Module Digits

Require Import Orders.
Require Import Ascii.
Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Compare_dec.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Nat.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Peano_dec.

Section prelude.

  Theorem K_nat :
    forall (x:nat) (P:x = x -> Prop), P (refl_equal x) -> forall p:x = x, P p.
    intros; apply K_dec_set with (p := p).
    apply eq_nat_dec.

  Theorem eq_rect_eq_nat :
    forall (p:nat) (Q:nat->Type) (x:Q p) (h:p=p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h.
    intros; apply K_nat with (p := h); reflexivity.
  Scheme le_ind' := Induction for le Sort Prop.

  Theorem le_uniqueness_proof : forall (n m : nat) (p q : n <= m), p = q.
    induction p using le_ind'; intro q.
    replace (le_n n) with
    (eq_rect _ (fun n0 => n <= n0) (le_n n) _ (refl_equal n)).
    generalize (refl_equal n).
    pattern n at 2 4 6 10, q; case q; [intro | intros m l e].
    rewrite <- eq_rect_eq_nat; trivial.
    contradiction (le_Sn_n m); rewrite <- e; assumption.
    replace (le_S n m p) with
    (eq_rect _ (fun n0 => n <= n0) (le_S n m p) _ (refl_equal (S m))).
    generalize (refl_equal (S m)).
    pattern (S m) at 1 3 4 6, q; case q; [intro Heq | intros m0 l HeqS].
    contradiction (le_Sn_n m); rewrite Heq; assumption.
    injection HeqS; intro Heq; generalize l HeqS.
    rewrite <- Heq; intros; rewrite <- eq_rect_eq_nat.
    rewrite (IHp l0); reflexivity.

  End prelude.

Section Digits.
  Definition maxbase := 36.

  Context (base:nat) (basenzero:1<base).
  Definition digit := {n:nat | n < base}.

  Definition digit_proj (d:digit) : nat := proj1_sig d.

Section natexplosion.

  Lemma digit_pf_irrel a (pf1 pf2:a<base) : pf1 = pf2.
    apply le_uniqueness_proof.

  Lemma digit_ext (a b:digit) : proj1_sig a = proj1_sig b -> a = b.
    destruct a; destruct b.
    intros; subst.
    apply digit_pf_irrel.
  Fixpoint digits_to_nat_aux (l:list digit) (acc:nat) : nat
  := match l with
     | nil => acc
     | d::lx => digits_to_nat_aux lx (acc*base+(proj1_sig d))

  Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_app l1 l2 n :
    digits_to_nat_aux (l1 ++ l2) n = digits_to_nat_aux l2 (digits_to_nat_aux l1 n).
    revert n l2.
    induction l1; simpl; trivial.

  Definition digits_to_nat (l:list digit) : nat
    := digits_to_nat_aux l 0.
  Fixpoint trim_digits (l:list digit) : list digit
    := match l with
       | (exist _ 0 _)::lx => trim_digits lx
       | _ => l

  Program Fixpoint nat_to_digits_backwards (n:nat) {measure n lt_wf} :
    {l:list digit | digits_to_nat (rev l) = n /\ (forall a, hd_error (rev l) = Some a -> proj1_sig a <> 0)}
    := if n == 0
       then nil
       else exist _ (cons (n mod base)
                     (nat_to_digits_backwards (n / base)%nat)
                    ) _.
Next Obligation.
  split; trivial.
Next Obligation.
  generalize (Nat.divmod_spec n base 0 base).
  destruct (Nat.divmod n base 0 base); intros; simpl.
  apply Nat.mod_upper_bound.
Next Obligation.
  apply Nat.div_lt; trivial.
Next Obligation.
  unfold digits_to_nat.
  rewrite digits_to_nat_aux_app.
  destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards (n / base)
                                    (nat_to_digits_backwards_obligation_3 n H)).
  destruct a as [e1 e2].
  - unfold digits_to_nat in e1.
    rewrite e1.
    rewrite mult_comm.
    rewrite <- Nat.div_mod; trivial.
  - intros. destruct (rev x); simpl in * .
    + inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
      unfold digits_to_nat in e1.
      simpl in *.
      rewrite <- Nat.div_exact by omega.
      rewrite <- e1.
      rewrite mult_comm.
    + auto.

Program Definition nat_to_digits (n:nat) : list digit
  := rev (nat_to_digits_backwards n).

Lemma trim_digits_to_nat l : digits_to_nat (trim_digits l) = digits_to_nat l.
  unfold digits_to_nat.
  induction l; simpl; trivial.
  destruct a.
  destruct x; simpl; trivial.

Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_le_preserve l acc acc':
  acc <= acc' ->
  digits_to_nat_aux l acc <= digits_to_nat_aux l acc'.
  revert acc acc'.
  induction l; simpl; trivial.
  apply IHl.
  apply plus_le_compat_r.
  apply mult_le_compat_r.

Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_le l acc : acc <= digits_to_nat_aux l acc.
  revert acc.
  induction l; simpl.
  - auto.
  - intros.
    transitivity (digits_to_nat_aux l acc).
    + auto.
    + apply digits_to_nat_aux_acc_le_preserve.
      transitivity (acc*base).
      * transitivity (acc * 1).
        { omega. }
        apply mult_le_compat_l.
      * apply le_plus_l.

Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_bound l c:
  c*(base^length l) <= digits_to_nat_aux l c < (c+1)*(base^(length l)).
  revert c.
  induction l; simpl.
  - split.
    + omega.
    + destruct (mult_O_le c (base*1)).
      * omega.
      * rewrite mult_comm.
  - intros.
    destruct (IHl (c * base + proj1_sig a)) as [le1 le2].
    clear IHl.
    + rewrite <- le1.
      rewrite mult_plus_distr_r.
      rewrite mult_assoc.
      apply le_plus_l.
    + eapply lt_le_trans; [apply le2 | ].
      repeat rewrite mult_plus_distr_r.
      repeat rewrite mult_assoc.
      repeat rewrite Nat.mul_1_l.
      rewrite plus_assoc_reverse.
      apply plus_le_compat_l.
        (proj1_sig a * base ^ Datatypes.length l + base ^ Datatypes.length l)
      ((proj1_sig a +1) * base ^ Datatypes.length l).
      * apply mult_le_compat_r.
        destruct a; simpl.
        rewrite plus_comm; simpl.
        apply lt_le_S.
      * rewrite mult_plus_distr_r, Nat.mul_1_l; trivial.

Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 a b c n1 n2 :
  0 <> c ->
  a < base ->
  b < base ->
  (c * base + a) * base ^ n2 < (c * base + b + 1) * base ^ n1 ->
  ~ n1 < n2.
    intros ? ? ? lt1 ltn.
    assert (le12:c * base * base ^ n2 + 0 <= c * base * base ^ n2 + a * base ^ n2).
    { apply plus_le_compat_l.
      apply Peano.le_0_n.
    rewrite plus_0_r in le12.
    rewrite mult_plus_distr_r in lt1.
    eapply le_lt_trans in lt1; try eapply le12.
    assert (le13:(c * base + b + 1) * (base ^ n1)
                 (c * base + base) * (base ^ n1 )).
      apply mult_le_compat_r.
      rewrite plus_assoc_reverse.
      apply plus_le_compat_l.
    eapply lt_le_trans in le13; try eapply lt1.
    rewrite (le_plus_minus n1 n2) in le13 by omega.
    rewrite Nat.pow_add_r in le13.
    rewrite mult_assoc in le13.
    assert (le14:c*base+base <= c*base*base).
      replace (c*base+base) with ((c+1)*base).
      - apply mult_le_compat_r.
        rewrite mult_comm.
        destruct base.
        + omega.
        + simpl.
          apply plus_le_compat_l.
          destruct n. omega.
          destruct c. omega.
          apply lt_le_S.
          replace 0 with (S n *0) by auto.
          apply mult_lt_compat_l; omega.
      - rewrite mult_plus_distr_r.
        rewrite mult_1_l.
    assert (le15:(c * base + base) * base ^ n1 <= (c * base * base) * base ^ n1).
      apply mult_le_compat_r.
    eapply lt_le_trans in le15; try eapply le13.
    assert (le16:c * base * base ^ n1 * base <= c * base * base ^ n1 * base ^ (n2 - n1)).
      apply mult_le_compat_l.
      generalize (Nat.sub_gt _ _ ltn).
      destruct (n2-n1).
      - congruence.
      - simpl; intros _ .
        replace base with (base*base^0) at 1.
        + apply mult_le_compat_l.
          apply Nat.pow_le_mono_r; omega.
        + simpl.
          rewrite mult_1_r.
    eapply le_lt_trans in le16; try eapply le15.
    replace (c * base * base ^ n1 * base) with
    (c * base * base * base ^ n1) in le16.
    - intuition.
    - repeat rewrite mult_assoc_reverse.
      f_equal. f_equal.
      rewrite mult_comm.

  Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper12 a b c n1 n2 :
    a <> 0 ->
  a < base ->
  b < base ->
  (c * base + a) * base ^ n2 < (c * base + b + 1) * base ^ n1 ->
  ~ n1 < n2.
    intros ? ? ? lt1 ltn.
    destruct (c == 0)
    ; [ | eapply (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 a b c n1 n2); eauto].
    red in e; subst.
    simpl in *.
    rewrite (le_plus_minus n1 n2) in lt1 by omega.
    rewrite Nat.pow_add_r in lt1.
    rewrite (mult_comm (base ^ n1)) in lt1.
    rewrite mult_assoc in lt1.
    assert (le2:base*base^n1 <= a*base^(n2 - n1) * base ^ n1).
      apply mult_le_compat_r.
      replace base with (1*base) at 1 by omega.
      apply mult_le_compat.
      - replace 1 with (1*1) by omega.
        simpl. omega.
      - simpl.
        replace base with (base^1) at 1.
        + apply Nat.pow_le_mono_r; omega.
        + apply Nat.pow_1_r.
    eapply le_lt_trans in lt1; try eapply le2; clear le2.
    assert (le3:(b + 1) * base ^ n1 <= base * base^n1).
      apply mult_le_compat_r.
    eapply le_lt_trans in lt1; try eapply le3; clear le3.

  Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 a b c n :
  (c * base + a) * base ^ n < (c * base + b + 1) * base ^ n ->
  ~ b < a.
    intros lt1 l2.
    apply lt_not_le in lt1.
    apply lt1.
    apply mult_le_compat_r.
    rewrite plus_assoc_reverse.
    apply plus_le_compat_l.

  Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper01 a b n1 n2 :
    a <> 0 ->
    a < base ->
    b < base ->
    a * base ^ n1 < (b + 1) * base ^ n2 ->
    ~ n2 < n1.
    intros ? ? ? lt1 l2.
    apply lt_not_le in lt1.
    apply lt1.
    rewrite (le_plus_minus n2 n1) by omega.
    rewrite Nat.pow_add_r.
    rewrite (mult_comm a).
    rewrite (mult_comm (b+1)).
    rewrite <- mult_assoc.
    apply mult_le_compat_l.
    transitivity base; try omega.
    transitivity (base^1*a).
    - rewrite Nat.pow_1_r.
      transitivity (base * 1); try omega.
      apply mult_le_compat_l.
    - apply mult_le_compat_r.
      apply Nat.pow_le_mono_r; omega.
Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj l1 l2 c (a b:digit):
      0 <> c ->
      digits_to_nat_aux l1 (c*base+proj1_sig a) = digits_to_nat_aux l2 (c*base+proj1_sig b) ->
      (length l1 = length l2) /\ a = b.
  destruct a as [a alt]; destruct b as [b blt]; simpl.
  intros cne0 eqq1.
  destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l1 (c*base+a)) as [lb1 ub1].
  destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l2 (c*base+b)) as [lb2 ub2].
  rewrite eqq1 in lb1,ub1.
  eapply le_lt_trans in lb1; [ | eapply ub2].
  eapply le_lt_trans in lb2; [ | eapply ub1].
  clear eqq1 ub1 ub2.
  revert lb1 lb2.
  generalize (Datatypes.length l1).
  generalize (Datatypes.length l2).
  intros n1 n2 lt1 lt2.
  assert (n1 = n2).
    generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 a b c n1 n2 cne0 alt blt lt1).
    generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper1 b a c n2 n1 cne0 blt alt lt2).
  split; trivial.
  apply digit_ext.
  generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 a b c n2 lt1).
  generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 b a c n2 lt2).

Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj2 l1 l2 c (a b:digit):
  proj1_sig a <> 0 ->
  proj1_sig b <> 0 ->
      digits_to_nat_aux l1 (c*base+proj1_sig a) = digits_to_nat_aux l2 (c*base+proj1_sig b) ->
      (length l1 = length l2) /\ a = b.
  destruct a as [a alt]; destruct b as [b blt]; simpl.
  intros ane0 bne0 eqq1.
  destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l1 (c*base+a)) as [lb1 ub1].
  destruct (digits_to_nat_aux_bound l2 (c*base+b)) as [lb2 ub2].
  rewrite eqq1 in lb1,ub1.
  eapply le_lt_trans in lb1; [ | eapply ub2].
  eapply le_lt_trans in lb2; [ | eapply ub1].
  clear eqq1 ub1 ub2.
  revert lb1 lb2.
  generalize (Datatypes.length l1).
  generalize (Datatypes.length l2).
  intros n1 n2 lt1 lt2.
  assert (n1 = n2).
    generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper12 a b c n1 n2 ane0 alt blt lt1).
    generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper12 b a c n2 n1 bne0 blt alt lt2).
  split; trivial.
  apply digit_ext.
  generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 a b c n2 lt1).
  generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj_helper2 b a c n2 lt2).
Lemma digits_to_nat_aux_digits_inj l1 l2 n :
  n <> 0 ->
  digits_to_nat_aux l1 n = digits_to_nat_aux l2 n ->
  l1 = l2.
  revert l2 n.
  induction l1; destruct l2; simpl; intros.
  - trivial.
  - generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_le l2 (n * base + proj1_sig d)); intros eqq.
    rewrite <- H0 in eqq.
    assert (le1:n * base <= n*1) by omega.
    assert (le2:n * base <= n*1) by omega.
    destruct n; [congruence|].
    apply mult_S_le_reg_l in le2.
  - generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_le l1 (n * base + proj1_sig a)); intros eqq.
    rewrite H0 in eqq.
    assert (le1:n * base <= n*1) by omega.
    assert (le2:n * base <= n*1) by omega.
    destruct n; [congruence|].
    apply mult_S_le_reg_l in le2.
  - assert (lt0:0<n * base).
    { assert (equ1:0<n) by omega.
      assert (eqq1:n*0<n * base).
      { apply Nat.mul_lt_mono_pos_l; trivial. omega. }
    assert (eql:a = d).
    + generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj
                 a d); intros eqq1.
      apply eqq1.
      * omega.
      * trivial.
    + subst. f_equal.
      revert H0. eapply IHl1.

Lemma trim_digits_nz {y d l}: trim_digits y = d :: l -> proj1_sig d <> 0.
  induction y; simpl; try discriminate.
  destruct a.
  destruct x; trivial.
  destruct d; simpl in *.
  inversion H; subst.

Lemma digits_to_nat_nzero l x :
  x <> 0 ->
  digits_to_nat_aux l x <> 0.
  revert x.
  induction l; simpl; trivial; intros.
  apply IHl.
  cut (0 < x*base + proj1_sig a); try omega.
  cut (0 < x * base); try omega.
  cut (0*base < x*base); try omega.
  apply mult_lt_compat_r; try omega.

Lemma trim_nat_to_digits x :
  trim_digits (nat_to_digits x) = nat_to_digits x.
  unfold nat_to_digits; simpl.
  destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards x); simpl.
  destruct a as [_ pf2].
  destruct (rev x0); simpl; trivial.
  destruct d; simpl in *.
  specialize (pf2 _ (eq_refl _)).
  simpl in pf2.
  destruct x1; simpl; trivial.

Theorem digits_to_nat_inv x y :
  digits_to_nat x = digits_to_nat y ->
  trim_digits x = trim_digits y.
  rewrite <- (trim_digits_to_nat x).
  rewrite <- (trim_digits_to_nat y).
  unfold digits_to_nat.
  case_eq (trim_digits x);
    case_eq (trim_digits y);
    simpl; intros.
  - trivial.
  - generalize (trim_digits_nz H); intros neq1.
    generalize (digits_to_nat_nzero l _ neq1).
  - generalize (trim_digits_nz H0); intros neq1.
    generalize (digits_to_nat_nzero l _ neq1).
  - generalize (trim_digits_nz H); intros nz
    ; generalize (trim_digits_nz H0); intros nz0.
    clear H H0 x y.
    generalize (digits_to_nat_aux_acc_inj2 l0 l 0 d0 d nz0 nz).
    intros HH.
    specialize (HH H1).
    destruct HH as [leq deq].
    eapply digits_to_nat_aux_digits_inj; eauto.

Theorem nat_to_digits_inv x y :
  nat_to_digits x = nat_to_digits y ->
  x = y.
  unfold nat_to_digits.
  destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards x);
    destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards y).
  simpl; intros eqq.

Theorem nat_to_digits_to_nat (n:nat) :
  digits_to_nat (nat_to_digits n) = n.
  unfold digits_to_nat, nat_to_digits.
  destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards n).
  unfold digits_to_nat in * .
  destruct a as [pf1 _].
  rewrite pf1; trivial.

Theorem digits_to_nat_to_digits (ld:list digit) :
  nat_to_digits (digits_to_nat ld) = trim_digits ld.
  rewrite <- trim_nat_to_digits.
  apply digits_to_nat_inv.
  rewrite nat_to_digits_to_nat.

End natexplosion.

Section tostring.

Definition digit_to_char (n:digit) : ascii
  := match proj1_sig n with
         | 0 => "0"%char
         | 1 => "1"%char
         | 2 => "2"%char
         | 3 => "3"%char
         | 4 => "4"%char
         | 5 => "5"%char
         | 6 => "6"%char
         | 7 => "7"%char
         | 8 => "8"%char
         | 9 => "9"%char
         | 10 => "A"%char
         | 11 => "B"%char
         | 12 => "C"%char
         | 13 => "D"%char
         | 14 => "E"%char
         | 15 => "F"%char
         | 16 => "G"%char
         | 17 => "H"%char
         | 18 => "I"%char
         | 19 => "J"%char
         | 20 => "K"%char
         | 21 => "L"%char
         | 22 => "M"%char
         | 23 => "N"%char
         | 24 => "O"%char
         | 25 => "P"%char
         | 26 => "Q"%char
         | 27 => "R"%char
         | 28 => "S"%char
         | 29 => "T"%char
         | 30 => "U"%char
         | 31 => "V"%char
         | 32 => "W"%char
         | 33 => "X"%char
         | 34 => "Y"%char
         | 35 => "Z"%char
         | _ => "?"%char

Definition char_to_digit_aux (a:ascii) : option nat
  := match a with
         | "0"%char => Some 0
         | "1"%char => Some 1
         | "2"%char => Some 2
         | "3"%char => Some 3
         | "4"%char => Some 4
         | "5"%char => Some 5
         | "6"%char => Some 6
         | "7"%char => Some 7
         | "8"%char => Some 8
         | "9"%char => Some 9
         | "A"%char => Some 10
         | "B"%char => Some 11
         | "C"%char => Some 12
         | "D"%char => Some 13
         | "E"%char => Some 14
         | "F"%char => Some 15
         | "G"%char => Some 16
         | "H"%char => Some 17
         | "I"%char => Some 18
         | "J"%char => Some 19
         | "K"%char => Some 20
         | "L"%char => Some 21
         | "M"%char => Some 22
         | "N"%char => Some 23
         | "O"%char => Some 24
         | "P"%char => Some 25
         | "Q"%char => Some 26
         | "R"%char => Some 27
         | "S"%char => Some 28
         | "T"%char => Some 29
         | "U"%char => Some 30
         | "V"%char => Some 31
         | "W"%char => Some 32
         | "X"%char => Some 33
         | "Y"%char => Some 34
         | "Z"%char => Some 35
         | _ => None

Program Definition char_to_digit (a:ascii) : option digit
  := match char_to_digit_aux a with
     | Some n =>
       match lt_dec n base with
           | left pf => Some (exist _ n pf)
           | right _ => None
     | None => None

Lemma char_to_digit_to_char (a:ascii) (d:digit) :
  char_to_digit a = Some d -> digit_to_char d = a.
  unfold char_to_digit, digit_to_char.
  destruct a; simpl.
  destruct b; destruct b0
  ; destruct b1; destruct b2
  ; destruct b3; destruct b4
  ; destruct b5; destruct b6
  ; simpl; try discriminate
  ; match goal with
    | [|- context[match ?x with
                  | left _ => _
                  | right _ => _
                  end]] => destruct x
    end; intros eqq; inversion eqq; clear eqq
  ; subst; simpl; trivial.

Lemma digit_to_char_to_digit (basesmall:base<=maxbase) (d:digit) :
  char_to_digit (digit_to_char d) = Some d.
  unfold char_to_digit, digit_to_char.
  destruct d; simpl.
  unfold maxbase in *.
  do 36 (destruct x; simpl;
    [match goal with
    | [|- context[match ?x with
                  | left _ => _
                  | right _ => _
                  end]] =>
      destruct x
      ; f_equal; trivial
      ; [apply digit_ext; simpl; trivial
         | congruence]
     end | ]).

Fixpoint string_to_digits (s:string) : option (list digit*string)
  := match s with
     | ""%string => None
     | String a s' =>
       match char_to_digit a with
       | Some dd =>
         match string_to_digits s' with
         | Some (ld,rest) => Some (dd::ld,rest)
         | None => Some (dd::nil,s')
       | None => None

Fixpoint list_to_string (l:list ascii) : string
  := match l with
         | nil => EmptyString
         | cons x xs => String x (list_to_string xs)

Definition digits_to_string_aux (ld:list digit) : string
  := list_to_string (map digit_to_char ld).

Definition digits_to_string (ld:list digit) : string
  := match digits_to_string_aux ld with
     | ""%string => "0"
     | s => s

Lemma string_to_digits_to_string_aux (s:string) (ld:list digit) (rest:string) :
  string_to_digits s = Some (ld,rest) ->
  (digits_to_string_aux ld ++ rest)%string = s.
  revert ld rest.
  induction s; simpl; try discriminate; intros.
  case_eq (char_to_digit a); [intros ? eqq | intros eqq]
  ; rewrite eqq in H; try discriminate.
  case_eq (string_to_digits s); [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
  ; rewrite eqq2 in H.
  - destruct p.
    inversion H; clear H; subst.
    unfold digits_to_string_aux in IHs.
    rewrite (IHs _ _ eqq2).
    apply char_to_digit_to_char; auto.
  - inversion H; clear H; subst.
    apply char_to_digit_to_char; auto.

Lemma string_to_digits_to_string (s:string) (ld:list digit) (rest:string) :
  string_to_digits s = Some (ld,rest) ->
  (digits_to_string ld ++ rest)%string = s.
  unfold digits_to_string.
  case_eq (digits_to_string_aux ld).
  - simpl; intros.
    unfold digits_to_string_aux in H.
    destruct ld; simpl in H; try discriminate.
    destruct s; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
    destruct (char_to_digit a); try discriminate.
    destruct (string_to_digits s); try discriminate.
    destruct p.
    inversion H0.
  - intros.
    rewrite <- H.
    apply string_to_digits_to_string_aux; trivial.

Lemma string_to_digits_empty : string_to_digits ""%string = None.

Fixpoint iszeros (s:string)
  := match s with
     | ""%string => True
     | String a s' => "a"%char = "0"%char /\ iszeros s'

Fixpoint trim_extra_stringdigits (s:string)
  := match s with
      | String "0" s => trim_extra_stringdigits s
      | _ => s

Definition default_to_string0 (s:string)
  := match string_to_digits s with
      | Some _ => s
      | None => String "0" s

Definition trim_stringdigits (s:string)
  := default_to_string0 (trim_extra_stringdigits s).

Lemma digit0pf : 0 < base.

Definition digit0 : digit := exist _ 0 digit0pf.

Definition default_to_digits0 l
  := match l with
      | nil => digit0::nil
      | _ => l

Lemma char_to_digit0 : (char_to_digit "0") = Some digit0.
  unfold char_to_digit.
  destruct (lt_dec 0 base).
  - f_equal.
    apply digit_ext.
    simpl; trivial.
  - omega.

Lemma char_to_digit0_inv a pf :
  char_to_digit a = Some (exist _ 0 pf) -> a = "0"%char.
  intros eqq.
  apply char_to_digit_to_char in eqq.
  rewrite <- eqq.

Lemma trim_stringdigits_some s l1 rest :
  string_to_digits s = Some (l1, rest) ->
  string_to_digits (trim_stringdigits (String "0" s)) =
  string_to_digits (trim_stringdigits s).
  unfold trim_stringdigits; simpl; intros eqq.

Lemma trim_extra_stringdigits_None rest :
  string_to_digits rest = None ->
  trim_extra_stringdigits rest = rest.
  destruct rest; simpl; trivial.
  destruct a; simpl.
  destruct b; destruct b0
  ; destruct b1; destruct b2
  ; destruct b3; destruct b4
  ; destruct b5; destruct b6; trivial.
  rewrite char_to_digit0.
  case_eq (string_to_digits rest); intros.
  - destruct p; discriminate.
  - discriminate.

Lemma trim_extra_stringdigits_nzero a s :
    a<> "0"%char ->
    trim_extra_stringdigits (String a s) = String a s.
  intros neqq.
  destruct a; simpl.
  destruct b; destruct b0
  ; destruct b1; destruct b2
  ; destruct b3; destruct b4
  ; destruct b5; destruct b6; trivial.

Lemma string_to_digits_trim s l rest:
  string_to_digits s = Some (l, rest) ->
  string_to_digits (trim_stringdigits s) = Some (default_to_digits0 (trim_digits l),rest).
  revert l rest.
  induction s; simpl; try discriminate; intros.
  case_eq (char_to_digit a)
  ; [intros ? eqq | intros eqq]
  ; rewrite eqq in H; try discriminate.
  destruct (ascii_dec a "0"%char).
  - subst.
    unfold char_to_digit in eqq; simpl in eqq.
    destruct (lt_dec 0 base); [ | omega].
    inversion eqq; clear eqq; subst.
    case_eq (string_to_digits s)
    ; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
    ; rewrite eqq2 in H.
    + destruct p.
      inversion H; clear H; subst.
      apply IHs; trivial.
    + inversion H; clear H; subst.
      unfold trim_stringdigits; simpl.
      rewrite trim_extra_stringdigits_None by trivial.
      unfold default_to_string0.
      rewrite eqq2.
      rewrite char_to_digit0.
      rewrite eqq2.
  - unfold trim_stringdigits.
    rewrite trim_extra_stringdigits_nzero by trivial.
    unfold default_to_string0; simpl.
    rewrite eqq.
    case_eq (string_to_digits s)
  ; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]
  ; rewrite eqq2 in H.
    + destruct p.
      inversion H; clear H; subst.
      simpl. rewrite eqq.
      rewrite eqq2.
      destruct d; simpl.
      destruct x; trivial.
      apply char_to_digit0_inv in eqq.
    + inversion H; clear H; subst.
      rewrite eqq, eqq2.
      destruct d; simpl.
      destruct x; trivial.
      apply char_to_digit0_inv in eqq.

Lemma digits_to_string_aux_to_digits_None
      (basesmall:base<=maxbase) (ld:list digit) (rest:string) :
  string_to_digits rest = None ->
  ld <> nil ->
  string_to_digits (digits_to_string_aux ld ++ rest) = Some (ld,rest).
  unfold maxbase in *.
  intros eqq1.
  induction ld; simpl.
  - congruence.
  - intros.
    rewrite digit_to_char_to_digit by trivial.
    destruct ld; simpl.
    + rewrite eqq1; trivial.
    + rewrite digit_to_char_to_digit by trivial.
      unfold digits_to_string_aux in IHld.
      simpl in IHld.
      assert (neq: d::ld <> nil) by congruence.
      specialize (IHld neq); clear neq.
      rewrite digit_to_char_to_digit in IHld by trivial.
      case_eq (string_to_digits (list_to_string (map digit_to_char ld) ++ rest))
      ; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2]; rewrite eqq2 in IHld.
      * destruct p.
        inversion IHld; congruence.
      * inversion IHld; congruence.

Definition nat_to_string (n:nat) : string
  := digits_to_string (nat_to_digits n).

Definition string_to_nat (s:string) : option (nat*string)
  := match string_to_digits s with
     | Some (dl,rest) => Some (digits_to_nat dl, rest)
     | None => None

Lemma digits_to_string_default l :
  digits_to_string (default_to_digits0 l) = digits_to_string l.
  unfold default_to_digits0, digits_to_string.
  destruct l; simpl; trivial.
Theorem string_to_nat_to_string (s:string) (n:nat) (rest:string) :
  string_to_nat s = Some (n,rest) ->
  (nat_to_string n ++ rest)%string = trim_stringdigits s.
  unfold string_to_nat, nat_to_string.
  case_eq (string_to_digits s); try discriminate.
  destruct p; intros eqq1 eqq2.
  inversion eqq2; clear eqq2; subst.
  rewrite digits_to_nat_to_digits.
  rewrite <- digits_to_string_default.
  apply string_to_digits_to_string.
  rewrite (string_to_digits_trim _ _ _ eqq1).

Lemma digits_to_string_aux_empty n:
  digits_to_string_aux (nat_to_digits n) = ""%string -> n = 0.
  unfold nat_to_digits.
  destruct (nat_to_digits_backwards n); simpl.
  destruct a as [pf1 pf2].
  unfold digits_to_string_aux.
  unfold digits_to_nat in *.
  intros eqq2.
  destruct (rev x).
  - simpl in pf1; congruence.
  - simpl in eqq2. discriminate.

Lemma append_nil_r s : (s ++ "")%string = s.
  induction s; simpl; congruence.
Theorem nat_to_string_to_nat (basesmall:base<=maxbase) n (rest:string) :
  string_to_digits rest = None ->
  string_to_nat (nat_to_string n ++ rest) = Some (n, rest).
    unfold maxbase in *.
  unfold string_to_nat, nat_to_string; intros eqq.
  unfold digits_to_string.
  case_eq (digits_to_string_aux (nat_to_digits n)); simpl; intros.
  - rewrite char_to_digit0, eqq.
    apply digits_to_string_aux_empty in H.
    unfold digits_to_nat.
  - assert (nn:nat_to_digits n <> nil).
       destruct (nat_to_digits n); trivial; [ | congruence ].
       unfold digits_to_string_aux in H.
       simpl in H.
    generalize (digits_to_string_aux_to_digits_None basesmall (nat_to_digits n) rest); intros eqq2.
    specialize (eqq2 eqq nn).
    rewrite H in eqq2.
    simpl in eqq2.
    case_eq (char_to_digit a )
    ; [intros ? eqq3 | intros eqq3]; rewrite eqq3 in eqq2
    ; try discriminate.
    case_eq (string_to_digits (s ++ rest) )
    ; [intros ? eqq4 | intros eqq4]; rewrite eqq4 in eqq2.
     + destruct p.
       inversion eqq2; clear eqq2; subst.
       rewrite H1.
       rewrite nat_to_digits_to_nat.
     + inversion eqq2; clear eqq2.
       repeat rewrite H2.
       rewrite H1.
       rewrite nat_to_digits_to_nat.

Theorem nat_to_string_inj_full (basesmall:base<=maxbase) n1 n2 rest1 rest2 :
  string_to_digits rest1 = None ->
  string_to_digits rest2 = None ->
  (nat_to_string n1 ++ rest1 = nat_to_string n2 ++ rest2)%string ->
  n1 = n2 /\ rest1 = rest2.
  intros neq1 neq2 eqq1.
  generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall n1 rest1 neq1); intros eqq11.
  generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall n2 rest2 neq2); intros eqq12.
  rewrite eqq1 in eqq11.
  rewrite eqq11 in eqq12.
  inversion eqq12.

Theorem nat_to_string_inj (basesmall:base<=maxbase) n1 n2 :
  nat_to_string n1 = nat_to_string n2 -> n1 = n2.
  intros eqq.
  generalize ((nat_to_string_inj_full basesmall n1 n2 "" "")%string).
  repeat rewrite append_nil_r.

End tostring.

Section Ztostring.

  Local Open Scope Z.

  Definition Z_to_string (z:Z) :=
    match z with
    | Z0 => "0"%string
    | Zpos n => nat_to_string (Pos.to_nat n)
    | Zneg n => String ("-"%char) (nat_to_string (Pos.to_nat n))

  Definition string_to_Z (s:string) : option (Z* string)
    := match s with
       | ""%string => None
       | String ("+"%char) l' =>
         match string_to_nat l' with
         | Some (n,rest) => Some (Z.of_nat n, rest)
         | None => None
       | String ("-"%char) l' =>
         match string_to_nat l' with
         | Some (n,rest) =>
           match n with
           | 0%nat => None
           | _ => Some (Zneg (Pos.of_nat n), rest)
         | None => None
       | l' =>
         match string_to_nat l' with
         | Some (n,rest) => Some (Z.of_nat n, rest)
         | None => None

  Definition trim_stringZdigits (s:string)
    := match s with
       | String "+" l => trim_stringdigits l
       | String "-" l => String "-" (trim_stringdigits l)
       | l => trim_stringdigits l

  Lemma nat_to_string_nempty n : nat_to_string n <> ""%string.
    unfold nat_to_string, digits_to_string.
    destruct (digits_to_string_aux (nat_to_digits n)); simpl; congruence.

  Lemma append_empty_both l1 l2
    : (l1 ++ l2)%string = ""%string ->
      l1 = ""%string /\ l2 = ""%string.
    destruct l1; simpl.
    - tauto.
    - inversion 1.

  Theorem string_to_Z_to_string (s:string) (n:Z) (rest:string) :
    string_to_Z s = Some (n,rest) ->
    (Z_to_string n ++ rest)%string = trim_stringZdigits s.
    unfold string_to_Z, Z_to_string.
    destruct s; simpl; try discriminate.
    destruct a.
    intros eqq.
    destruct b; destruct b0
    ; destruct b1; destruct b2
    ; destruct b3; destruct b4
    ; destruct b5; destruct b6
    ; simpl in *; try solve[inversion eqq]
    ; (match type of eqq with
    | context[match ?x with
                  | Some _ => _
                  | None => _
              end] => case_eq x; [intros ? eqq2 | intros eqq2];rewrite eqq2 in eqq
        end; [|discriminate]
       ; destruct p; inversion eqq; clear eqq; subst)
    ; try solve [rewrite <- (string_to_nat_to_string _ _ _ eqq2)
               ; destruct n0; simpl; trivial
               ; rewrite SuccNat2Pos.id_succ; trivial].
    destruct n0; try discriminate.
    inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
    rewrite <- (string_to_nat_to_string _ _ _ eqq2).
    simpl; f_equal.
    destruct n0; try reflexivity.
    rewrite Pos.succ_of_nat by congruence.
    rewrite SuccNat2Pos.id_succ.
  Theorem Z_to_string_to_Z (basesmall:(base<=maxbase)%nat) n (rest:string) :
    string_to_digits rest = None ->
    string_to_Z (Z_to_string n ++ rest) = Some (n, rest).
    unfold string_to_Z, Z_to_string.
    intros neq.
    destruct n; simpl.
    - unfold string_to_nat.
      rewrite char_to_digit0, neq.
      simpl; trivial.
    - rewrite nat_to_string_to_nat by trivial.
      case_eq ((nat_to_string (Pos.to_nat p) ++ rest))%string.
      + intros eqq1; apply append_empty_both in eqq1.
        destruct eqq1; subst.
        apply nat_to_string_nempty in H.
      + intros.
        rewrite positive_nat_Z.
        destruct a; trivial.
        destruct b; destruct b0
        ; destruct b1; destruct b2
        ; destruct b3; destruct b4
        ; destruct b5; destruct b6; trivial.
        * generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall (Pos.to_nat p) _ neq).
          rewrite H; inversion 1.
        * generalize (nat_to_string_to_nat basesmall (Pos.to_nat p) _ neq).
          rewrite H; inversion 1.
    - rewrite nat_to_string_to_nat by trivial.
      case_eq (Pos.to_nat p); trivial.
      generalize (Pos2Nat.is_pos p).

  Theorem Z_to_string_inj_full
          (basesmall:(base<=maxbase)%nat) n1 n2 rest1 rest2 :
  string_to_digits rest1 = None ->
  string_to_digits rest2 = None ->
  (Z_to_string n1 ++ rest1 = Z_to_string n2 ++ rest2)%string ->
  n1 = n2 /\ rest1 = rest2.
  intros neq1 neq2 eqq1.
  generalize (Z_to_string_to_Z basesmall n1 rest1 neq1); intros eqq11.
  generalize (Z_to_string_to_Z basesmall n2 rest2 neq2); intros eqq12.
  rewrite eqq1 in eqq11.
  rewrite eqq11 in eqq12.
  inversion eqq12.

  Theorem Z_to_string_inj (basesmall:(base<=maxbase)%nat) n1 n2 :
    Z_to_string n1 = Z_to_string n2 -> n1 = n2.
    intros eqq.
    generalize ((Z_to_string_inj_full basesmall n1 n2 "" "")%string).
    repeat rewrite append_nil_r.

End Ztostring.

End Digits.

Section Bases.
  Definition lt_decider (a b:nat) :
    match lt_dec a b with
    | left pf => lt a b
    | right _ => True
    destruct (lt_dec); trivial.

  Definition le_decider (a b:nat) :
    match le_dec a b with
    | left pf => le a b
    | right _ => True
    destruct (le_dec); trivial.

  Section base2.
    Definition base2valid : 1 < 2 := lt_decider 1 2.
    Definition base2small : 2 <= maxbase := le_decider 2 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string2 := nat_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition string2_to_nat := string_to_nat 2.

      Definition nat_to_string2_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 2 base2valid base2small.
      Definition string2_to_nat_to_string2
        := string_to_nat_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition nat_to_string2_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string2 x = nat_to_string2 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 2 base2valid base2small.
    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string2 := Z_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition string2_to_Z := string_to_Z 2.

      Definition Z_to_string2_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 2 base2valid base2small.
      Definition string2_to_Z_to_string2
        := string_to_Z_to_string 2 base2valid.
      Definition Z_to_string2_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string2 x = Z_to_string2 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 2 base2valid base2small.
    End Z.
  End base2.

  Section base8.
    Definition base8valid : 1 < 8 := lt_decider 1 8.
    Definition base8small : 8 <= maxbase := le_decider 8 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string8 := nat_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition string8_to_nat := string_to_nat 8.

      Definition nat_to_string8_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 8 base8valid base8small.
      Definition string8_to_nat_to_string8
        := string_to_nat_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition nat_to_string8_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string8 x = nat_to_string8 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 8 base8valid base8small.

    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string8 := Z_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition string8_to_Z := string_to_Z 8.

      Definition Z_to_string8_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 8 base8valid base8small.
      Definition string8_to_Z_to_string8
        := string_to_Z_to_string 8 base8valid.
      Definition Z_to_string8_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string8 x = Z_to_string8 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 8 base8valid base8small.
    End Z.
  End base8.
  Section base10.
    Definition base10valid : 1 < 10 := lt_decider 1 10.
    Definition base10small : 10 <= maxbase := le_decider 10 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string10 := nat_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition string10_to_nat := string_to_nat 10.
      Definition nat_to_string10_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 10 base10valid base10small.
      Definition string10_to_nat_to_string10
        := string_to_nat_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition nat_to_string10_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string10 x = nat_to_string10 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 10 base10valid base10small.

    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string10 := Z_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition string10_to_Z := string_to_Z 10.
      Definition Z_to_string10_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 10 base10valid base10small.
      Definition string10_to_Z_to_string10
        := string_to_Z_to_string 10 base10valid.
      Definition Z_to_string10_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string10 x = Z_to_string10 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 10 base10valid base10small.
    End Z.
  End base10.
  Section base16.
    Definition base16valid : 1 < 16 := lt_decider 1 16.
    Definition base16small : 16 <= maxbase := le_decider 16 maxbase.

    Section nat.
      Definition nat_to_string16 := nat_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition string16_to_nat := string_to_nat 16.

      Definition nat_to_string16_to_nat
        := nat_to_string_to_nat 16 base16valid base16small.
      Definition string16_to_nat_to_string16
        := string_to_nat_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition nat_to_string16_inj
        : forall x y : nat, nat_to_string16 x = nat_to_string16 y -> x = y
        := nat_to_string_inj 16 base16valid base16small.

    End nat.
    Section Z.
      Definition Z_to_string16 := Z_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition string16_to_Z := string_to_Z 16.

      Definition Z_to_string16_to_Z
        := Z_to_string_to_Z 16 base16valid base16small.
      Definition string16_to_Z_to_string16
        := string_to_Z_to_string 16 base16valid.
      Definition Z_to_string16_inj
        : forall x y : Z, Z_to_string16 x = Z_to_string16 y -> x = y
        := Z_to_string_inj 16 base16valid base16small.
    End Z.
  End base16.

End Bases.