
Section RTypeNorm.

Syntax of types. Note that there is no guarantee yet that records are well formed. i.e., having distinct fields.

  Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
  Context {br:brand_relation}.

  Fixpoint normalize_rtype₀ (r:rtype₀) : rtype₀ :=
    match r with
    | Bottom₀Bottom₀
    | Top₀Top₀
    | Unit₀Unit₀
    | Nat₀Nat₀
    | Bool₀Bool₀
    | String₀String₀
    | Coll₀ r'Coll₀ (normalize_rtype₀ r')
    | Rec₀ k srlRec₀ k (rec_sort (map (fun sr((fst sr), (normalize_rtype₀ (snd sr)))) srl))
    | Either₀ tl trEither₀ (normalize_rtype₀ tl) (normalize_rtype₀ tr)
    | Arrow₀ tin toutArrow₀ (normalize_rtype₀ tin) (normalize_rtype₀ tout)
    | Brand₀ blBrand₀ (canon_brands brand_relation_brands bl)
    | Foreign₀ ftForeign₀ ft

  Lemma exists_normalized_in_rec_sort x r:
    In x
             (fun sr : string × rtype₀
                (fst sr, normalize_rtype₀ (snd sr))) r))
      (In y r
       snd x = (normalize_rtype₀ (snd y))).

  Lemma normalize_rtype₀_wf (r:rtype₀) :
    wf_rtype₀ (normalize_rtype₀ r) = true.

  Program Definition normalize_rtype₀_to_rtype (r₀:rtype₀) : rtype :=
    exist _ (normalize_rtype₀ r₀) _.

End RTypeNorm.