Module NRAEnv

NRAEnv is nested relational algebra, extended with operations to facilitate encoding of environment manipulation. It serves as the main intermediate language for optimization.

NRAEnv is a thin layer over the core language cNRAEnv. As cNRAEnv, NRAEnv is combinators-based, i.e., it is evaluated with only a static global environment, but no notion of local variables.

Additional operators in NRAEnv can be easily expressed in terms of the core cNRAEnv, but are useful for optimization purposes. Those operators notably include joins and group-by.

NRAEnv builds on a large body of work from the database community. For a complete treatment on nested relational algebras, we refer to Guido Moerkotte's "Building Query Compilers", Chapter 7.


Section NRAEnv.
  Require Import String.
  Require Import List.
  Require Import Compare_dec.
  Require Import EquivDec.
  Require Import Utils.
  Require Import BasicRuntime.
  Require Import cNRAEnv.
  Require Import cNRAEnvEq.

Abstract Syntax

  Context (h:list(string*string)).
  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

As much as possible, notations are aligned with those of S. Cluet and G. Moerkotte. Nested queries in object bases. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Database Programming Languages , pages 226-242, 1993.

  Inductive nraenv : Set :=
  | NRAEnvID : nraenv (* Current value *)
  | NRAEnvConst : data -> nraenv (* Constant value *)
  | NRAEnvBinop : binOp -> nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Binary operator *)
  | NRAEnvUnop : unaryOp -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Unary operator *)
  | NRAEnvMap : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Map χ *)
  | NRAEnvMapConcat : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Dependent cartesian product ⋈ᵈ *)
  | NRAEnvProduct : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Cartesian product × *)
  | NRAEnvSelect : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Relational selection σ *)
  | NRAEnvDefault : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Default for empty collection *)
  | NRAEnvEither : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Choice *)
  | NRAEnvEitherConcat : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Choice with concatenation *)
  | NRAEnvApp : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Composition *)
  | NRAEnvGetConstant : string -> nraenv (* Accesses a global constant *)
  | NRAEnvEnv : nraenv (* Current environment *)
  | NRAEnvAppEnv : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Composition over the environment *)
  | NRAEnvMapEnv : nraenv -> nraenv (* Map over the environment *)
  | NRAEnvFlatMap : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Flat map *)
  | NRAEnvJoin : nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Join *)
  | NRAEnvProject : list string -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Projection Π *)
  | NRAEnvGroupBy : string -> list string -> nraenv -> nraenv (* GroupBy Γ *)
  | NRAEnvUnnest : string -> string -> nraenv -> nraenv (* Unnesting μ *)

Equality between two NRAEnv expressions is decidable.
  Global Instance nraenv_eqdec : EqDec nraenv eq.
    change (forall x y : nraenv, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
    decide equality;
      try solve [apply binOp_eqdec | apply unaryOp_eqdec | apply data_eqdec | apply string_eqdec | apply list_eqdec; apply string_eqdec].


All the additional operators are defined in terms of the core cNRAEnv.

Join operations

  Definition join (op1 op2 op3 : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    (ANSelect op1 (ANProduct op2 op3)).

  Definition semi_join (op1 op2 op3 : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANSelect (ANUnop ANeg (ANBinop AEq (ANSelect op1 (ANProduct ((ANUnop AColl) ANID) op3)) (ANConst (dcoll nil)))) op2.

  Definition anti_join (op1 op2 op3 : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANSelect (ANBinop AEq (ANSelect op1 (ANProduct ((ANUnop AColl) ANID) op3)) (ANConst (dcoll nil))) op2.

Map operations

  Definition map_add_rec (s:string) (op1 op2 : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANMap ((ANBinop AConcat) ANID ((ANUnop (ARec s)) op1)) op2.
  Definition map_to_rec (s:string) (op : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANMap (ANUnop (ARec s) ANID) op.

  Definition flat_map (op1 op2 : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANUnop AFlatten (ANMap op1 op2).


  Definition project (fields:list string) (op:nraenv_core) : nraenv_core
    := ANMap (ANUnop (ARecProject fields) ANID) op.

  Definition project_remove (s:string) (op:nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANMap ((ANUnop (ARecRemove s)) ANID) op.


  Definition map_rename_rec (s1 s2:string) (op:nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANMap ((ANBinop AConcat) ((ANUnop (ARec s2)) ((ANUnop (ADot s1)) ANID))
                  ((ANUnop (ARecRemove s1)) ANID)) op.


Defining group-by in terms of the core is more tricky, but is possible. You need to do two passes, and compare elements with the same set of attribute names which means you need to encapsulate each branch with distinct record names.

  Import ListNotations.
  Definition group_by_no_env (g:string) (sl:list string) (op : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
      (ANBinop AConcat
               (ANUnop (ADot "1") (ANUnop (ADot "2") ANID))
               (ANUnop (ARec g)
                       (ANMap (ANUnop (ADot "3") ANID)
                                 (ANBinop AEq
                                          (ANUnop (ARecProject sl) (ANUnop (ADot "1") ANID))
                                          (ANUnop (ARecProject sl) (ANUnop (ADot "3") ANID)))
                                 (ANProduct (ANUnop AColl (ANUnop (ADot "2") ANID))
                                            (ANUnop (ADot "4") ANID))))))
         (ANUnop AColl (ANUnop (ARec "4") (map_to_rec "3" op)))
         (map_to_rec "2" (map_to_rec "1" (ANUnop ADistinct (project sl op))))).

This is an alternative definition that isn't quite as inefficient. It stores the result of the input operator in the environment so it isn't computed twice. This is still quadratic.
  Definition group_by_with_env (g:string) (sl:list string) (op : nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    let op_pregroup := ANUnop (ADot "$pregroup") ANEnv in
         (ANBinop AConcat
                  (ANUnop (ARec g)
                          (ANAppEnv (ANSelect (ANBinop AEq
                                                       (ANUnop (ARecProject sl) ANID)
                                                       (ANUnop (ADot "$key") ANEnv))
                                    (ANBinop AConcat (ANUnop (ARec "$key") ANID) ANEnv)
         (ANUnop ADistinct (project sl op_pregroup))
      (ANUnop (ARec "$pregroup") op).


  Definition unnest_one (s:string) (op:nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANMap ((ANUnop (ARecRemove s)) ANID) (ANMapConcat ((ANUnop (ADot s)) ANID) op).

  Definition unnest (a b:string) (op:nraenv_core) : nraenv_core :=
    ANMap ((ANUnop (ARecRemove a)) ANID) (ANMapConcat (ANMap ((ANUnop (ARec b)) ANID) ((ANUnop (ADot a)) ANID)) op).

Evaluation Semantics

The semantics of NRAEnv is defined as macro-expansion to the core language cNRAEnv.
  Fixpoint nraenv_core_of_nraenv (e:nraenv) : nraenv_core :=
    match e with
      | NRAEnvID => ANID
      | NRAEnvConst d => ANConst d
      | NRAEnvBinop b e1 e2 => ANBinop b (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvUnop u e1 => ANUnop u (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1)
      | NRAEnvMap e1 e2 => ANMap (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvMapConcat e1 e2 => ANMapConcat (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvProduct e1 e2 => ANProduct (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvSelect e1 e2 => ANSelect (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvDefault e1 e2 => ANDefault (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvEither opl opr => ANEither (nraenv_core_of_nraenv opl) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv opr)
      | NRAEnvEitherConcat op1 op2 => ANEitherConcat (nraenv_core_of_nraenv op1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv op2)
      | NRAEnvApp e1 e2 => ANApp (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvGetConstant s => ANGetConstant s
      | NRAEnvEnv => ANEnv
      | NRAEnvAppEnv e1 e2 => ANAppEnv (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvMapEnv e1 => ANMapEnv (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1)
      | NRAEnvFlatMap e1 e2 => flat_map (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2)
      | NRAEnvJoin e1 e2 e3 => join (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e2) (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e3)
      | NRAEnvProject ls e1 => project ls (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1)
      | NRAEnvGroupBy s ls e1 => group_by_with_env s ls (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1)
      | NRAEnvUnnest a b e1 => unnest a b (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e1)

  Definition nraenv_eval c (e:nraenv) (env:data) (x:data) : option data :=
    nraenv_core_eval h c (nraenv_core_of_nraenv e) env x.


Just checking that cNRAEnv can be lifted back to NRAEnv, and showing that we can round-trip.

  Fixpoint nraenv_of_nraenv_core (a:nraenv_core) : nraenv :=
    match a with
      | ANID => NRAEnvID
      | ANConst d => NRAEnvConst d
      | ANBinop b e1 e2 => NRAEnvBinop b (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANUnop u e1 => NRAEnvUnop u (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1)
      | ANMap e1 e2 => NRAEnvMap (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANMapConcat e1 e2 => NRAEnvMapConcat (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANProduct e1 e2 => NRAEnvProduct (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANSelect e1 e2 => NRAEnvSelect (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANDefault e1 e2 => NRAEnvDefault (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANEither opl opr => NRAEnvEither (nraenv_of_nraenv_core opl) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core opr)
      | ANEitherConcat op1 op2 => NRAEnvEitherConcat (nraenv_of_nraenv_core op1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core op2)
      | ANApp e1 e2 => NRAEnvApp (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANGetConstant s => NRAEnvGetConstant s
      | ANEnv => NRAEnvEnv
      | ANAppEnv e1 e2 => NRAEnvAppEnv (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1) (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e2)
      | ANMapEnv e1 => NRAEnvMapEnv (nraenv_of_nraenv_core e1)

  Lemma nraenv_roundtrip (a:nraenv_core) :
    (nraenv_core_of_nraenv (nraenv_of_nraenv_core a)) = a.
    induction a; simpl; try reflexivity; try (rewrite IHa1; rewrite IHa2; try rewrite IHa3; reflexivity); rewrite IHa; reflexivity.


Top-level evaluation is used externally by the Q*cert compiler. It takes an NRAEnv expression and a global environment as input. The initial current environment is set to an empty record, and the initial current value to unit.

  Section Top.
    Definition nraenv_eval_top (q:nraenv) (env:bindings) :=
      nraenv_eval (rec_sort env) q (drec nil) dunit.

  End Top.

  Section FreeVars.
    Fixpoint nraenv_free_vars (q:nraenv) : list string :=
      match q with
      | NRAEnvID => nil
      | NRAEnvConst rd => nil
      | NRAEnvBinop _ q1 q2 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvUnop _ q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1
      | NRAEnvMap q2 q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvMapConcat q2 q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvProduct q1 q2 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvSelect q2 q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvEither ql qr =>
        nraenv_free_vars ql ++ nraenv_free_vars qr
      | NRAEnvEitherConcat q1 q2 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvDefault q1 q2 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvApp q2 q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvGetConstant s => s :: nil
      | NRAEnvEnv => nil
      | NRAEnvAppEnv q2 q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvMapEnv q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1
      | NRAEnvFlatMap q2 q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2
      | NRAEnvJoin q3 q1 q2 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1 ++ nraenv_free_vars q2 ++ nraenv_free_vars q3
      | NRAEnvProject _ q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1
      | NRAEnvGroupBy _ _ q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1
      | NRAEnvUnnest _ _ q1 =>
        nraenv_free_vars q1

    Lemma nraenv_free_vars_as_core (q:nraenv) :
      nraenv_core_free_vars (nraenv_core_of_nraenv q) = nraenv_free_vars q.
      induction q; simpl; try reflexivity;
        try solve[rewrite IHq1; rewrite IHq2; reflexivity|rewrite IHq;reflexivity].
      - rewrite IHq1; rewrite IHq2; rewrite IHq3.
        rewrite app_assoc; reflexivity.
      - rewrite app_nil_r; rewrite IHq; reflexivity.
      - rewrite app_nil_r; rewrite IHq; reflexivity.
      - rewrite app_nil_r; rewrite app_nil_r; rewrite IHq; reflexivity.
  End FreeVars.

End NRAEnv.

Delimit Scope nraenv_scope with nraenv.

Notation "hEOp @ₓ xc ; env" := (nraenv_eval h c EOp env x) (at level 10): nraenv_scope.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Tactic Notation "nraenv_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "NRAEnvID"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvConst"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvBinop"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvUnop"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvMap"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvMapConcat"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvProduct"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvSelect"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvDefault"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvEither"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvEitherConcat"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvApp"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvGetConstant"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvEnv"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvAppEnv"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvMapEnv"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvFlatMap"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvJoin"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvProject"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvGroupBy"
  | Case_aux c "NRAEnvUnnest"].