Module Qcert.DNNRC.Lang.DNNRCBase

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Decidable.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataRuntime.
Require Import cNRAEnv.

Declare Scope dnnrc_scope.
Section DNNRCBase.
  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.
Named Nested Relational Calculus
  Definition var := string.

  Section plug.
    Context {plug_type:Set}.

    Class AlgPlug :=
      mkAlgPlug {
          plug_eval : brand_relation_t -> coll_bindings -> plug_type -> option data
          ; plug_normalized :
            forall (h:brand_relation_t) (op:plug_type), forall (constant_env:coll_bindings) (o:data),
                Forall (fun x => data_normalized h (snd x)) (bindings_of_coll_bindings constant_env) ->
                plug_eval h constant_env op = Some o -> data_normalized h o;

  End plug.
  Global Arguments AlgPlug : clear implicits.
  Section GenDNNRCBase.
    Context {A plug_type:Set}.

    Unset Elimination Schemes.

    Inductive dnnrc_base : Set :=
    | DNNRCGetConstant : A -> var -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCVar : A -> var -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCConst : A -> data -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCBinop : A -> binary_op -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCUnop : A -> unary_op -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCLet : A -> var -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCFor : A -> var -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCIf : A -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCEither : A -> dnnrc_base -> var -> dnnrc_base -> var -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCGroupBy : A -> string -> list string -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCCollect : A -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCDispatch : A -> dnnrc_base -> dnnrc_base
    | DNNRCAlg : A -> plug_type -> list (string * dnnrc_base) -> dnnrc_base.

    Set Elimination Schemes.

Induction principles used as backbone for inductive proofs on dnnrc_base

    Definition dnnrc_base_rect (P : dnnrc_base -> Type)
               (fdgetconstant : forall a, forall v, P (DNNRCGetConstant a v))
               (fdvar : forall a, forall v, P (DNNRCVar a v))
               (fdconst : forall a, forall d : data, P (DNNRCConst a d))
               (fdbinop : forall a, forall b, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCBinop a b n1 n2))
               (fdunop : forall a, forall u, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCUnop a u n))
               (fdlet : forall a, forall v, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCLet a v n1 n2))
               (fdfor : forall a, forall v, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCFor a v n1 n2))
               (fdif : forall a, forall n1 n2 n3 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P n3 -> P (DNNRCIf a n1 n2 n3))
               (fdeither : forall a, forall n0 n1 n2, forall v1 v2,
                       P n0 -> P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCEither a n0 v1 n1 v2 n2))
               (fdgroupby : forall a, forall g, forall sl, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCGroupBy a g sl n))
               (fdcollect : forall a, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCCollect a n))
               (fddispatch : forall a, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCDispatch a n))
               (fdalg : forall a, forall op:plug_type, forall r : list (string*dnnrc_base), Forallt (fun n => P (snd n)) r -> P (DNNRCAlg a op r))
        fix F (n : dnnrc_base) : P n :=
          match n as n0 return (P n0) with
          | DNNRCGetConstant a v => fdgetconstant a v
          | DNNRCVar a v => fdvar a v
          | DNNRCConst a d => fdconst a d
          | DNNRCBinop a b n1 n2 => fdbinop a b n1 n2 (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCUnop a u n => fdunop a u n (F n)
          | DNNRCLet a v n1 n2 => fdlet a v n1 n2 (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCFor a v n1 n2 => fdfor a v n1 n2 (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCIf a n1 n2 n3 => fdif a n1 n2 n3 (F n1) (F n2) (F n3)
          | DNNRCEither a n0 v1 n1 v2 n2 => fdeither a n0 n1 n2 v1 v2 (F n0) (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCGroupBy a g sl n => fdgroupby a g sl n (F n)
          | DNNRCCollect a n => fdcollect a n (F n)
          | DNNRCDispatch a n => fddispatch a n (F n)
          | DNNRCAlg a op r =>
            fdalg a op r ((fix F3 (r : list (string * dnnrc_base)) : Forallt (fun n => P (snd n)) r :=
                             match r as c0 with
                             | nil => Forallt_nil _
                             | cons n c0 => @Forallt_cons _ _ _ _ (F (snd n)) (F3 c0)
                             end) r)

Induction principles used as backbone for inductive proofs on dnnrc_base
    Definition dnnrc_base_ind (P : dnnrc_base -> Prop)
               (fdgetconstant : forall a, forall v, P (DNNRCGetConstant a v))
               (fdvar : forall a, forall v, P (DNNRCVar a v))
               (fdconst : forall a, forall d : data, P (DNNRCConst a d))
               (fdbinop : forall a, forall b, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCBinop a b n1 n2))
               (fdunop : forall a, forall u, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCUnop a u n))
               (fdlet : forall a, forall v, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCLet a v n1 n2))
               (fdfor : forall a, forall v, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCFor a v n1 n2))
               (fdif : forall a, forall n1 n2 n3 : dnnrc_base, P n1 -> P n2 -> P n3 -> P (DNNRCIf a n1 n2 n3))
               (fdeither : forall a, forall n0 n1 n2, forall v1 v2,
                       P n0 -> P n1 -> P n2 -> P (DNNRCEither a n0 v1 n1 v2 n2))
               (fdgroupby : forall a, forall g, forall sl, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCGroupBy a g sl n))
               (fdcollect : forall a, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCCollect a n))
               (fddispatch : forall a, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCDispatch a n))
               (fdalg : forall a, forall op:plug_type, forall r : list (string*dnnrc_base), Forall (fun n => P (snd n)) r -> P (DNNRCAlg a op r))
        fix F (n : dnnrc_base) : P n :=
          match n as n0 return (P n0) with
          | DNNRCGetConstant a v => fdgetconstant a v
          | DNNRCVar a v => fdvar a v
          | DNNRCConst a d => fdconst a d
          | DNNRCBinop a b n1 n2 => fdbinop a b n1 n2 (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCUnop a u n => fdunop a u n (F n)
          | DNNRCLet a v n1 n2 => fdlet a v n1 n2 (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCFor a v n1 n2 => fdfor a v n1 n2 (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCIf a n1 n2 n3 => fdif a n1 n2 n3 (F n1) (F n2) (F n3)
          | DNNRCEither a n0 v1 n1 v2 n2 => fdeither a n0 n1 n2 v1 v2 (F n0) (F n1) (F n2)
          | DNNRCGroupBy a g sl n => fdgroupby a g sl n (F n)
          | DNNRCCollect a n => fdcollect a n (F n)
          | DNNRCDispatch a n => fddispatch a n (F n)
          | DNNRCAlg a op r =>
            fdalg a op r ((fix F3 (r : list (string*dnnrc_base)) : Forall (fun n => P (snd n)) r :=
                             match r as c0 with
                             | nil => Forall_nil _
                             | cons n c0 => @Forall_cons _ _ _ _ (F (snd n)) (F3 c0)
                             end) r)

    Definition dnnrc_base_rec (P:dnnrc_base->Set) := @dnnrc_base_rect P.

    Lemma dnnrc_baseInd2 (P : dnnrc_base -> Prop)
          (fdgetconstant : forall a, forall v, P (DNNRCGetConstant a v))
          (fdvar : forall a, forall v, P (DNNRCVar a v))
          (fdconst : forall a, forall d : data, P (DNNRCConst a d))
          (fdbinop : forall a, forall b, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P (DNNRCBinop a b n1 n2))
          (fdunop : forall a, forall u, forall n : dnnrc_base, P (DNNRCUnop a u n))
          (fdlet : forall a, forall v, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P (DNNRCLet a v n1 n2))
          (fdfor : forall a, forall v, forall n1 n2 : dnnrc_base, P (DNNRCFor a v n1 n2))
          (fdif : forall a, forall n1 n2 n3 : dnnrc_base, P (DNNRCIf a n1 n2 n3))
          (fdeither : forall a, forall n0 n1 n2, forall v1 v2,
                  P (DNNRCEither a n0 v1 n1 v2 n2))
          (fdgroupby : forall a, forall g, forall sl, forall n : dnnrc_base, P n -> P (DNNRCGroupBy a g sl n))
          (fdcollect : forall a, forall n : dnnrc_base, P (DNNRCCollect a n))
          (fddispatch : forall a, forall n : dnnrc_base, P (DNNRCDispatch a n))
          (fdalg : forall a, forall op:plug_type, forall r : list (string*dnnrc_base), Forall (fun n => P (snd n)) r -> P (DNNRCAlg a op r))
: forall n, P n.
      apply dnnrc_base_ind; trivial.

    Definition dnnrc_base_annotation_get (d:dnnrc_base) : A
      := match d with
         | DNNRCGetConstant a _ => a
         | DNNRCVar a _ => a
         | DNNRCConst a _ => a
         | DNNRCBinop a _ _ _ => a
         | DNNRCUnop a _ _ => a
         | DNNRCLet a _ _ _ => a
         | DNNRCFor a _ _ _ => a
         | DNNRCIf a _ _ _ => a
         | DNNRCEither a _ _ _ _ _ => a
         | DNNRCGroupBy a _ _ _ => a
         | DNNRCCollect a _ => a
         | DNNRCDispatch a _ => a
         | DNNRCAlg a _ _ => a

    Definition dnnrc_base_annotation_update (f:A->A) (d:dnnrc_base) : dnnrc_base
      := match d with
         | DNNRCGetConstant a v => DNNRCGetConstant (f a) v
         | DNNRCVar a v => DNNRCVar (f a) v
         | DNNRCConst a c => DNNRCConst (f a) c
         | DNNRCBinop a b dd₂ => DNNRCBinop (f a) b dd
         | DNNRCUnop a u d₁ => DNNRCUnop (f a) u d
         | DNNRCLet a x dd₂ => DNNRCLet (f a) x dd
         | DNNRCFor a x dd₂ => DNNRCFor (f a) x dd
         | DNNRCIf a ddd₂ => DNNRCIf (f a) ddd
         | DNNRCEither a dxdxd₂ => DNNRCEither (f a) dxdxd
         | DNNRCGroupBy a g sl d₁ => DNNRCGroupBy (f a) g sl d
         | DNNRCCollect a d₀ => DNNRCCollect (f a) d
         | DNNRCDispatch a d₀ => DNNRCDispatch (f a) d
         | DNNRCAlg a p args => DNNRCAlg (f a) p args
         end .

    Context (h:brand_relation_t).
    Context (constant_env:list (string*ddata)).
    Fixpoint dnnrc_base_eval `{plug: AlgPlug plug_type} (env:dbindings) (e:dnnrc_base) : option ddata :=
      match e with
      | DNNRCGetConstant _ x =>
        edot constant_env x
      | DNNRCVar _ x =>
        lookup equiv_dec env x
      | DNNRCConst _ d =>
        Some (Dlocal (normalize_data h d))
      | DNNRCBinop _ bop e1 e2 =>
        olift2 (fun d1 d2 => lift Dlocal (binary_op_eval h bop d1 d2))
               (olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env e1)) (olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env e2))
      | DNNRCUnop _ uop e1 =>
        olift (fun d1 => lift Dlocal (unary_op_eval h uop d1)) (olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env e1))
      | DNNRCLet _ x e1 e2 =>
        match dnnrc_base_eval env e1 with
        | Some d => dnnrc_base_eval ((x,d)::env) e2
        | _ => None
      | DNNRCFor _ x e1 e2 =>
        match dnnrc_base_eval env e1 with
        | Some (Ddistr c1) =>
          let inner_eval d1 :=
              let env' := (x,Dlocal d1) :: env in olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env' e2)
          lift (fun coll => Ddistr coll) (lift_map inner_eval c1)
        | Some (Dlocal (dcoll c1)) =>
          let inner_eval d1 :=
              let env' := (x,Dlocal d1) :: env in olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env' e2)
          lift (fun coll => Dlocal (dcoll coll)) (lift_map inner_eval c1)
        | Some (Dlocal _) => None
        | None => None
      | DNNRCIf _ e1 e2 e3 =>
        let aux_if d :=
            match d with
            | dbool b =>
              if b then dnnrc_base_eval env e2 else dnnrc_base_eval env e3
            | _ => None
        in olift aux_if (olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env e1))
      | DNNRCEither _ ed xl el xr er =>
        match olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env ed) with
        | Some (dleft dl) =>
          dnnrc_base_eval ((xl,Dlocal dl)::env) el
        | Some (dright dr) =>
          dnnrc_base_eval ((xr,Dlocal dr)::env) er
        | _ => None
      | DNNRCGroupBy _ g sl e1 =>
      | DNNRCCollect _ e1 =>
        let collected := olift checkDistrAndCollect (dnnrc_base_eval env e1) in
        lift Dlocal collected
      | DNNRCDispatch _ e1 =>
        match olift checkLocal (dnnrc_base_eval env e1) with
        | Some (dcoll c1) =>
          Some (Ddistr c1)
        | _ => None
      | DNNRCAlg _ plug nnrcbindings =>
        match listo_to_olist (map (fun x =>
               match dnnrc_base_eval env (snd x) with
               | Some (Ddistr coll) => Some (fst x, coll)
               | _ => None
               end) nnrcbindings) with
        | Some args =>
          match plug_eval h args plug with
          | Some (dcoll c) => Some (Ddistr c)
          | _ => None
        | None => None

    Lemma Forall_dcoll_map_lift l:
      Forall (fun x : string * (list data) => data_normalized h (dcoll (snd x))) l ->
      Forall (fun x : string * data => data_normalized h (snd x))
             (map (fun xy : string * list data => (fst xy, dcoll (snd xy))) l).
      intros; induction l; simpl in *.
      - apply Forall_nil.
      - rewrite Forall_forall in *; intros.
        simpl in *.
        assert (forall x : string * list data,
                   In x l -> data_normalized h (dcoll (snd x)))
          by (intros; apply H; auto).
        specialize (IHl H1).
        elim H0; clear H0; intros.
        subst; simpl.
        apply H.
        left; auto.
        rewrite Forall_forall in IHl.
        apply IHl.

    Lemma Forall_dcoll_map_lift2 l:
      Forall (fun x : string * data => data_normalized h (snd x))
             (map (fun xy : string * list data => (fst xy, dcoll (snd xy))) l) ->
      Forall (fun x : string * (list data) => data_normalized h (dcoll (snd x))) l.
      induction l; simpl in *.
      - apply Forall_nil.
      - assert (Forall (fun x : string * data => data_normalized h (snd x))
                       (map (fun xy : string * list data => (fst xy, dcoll (snd xy))) l)).
        + clear IHl. rewrite Forall_forall in *; intros.
          apply H.
        + specialize (IHl H0); clear H0.
          rewrite Forall_forall in *; intros.
          simpl in *.
          elim H0; clear H0; intros.
          apply (H (fst x, (dcoll (snd x)))); left; auto.

    Lemma Forall_dcoll_map_lift3 l:
      Forall (fun x : string * data => data_normalized h (snd x))
             (map (fun xy : string * list data => (fst xy, dcoll (snd xy))) l) <->
      Forall (fun x : string * (list data) => data_normalized h (dcoll (snd x))) l.
      apply Forall_dcoll_map_lift2.
      apply Forall_dcoll_map_lift.

    Lemma dnnrc_base_alg_bindings_normalized {plug:AlgPlug plug_type} denv l r :
      Forall (ddata_normalized h) (map snd denv) ->
        (fun n : string * dnnrc_base =>
           forall (denv : dbindings) (o : ddata),
             dnnrc_base_eval denv (snd n) = Some o ->
             Forall (ddata_normalized h) (map snd denv) -> ddata_normalized h o) r ->
         (fun x : string * dnnrc_base =>
          match dnnrc_base_eval denv (snd x) with
          | Some (Dlocal _) => None
          | Some (Ddistr coll) => Some (fst x, coll)
          | None => None
          end) r = Some l ->
      Forall (fun x : string * (list data) => data_normalized h (dcoll (snd x))) l.
      revert r; induction l; intros; trivial.
      destruct r; simpl in * ; [invcs H1 | ] .
      invcs H0.
      case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv (snd p))
      ; intros; rewrite H0 in H1
      ; try discriminate.
      destruct d; try discriminate.
      apply some_lift in H1.
      destruct H1 as [? req eqq].
      invcs eqq.
      specialize (IHl _ H H5 req).
      constructor; trivial.
      specialize (H4 _ _ H0 H).
      invcs H4.
      constructor; trivial.

    Lemma dnnrc_base_eval_normalized {plug:AlgPlug plug_type} denv e {o} :
      Forall (ddata_normalized h) (map snd constant_env) ->
      Forall (ddata_normalized h) (map snd denv) ->
      dnnrc_base_eval denv e = Some o ->
      ddata_normalized h o.
      intros Hc.
      revert denv o. induction e; intros denv o H0 ?; simpl in H.
      - rewrite Forall_forall in Hc.
        unfold edot in H. apply assoc_lookupr_in in H.
        apply (Hc o).
        rewrite in_map_iff.
        exists (v,o); eauto.
      - rewrite Forall_forall in H0.
        apply lookup_in in H.
        apply (H0 o).
        rewrite in_map_iff.
        exists (v,o); eauto.
      - inversion H; subst; intros.
        apply dnormalize_normalizes_local.
      - case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e1); [intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        (rewrite eqq1 in *;
          case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e2); [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2];
          rewrite eqq2 in *); simpl in *; try discriminate.
         + destruct d; destruct d0; simpl in H; try congruence;
           destruct o; simpl in *; unfold lift in H;
           case_eq (binary_op_eval h b d d0); intros; rewrite H1 in *; try congruence;
           inversion H; subst; clear H;
           eapply binary_op_eval_normalized; eauto.
           specialize (IHe1 denv (Dlocal d) H0 eqq1);
           inversion IHe1; assumption.
           specialize (IHe2 denv (Dlocal d0) H0 eqq2);
           inversion IHe2; assumption.
         + unfold olift2 in H; simpl in H.
           destruct d; simpl in H; congruence.
      - case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e); [intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        rewrite eqq1 in *;
        simpl in *; try discriminate.
        destruct d; simpl in H; try congruence;
        destruct o; simpl in H; unfold lift in H;
        case_eq (unary_op_eval h u d); intros; rewrite H1 in H;
        inversion H; subst; clear H;
        eapply unary_op_eval_normalized; eauto.
        specialize (IHe denv (Dlocal d) H0 eqq1); inversion IHe; assumption.
      - case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e1); [intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        rewrite eqq1 in *;
        simpl in *; try discriminate;
        case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval ((v,d)::denv) e2); [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2];
        rewrite eqq2 in *;
        simpl in *; try discriminate.
        inversion H; subst; clear H.
        eapply (IHe2 ((v, d) :: denv)); eauto.
        constructor; eauto.
      - case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e1); [intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        rewrite eqq1 in *;
        simpl in *; try discriminate;
        unfold checkLocal in H; simpl in H.
        destruct d; try discriminate.
        { destruct d; try discriminate. (* Local case for DNNRCFor *)
          specialize (IHe1 _ _ H0 eqq1).
          inversion IHe1; subst.
          apply some_lift in H.
          destruct H; subst.
          constructor; constructor.
          inversion H2; subst; clear H2.
          apply (lift_map_Forall e H1); intros.
          case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval ((v, Dlocal x0) :: denv) e2); intros;
          rewrite H3 in H; simpl in H; try congruence.
          destruct d; simpl in H; try congruence.
          inversion H; subst; clear H.
          specialize (IHe2 ((v, Dlocal x0) :: denv)).
          assert (ddata_normalized h (Dlocal z)).
          apply IHe2.
          constructor; eauto.
          constructor; assumption. assumption.
          inversion H; assumption. }
        { specialize (IHe1 _ _ H0 eqq1). (* Distr case for DNNRCFor *)
          inversion IHe1; subst.
          apply some_lift in H.
          destruct H; subst.
          apply (lift_map_Forall e H2); intros.
          case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval ((v, Dlocal x0) :: denv) e2); intros;
          rewrite H3 in H; simpl in H; try congruence.
          destruct d; simpl in H; try congruence.
          inversion H; subst; clear H.
          specialize (IHe2 ((v, Dlocal x0) :: denv)).
          assert (ddata_normalized h (Dlocal z)).
          apply IHe2.
          constructor; eauto; try assumption.
          constructor; assumption. assumption.
          inversion H; assumption. }
      - case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e1); [intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        rewrite eqq1 in *;
        simpl in *; try discriminate.
        destruct d; try discriminate.
        destruct d; try discriminate.
        simpl in *.
        destruct b; eauto.
      - case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e1); [intros ? eqq1 | intros eqq1];
        rewrite eqq1 in *;
        simpl in *; try discriminate.
        specialize (IHe1 _ _ H0 eqq1).
        destruct d; try discriminate.
        destruct d; simpl in H; try discriminate;
        inversion IHe1; subst.
        + eapply (IHe2 ((v1, Dlocal d) :: denv)); eauto.
          constructor; eauto.
          constructor; eauto;
          inversion H2; assumption.
        + eapply (IHe3 ((v2, Dlocal d) :: denv)); eauto.
          constructor; eauto.
          constructor; eauto.
          inversion H2; assumption.
      - congruence. (* XXX GroupBy Case TODO XXX *)
      - unfold lift in H.
        case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e); intros; rewrite H1 in H; simpl in H;
        try discriminate.
        destruct d; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        inversion H; subst; clear H.
        specialize (IHe denv (Ddistr l) H0 H1).
        inversion IHe; constructor; constructor; assumption.
      - case_eq (dnnrc_base_eval denv e); intros; rewrite H1 in H; simpl in H;
        try discriminate.
        destruct d; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        destruct d; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        inversion H; subst; clear H.
        specialize (IHe denv (Dlocal (dcoll l)) H0 H1).
        inversion IHe; inversion H2; constructor; assumption.
      - simpl in H1.
        rewrite <- listo_to_olist_simpl_lift_map in H1.
        case_eq (lift_map
           (fun x : string * dnnrc_base =>
            match dnnrc_base_eval denv (snd x) with
            | Some (Dlocal _) => None
            | Some (Ddistr coll) => Some (fst x, coll)
            | None => None
            end) r); intros; rewrite H2 in H1; try discriminate.
        case_eq (plug_eval h l op); intros;
        rewrite H3 in H1; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        destruct d; try discriminate.
        inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
        assert (data_normalized h (dcoll l0)).
        + apply (plug_normalized h op l (dcoll l0)); trivial.
          apply Forall_dcoll_map_lift.
          unfold bindings_of_coll_bindings.
          apply (@dnnrc_base_alg_bindings_normalized _ denv l r H0); eauto.
          rewrite Forall_forall in *. eauto.
        + econstructor; inversion H1; assumption.

    Corollary dnnrc_base_eval_normalized_local {plug:AlgPlug plug_type} denv e {d} :
      Forall (ddata_normalized h) (map snd constant_env) ->
      Forall (ddata_normalized h) (map snd denv) ->
      dnnrc_base_eval denv e = Some (Dlocal d) ->
      data_normalized h d.
      assert (ddata_normalized h (Dlocal d)).
      apply (dnnrc_base_eval_normalized denv e); assumption.
      inversion H2; assumption.
    Fixpoint dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const (constants:list string) (e:dnnrc_base) : dnnrc_base
      := match e with
         | DNNRCGetConstant a y => DNNRCGetConstant a y
         | DNNRCVar a y => if in_dec string_eqdec y constants
                        then DNNRCGetConstant a y
                        else DNNRCVar a y
         | DNNRCConst a d => DNNRCConst a d
         | DNNRCBinop a bop e1 e2 => DNNRCBinop a bop
                                            (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
                                            (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e2)
         | DNNRCUnop a uop e1 => DNNRCUnop a uop (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
         | DNNRCLet a y e1 e2 =>
           DNNRCLet a y
                   (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
                   (if in_dec string_eqdec y constants
                    then e2
                    else dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e2)
         | DNNRCFor a y e1 e2 =>
           DNNRCFor a y
                   (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
                   (if in_dec string_eqdec y constants
                    then e2
                    else dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e2)
         | DNNRCIf a e1 e2 e3 => DNNRCIf a
                                 (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
                                 (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e2)
                                 (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e3)
         | DNNRCEither a ed xl el xr er =>
           DNNRCEither a (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants ed)
                      (if in_dec string_eqdec xl constants
                       then el
                       else dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants el)
                      (if in_dec string_eqdec xr constants
                       then er
                       else dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants er)
         | DNNRCGroupBy a g sl e1 => DNNRCGroupBy a g sl (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
         | DNNRCCollect a e1 => DNNRCCollect a (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
         | DNNRCDispatch a e1 => DNNRCDispatch a (dnnrc_base_subst_var_to_const constants e1)
         | DNNRCAlg a p l => DNNRCAlg a p l
  End GenDNNRCBase.

  Section NraEnvPlug.
    Definition nraenv_eval h aconstant_env op :=
      let aenv := drec nil in
      let aid := dcoll ((drec nil)::nil) in
      nraenv_core_eval h (bindings_of_coll_bindings aconstant_env) op aenv aid.

    Lemma nraenv_eval_normalized h :
      forall op:nraenv_core, forall (constant_env:coll_bindings) (o:data),
      Forall (fun x => data_normalized h (snd x)) (bindings_of_coll_bindings constant_env) ->
      nraenv_eval h constant_env op = Some o ->
      data_normalized h o.
      specialize (@nraenv_core_eval_normalized _ h (bindings_of_coll_bindings constant_env) op (drec nil) (dcoll ((drec nil)::nil))); intros.
      unfold bindings_of_coll_bindings.
      apply H1; try assumption.
      repeat constructor.
      repeat constructor.

    Global Program Instance NRAEnvPlug : (@AlgPlug nraenv_core) :=
      mkAlgPlug nraenv_eval nraenv_eval_normalized.

    Definition dnnrc_nraenv_core {A} := @dnnrc_base A nraenv_core.

  End NraEnvPlug.

End DNNRCBase.

Tactic Notation "dnnrc_base_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "DNNRCGetConstant"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCVar"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCConst"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCBinop"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCUnop"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCLet"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCFor"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCIf"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCEither"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCGroupBy"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCCollect"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCDispatch"%string
  | Case_aux c "DNNRCAlg"%string ].