
Examples manually translated from arl (JRules)

Section CAMPTest.

  Example exampleWM : list data
    := [ dbrand (singleton "Customer") (drec [("cid",dnat 123); ("name",dstring "John Doe"); ("age",dnat 32)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Customer") (drec [("cid",dnat 124); ("name",dstring "Jane Doe"); ("age",dnat 32)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Customer") (drec [("cid",dnat 125); ("name",dstring "Jim Does"); ("age",dnat 34)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Customer") (drec [("cid",dnat 126); ("name",dstring "Jill Does"); ("age",dnat 32)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Customer") (drec [("cid",dnat 127); ("name",dstring "Joan Doe"); ("age",dnat 34)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Customer") (drec [("cid",dnat 128); ("name",dstring "James Do"); ("age",dnat 35)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Purchase") (drec [("pid",dnat 1); ("cid",dnat 123); ("name",dstring "Tomatoe"); ("quantity",dnat 3)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Purchase") (drec [("pid",dnat 2); ("cid",dnat 123); ("name",dstring "Potatoe"); ("quantity",dnat 1)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Purchase") (drec [("pid",dnat 3); ("cid",dnat 125); ("name",dstring "Stiletto"); ("quantity",dnat 64)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Purchase") (drec [("pid",dnat 4); ("cid",dnat 126); ("name",dstring "Libretto"); ("quantity",dnat 62)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Purchase") (drec [("pid",dnat 5); ("cid",dnat 128); ("name",dstring "Dough"); ("quantity",dnat 4)]);
         dbrand (singleton "Purchase") (drec [("pid",dnat 6); ("cid",dnat 128); ("name",dstring "Croissant"); ("quantity",dnat 2)]) ].

  Definition CPRModel :=

  Definition CPRModel_relation : brand_relation
    := mkBrand_relation CPRModel (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _).

  Example R1 :=
        rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE ("age" !#-> #_ 32))
     ;; rule_return ("Customer =" +s+ withVar "c" ("name" !#-> #_)).

  Example R1_result := eval_rule CPRModel R1 exampleWM.

  Example R1_expected :=
    map dconst
        ["Customer =Jill Does";
          "Customer =Jane Doe";
          "Customer =John Doe"].

  Example R1_verify : validate_success R1_result R1_expected = true.

  Example R2 :=
       rule_when ("c1" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer")
                     WHERE paccept)
    ;; rule_when ("c2" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer")
                      WHERE ("age"!#-> #_ #= withVar "c1" ("age" !#-> )))
    ;; rule_return ("Customer: " +s+ withVar "c1" ("name" !#-> )
                 +s+ #`" and: "
                 +s+ withVar "c2" ("name" !#-> )
                 +s+ " have the same age: "
                 +s+ withVar "c1" (toString ("age" !#-> ))

  Example R2_result := eval_rule CPRModel R2 exampleWM.
  Example R2_expected := map dconst
    ["Customer: James Do and: James Do have the same age: 35";
     "Customer: Jim Does and: Joan Doe have the same age: 34";
     "Customer: Joan Doe and: Joan Doe have the same age: 34";
     "Customer: Joan Doe and: Jim Does have the same age: 34";
     "Customer: John Doe and: Jill Does have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: Jane Doe and: Jill Does have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: Jill Does and: Jill Does have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: Jill Does and: John Doe have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: Jill Does and: Jane Doe have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: Jim Does and: Jim Does have the same age: 34";
     "Customer: John Doe and: Jane Doe have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: Jane Doe and: Jane Doe have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: Jane Doe and: John Doe have the same age: 32";
     "Customer: John Doe and: John Doe have the same age: 32"].

  Example R2_verify : validate_success R2_result R2_expected = true.

  Example R3 :=
       rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer")
                    WHERE paccept)
    ;; rule_when ("p" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Purchase")
                     WHERE ("cid" !#-> withBrandedVar "c" ("cid")))
    ;; rule_return ("Customer: " +s+ withBrandedVar "c" ("name")
                 +s+ " made purchase:"
                 +s+ withBrandedVar "p" ("name")).

  Example R3_result := eval_rule CPRModel R3 exampleWM.

  Example R3_expected := map dconst
    ["Customer: James Do made purchase:Croissant";
     "Customer: James Do made purchase:Dough";
     "Customer: Jill Does made purchase:Libretto";
     "Customer: Jim Does made purchase:Stiletto";
     "Customer: John Doe made purchase:Potatoe";
     "Customer: John Doe made purchase:Tomatoe"].

  Example R3_verify : validate_success R3_result R3_expected = true.

  Example R4 :=
      rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer")
                    WHERE paccept)
    ;; rule_not ("p" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Purchase")
                    WHERE ("cid" !#-> withBrandedVar "c" ("cid")))
    ;; rule_return ("Customer: " +s+ withBrandedVar "c" ("name")
                 +s+ " didn't make a purchase").

  Example R4_result := eval_rule CPRModel R4 exampleWM.

  Example R4_expected := map dconst
    ["Customer: Joan Doe didn't make a purchase";
     "Customer: Jane Doe didn't make a purchase"].

  Example R4_verify : validate_success R4_result R4_expected = true.

  Example R5 :=
       ("cs" IS AGGREGATE
             (rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE ("age" !#-> 32))) DO ACount
             OVER (withBrandedVar "c" ("name"))
       FLATTEN 0)
      ;; rule_return ("Customers with age 32: "
                 +s+ toString (lookup "cs")).

  Example R5_result := eval_rule CPRModel R5 exampleWM.
  Example R5_expected := map dconst
                             ["Customers with age 32: 3"].

  Example R5_verify : validate_success R5_result R5_expected = true.

  Example R6 :=
       ("ps" IS AGGREGATE
             (rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer")
                             WHERE ("name" !#-> "John Doe"))
              ;;; rule_when ("p" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Purchase")
                              WHERE ("cid" !#-> withBrandedVar "c" ("cid"))))
             DO ACount
             OVER (withBrandedVar "p" ("name"))
             FLATTEN 0)
     ;; rule_return ("Nb of John Doe's purchases: " +s+
                 (toString (lookup "ps"))).

  Example R6_result := eval_rule CPRModel R6 exampleWM.

  Example R6_expected := map dconst
    ["Nb of John Doe's purchases: 2"].

  Example R6_verify : validate_success R6_result R6_expected = true.

  Example R7 :=
       rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE paccept)
    ;; rule_global
        ("cs" IS AGGREGATE
              (rule_when ("c2" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE ("age" !#-> (withBrandedVar "c" ("age")))))
              DO ACount
              OVER (lookup "c2")
              FLATTEN 0)
     ;; rule_return ("Customer: " +s+ (withBrandedVar "c" ("name"))
                 +s+ " has the same age ("
                 +s+ toString (withBrandedVar "c" ("age"))
                 +s+ ") as "
                 +s+ toString (lookup "cs")
                 +s+ " other Customers").

  Example R7_result := eval_rule CPRModel R7 exampleWM.

  Example R7_expected := map dconst
    ["Customer: James Do has the same age (35) as 1 other Customers";
     "Customer: Joan Doe has the same age (34) as 2 other Customers";
     "Customer: Jill Does has the same age (32) as 3 other Customers";
     "Customer: Jim Does has the same age (34) as 2 other Customers";
     "Customer: Jane Doe has the same age (32) as 3 other Customers";
     "Customer: John Doe has the same age (32) as 3 other Customers"].

  Example R7_verify : validate_success R7_result R7_expected = true.

  Example R8 :=
       rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE paccept)
    ;; rule_global
        ("cs" IS AGGREGATE
              (rule_when ("c2" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE ("age" !#-> (withBrandedVar "c" ("age")))))
              DO ACount
              OVER (withVar "c2" )
              FLATTEN 0)
      ;; rule_not ((lookup "cs") 1)
      ;; rule_return ("Customer: " +s+ (withBrandedVar "c" ("name"))
                 +s+ " has the same age ("
                 +s+ toString (withBrandedVar "c" ("age"))
                 +s+ ") as "
                 +s+ toString (lookup "cs")
                 +s+ " other Customers").

  Example R8_result := eval_rule CPRModel R8 exampleWM.

  Example R8_expected := map dconst
    ["Customer: Jim Does has the same age (34) as 2 other Customers";
     "Customer: Joan Doe has the same age (34) as 2 other Customers";
     "Customer: Jill Does has the same age (32) as 3 other Customers";
     "Customer: John Doe has the same age (32) as 3 other Customers";
     "Customer: Jane Doe has the same age (32) as 3 other Customers"].

  Example R8_verify : validate_success R8_result R8_expected = true.

  Example R9 :=
       rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE paccept)
    ;; rule_global
        ("pu" IS AGGREGATE
              (rule_when ("p" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Purchase")
                              WHERE ("cid" !#-> withBrandedVar "c" ("cid"))))
              DO AIdOp
              OVER (withBrandedVar "p" ("name"))
              FLATTEN 0)
      ;; rule_return ("Customer : " +s+ (withBrandedVar "c" ("name"))
                 +s+ " purchased: "
                 +s+ toString (lookup "pu")).

  Example R9_result := eval_rule CPRModel R9 exampleWM.

  Example R9_expected := map dconst
    ["Customer : James Do purchased: [Croissant, Dough]";
     "Customer : Joan Doe purchased: []";
     "Customer : Jill Does purchased: [Libretto]";
     "Customer : Jim Does purchased: [Stiletto]";
     "Customer : Jane Doe purchased: []";
     "Customer : John Doe purchased: [Potatoe, Tomatoe]"].

  Example R9_verify : validate_success R9_result R9_expected = true.

  Example R10 :=
        ("total" IS AGGREGATE
                 ( rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer") WHERE paccept)
                  ;;; rule_global ("pu" IS AGGREGATE
                                     (rule_when ("p" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Purchase")
                              WHERE ("cid" !#-> withBrandedVar "c" ("cid"))))
                                     DO AIdOp
                                     OVER (withBrandedVar "p" ("name"))
                                     FLATTEN 0))
         DO ACount
         OVER (withVar "pu" )
         FLATTEN 0)
      ;; rule_return ("Total purchases are : "
                 +s+ toString (lookup "total")).

  Example R10_result := eval_rule CPRModel R10 exampleWM.

  Example R10_expected := map dconst
    [ "Total purchases are : 6"].

  Example R10_verify : validate_success R10_result R10_expected = true.

  Example R11 :=
        ("total" IS AGGREGATE
                 ( rule_when ("c" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Customer")
                                 WHERE (passert
                                          (pbinop ALe ("age") 34)))
                  ;;; rule_global ("pu" IS AGGREGATE
                                     (rule_when ("p" INSTANCEOF (singleton "Purchase")
                              WHERE ("cid" !#-> withBrandedVar "c" ("cid"))))
                                     DO ACount
                                     OVER (withBrandedVar "p" )
                                     FLATTEN 0))
         DO AIdOp
         OVER (withVar "pu" )
         FLATTEN 0)
      ;; rule_return ("Average nb purchases for customers below 34 is : "
                 +s+ toString (punop ASum (lookup "total"))
                 +s+ " / "
                 +s+ toString (punop ACount (lookup "total")))

  Example R11_result := eval_rule CPRModel R11 exampleWM.

  Example R11_expected := map dconst
    [ "Average nb purchases for customers below 34 is : 0.8 "].

End CAMPTest.