Module SQL

Section SQL.

  Require Import String.
  Require Import ZArith.
  Require Import List.
  Require Import Arith.
  Require Import EquivDec.

  Require Import Utils BasicSystem.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

  Require Import RDataSort.

  Unset Elimination Schemes.

  Definition sql_env := list (string * data).

  Definition sql_table_spec : Set := string * (option (list string)).
  Definition sql_order_spec : Set := SortCriterias.
  Inductive sql_bin_cond : Set :=
  | SEq | SLe | SLt | SGe | SGt | SDiff
  | SBinaryForeignCond (fb : foreign_binary_op_type) : sql_bin_cond.
  Inductive sql_un_expr : Set :=
  | SMinus : sql_un_expr
  | SSubstring : Z -> option Z -> sql_un_expr
  | SUnaryForeignExpr (fu:foreign_unary_op_type) : sql_un_expr.
  Inductive sql_bin_expr : Set :=
  | SPlus | SSubtract | SMult | SDivide
  | SConcat
  | SBinaryForeignExpr (fb : foreign_binary_op_type) : sql_bin_expr.
  Inductive sql_agg : Set := | SSum | SAvg | SCount | SMin | SMax.

  Inductive sql_distinct : Set := SDistinct | SAll.
  Inductive sql_query : Set :=
  | SQuery :
      list sql_select ->
      list sql_from ->
      option sql_condition ->
      option ((list string) * (option sql_condition)) ->
      option sql_order_spec -> sql_query
  | SUnion :
      sql_distinct -> sql_query -> sql_query -> sql_query
  | SIntersect :
      sql_distinct -> sql_query -> sql_query -> sql_query
  | SExcept :
      sql_distinct -> sql_query -> sql_query -> sql_query
  with sql_select : Set :=
  | SSelectColumn : string -> sql_select
  | SSelectColumnDeref : string -> string -> sql_select
  | SSelectStar : sql_select
  | SSelectExpr : string -> sql_expr -> sql_select
  with sql_from : Set :=
  | SFromTable : string -> sql_from
  | SFromTableAlias : string -> string -> sql_from
  | SFromQuery : sql_table_spec -> sql_query -> sql_from
  with sql_condition : Set :=
  | SCondAnd : sql_condition -> sql_condition -> sql_condition
  | SCondOr : sql_condition -> sql_condition -> sql_condition
  | SCondNot : sql_condition -> sql_condition
  | SCondBinary : sql_bin_cond -> sql_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_condition
  | SCondExists : sql_query -> sql_condition
  | SCondIn : sql_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_condition
  | SCondLike : sql_expr -> string -> sql_condition
  | SCondBetween : sql_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_condition
  with sql_expr : Set :=
  | SExprConst : data -> sql_expr
  | SExprColumn : string -> sql_expr
  | SExprColumnDeref : string -> string -> sql_expr
  | SExprStar : sql_expr
  | SExprUnary : sql_un_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_expr
  | SExprBinary : sql_bin_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_expr
  | SExprCase : sql_condition -> sql_expr -> sql_expr -> sql_expr
  | SExprAggExpr : sql_agg -> sql_expr -> sql_expr
  | SExprQuery : sql_query -> sql_expr

  Inductive sql_statement : Set :=
  | SRunQuery : sql_query -> sql_statement
  | SCreateView : string -> sql_query -> sql_statement
  | SDropView : string -> sql_statement

  Definition sql : Set := list sql_statement.

  Fixpoint is_singleton_sql_query (q:sql_query) : bool :=
    match q with
    | SUnion _ _ _ => false
    | SIntersect _ _ _ => false
    | SExcept _ _ _ => false
    | SQuery (SSelectExpr _ expr :: nil) _ _ None None =>
      is_singleton_sql_expr expr
    | SQuery _ _ _ _ _ => false
  with is_singleton_sql_expr (expr:sql_expr) : bool :=
    match expr with
    | SExprConst _ => true
    | SExprColumn _ => false
    | SExprColumnDeref _ _ => false
    | SExprStar => false
    | SExprUnary _ expr1 =>
      is_singleton_sql_expr expr1
    | SExprBinary _ expr1 expr2 =>
      is_singleton_sql_expr expr1 && is_singleton_sql_expr expr2
    | SExprCase _ expr1 expr2 =>
      is_singleton_sql_expr expr1 && is_singleton_sql_expr expr2
    | SExprAggExpr _ _ => true
    | SExprQuery q => is_singleton_sql_query q
  Fixpoint is_value_sequence_sql_query (q:sql_query) : bool :=
    match q with
    | SUnion _ q1 q2 =>
      if is_value_sequence_sql_query q1
      then is_value_sequence_sql_query q2
      else false
    | SIntersect _ q1 q2 =>
      if is_value_sequence_sql_query q1
      then is_value_sequence_sql_query q2
      else false
    | SExcept _ q1 q2 =>
      if is_value_sequence_sql_query q1
      then is_value_sequence_sql_query q2
      else false
    | SQuery (SSelectExpr _ expr :: nil) _ _ _ _ =>
      if (is_singleton_sql_expr expr) then false else true
    | SQuery (SSelectColumn _ :: nil) _ _ _ _ => true
    | SQuery (SSelectColumnDeref _ _ :: nil) _ _ _ _ => true
    | SQuery _ _ _ _ _ => false

  Section FreeVars.

    Fixpoint sql_query_free_variables (q:sql_query) : list string :=
      match q with
      | SQuery q_select_clause q_from_clause (Some q_where_cond) (Some (ls,Some q_groupby_cond)) _ =>
        (concat (map sql_select_free_variables q_select_clause))
          ++ (concat (map sql_from_free_variables q_from_clause))
          ++ (sql_condition_free_variables q_where_cond)
          ++ (sql_condition_free_variables q_groupby_cond)
      | SQuery q_select_clause q_from_clause None (Some (ls,Some q_groupby_cond)) _ =>
        (concat (map sql_select_free_variables q_select_clause))
          ++ (concat (map sql_from_free_variables q_from_clause))
          ++ (sql_condition_free_variables q_groupby_cond)
      | SQuery q_select_clause q_from_clause (Some q_where_cond) _ _ =>
        (concat (map sql_select_free_variables q_select_clause))
          ++ (concat (map sql_from_free_variables q_from_clause))
          ++ (sql_condition_free_variables q_where_cond)
      | SQuery q_select_clause q_from_clause None _ _ =>
        (concat (map sql_select_free_variables q_select_clause))
          ++ (concat (map sql_from_free_variables q_from_clause))
      | SUnion _ q1 q2 =>
        sql_query_free_variables q1 ++ sql_query_free_variables q2
      | SIntersect _ q1 q2 =>
        sql_query_free_variables q1 ++ sql_query_free_variables q2
      | SExcept _ q1 q2 =>
        sql_query_free_variables q1 ++ sql_query_free_variables q2
    with sql_expr_free_variables (q_expr:sql_expr) : list string :=
      match q_expr with
      | SExprConst d => nil
      | SExprColumn s => nil
      | SExprColumnDeref s1 s2 => nil
      | SExprStar => nil
      | SExprUnary un q_expr1 =>
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1
      | SExprBinary bin q_expr1 q_expr2 =>
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1 ++ sql_expr_free_variables q_expr2
      | SExprCase q_cond q_expr1 q_expr2 =>
        sql_condition_free_variables q_cond ++
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1 ++ sql_expr_free_variables q_expr2
      | SExprAggExpr agg q_expr1 =>
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1
      | SExprQuery q =>
        sql_query_free_variables q
    with sql_select_free_variables (q_select:sql_select) : list string :=
      match q_select with
      | SSelectColumn s => nil
      | SSelectColumnDeref s1 s2 => nil
      | SSelectStar => nil
      | SSelectExpr s q_expr => sql_expr_free_variables q_expr
    with sql_from_free_variables (q_from:sql_from) : list string :=
      match q_from with
      | SFromTable tablename => tablename :: nil
      | SFromTableAlias aliasname tablename => tablename :: nil
      | SFromQuery ts q => sql_query_free_variables q
    with sql_condition_free_variables (q_cond:sql_condition) : list string :=
      match q_cond with
      | SCondAnd q_cond1 q_cond2 =>
        sql_condition_free_variables q_cond1 ++ sql_condition_free_variables q_cond2
      | SCondOr q_cond1 q_cond2 =>
        sql_condition_free_variables q_cond1 ++ sql_condition_free_variables q_cond2
      | SCondNot q_cond1 =>
        sql_condition_free_variables q_cond1
      | SCondBinary bin q_expr1 q_expr2 =>
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1 ++ sql_expr_free_variables q_expr2
      | SCondExists q_query =>
        sql_query_free_variables q_query
      | SCondIn q_expr1 q_expr2 =>
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1 ++ sql_expr_free_variables q_expr2
      | SCondLike q_expr1 s =>
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1
      | SCondBetween q_expr1 q_expr2 q_expr3 =>
        sql_expr_free_variables q_expr1 ++ sql_expr_free_variables q_expr2
                                 ++ sql_expr_free_variables q_expr3
    Definition sql_statement_free_variables (q:sql_statement) : list string :=
      match q with
      | SRunQuery q => sql_query_free_variables q
      | SCreateView s q => sql_query_free_variables q
      | SDropView s => nil
    Definition sql_free_vars (q:sql) : list string :=
      bdistinct (concat (map sql_statement_free_variables q)).
  End FreeVars.
End SQL.