Module RFresh

Section RFresh.

  Require Import String.
  Require Import List.
  Require Import Arith Min.
  Require Import EquivDec Omega.

  Require Import Digits RLift RUtil RList RSublist RString.

  Section finder.
    Context {A:Type}.
    Context (incr:A->A).
    Context (f:A->bool).
    Fixpoint find_bounded (bound:nat) (init:A)
      := match bound with
           | O => None
           | S n =>
             if f init
             then Some init
             else find_bounded n (incr init)

    Lemma find_bounded_correct bound init y :
      find_bounded bound init = Some y ->
      f y = true.
      revert init.
      induction bound; simpl; intros.
      - discriminate.
      - match_case_in H; intros eqq; rewrite eqq in H.
        + inversion H; congruence.
        + eauto.
  End finder.

  Lemma find_bounded_S_ge f bound init y :
    find_bounded S f bound init = Some y ->
    y >= init.
    revert init y.
    induction bound; simpl; intros.
    - discriminate.
    - match_destr_in H.
      + inversion H; subst; omega.
      + specialize (IHbound (S init) _ H).

  Lemma find_bounded_S_seq f bound init :
    find_bounded S f bound init = find f (seq init bound).
    revert init.
    induction bound; simpl; trivial; intros.
    match_destr; auto.

  Require Import Permutation.
  Lemma incl_NoDup_sublist_perm {A} {dec:EqDec A eq} {l1 l2:list A} :
    NoDup l1 ->
    incl l1 l2 ->
    exists l1', Permutation l1 l1' /\ sublist l1' l2.
    unfold incl.
    revert l1.
    induction l2; simpl.
    - destruct l1; simpl; eauto 3.
      intros ? inn.
      specialize (inn a); intuition.
    - intros.
      case_eq (In_dec dec a l1); intros.
      + destruct (in_split _ _ i) as [x [y ?]]; subst.
        assert (perm:Permutation (x ++ a :: y) (a::x ++ y))
          by (rewrite Permutation_middle; reflexivity).
        rewrite perm in H.
        inversion H; clear H; subst.
        destruct (IHl2 (x++y)) as [l1' [l1'perm l1'incl]]; trivial.
        * intros ? inn.
          { destruct (H0 a0); trivial.
            - rewrite perm; simpl; intuition.
            - subst. intuition.
        * exists (a::l1').
           { split.
             - rewrite perm.
             - apply sublist_cons.
      + destruct (IHl2 l1 H) as [x [perm subl]].
        * intros ? inn.
          destruct (H0 _ inn); subst; intuition.
        * exists x; split; trivial.
            apply sublist_skip.

    Lemma incl_NoDup_length_le {A} {dec:EqDec A eq} {l1 l2:list A} :
    NoDup l1 ->
    incl l1 l2 ->
    length l1 <= length l2.
      intros nd inc.
      destruct (incl_NoDup_sublist_perm nd inc) as [l1' [perm subl]].
      rewrite (Permutation_length perm).
      apply sublist_length.

  Lemma find_fresh_from {A:Type} {dec:EqDec A eq} (bad l:list A) :
    length l > length bad ->
    NoDup l ->
    {y | find (fun x : A => if in_dec equiv_dec x bad then false else true) l = Some y}.
    rewrite find_filter.
    unfold hd_error.
    match_case; eauto; intros.
    generalize (filter_nil_implies_not_pred _ l H); intros.
    cut (length l <= length bad); [intuition|].
    apply incl_NoDup_length_le; trivial.
    intros ? inn.
    specialize (H2 _ inn).
    match_destr_in H2.

  Lemma find_over_map {A B} f (g:A->B) (l:list A) :
    find f (map g l) = lift g (find (fun x => f (g x)) l).
    induction l; simpl; trivial.

  Lemma seq_ge init bound :
    forall x, In x (seq init bound) -> x >= init.
    revert init.
    induction bound; simpl; intuition.
    specialize (IHbound (S init) x H0).
  Lemma seq_NoDup init bound :
    NoDup (seq init bound).
    revert init.
    induction bound; simpl; intros.
    - constructor.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      intro inn.
      apply seq_ge in inn.
  Lemma find_bounded_S_nin_finds' {A:Type} f {dec:EqDec A eq} (dom:list A)
        (bound:nat) (pf:bound > length dom)
        (inj:forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) :
        {y:A | lift f (find_bounded S
                 (fun x =>
                    if in_dec equiv_dec (f x) dom
                    then false else true)
                 bound 0) = Some y}.
    rewrite find_bounded_S_seq.
    rewrite <- (find_over_map (fun x => if in_dec equiv_dec x dom then false else true) f).
    apply find_fresh_from.
    - rewrite map_length.
      rewrite seq_length.
    - apply map_inj_NoDup; trivial.
      apply seq_NoDup.

  Definition find_bounded_S_nin_finds {A:Type} f {dec:EqDec A eq} (dom:list A)
        (bound:nat) (pf:bound > length dom)
        (inj:forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) :
        {y:A | lift f (find_bounded S
                 (fun x =>
                    if in_dec equiv_dec (f x) dom
                    then false else true)
                 bound 0) = Some y}.
    case_eq (find_bounded S
        (fun x : nat => if in_dec equiv_dec (f x) dom then false else true)
        bound 0).
    - intros; simpl.
      exists (f n); reflexivity.
    - destruct (find_bounded_S_nin_finds' f dom bound pf inj); intros.
      rewrite H in e.
      simpl in e. discriminate.
  Lemma compose_inj {A B C} (f:B->C) (g:A->B) :
    (forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
    (forall x y, g x = g y -> x = y) ->
    (forall x y, f (g x) = f (g y) -> x = y).
  Definition find_fresh_inj_f {A:Type} {dec:EqDec A eq} f (inj:forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) (dom:list A) : A
    := proj1_sig (find_bounded_S_nin_finds f dom (S (length dom)) (gt_Sn_n _) inj).

  Lemma find_fresh_inj_f_fresh {A:Type} {dec:EqDec A eq} f (inj:forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) (dom:list A) :
    ~ In (find_fresh_inj_f f inj dom) dom.
    unfold find_fresh_inj_f.
    match goal with
      | [|- context[ proj1_sig ?x ]] => destruct x
    end; simpl.
    apply some_lift in e.
    destruct e as [? e ?]; subst.
    apply find_bounded_correct in e.
    match_destr_in e.

  Definition find_fresh_string (dom:list string)
    := find_fresh_inj_f
  Lemma find_fresh_string_is_fresh (dom:list string) :
    ~ In (find_fresh_string dom) dom.
    unfold find_fresh_string.
    apply find_fresh_inj_f_fresh.

  Lemma append_eq_inv1 x y z : append x y = append x z -> y = z.
    revert y z.
    induction x; simpl; trivial; intros.
    inversion H; subst.

  Lemma prefix_refl y : prefix y y = true.
    induction y; simpl; trivial.
    match_destr; congruence.
  Lemma substring_append_cancel x y :
    substring (String.length x) (String.length y) (append x y) = y.
    revert y.
    induction x; simpl; intros.
    - apply prefix_correct. apply prefix_refl.
    - trivial.

  Lemma string_length_append x y :
    String.length (append x y) = String.length x + String.length y.
    revert y.
    induction x; simpl; auto.

  Lemma prefix_nil post : prefix ""%string post = true.
    destruct post; trivial.

  Lemma prefix_app pre post : prefix pre (append pre post) = true.
    revert post.
    induction pre; intros; simpl.
    - apply prefix_nil.
    - match_destr; intuition.

  Lemma prefix_break {pre x} :
    prefix pre x = true ->
    {y | x = append pre y}.
    revert x.
    induction pre; simpl.
    - eauto.
    - destruct x; simpl; try discriminate.
      subst; intros p.
      destruct (IHpre _ p).

  Lemma substring_split s n m l :
    append (substring s n l) (substring (s+n) m l) = substring s (n+m) l.
    revert n m s.
    induction l; simpl; destruct s; destruct n; simpl; trivial.
    - f_equal.
      apply IHl.
    - rewrite IHl; simpl; trivial.
    - rewrite IHl. simpl; trivial.

  Lemma substring_all l :
    substring 0 (String.length l) l = l.
    induction l; simpl; congruence.

  Lemma substring_bounded s n l :
    substring s n l = substring s (min n (String.length l - s)) l.
    revert s n.
    induction l; destruct s; destruct n; simpl; trivial.
    - rewrite IHl; simpl.
    - rewrite IHl.

  Lemma substring_le_prefix s n m l :
    n <= m ->
    prefix (substring s n l) (substring s m l) = true.
    revert s n m.
    induction l; destruct s; destruct n; destruct m; simpl; trivial;
    try omega; intuition.
    match_destr; intuition.

  Lemma substring_prefix n l :
    prefix (substring 0 n l) l = true.
    rewrite substring_bounded.
    rewrite <- (substring_all l) at 3.
    apply substring_le_prefix.
    replace (String.length l - 0) with (String.length l) by omega.
    apply le_min_r.

  Lemma in_of_append pre y l :
      In (append pre y) l <->
      In y (map
              (fun x => substring (String.length pre) (String.length x - String.length pre) x)
              (filter (prefix pre) l)).
    rewrite in_map_iff.
    split; intros.
    - exists (append pre y).
      rewrite string_length_append.
      replace ((String.length pre + String.length y - String.length pre))
      with (String.length y) by omega.
      rewrite substring_append_cancel.
      split; trivial.
      apply filter_In.
      split; trivial.
      apply prefix_app.
      - destruct H as [x [subx inx]]; subst.
        apply filter_In in inx.
        destruct inx as [inx prex].
        destruct (prefix_break prex).
        rewrite string_length_append.
        replace ((String.length pre + String.length x0 - String.length pre))
        with (String.length x0) by omega.
        rewrite substring_append_cancel.

  Definition fresh_var (pre:string) (dom:list string) :=
    let problems:=filter (prefix pre) dom in
    let problemEnds:=
        map (fun x => substring (String.length pre) (String.length x - String.length pre) x) problems in
    append pre (find_fresh_string problemEnds).

  Lemma fresh_var_fresh pre (dom:list string) :
    ~ In (fresh_var pre dom) dom.
    unfold fresh_var.
    intros inn.
    rewrite in_of_append in inn.
    apply find_fresh_string_is_fresh in inn.

  Lemma fresh_var_fresh1 x1 pre dom :
    x1 <> fresh_var pre (x1::dom).
    intro inn.
    apply (fresh_var_fresh pre (x1::dom)).
    rewrite <- inn.
    simpl; intuition.

  Lemma fresh_var_fresh2 x1 x2 pre dom :
    x2 <> fresh_var pre (x1::x2::dom).
    intro inn.
    apply (fresh_var_fresh pre (x1::x2::dom)).
    rewrite <- inn.
    simpl; intuition.

   Lemma fresh_var_fresh3 x1 x2 x3 pre dom :
    x3 <> fresh_var pre (x1::x2::x3::dom).
    intro inn.
    apply (fresh_var_fresh pre (x1::x2::x3::dom)).
    rewrite <- inn.
    simpl; intuition.

  Lemma fresh_var_fresh4 x1 x2 x3 x4 pre dom :
    x4 <> fresh_var pre (x1::x2::x3::x4::dom).
    intro inn.
    apply (fresh_var_fresh pre (x1::x2::x3::x4::dom)).
    rewrite <- inn.
    simpl; intuition.

  Definition fresh_var2 pre1 pre2 (dom:list string) :=
    let fresh_var1 := fresh_var pre1 dom in
    (fresh_var1, fresh_var pre2 (fresh_var1::dom)).
  Lemma fresh_var2_distinct pre1 pre2 dom :
    (fst (fresh_var2 pre1 pre2 dom)) <>
    (snd (fresh_var2 pre1 pre2 dom)).
    unfold fresh_var2; simpl.
    apply fresh_var_fresh1.

  Definition get_var_base (sep:string) (var:string)
    := match index 0 (string_reverse sep) (string_reverse var) with
         | Some n => substring 0 (String.length var - (S n)) var
         | None => var

  Lemma get_var_base_pre sep var :
    prefix (get_var_base sep var) var = true.
    unfold get_var_base.
    match_destr; simpl.
    - apply substring_prefix.
    - apply prefix_refl.

  Definition fresh_var_from sep (oldvar:string) (dom:list string) : string
    := if in_dec string_dec oldvar dom
       then fresh_var (append (get_var_base sep oldvar) sep) dom
       else oldvar.

  Lemma fresh_var_from_fresh sep oldvar (dom:list string) :
    ~ In (fresh_var_from sep oldvar dom) dom.
    unfold fresh_var_from.
    apply fresh_var_fresh.
  Lemma append_ass s1 s2 s3 : ((s1 ++ s2) ++ s3 = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3)%string.
    revert s2 s3.
    induction s1; simpl.
    - trivial.
    - intros. rewrite IHs1; trivial.

End RFresh.

Ltac prove_fresh_nin
  := match goal with
     | [ |- ~ In (fresh_var ?pre ?l) _ ] =>
       solve[generalize (fresh_var_fresh pre l); simpl; intuition]
     | [ |- In (fresh_var ?pre ?l) _ -> False] =>
       solve[generalize (fresh_var_fresh pre l); simpl; intuition]
     | [ |- ~ (fresh_var ?pre ?l) = _ ] =>
       solve[generalize (fresh_var_fresh pre l); simpl; intuition]
     | [ |- (fresh_var ?pre ?l) <> _ ] =>
       solve[generalize (fresh_var_fresh pre l); simpl; intuition]
     | [ H:In (fresh_var ?pre ?l) _ |- _ ] =>
       solve[generalize (fresh_var_fresh pre l); simpl; intuition]
     | [ H:(fresh_var ?pre ?l) = _ |- _ ] =>
       solve[generalize (fresh_var_fresh pre l); simpl; intuition]