try reflexivity; simpl in *.
    inversion τout. subst.
    rtype_equalizer. subst.
    inversion H1. subst.
    assert (dcoll doutColl τ₁) by (constructor; assumption).
    specialize (IHdout H); clear H τout.
    input_well_typed; simpl.
    destruct x0; simpl.
    - autorewrite with alg.
      destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) dout);
        destruct (lift_map
              (fun x0 : data =>
                 (fun d : data =>
                    (fun c1 : list data =>
                     lift dcoll
                          (fun x' : data =>
                             brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env
                           | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                           | Some _ => None
                           | None => None
                           end) c1)) d)
                 (olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                        (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x0c;env))) dout); simpl in *; try congruence.
      rewrite eout0; simpl.
      unfold lift in IHdout.
      case_eq (oflatten l0); intros.
      rewrite H in *.
      rewrite (oflatten_cons [dout0] l0 l1 H).
      destruct (lift_filter
         (fun x' : data =>
          match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
          | Some (dbool b) => Some b
          | Some _ => None
          | None => None
          end) l); simpl in *.
      inversion IHdout; reflexivity.
      rewrite H in *.
      destruct (lift_filter
         (fun x' : data =>
          match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
          | Some (dbool b) => Some b
          | Some _ => None
          | None => None
          end) l); simpl in *; try congruence.
      rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try reflexivity. assumption.
      rewrite eout0.
      destruct (lift_filter
                (fun x' : data =>
                 match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                 | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                 | Some _ => None
                 | None => None
                 end) l); simpl in *.
      congruence. reflexivity.
      rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try reflexivity.
      unfold lift in IHdout.
      destruct (oflatten l); try congruence.
    - destruct (lift_map
                   (fun x0 : data =>
                      (fun d : data =>
                         (fun c1 : list data =>
                          lift dcoll
                               (fun x' : data =>
                                  brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env
                                | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                                | Some _ => None
                                | None => None
                                end) c1)) d)
                      (olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                             (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x0c;env))) dout);
      destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) dout); simpl in *; try congruence; try rewrite eout0.
      + destruct (lift_filter
                (fun x' : data =>
                 match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                 | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                 | Some _ => None
                 | None => None
                 end) l0); simpl in *; try congruence.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros.
        rewrite H in *. inversion IHdout. subst.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l l1 H). reflexivity.
        rewrite H in *; simpl in *; congruence.
        rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try reflexivity.
        unfold lift in IHdout.
        destruct (oflatten l); try congruence.
      + rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try reflexivity.
        unfold lift in IHdout.
        destruct (oflatten l); try congruence.
      + destruct (lift_filter
                (fun x' : data =>
                 match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                 | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                 | Some _ => None
                 | None => None
                 end) l); simpl in *; congruence.

  Lemma tflatten_over_double_map_with_either_arrow qqqq₄ :
    ♯flatten(χ⟨ χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( (cNRAEnvEither (‵{|ID|}) ‵{||}) ◯ q₃ ) ) ⟩( q₄ ))
            ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( ♯flatten( χ⟨ (cNRAEnvEither (‵{|ID|}) ‵{||}) ◯ q₃ ⟩( q₄ ) ) ) ).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; eauto.
    - repeat (econstructor; eauto).
    - intros.
      autorewrite with alg; simpl.
      clear eout.
      induction dout; try reflexivity; simpl.
      inversion τout.
      rtype_equalizer. subst.
      inversion H4.
      assert (dcoll doutColl τ₁) by (constructor; assumption).
      specialize (IHdout H9); clear H9 τout; subst.
      autorewrite with alg.
      destruct dout0; try reflexivity; simpl.
      (* left *)
      + simpl.
        unfold olift, lift in *; simpl in *.
        case_eq (lift_map
                     (fun x0 : data =>
                      match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                      | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                      | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                      | Some _ => None
                      | None => None
                      end) dout); intros; rewrite H in *; simpl in *.
        * case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H2 in *; simpl in *.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption.
          destruct (match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ dout0c;env with
               | Some (dbool b) => Some b
               | Some _ => None
               | None => None
                    end); try reflexivity.
                    destruct ((if b then Some [dout0] else Some [])); try reflexivity.
          destruct (lift_oncoll
           (fun c1 : list data =>
              lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) c1
            | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
            | None => None
            end) (dcoll l)); try reflexivity; simpl in *.
          destruct (lift_map
           (fun x0 : data =>
                match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                | Some _ => None
                | None => None
              | Some x' =>
                    (fun c1 : list data =>
                         (fun x'0 : data =>
                            brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                          | Some (dbool b0) => Some b0
                          | Some _ => None
                          | None => None
                          end) c1
                     | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                     | None => None
                     end) x'
              | None => None
            | Some x' =>
                  (fun c1 : list data =>
                     lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) c1
                   | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                   | None => None
                   end) x'
            | None => None
            end) dout); try congruence.
          destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try reflexivity.
          clear H1 H2; case_eq (oflatten l1); intros; rewrite H1 in *; try congruence.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; assumption.
          destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try reflexivity.
          destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try reflexivity.
          destruct (lift_map
                 (fun x0 : data =>
                      match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                      | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                      | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                      | Some _ => None
                      | None => None
                    | Some x' =>
                          (fun c1 : list data =>
                               (fun x'0 : data =>
                                  brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                                | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                                | Some _ => None
                                | None => None
                                end) c1
                           | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                           | None => None
                           end) x'
                    | None => None
                  | Some x' =>
                        (fun c1 : list data =>
                             (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv)
                         | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                         | None => None
                         end) x'
                  | None => None
                  end) dout); try reflexivity.
          clear H1 H2; case_eq (oflatten l2); intros; rewrite H1 in *; try congruence.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; assumption. }
          rewrite (oflatten_cons [dout0] l l0 H2); simpl in *.
          destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ dout0c;env); try reflexivity.
          destruct d; try reflexivity; simpl in *.
          destruct b; simpl in *.
          case_eq (lift_filter
           (fun x' : data =>
            match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
            | Some (dbool b) => Some b
            | Some _ => None
            | None => None
            end) l0); intros; rewrite H9 in *; simpl in *.
          destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ dout0c;env); try reflexivity.
          destruct (lift_map
                 (fun x0 : data =>
                      match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                      | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                      | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                      | Some _ => None
                      | None => None
                    | Some x' =>
                          (fun c1 : list data =>
                               (fun x'0 : data =>
                                  brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                                | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                                | Some _ => None
                                | None => None
                                end) c1
                           | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                           | None => None
                           end) x'
                    | None => None
                  | Some x' =>
                        (fun c1 : list data =>
                             (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv)
                         | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                         | None => None
                         end) x'
                  | None => None
                  end) dout); try congruence.
          case_eq (oflatten l2); intros;
          rewrite H10 in *; simpl in *.
          rewrite (oflatten_cons [d] l2 l3 H10); simpl in *.
          destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l1); try congruence; simpl.
          inversion IHdout; reflexivity.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; simpl.
          destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l1); try congruence; simpl.
          reflexivity. assumption.
          destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l1); try congruence; simpl.
          destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ dout0c;env); try reflexivity; simpl.
          destruct (lift_map
           (fun x0 : data =>
                match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                | Some _ => None
                | None => None
              | Some x' =>
                    (fun c1 : list data =>
                         (fun x'0 : data =>
                            brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                          | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                          | Some _ => None
                          | None => None
                          end) c1
                     | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                     | None => None
                     end) x'
              | None => None
            | Some x' =>
                  (fun c1 : list data =>
                     lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) c1
                   | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                   | None => None
                   end) x'
            | None => None
            end) dout); try reflexivity; simpl.
          case_eq (oflatten l1); intros; rewrite H10 in *; simpl in *. congruence.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none. reflexivity. assumption.
          destruct (lift_map
           (fun x0 : data =>
                match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                | Some _ => None
                | None => None
              | Some x' =>
                    (fun c1 : list data =>
                         (fun x'0 : data =>
                            brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                          | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                          | Some _ => None
                          | None => None
                          end) c1
                     | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                     | None => None
                     end) x'
              | None => None
            | Some x' =>
                  (fun c1 : list data =>
                     lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) c1
                   | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                   | None => None
                   end) x'
            | None => None
            end) dout); destruct (lift_filter
           (fun x' : data =>
            match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
            | Some (dbool b) => Some b
            | Some _ => None
            | None => None
            end) l0); try congruence; simpl in *.
          case_eq (oflatten l1); intros; rewrite H9 in *; simpl in *.
          rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l1 l3 H9); simpl. assumption.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; simpl.
          destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l2); congruence.
          case_eq (oflatten l1); intros; rewrite H9 in *; simpl in *. congruence.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; simpl. reflexivity.
        * destruct (match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ dout0c;env with
               | Some (dbool b) => Some b
               | Some _ => None
               | None => None
                    end); try reflexivity.
          destruct ((if b then Some [dout0] else Some [])); try reflexivity.
          destruct (lift_oncoll
           (fun c1 : list data =>
              lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) c1
            | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
            | None => None
            end) (dcoll l)); try reflexivity; simpl in *.
          destruct (lift_map
           (fun x0 : data =>
                match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                | Some _ => None
                | None => None
              | Some x' =>
                    (fun c1 : list data =>
                         (fun x'0 : data =>
                            brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                          | Some (dbool b0) => Some b0
                         | Some _ => None
                          | None => None
                          end) c1
                     | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                     | None => None
                     end) x'
              | None => None
            | Some x' =>
                  (fun c1 : list data =>
                     lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) c1
                   | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                   | None => None
                   end) x'
            | None => None
            end) dout); try congruence.
          clear H; case_eq (oflatten l0); intros; rewrite H in *.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; assumption.
      (* right *)
      + simpl.
        unfold olift, lift in *; simpl in *.
        case_eq (lift_map
                     (fun x0 : data =>
                      match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                      | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                      | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                      | Some _ => None
                      | None => None
                      end) dout); intros; rewrite H in *; simpl in *.
        * case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H2 in *; simpl in *.
          2: {
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption.
          destruct (lift_map
           (fun x0 : data =>
                match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                | Some _ => None
                | None => None
              | Some x' =>
                    (fun c1 : list data =>
                         (fun x'0 : data =>
                            brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                          | Some (dbool b0) => Some b0
                          | Some _ => None
                          | None => None
                          end) c1
                     | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                     | None => None
                     end) x'
              | None => None
            | Some x' =>
                  (fun c1 : list data =>
                     lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) c1
                   | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                   | None => None
                   end) x'
            | None => None
            end) dout); try congruence.
          clear H; case_eq (oflatten l0); intros; rewrite H in *; try congruence.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; assumption. }
          destruct (lift_map
                 (fun x0 : data =>
                      match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                      | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                      | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                      | Some _ => None
                      | None => None
                    | Some x' =>
                          (fun c1 : list data =>
                               (fun x'0 : data =>
                                  brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                                | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                                | Some _ => None
                                | None => None
                                end) c1
                           | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                           | None => None
                           end) x'
                    | None => None
                  | Some x' =>
                        (fun c1 : list data =>
                             (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv)
                         | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                         | None => None
                         end) x'
                  | None => None
                  end) dout); try reflexivity.
          clear H; case_eq (oflatten l1); intros; rewrite H in *; try congruence.
          rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l1 l2 H); simpl in *.
          rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l l0 H2); simpl in *.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption.
          rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l l0 H2); simpl in *.
          destruct (lift_filter
           (fun x' : data =>
            match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
            | Some (dbool b) => Some b
            | Some _ => None
            | None => None
            end) l0); try congruence; simpl in *.
          rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l l0 H2); simpl in *.
          destruct (lift_filter
           (fun x' : data =>
            match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
            | Some (dbool b) => Some b
            | Some _ => None
            | None => None
            end) l0); try congruence; simpl in *.
        * destruct (lift_map
                 (fun x0 : data =>
                      match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₃ @ₑ x0c;env with
                      | Some (dleft dl) => Some (dcoll [dl])
                      | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                      | Some _ => None
                      | None => None
                    | Some x' =>
                          (fun c1 : list data =>
                               (fun x'0 : data =>
                                  brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x'0 ⊣ c;env
                                | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                                | Some _ => None
                                | None => None
                                end) c1
                           | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                           | None => None
                           end) x'
                    | None => None
                  | Some x' =>
                        (fun c1 : list data =>
                             (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv)
                         | Some a' => Some (dcoll a')
                         | None => None
                         end) x'
                  | None => None
                  end) dout); try congruence.
          clear H; case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H in *; simpl in *.
          rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try reflexivity. assumption.

  Lemma tflatten_over_double_map_arrow qqq₃ :
    ♯flatten(χ⟨χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( σ⟨ q₂ ⟩(‵{|ID|}) ) ⟩( q₃ )) ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( q₃ ) ).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    input_well_typed; simpl.
    dtype_inverter; simpl.
    clear eout τout.
    induction dout; try reflexivity; simpl.
    destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ ac;env); try reflexivity; simpl.
    destruct d; try reflexivity; simpl.
    destruct b; try reflexivity; simpl in *; autorewrite with alg; simpl in *.
    - destruct (lift_map
                  (fun x0 : data =>
                       (fun d : data =>
                            (fun c1 : list data =>
                               lift dcoll
                                       (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv)
                                       c1)) d)
                       (lift dcoll
                                 brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x0c;env
                               | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                               | Some _ => None
                               | None => None
                             | Some true => Some [x0]
                             | Some false => Some []
                             | None => None
                             end)) dout);
      destruct (lift_filter
                  (fun x' : data =>
                     match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                     | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                     | Some _ => None
                     | None => None
                     end) dout); simpl in *; try congruence.
      + destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;env); try reflexivity; simpl.
        unfold lift in *.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H in *.
        destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try congruence.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons [d] l l1 H).
        inversion IHdout; subst.
        destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try congruence.
        rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption; reflexivity.
      + destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;env); try reflexivity; simpl.
        unfold lift in *.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H in *. congruence.
        rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption.
      + destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;env); try reflexivity; simpl.
        destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l); try congruence.
        simpl in *; congruence.
      + destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;env); reflexivity.
    - destruct (lift_map
                  (fun x0 : data =>
                       (fun d : data =>
                            (fun c1 : list data =>
                               lift dcoll
                                       (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv)
                                       c1)) d)
                       (lift dcoll
                                 brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x0c;env
                               | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                               | Some _ => None
                               | None => None
                             | Some true => Some [x0]
                             | Some false => Some []
                             | None => None
                             end)) dout);
      destruct (lift_filter
                  (fun x' : data =>
                     match brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ x' ⊣ c;env with
                     | Some (dbool b) => Some b
                     | Some _ => None
                     | None => None
                     end) dout); simpl in *; try congruence.
      + destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;env); try reflexivity; simpl.
        unfold lift in *.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H in *.
        destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try congruence.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l l1 H).
        inversion IHdout; subst.
        destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try congruence.
        rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption; reflexivity.
        destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qenv) l0); try congruence.
        unfold lift in *.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H in *.
        rewrite (oflatten_cons [] l l2 H).
        inversion IHdout; subst.
        unfold lift in *.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H in *. congruence.
        rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption.
      + unfold lift in *.
        case_eq (oflatten l); intros; rewrite H in *. congruence.
        rewrite oflatten_cons_none; try assumption.

  Lemma tselect_over_flatten pp₂ :
    σ⟨p₁⟩(♯flatten(p₂)) ⇒ ♯flatten(χ⟨σ⟨p₁⟩(ID)⟩(p₂)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply select_over_flatten.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.
  Lemma tselect_over_flatten_b pp₂ :
    ♯flatten(χ⟨σ⟨p₁⟩(ID)⟩(p₂)) ⇒ σ⟨p₁⟩(♯flatten(p₂)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - symmetry; apply select_over_flatten.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tmap_over_flatten pp₂ :
    χ⟨p₁⟩(♯flatten(p₂)) ⇒ ♯flatten(χ⟨χ⟨p₁⟩(ID)⟩(p₂)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply map_over_flatten.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tmap_over_flatten_b pp₂ :
    ♯flatten(χ⟨χ⟨p₁⟩(ID)⟩(p₂)) ⇒ χ⟨p₁⟩(♯flatten(p₂)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - symmetry; apply map_over_flatten.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tselect_over_either ppp₃ :
    σ⟨p₁⟩( cNRAEnvEither pp₃) ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (σ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) (σ⟨p₁⟩(p₃)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply select_over_either.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tmap_over_nil q : χ⟨ q ⟩(‵{||}) ⇒ ‵{||}.
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply map_over_nil.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.
      repeat (econstructor; simpl).

  Lemma tenvmap_into_id_arrow q :
    χ⟨ ID ⟩( q ) ⇒ q.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    split; try assumption; intros; simpl.
    clear eout.
    inversion τout; clear τout; subst.
    rtype_equalizer. subst.
    induction dout; try reflexivity.
    inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
    specialize (IHdout H3); clear H3.
    unfold lift in *.
    destruct (lift_map (fun x : data => Some x) dout); congruence.

  Lemma tenvmap_map_compose_arrow qqq:
    χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( χ⟨ q₂ ⟩( q ) ) ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ◯ q₂ ⟩( q ).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (envmap_map_compose qqq)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tenvmap_singleton_arrow qq₂:
    χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( ‵{| q₂ |} ) ⇒ ‵{| q₁ ◯ q₂ |}.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (envmap_singleton qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tenvnth0_bag_arrow q :
    cNRAEnvBinop OpBagNth (‵{| q |}) ‵ (dnat Z0) ⇒
    cNRAEnvUnop OpLeft q.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (envnth0_bag q)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.
    econstructor; eauto.
    inversion H3.
    rtype_equalizer; subst.

  Lemma tmap_full_over_select_arrow q qq₂:
    χ⟨ q₂ ⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(‵{| q |})) ⇒ χ⟨ q₂ ◯ q ⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ◯ q ⟩(‵{| ID |})).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (map_full_over_select_id qqq)).
    econstructor; qeauto.

  Lemma tmap_over_map_split ppp₃ :
    χ⟨χ⟨p₁ ⟩( p₂) ⟩( p₃) ⇒ χ⟨χ⟨p₁ ⟩( ID) ⟩(χ⟨p₂⟩(p₃)).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (map_over_map_split ppp₃)).
  Lemma tflip_env6_arrow qq₂:
    χ⟨ ENVID ⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(ENVq₂)) ⇒ χ⟨ ‵{|ID|} ⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(ENVq₂)).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; eauto.
    - assert (merge_bindings τ₁ τ₂2 = Some τ₂2).
      apply (merge_idem _ τ₂ _ pf1 pf4); assumption.
      rewrite H0 in H; inversion H.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₃ pf2 = Rec Closed τ₃ pf3).
      apply rtype_fequal; reflexivity.
      rewrite <- H1; assumption.
    - intros.
      input_well_typed; simpl.
      dependent induction τout.
      subst; simpl.
      case_eq env; intros; try reflexivity; simpl.
      case_eq (merge_bindings l dl); intros; try reflexivity; simpl.
      autorewrite with alg.
      destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ drec l0c;(drec l)); try reflexivity; simpl.
      destruct d; try reflexivity; simpl.
      destruct b; try reflexivity; simpl.
      rewrite (merge_idem l dl l0); try reflexivity; try assumption.
      + dependent induction dt_env.
        rtype_equalizer. subst.
        apply (sorted_forall_sorted l rl0); assumption.
      + apply (sorted_forall_sorted dl rl); assumption.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + assert (merge_bindings τ₁ τ₂2 = Some τ₂2).
        apply (merge_idem _ τ₂ _ pf1 pf4); assumption.
        rewrite H0 in H; inversion H.
        econstructor; qeauto.
        econstructor; qeauto.
        assert (Rec Open τ₃ pf2 = Rec Open τ₃ pf3).
        apply rtype_fequal; reflexivity.
        rewrite <- H1; assumption.
      + intros.
        input_well_typed; simpl.
        invcs τout.
        subst; simpl.
        case_eq env; intros; try reflexivity; simpl.
        case_eq (merge_bindings l dl); intros; try reflexivity; simpl.
        autorewrite with alg.
        destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ drec l0c;(drec l)); try reflexivity; simpl.
        destruct d; try reflexivity; simpl.
        destruct b; try reflexivity; simpl.
        rewrite (merge_idem l dl l0); try reflexivity; try assumption.
        * invcs dt_env.
          rtype_equalizer. subst.
          apply (sorted_forall_sorted l rl0); assumption.
        * apply (sorted_forall_sorted dl rl); assumption.

  Lemma tmap_over_either ppp₃ :
    χ⟨p₁⟩( cNRAEnvEither pp₃) ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) (χ⟨p₁⟩(p₃)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply envmap_over_either.
    - intros.

  Lemma tmap_over_either_app pppp₄:
    χ⟨p₁⟩( cNRAEnvEither pp₃ ◯ p₄) ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) (χ⟨p₁⟩(p₃)) ◯ p₄.
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply envmap_over_either_app.
    - intros.

  Lemma tapp_over_const_arrow d q:
    (cNRAEnvConst d) ◯ q ⇒ (cNRAEnvConst d).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    econstructor; qeauto.

  Lemma tapp_over_env_arrow q :
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto; intros.
    input_well_typed; reflexivity.

  Lemma tapp_over_id_r_arrow q:
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_id q)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.
  Lemma tapp_over_id_l_arrow q:
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_id_l q)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tapp_over_unop_arrow u qq₂:
    (cNRAEnvUnop u q₁) ◯ q₂ ⇒ (cNRAEnvUnop u (q₁ ◯ q₂)).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_unop u qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tapp_over_binop_arrow b q qq₂:
    (cNRAEnvBinop b qq₁) ◯ q ⇒ (cNRAEnvBinop b (q₂ ◯ q) (q₁ ◯ q)).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto; intros.
    input_well_typed; reflexivity.

  Lemma tapp_over_map_arrow q qq₂:
    (χ⟨q₁⟩(q₂)) ◯ q ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ⟩(q₂ ◯ q).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_map q qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tapp_over_mapconcat_arrow q qq₂:
    ⋈ᵈ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ) ◯ q ⇒ ⋈ᵈ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ◯ q ).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_mapconcat q qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tapp_over_product_arrow q qq₂:
    (q₁ × q₂) ◯ q ⇒ (q₁ ◯ q) × (q₂ ◯ q).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_product q qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tapp_over_select_arrow q qq₂:
    (σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ )) ◯ q ⇒ (σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ◯ q )).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_select q qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.
  Lemma tapp_over_select_back_arrow q qq₂:
    (σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ◯ q )) ⇒ (σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ )) ◯ q.
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - symmetry. apply app_over_select.
    - intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tapp_over_app_arrow qqq₃:
    (q₁ ◯ q₂) ◯ q₃ ⇒ q₁ ◯ (q₂ ◯ q₃).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (app_over_app qqq₃)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tselect_over_app_either pppp₄ :
    σ⟨p₁⟩( cNRAEnvEither pp₃ ◯ p₄ ) ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (σ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) (σ⟨p₁⟩(p₃)) ◯ p₄.
    rewrite tapp_over_select_back_arrow.
    rewrite tselect_over_either.

  Lemma tappenv_over_const_arrow d q:
    (cNRAEnvConst d) ◯ₑ q ⇒ (cNRAEnvConst d).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    econstructor; qeauto.
  Lemma tappenv_over_id_l_arrow q:
    ID ◯ₑ qID.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto; intros.
    input_well_typed; reflexivity.

  Lemma tapp_over_ignoreid_arrow qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_id q₁ -> q₁ ◯ q₂ ⇒ q₁.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    assert (q₁ ▷ τin >=> τout ⊣ τcenv)
           by (eapply tnraenv_core_ignores_id_swap; qeauto).
    econstructor; qeauto.
    rewrite (nraenv_core_ignores_id_swap qH _ _ env x dout) in eout1.
  Lemma tappenv_over_env_l_arrow q:
    ENV ◯ₑ qq.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (appenv_over_env q)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tappenv_over_env_r_arrow q:
    q ◯ₑ ENVq.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.

  Lemma tappenv_over_unop_arrow u qq₂:
    (cNRAEnvUnop u q₁) ◯ₑ q₂ ⇒ (cNRAEnvUnop u (q₁ ◯ₑ q₂)).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (appenv_over_unop u qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tunop_over_either u pp₂ :
    cNRAEnvUnop u (cNRAEnvEither pp₂) ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (cNRAEnvUnop u p₁)(cNRAEnvUnop u p₂).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (unop_over_either u pp₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tunop_over_either_app u ppp₃:
    cNRAEnvUnop u (cNRAEnvEither pp₂ ◯ p₃) ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (cNRAEnvUnop u p₁)(cNRAEnvUnop u p₂) ◯ p₃.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (unop_over_either_app u ppp₃)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tappenv_over_binop b qqq :
    (cNRAEnvBinop b qq₂) ◯ₑ q ⇒ (cNRAEnvBinop b (q₁ ◯ₑ q) (q₂ ◯ₑ q)).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto; intros.
  Lemma tappenv_over_map_arrow q qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_id q ->
    χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ) ◯ₑ q ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ◯ₑ q ⟩( q₂ ◯ₑ q ).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (appenv_over_map q qqH)).
    intros; nraenv_core_inferer.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_id_swap q H _ _ _ τenv' τenv H3).

  Lemma tappenv_over_map_nraenv_core_ignores_env_arrow qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_env q₁ ->
    χ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ) ◯ₑ cNRAEnvID ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ◯ₑ cNRAEnvID ⟩( q₂ ◯ₑ cNRAEnvID ).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; simpl; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    - econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ _ _ _ _ H2).
    - intros.
      destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ xc;x); try reflexivity; simpl.
      destruct d; try reflexivity; simpl.
      induction l; try reflexivity; simpl.
      rewrite (nraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ c x a a).
      destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;a); try reflexivity; simpl.
      unfold lift in *.
      destruct (lift_map (nraenv_core_eval brand_relation_brands c qx) l);
        destruct (lift_map (fun x0 : data => brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x0c;x0) l);
        simpl in *; congruence.

  Lemma tappenv_over_select_arrow q qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_id q ->
    σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( q₂ ) ◯ₑ q ⇒ σ⟨ q₁ ◯ₑ q ⟩( q₂ ◯ₑ q ).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (appenv_over_select q qqH)).
    intros; nraenv_core_inferer.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_id_swap q H _ _ _ _ _ H3).
  Lemma tappenv_over_appenv_arrow q qq₂:
    (q₁ ◯ₑ q₂) ◯ₑ qq₁ ◯ₑ (q₂ ◯ₑ q).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    input_well_typed; reflexivity.
  Lemma tappenv_over_app_arrow q qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_id q -> (q₁ ◯ q₂) ◯ₑ q ⇒ (q₁ ◯ₑ q) ◯ (q₂ ◯ₑ q).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    - repeat econstructor; qeauto.
      apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_id_swap q H _ τin τ1 τenv' τenv H3).
    - intros.
      input_well_typed; simpl.
      rewrite (nraenv_core_ignores_id_swap q H _ _ env dout0 x).
      rewrite eout; simpl.
      rewrite eout1; reflexivity.

  Lemma tappenv_over_app_ie_arrow p1 p2 p3:
    nraenv_core_ignores_env p3 ->
    ((p3p2) ◯ₑ p1) ⇒ p3 ◯ (p2 ◯ₑ p1).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (appenv_over_app_ie p1 p2 p3 H)).
    intros; nraenv_core_inferer.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_env_swap p3 H _ _ _ _ _ H8).
  Lemma tapp_over_appenv_arrow q qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_id q₁ -> (q₁ ◯ₑ q₂) ◯ qq₁ ◯ₑ (q₂ ◯ q).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    - econstructor; qeauto.
      apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_id_swap qH _ τ1 τin τout τenv' H8).
    - intros.
      input_well_typed; simpl.
      rewrite (nraenv_core_ignores_id_swap qH _ _ dout0 x dout).
      rewrite eout1; simpl; reflexivity.
  Lemma tappenv_over_ignoreenv_arrow qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_env q₁ -> q₁ ◯ₑ q₂ ⇒ q₁.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    assert (q₁ ▷ τin >=> τout ⊣ τcenv)
      by apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ τin τout τenv' τenv H7).
    econstructor; qeauto.
    rewrite (nraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ _ env dout x) in eout1.
    rewrite eout0 in eout1.
    inversion eout1.

  Lemma tappenv_over_env_merge_l_arrow qq:
    nraenv_core_ignores_env q₁ ->
    cNRAEnvAppEnv (ENVq₁) qqq₁.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (appenv_over_env_merge_l qq H)); intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    assert (q₁ ▷ τin >=> Rec Closed τ₂0 pf2 ⊣ τcenv)
      by apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ τin (Rec Closed τ₂0 pf2) (Rec Closed τ₁0 pf1) τenv H10).
    econstructor; qeauto.
    assert (q₁ ▷ τin >=> Rec Open τ₂0 pf2 ⊣ τcenv)
      by apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ τin (Rec Open τ₂0 pf2) (Rec Open τ₁0 pf1) τenv H10).

  Lemma tflip_env1_arrow q :
    (χ⟨ ENV ⟩(σ⟨ q ⟩(‵{|ID|}))) ◯ₑ ID ⇒ σ⟨ q ⟩(‵{|ID|}) ◯ₑ ID.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (flip_env1 q)).
    intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tflip_env4_arrow qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_env q₁ -> (χ⟨ENV⟩( σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(‵{|ID|}))) ◯ₑ q₂ ⇒ χ⟨q₂⟩( σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(‵{|ID|})).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    - repeat econstructor; qeauto.
      apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ τ₁ Bool τ₂ τenv H6).
    - intros.
      rewrite (nraenv_core_ignores_env_swap qH _ _ env dout x).
      rewrite eout0.
      destruct dout0; try reflexivity.
      autorewrite with alg.
      unfold olift.
      destruct b; try reflexivity; simpl.
      rewrite eout.

  Lemma tflip_env2_arrow q :
    σ⟨ q ⟩(‵{|ID|}) ◯ₑ ID ⇒ σ⟨ q ◯ₑ ID ⟩(‵{|ID|}).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (flip_env2 q)).
    intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tflatten_through_appenv_arrow qq₂ :
    ♯flatten(q₁ ◯ₑ q₂) ⇒ ♯flatten(q₁) ◯ₑ q₂.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (flatten_through_appenv qq₂)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tappenv_through_either qqq₃:
    nraenv_core_ignores_id q₃ ->
    cNRAEnvEither qq₂ ◯ₑ q₃ ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (q₁ ◯ₑ q₃) (q₂ ◯ₑ q₃).
    intros ig.
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (appenv_through_either qqqig)).
    intros. nraenv_core_inferer.
    generalize (tnraenv_core_ignores_id_swap _ ig τc).
      (econstructor; [| eassumption]; qeauto).

  Lemma tmapenv_to_env_arrow q :
    (cNRAEnvMapEnv (ENV)) ◯ qENV.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    input_well_typed; simpl.
    rewrite lift_map_id.

  Lemma tmapenv_over_singleton_arrow qq₂ :
    (cNRAEnvMapEnv q₁) ◯ₑ (‵{|q₂|}) ⇒ ‵{| q₁ ◯ₑ q₂ |}.
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₂ @ₑ xc;env); try reflexivity; simpl.
    destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ xc;d); reflexivity.

  Lemma tmapenv_to_map_arrow qq₂:
    nraenv_core_ignores_id q₁ ->
    (cNRAEnvMapEnv q₁) ◯ₑ q₂ ⇒ χ⟨ q₁ ◯ₑ ID ⟩(q₂).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; simpl; intros.
    nraenv_core_inferer; econstructor; qeauto.
    - repeat econstructor; qeauto.
      apply (tnraenv_core_ignores_id_swap qH _ τin τenv0 τ₂ τenv0); assumption.
    - intros.
      destruct dout; try reflexivity; simpl; clear eout τout H3.
      induction l; try reflexivity; simpl.
      rewrite (nraenv_core_ignores_id_swap qH _ _ a x a).
      destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ ac;a); try reflexivity; simpl.
      destruct (lift_map (fun env' : data => brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ xc;env') l);
        destruct (lift_map (fun x0 : data => brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ q₁ @ₑ x0c;x0) l);
         simpl in *; congruence.

  Lemma tcompose_selects_in_mapenv_arrow qq₂ :
    (♯flatten(cNRAEnvMapEnv (χ⟨ENV⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ⟩( ‵{| ID |}))))) ◯ₑ (χ⟨ENV⟩(σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( ‵{| ID |})))
                                                          ⇒ (χ⟨ENV⟩(σ⟨ q₁ ⟩(σ⟨ q₂ ⟩( ‵{| ID |})))).
    apply (rewrites_typed_with_untyped _ _ (compose_selects_in_mapenv qq₂)).
    intros; nraenv_core_inferer.

  Lemma tappenv_mapenv_to_map_arrow q a:
    cNRAEnvAppEnv (cNRAEnvMapEnv q) (ENV ⊗ ‵[| (a, ID)|]) ⇒
             χ⟨(q ◯ (cNRAEnvUnop (OpDot a) cNRAEnvEnv)) ◯ₑ ID⟩( (ENV ⊗ ‵[| (a, ID)|]) ).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    - assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ₃) = true)
        by (unfold merge_bindings in *;
             destruct (Compat.compatible τ₁0 [x]); try discriminate;
            inversion H3;
            apply (@rec_concat_sort_sorted string ODT_string _ τ₁0 [x] (rec_concat_sort τ₁0 [x])); reflexivity).
      rename H into pf3.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      destruct τenv0; subst.
      destruct x0; try discriminate.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3 = (exist (fun τ₀ : rtype₀ => wf_rtype₀ τ₀ = true) (Reck srl) e)).
      simpl in H1; inversion H1. subst.
      apply rtype_fequal; simpl. reflexivity.
      rewrite <- H.
      destruct x; simpl in *.
      assert (tdot τ₃ s = Some s0) by (apply (edot_merge_bindings τ₁0 τ₃ s s0); assumption).
      apply type_OpDot; assumption.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3 = τenv0)
      by (apply rtype_fequal; simpl in *; assumption).
      rewrite <- H in *.
      generalize (@type_OpRecMerge_closed
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ τ₁0 [(fst x, snd x)] τ₃ pf1 eq_refl pf3); intros.
      destruct x; simpl in *.
      apply (H2 H3).
    - intros.
      invcs dt_env; rtype_equalizer.
      specialize (H6 (eq_refl _)).
      destruct x; simpl.
      case_eq (merge_bindings dl [(s, x0)]); intros; try reflexivity; subst; simpl.
      rewrite (edot_merge_bindings dl l s x0); simpl.

  Lemma tappenv_flatten_mapenv_to_map_arrow q a:
    cNRAEnvAppEnv (♯flatten(cNRAEnvMapEnv q)) (ENV ⊗ ‵[| (a, ID)|]) ⇒
           ♯flatten(χ⟨(q ◯ (cNRAEnvUnop (OpDot a) cNRAEnvEnv)) ◯ₑ ID⟩( (ENV ⊗ ‵[| (a, ID)|]) )).
    unfold tnraenv_core_rewrites_to; intros; simpl.
    econstructor; qeauto.
    - assert (is_list_sorted ODT_lt_dec (domain τ₃) = true)
        by (unfold merge_bindings in *;
             destruct (Compat.compatible τ₁0 [x]); try discriminate;
            inversion H3;
            apply (@rec_concat_sort_sorted string ODT_string _ τ₁0 [x] (rec_concat_sort τ₁0 [x])); reflexivity).
      rename H into pf3.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      destruct τenv0; subst.
      destruct x0; try discriminate.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3 = (exist (fun τ₀ : rtype₀ => wf_rtype₀ τ₀ = true) (Reck srl) e))
        by (apply rtype_fequal; simpl in *; assumption).
      rewrite <- H.
      destruct x; simpl in *.
      assert (tdot τ₃ s = Some s0) by (apply (edot_merge_bindings τ₁0 τ₃ s s0); assumption).
      apply type_OpDot; assumption.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₃ pf3 = τenv0)
      by (apply rtype_fequal; simpl in *; assumption).
      rewrite <- H in *.
      generalize (@type_OpRecMerge_closed
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ τ₁0 [(fst x, snd x)] τ₃ pf1 eq_refl pf3); intros.
      destruct x; simpl in *.
      apply (H2 H3).
    - intros.
      invcs dt_env; rtype_equalizer.
      destruct x; simpl.
      specialize (H6 eq_refl); subst.
      case_eq (merge_bindings dl [(s, x0)]); intros; try reflexivity; subst; simpl.
      rewrite (edot_merge_bindings dl l s x0); simpl.


  Lemma trproject_nil p :
    π[nil](p) ⇒ ‵[||].
    red; simpl; intros.
    nraenv_core_inferer. split.
    - econstructor. apply dtrec_full.
      simpl. rewrite rproject_nil_r; trivial.
    - intros. input_well_typed.
      inversion τout.
      rewrite rproject_nil_r.
  Lemma trproject_over_concat_rec_r_in sl s pp₂ :
    In s sl ->
    π[sl](p₁ ⊕ ‵[| (s, p₂) |]) ⇒ π[remove string_dec s sl](p₁) ⊕ ‵[| (s, p₂) |] .
    red; simpl; intros.
    3: econstructor; [| qeauto]; qeauto.
    2: econstructor; [|qeauto]; econstructor.
    + econstructor.
      unfold rec_concat_sort.
      rewrite rproject_rec_sort_commute, rproject_app.
      rewrite <- (rec_sort_rproject_remove_in s) by (simpl; intuition).
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s sl); [ | intuition ].
    + apply (sublist_remove equiv_dec s) in H1.
      rewrite remove_domain_filter in H1.
      unfold rec_concat_sort in H1.
      rewrite rec_sort_filter_fst_commute in H1 by (simpl; intuition).
      rewrite filter_app in H1; simpl in H1.
      unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb in H1.
      destruct (equiv_dec s s); [| congruence].
      simpl in H1.
      rewrite app_nil_r in H1.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id in H1.
      * rewrite H1.
        apply sublist_domain.
        apply filter_sublist.
      * apply sorted_over_filter; trivial.
    + intros.
      destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ p₁ @ₑ xc;env); simpl; trivial.
      destruct d; simpl;
      destruct (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ p₂ @ₑ xc;env); simpl; trivial.
      rewrite rproject_rec_sort_commute, rproject_app.
      rewrite <- (rec_sort_rproject_remove_in s) by (simpl; intuition).
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s sl); simpl; intuition.
      { simpl; trivial. }
      { eapply is_list_sorted_sublist.
         - eapply pf0.
         - apply sublist_domain.
           apply sublist_rproject.

   Lemma trproject_over_const sl l :
    π[sl](cNRAEnvConst (drec l)) ⇒ cNRAEnvConst (drec (rproject l sl)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply rproject_over_const.
    - intros.
      inversion H0; subst.
      rtype_equalizer. subst.
      apply dtrec_full.
      rewrite <- rproject_map_fst_same; simpl; trivial.
      rewrite <- rproject_rec_sort_commute.
      eapply rproject_well_typed; try eassumption.
  Lemma trproject_over_rec_in sl s p :
    In s sl ->
    π[sl](‵[| (s, p) |]) ⇒ ‵[| (s, p) |].
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply rproject_over_rec_in; trivial.
    - intros.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      destruct (@in_dec string string_dec
              s sl); [| intuition].

  Lemma trproject_over_rec_nin sl s p :
    ~ In s sl ->
    π[sl](‵[| (s, p) |]) ⇒ ‵[||].
    transitivity (‵[||] ◯ p); [ | apply tapp_over_const_arrow].
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply rproject_over_rec_nin; trivial.
    - intros.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      destruct (@in_dec string string_dec
                        s sl); [| intuition]; [intuition | ].
      simpl. econstructor; qeauto.
  Lemma trproject_over_concat_rec_r_nin sl s pp₂ :
    ~ In s sl ->
    π[sl](p₁ ⊕ ‵[| (s, p₂) |]) ⇒ π[sl](p₁).
    red; simpl; intros.
    - econstructor; [ | qeauto].
      revert pf2.
      unfold rec_concat_sort.
      rewrite rproject_rec_sort_commute, rproject_app.
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s sl); [intuition | ].
      rewrite app_nil_r.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id.
      + intros. econstructor.
        apply (sublist_nin_remove equiv_dec _ _ _ n) in H1.
        rewrite remove_domain_filter in H1.
        unfold rec_concat_sort in H1.
        rewrite rec_sort_filter_fst_commute in H1 by (simpl; intuition).
        rewrite filter_app in H1; simpl in H1.
        unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb in H1.
        destruct (equiv_dec s s); [| congruence].
        simpl in H1.
        rewrite app_nil_r in H1.
        rewrite sort_sorted_is_id in H1.
        * rewrite H1.
          apply sublist_domain.
          apply filter_sublist.
        * apply sorted_over_filter; trivial.
      + apply sorted_over_filter; trivial.
    - intros.
      destruct dout; simpl; trivial.
      rewrite rproject_rec_sort_commute, rproject_app.
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s sl); simpl; [intuition | ].
      rewrite app_nil_r.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id; trivial.
      apply sorted_over_filter; trivial.
      apply data_type_normalized in τout.
      inversion τout; trivial.

  Lemma trproject_over_concat_rec_l_nin sl s pp₂ :
    ~ In s sl ->
    π[sl](‵[| (s, p₁) |] ⊕ p₂) ⇒ π[sl](p₂).
    red; intros.
    - econstructor; [ | qeauto].
      revert pf2.
      unfold rec_concat_sort.
      rewrite rproject_rec_sort_commute, rproject_app.
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s sl); [intuition | ].
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id.
      + intros. econstructor.
        apply (sublist_nin_remove equiv_dec _ _ _ n) in H1.
        rewrite remove_domain_filter in H1.
        unfold rec_concat_sort in H1.
        rewrite rec_sort_filter_fst_commute in H1 by (simpl; intuition).
        rewrite filter_app in H1; simpl in H1.
        unfold nequiv_decb, equiv_decb in H1.
        destruct (equiv_dec s s); [| congruence].
        simpl in H1.
        rewrite sort_sorted_is_id in H1.
        * rewrite H1.
          apply sublist_domain.
          apply filter_sublist.
        * apply sorted_over_filter; trivial.
      + apply sorted_over_filter; trivial.
    - intros.
      destruct dout0; trivial.
      replace (insertion_sort_insert rec_field_lt_dec (s, dout) (rec_sort l)) with
      (rec_sort ((s,dout)::l)) by reflexivity.
      rewrite rproject_rec_sort_commute.
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s sl); simpl; [intuition | ].
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id; trivial.
      apply sorted_over_filter; trivial.
      apply data_type_normalized in τout0.
      inversion τout0; trivial.

  Lemma trproject_over_concat_recs_in_in sl spsp₂ :
    In ssl -> In ssl ->
    π[sl](‵[| (s₁, p₁) |] ⊕ ‵[| (s₂, p₂) |]) ⇒ ‵[| (s₁, p₁) |] ⊕ ‵[| (s₂, p₂) |].
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - rewrite rproject_over_concat.
      repeat rewrite rproject_over_rec_in by trivial.
    - intros.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      unfold rec_concat_sort.
      rewrite rproject_rec_sort_commute, rproject_app.
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s sl); [| intuition ].
      destruct (in_dec string_dec s1 sl); [| intuition ].

  Lemma trproject_over_rproject sl1 sl2 p :
    π[sl1](π[sl2](p)) ⇒ π[set_inter string_dec sl2 sl1](p).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply rproject_over_rproject.
    - intros.
      generalize pf3.
      rewrite (rproject_rproject τ1 sl1 sl2).
      econstructor; qeauto.
      apply sublist_set_inter.

  Lemma trproject_over_either sl p1 p2 :
    π[sl](cNRAEnvEither p1 p2) ⇒ cNRAEnvEither (π[sl](p1)) (π[sl](p2)).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply rproject_over_either.
    - intros.
      econstructor; qeauto.

  Lemma tcount_over_map pp₂ :
        ♯count(χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) ⇒ ♯count(p₂).
    red; intros; split.
    - nraenv_core_inferer.
      inversion H2; rtype_equalizer; subst.
    - intros.
      destruct dout; simpl; trivial.
      clear eout.
      revert l τout0.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      inversion τout0. rtype_equalizer; subst.
      inversion H3; subst.
      assert (typ:dcoll lColl τ₁)
             by (econstructor; trivial).
      specialize (IHl typ).
      unfold olift in IHl.
      match_case_in IHl; [ intros ? eqq | intros eqq];
      rewrite eqq in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate.
      apply some_lift in eqq.
      destruct eqq as [? eqq ?]; subst.
      apply some_lift in IHl.
      destruct IHl as [? IHl ?]; subst.
      inversion e; clear e; subst.
      rewrite eqq; simpl.
      simpl in IHl.
      inversion IHl; clear IHl.
      apply of_nat_inv in H0.

  Lemma tcount_over_flat_map_map ppp₃ :
    ♯count(♯flatten(χ⟨χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)⟩(p₃))) ⇒
    rewrite tmap_over_map_split.
    rewrite tmap_over_flatten_b.
    rewrite tcount_over_map.

  Lemma tmap_over_either_nil_b pp₂ :
    cNRAEnvEither (χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) ‵{||} ⇒ χ⟨p₁⟩(cNRAEnvEither p₂ ‵{||}).
     apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
     - rewrite envmap_over_either.
       red; simpl; trivial.
    - intros.
      repeat (econstructor; simpl; qeauto).

  Lemma tcount_over_flat_map_either_nil_map ppp₃ :
    ♯count(♯flatten(χ⟨cNRAEnvEither (χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) ‵{||}⟩(p₃))) ⇒
          ♯count(♯flatten(χ⟨cNRAEnvEither p₂ ‵{||}⟩(p₃))).
    rewrite tmap_over_either_nil_b.
    rewrite tcount_over_flat_map_map.

  Lemma tcount_over_flat_map_either_nil_app_map pppp₄:
    ♯count(♯flatten(χ⟨cNRAEnvEither (χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)) ‵{||} ◯ p₄⟩(p₃))) ⇒
          ♯count(♯flatten(χ⟨cNRAEnvEither p₂ ‵{||} ◯ p₄⟩(p₃))).
    rewrite tmap_over_either_nil_b.
    rewrite tapp_over_map_arrow.
    rewrite tcount_over_flat_map_map.

  Lemma tcount_over_flat_map_either_nil_app_singleton ppp₃:
    ♯count(♯flatten(χ⟨cNRAEnvEither (‵{| p₁ |}) ‵{||} ◯ p₃⟩(p₂))) ⇒
          ♯count(♯flatten(χ⟨cNRAEnvEither (‵{| cNRAEnvConst dunit |}) ‵{||} ◯ p₃⟩(p₂))).
    red; intros; split.
    - nraenv_core_inferer.
      inversion H2; rtype_equalizer; subst.
      2: (repeat econstructor; simpl; qeauto).
    - intros.
      destruct dout; simpl; trivial.
      clear eout.
      revert l τout0.
      induction l; simpl; trivial.
      inversion τout0. rtype_equalizer; subst.
      inversion H3; subst.
      assert (typ:dcoll lColl τ₁)
             by (econstructor; trivial).
      specialize (IHl typ).
      case_eq ((lift_map
                   (fun x0 : data =>
                      (fun x' : data =>
                       match x' with
                       | dleft dl =>
                           olift (fun d1 : data => Some (dcoll [d1]))
                             (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ p₁ @ₑ dlc; env)
                       | dright _ => Some (dcoll [])
                       | _ => None
                       end) (brand_relation_brands ⊢ₑ p₃ @ₑ x0c; env)) l))
      ; [ intros ? eqq | intros eqq];
      rewrite eqq in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate.
      + unfold olift in IHl |- *.
        case_eq ((lift_map
                 (fun x0 : data =>
                  match @brand_relation_brands brand_model_relation ⊢ₑ p₃ @ₑ x0c; env with
                  | Some (dleft _) => Some (dcoll [dunit])
                  | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                  | Some _ => None
                  | None => None
                  end) l))
        ; [ intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        rewrite eqq1 in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        * { match_case_in IHl; [ intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2];
            rewrite eqq2 in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate;
            (match_case_in IHl; [ intros ? eqq3 | intros eqq3];
             rewrite eqq3 in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate).
            - apply some_lift in eqq2; destruct eqq2 as [? eqq2 ?]; subst.
              apply some_lift in eqq3; destruct eqq3 as [? eqq3 ?]; subst.
              simpl in IHl.
              inversion IHl; clear IHl.
              apply of_nat_inv in H1.
              unfold olift.
              destruct dout; simpl; trivial.
              + inversion τout1; clear τout1.
                rtype_equalizer. subst.
                rewrite (oflatten_cons _ _ _ eqq2).
                rewrite H1.
                rewrite (oflatten_cons _ _ _ eqq3).
              + rewrite (oflatten_cons _ _ _ eqq2).
                rewrite (oflatten_cons _ _ _ eqq3).
                rewrite H1.
            - apply some_lift in eqq2; destruct eqq2 as [? eqq2 ?]; subst.
              apply none_lift in eqq3.
              simpl in IHl.
            - apply none_lift in eqq2.
              apply some_lift in eqq3; destruct eqq3 as [? eqq3 ?]; subst.
              destruct eqq3; subst.
              simpl in IHl.
            - apply none_lift in eqq2.
              apply none_lift in eqq3.
              unfold olift.
              destruct dout; simpl; trivial.
              + inversion τout1; clear τout1; rtype_equalizer.
                rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq2).
                rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq3).
              + rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq2).
                rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq3).
        * { match_case_in IHl; [ intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2];
            rewrite eqq2 in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate.
            - apply some_lift in eqq2; destruct eqq2 as [? eqq2 ?]; subst.
              simpl in IHl.
            - apply none_lift in eqq2.
              unfold olift.
              destruct dout; inversion τout1; clear τout1.
              + rtype_equalizer.
                rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq2).
              + simpl.
                rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq2).
      + unfold olift in IHl.
        case_eq ((lift_map
                 (fun x0 : data =>
                  match @brand_relation_brands brand_model_relation ⊢ₑ p₃ @ₑ x0c; env with
                  | Some (dleft _) => Some (dcoll [dunit])
                  | Some (dright _) => Some (dcoll [])
                  | Some _ => None
                  | None => None
                  end) l))
        ; [ intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        rewrite eqq1 in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        * { match_case_in IHl; [ intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2];
            rewrite eqq2 in IHl; simpl in *; try discriminate.
            - apply some_lift in eqq2; destruct eqq2 as [? eqq2 ?]; subst.
              simpl in IHl.
            - apply none_lift in eqq2.
              unfold olift.
              rewrite eqq1.
              destruct dout; inversion τout1; clear τout1.
              + rtype_equalizer.
                rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq2).
              + simpl.
                rewrite (oflatten_cons_none _ _ eqq2).
        * unfold olift; rewrite eqq1; simpl.
          { destruct dout; inversion τout1; clear τout1.
            - rtype_equalizer.
            - simpl; trivial.

  Lemma tmapconcat_over_singleton p₁ :
    ⋈ᵈ⟨ p₁ ⟩(‵{| ‵[||] |}) ⇒ p₁ ◯ (‵[||]).
    red; intros; split.
    - nraenv_core_inferer.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₁ pf1 = τ)
        by (apply rtype_fequal; simpl in *; auto).
      subst; clear H.
      inversion H0; rtype_equalizer; specialize (H5 eq_refl).
      subst; subst; clear H4 H0.
      inversion H6; subst; simpl in *; clear H6.
      unfold rec_concat_sort in *; simpl in *.
      assert (rec_sort τ₂ = τ₂)
        by (apply (sort_sorted_is_id τ₂); eauto 2).
      assert (Coll (Rec Closed τ₂ pf2) = Coll (Rec Closed (rec_sort τ₂) pf3)).
      apply rtype_fequal; simpl.
      rewrite H; reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      2: { rewrite <- H0; eauto. }
      simpl; apply dtrec_full; auto.
    - intros.
      unfold omap_product; simpl.
      unfold oncoll_map_concat; simpl.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₁ pf1 = τ)
        by (apply rtype_fequal; simpl in *; auto).
      subst; clear H.
      unfold omap_concat; simpl.
      clear H2 pf3 H0 pf1 eout.
      induction dout; try reflexivity; simpl in *.
      inversion τout. subst.
      assert (Rec Closed τ₂ pf2 = r)
        by (apply rtype_fequal; simpl in *; auto).
      subst; clear H0.
      inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
      assert (dcoll doutColl (Rec Closed τ₂ pf2))
        by (econstructor; assumption).
      inversion H2. subst; clear H2.
      rtype_equalizer. subst.
      specialize (IHdout H); clear H τout.
      unfold rec_concat_sort in *; simpl in *.
      assert (is_list_sorted StringOrder.lt_dec (domain a) = true).
      apply (@same_domain_same_sorted string ODT_string rtype data rl a);
        try assumption.
      assert (domain a = domain rl).
      apply (@sorted_forall_same_domain _ _ _ _ a rl); assumption. auto.
      rewrite sort_sorted_is_id; [|assumption].
      destruct (lift_map
                 (fun x0 : data =>
                  match x0 with
                  | drec r1 => Some (drec (rec_sort r1))
                  | _ => None
                  end) dout); simpl in *; congruence.

composite lemmas: these are just composites of previous rewrites. They are here since the optimizer uses them.
  Lemma tmap_over_flatten_map (ppp₃: nraenv_core) :
    χ⟨p₁⟩(♯flatten(χ⟨p₂⟩(p₃))) ⇒ ♯flatten(χ⟨χ⟨p₁⟩(p₂)⟩(p₃)).
    rewrite tmap_over_flatten.
    rewrite tenvmap_map_compose_arrow.
    rewrite tapp_over_map_arrow.
    rewrite tapp_over_id_l_arrow.

  Lemma tdup_elim (q:nraenv_core) :
    nodupA q -> ♯distinct(q) ⇒ q.
    intros nd.
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - rewrite dup_elim by trivial.
    - intros.
      invcs H2.

  Lemma tselect_union_distr (qqq₂: nraenv_core) :
    σ⟨ q₀ ⟩(q₁ ⋃ q₂) ⇒ σ⟨ q₀ ⟩(q₁) ⋃ σ⟨ q₀ ⟩(q₂).
    apply rewrites_typed_with_untyped.
    - apply select_union_distr.
    - intros.
      invcs H3.
      rtype_equalizer. subst.
      repeat econstructor;

End TNRAEnvRewrite.

Global Hint Rewrite @tmerge_empty_record_r_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmerge_empty_record_l_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmapenv_to_env_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tselect_and_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflatten_through_appenv_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflatten_mapenv_coll_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflatten_over_double_map_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflatten_over_double_map_with_either_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tenvflatten_map_coll_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tenvmap_into_id_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tenvmap_map_compose_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tenvmap_singleton_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tenvnth0_bag_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tenvflatten_coll_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tenvflatten_nil_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_const_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_env_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_id_r_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_id_l_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_app_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_unop_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_map_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tapp_over_select_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tproduct_singletons_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tdouble_flatten_map_coll_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_over_env_l_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_over_env_r_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_over_appenv_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_over_app_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_over_app_ie_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tcompose_selects_in_mapenv_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_flatten_mapenv_to_map_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_over_const_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflip_env1_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflip_env2_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmapenv_over_singleton_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflip_env4_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_over_binop : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflip_env6_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmapenv_to_map_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmerge_concat_to_concat_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmerge_with_concat_to_concat_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_mapenv_to_map_arrow : tnraenv_core_optim.

Global Hint Rewrite @tmap_over_nil : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tselect_over_nil : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmap_over_either : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tmap_over_either_app : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tselect_over_either : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tselect_over_app_either : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tappenv_through_either : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tcount_over_map : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tcount_over_flat_map_map : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tcount_over_flat_map_either_nil_map : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tcount_over_flat_map_either_nil_app_map : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tunop_over_either : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tunop_over_either_app : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tflatten_flatten_map_either_nil : tnraenv_core_optim.
Global Hint Rewrite @tcount_over_flat_map_either_nil_app_singleton : tnraenv_core_optim.