Module Qcert.Translation.Lang.NRAEnvtoNNRC

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Compare_dec.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataRuntime.
Require Import NRAEnvRuntime.
Require Import NNRCRuntime.
Require Import cNRAEnvtocNNRC.

Section NRAEnvtoNNRC.
  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

Translation from NRAEnv to Named Nested Relational Calculus Extended
  Fixpoint nraenv_to_nnrc (op:nraenv) (varid varenv:var) : nnrc :=
    match op with
    | NRAEnvGetConstant s => NNRCGetConstant s
    | NRAEnvID => NNRCVar varid
    | NRAEnvConst rd => NNRCConst rd
    | NRAEnvBinop bop op1 op2 =>
      NNRCBinop bop (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv) (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv)
    | NRAEnvUnop uop op1 =>
      NNRCUnop uop (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv)
    | NRAEnvMap op1 op2 =>
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let t := fresh_var "tmap$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      NNRCFor t nrc2 (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 t varenv)
    | NRAEnvMapProduct op1 op2 =>
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let (t1,t2) := fresh_var2 "tmc$" "tmc$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      NNRCUnop OpFlatten
              (NNRCFor t1 nrc2
                      (NNRCFor t2 (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 t1 varenv)
                              ((NNRCBinop OpRecConcat) (NNRCVar t1) (NNRCVar t2))))
    | NRAEnvProduct op1 op2 =>
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv) in
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let (t1,t2) := fresh_var2 "tprod$" "tprod$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      NNRCUnop OpFlatten
              (NNRCFor t1 nrc1
                      (NNRCFor t2 nrc2
                              (NNRCBinop OpRecConcat (NNRCVar t1) (NNRCVar t2))))
    | NRAEnvSelect op1 op2 =>
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let t := fresh_var "tsel$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 t varenv) in
      NNRCUnop OpFlatten
              (NNRCFor t nrc2
                      (NNRCIf nrc1 (NNRCUnop OpBag (NNRCVar t)) (NNRCConst (dcoll nil))))
    | NRAEnvDefault op1 op2 =>
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv) in
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let t := fresh_var "tdef$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      (NNRCLet t nrc1
              (NNRCIf (NNRCBinop OpEqual
                               (NNRCVar t)
                               (NNRCUnop OpFlatten (NNRCConst (dcoll nil))))
                     nrc2 (NNRCVar t)))
    | NRAEnvEither opl opr =>
      let (t1,t2) := fresh_var2 "teitherL$" "teitherR$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      let nrcl := (nraenv_to_nnrc opl t1 varenv) in
      let nrcr := (nraenv_to_nnrc opr t2 varenv) in
      NNRCEither (NNRCVar varid) t1 nrcl t2 nrcr
    | NRAEnvEitherConcat op1 op2 =>
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv) in
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let t := fresh_var "tec$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      NNRCLet t nrc2
              (NNRCEither nrc1
                          varid (NNRCUnop OpLeft
                                          (NNRCBinop OpRecConcat (NNRCVar varid) (NNRCVar t)))
                          varid (NNRCUnop OpRight
                                          (NNRCBinop OpRecConcat (NNRCVar varid) (NNRCVar t))))
    | NRAEnvApp op1 op2 =>
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let t := fresh_var "tapp$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 t varenv) in
      (NNRCLet t nrc2 nrc1)
    | NRAEnvEnv => NNRCVar varenv
    | NRAEnvAppEnv op1 op2 =>
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let t := fresh_var "tappe$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid t) in
      (NNRCLet t nrc2 nrc1)
    | NRAEnvMapEnv op1 =>
      let t1 := fresh_var "tmape$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid t1) in
      (NNRCFor t1 (NNRCVar varenv) nrc1)
    | NRAEnvFlatMap op1 op2 =>
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      let t := fresh_var "tmap$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      NNRCUnop OpFlatten (NNRCFor t nrc2 (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 t varenv))
    | NRAEnvJoin op1 op2 op3 =>
      let nrc2 :=
          let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
          let nrc3 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op3 varid varenv) in
          let (t2,t3) := fresh_var2 "tprod$" "tprod$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
          NNRCUnop OpFlatten
                       (NNRCFor t2 nrc2
                                    (NNRCFor t3 nrc3
                                                 ((NNRCBinop OpRecConcat) (NNRCVar t2) (NNRCVar t3))))
      let t := fresh_var "tsel$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 t varenv) in
      NNRCUnop OpFlatten
               (NNRCFor t nrc2
                        (NNRCIf nrc1 (NNRCUnop OpBag (NNRCVar t)) (NNRCConst (dcoll nil))))
    | NRAEnvNaturalJoin op1 op2 =>
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv) in
      let nrc2 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op2 varid varenv) in
      nnrc_natural_join_from_nraenv varid varenv nrc1 nrc2
    | NRAEnvProject sl op1 =>
      let t := fresh_var "tmap$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      NNRCFor t (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv) (NNRCUnop (OpRecProject sl) (NNRCVar t))
    | NRAEnvGroupBy g sl op1 =>
      NNRCGroupBy g sl (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv)
    | NRAEnvUnnest a b op1 =>
      let nrc1 := (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 varid varenv) in
      let (t1,t2) := fresh_var2 "tmc$" "tmc$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
      let nrc2 :=
          let t := fresh_var "tmap$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
          NNRCFor t (NNRCUnop (OpDot a) (NNRCVar t1)) (NNRCUnop (OpRec b) (NNRCVar t))
      let nrc3 :=
          NNRCUnop OpFlatten
                   (NNRCFor t1 nrc1
                            (NNRCFor t2 nrc2
                                     ((NNRCBinop OpRecConcat) (NNRCVar t1) (NNRCVar t2))))
      let nrc4 :=
          let t := fresh_var "tmap$" (varid::varenv::nil) in
          NNRCFor t nrc3 (NNRCUnop (OpRecRemove a) (NNRCVar t))

  Lemma nnrc_core_eval_binop_eq h cenv env b op1 op2 op1' op2' :
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1' ->
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op2 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op2' ->
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCBinop b op1 op2) =
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCBinop b op1' op2').
    intros eqq1 eqq2.
    rewrite eqq1, eqq2; trivial.

  Lemma nnrc_core_eval_unop_eq h cenv env u op1 op1' :
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1' ->
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCUnop u op1) =
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCUnop u op1').
    intros eqq.
    rewrite eqq; trivial.

  Lemma nnrc_core_eval_for_eq h cenv env x op1 op2 op1' op2' :
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1' ->
      (forall l,
          nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1 = Some (dcoll l) ->
          forall d,
            In d l ->
            nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((x,d)::env) op2 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((x,d)::env) op2') ->
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCFor x op1 op2) =
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCFor x op1' op2').
    intros eqq1 eqq2.
    rewrite <- eqq1; trivial.
    apply lift_map_ext; intros.

  Lemma nnrc_core_eval_if_eq h cenv env bop bop' op1 op2 op1' op2' :
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env bop = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env bop' ->
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1' ->
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op2 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op2' ->
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCIf bop op1 op2) =
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCIf bop' op1' op2').
    intros eqq1 eqq2 eqq3.
    rewrite eqq1.
    apply olift_ext; intros.
  Lemma nnrc_core_eval_let_eq h cenv env x op1 op2 op1' op2' :
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1' ->
      (forall d,
          nnrc_core_eval h cenv env op1 = Some d ->
            nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((x,d)::env) op2 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((x,d)::env) op2') ->
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCLet x op1 op2) =
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCLet x op1' op2').
    intros eqq1 eqq2.
    rewrite <- eqq1; trivial.

  Lemma nnrc_core_eval_either_eq h cenv env x y eop eop' op1 op2 op1' op2' :
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env eop = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env eop' ->
      (forall d,
          nnrc_core_eval h cenv env eop = Some (dleft d) ->
            nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((x,d)::env) op1 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((x,d)::env) op1') ->
      (forall d,
          nnrc_core_eval h cenv env eop = Some (dright d) ->
            nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((y,d)::env) op2 = nnrc_core_eval h cenv ((y,d)::env) op2') ->
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCEither eop x op1 y op2) =
      nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (NNRCEither eop' x op1' y op2').
    intros eqq1 eqq2 eqq3.
    rewrite <- eqq1; trivial.
    match_destr; auto.

  Theorem nraenv_to_nnrc_codepaths_equivalent h cenv env op vid venv:
    nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (nnrc_to_nnrc_base (nraenv_to_nnrc op vid venv))
    = nnrc_core_eval h cenv env (nraenv_core_to_nnrc_core (nraenv_to_nraenv_core op) vid venv).
    Local Hint Resolve nnrc_core_eval_unop_eq nnrc_core_eval_binop_eq : qcert.
    Local Hint Resolve nnrc_core_eval_for_eq nnrc_core_eval_if_eq : qcert.
    Local Hint Resolve nnrc_core_eval_let_eq nnrc_core_eval_either_eq : qcert.
    revert vid venv cenv env; induction op; intros
    ; simpl nraenv_to_nraenv_core
    ; simpl nraenv_core_to_nnrc_core
    ; simpl nnrc_to_nnrc_base
    ; simpl nraenv_to_nnrc
    ; eauto 8 with qcert.
    - apply nnrc_core_eval_group_by_eq; auto.
    - apply unnest_from_nraenv_and_nraenv_core_eq; auto.
  Theorem nraenv_sem_correct (h:list (string*string)) (cenv:bindings) (op:nraenv) (env:bindings) (vid venv:var) (did denv:data) :
    vid <> venv ->
    lookup equiv_dec env vid = Some did ->
    lookup equiv_dec env venv = Some denv ->
    @nnrc_eval _ h cenv env (nraenv_to_nnrc op vid venv) = nraenv_eval h cenv op denv did.
    unfold nnrc_eval.
    unfold nraenv_eval.
    rewrite nraenv_to_nnrc_codepaths_equivalent.
    apply nraenv_core_sem_correct; assumption.

  Open Scope nraenv_scope.

  Lemma nraenv_to_nnrc_no_free_vars (op: nraenv):
    forall (vid venv: var),
    forall v,
      In v (nnrc_free_vars (nraenv_to_nnrc op vid venv)) ->
      v = vid \/ v = venv.
    nraenv_cases (induction op) Case.
    - Case "NRAEnvGetConstant"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
    - Case "NRAEnvID"%string.
      simpl in *; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *;
    - Case "NRAEnvConst"%string.
    - Case "NRAEnvBinop"%string.
      simpl in *; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *;
    - Case "NRAEnvUnop"%string.
      simpl in *; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *;
    - Case "NRAEnvMap"%string.
      intros vid venv v Hv.
      simpl in Hv.
      rewrite in_app_iff in Hv.
      destruct Hv.
      + auto.
      + apply remove_inv in H.
        destruct (IHop1 (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv v); intuition.
    - Case "NRAEnvMapProduct"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      Opaque fresh_var2.
      case_eq (fresh_var2 "tmc$" "tmc$" (vid :: venv :: nil)); intros.
      simpl in *.
      rewrite in_app_iff in H0.
      elim H0; intros; clear H0.
      + apply IHop2; assumption.
      + destruct (string_eqdec s0 s0); try congruence.
        destruct (string_eqdec s0 s); try congruence; subst; clear e.
        * generalize (fresh_var2_distinct "tmc$" "tmc$" (vid :: venv :: nil)).
          rewrite H; simpl.
        * apply remove_inv in H1.
          elim H1; clear H1; intros.
          rewrite In_app_iff in H0; simpl in H0.
          elim H0; clear H0; intros; [congruence | ].
          clear IHop2.
          specialize (IHop1 s venv v H0).
    - Case "NRAEnvProduct"%string.
      intros vid venv v H.
      simpl in *.
      case_eq (fresh_var2 "tprod$" "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil)); intros.
      rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H.
      rewrite in_app_iff in H.
      destruct (string_eqdec s0 s0); try congruence.
      destruct (string_eqdec s0 s); try congruence; subst; clear e.
      + generalize (fresh_var2_distinct "tprod$" "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil)).
        rewrite H0; simpl.
      + elim H; clear H; intros.
        apply IHop1; assumption.
        apply remove_inv in H.
        elim H; clear H; intros.
      rewrite In_app_iff in H; simpl in H.
      elim H; clear H; intros. subst; congruence.
      apply IHop2; assumption.
    - Case "NRAEnvSelect"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      rewrite in_app_iff.
      intros Hv.
      destruct Hv.
      + apply IHop2.
      + specialize (IHop1 ((fresh_var "tsel$" (vid :: venv :: nil))) venv v).
        clear IHop2.
        revert H IHop1.
        generalize (nnrc_free_vars
                      (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 (fresh_var "tsel$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv)).
        apply remove_inv in H.
        elim H; clear H; intros.
        rewrite In_app_iff in H; simpl in H.
    - Case "NRAEnvDefault"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      rewrite in_app_iff.
      intros Hv.
      destruct Hv.
      + apply IHop1.
      + match_destr_in H; [ | congruence].
        apply remove_inv in H.
        elim H; clear H; intros.
        rewrite In_app_iff in H; simpl in H.
        elim H; clear H; intros.
        subst; congruence.
        apply IHop2; assumption.
    - Case "NRAEnvEither"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      match_case; intros ? ? eqq.
      rewrite in_app_iff.
      intros Hv.
      destruct Hv; auto.
      destruct H.
      + apply remove_inv in H.
        elim H; clear H; intros.
        clear IHop2; specialize (IHop1 _ venv v H).
      + revert H.
        apply remove_inv in H.
        elim H; clear H; intros.
        clear IHop1; specialize (IHop2 _ venv v H).
    - Case "NRAEnvEitherConcat"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      rewrite in_app_iff.
      intros Hv.
      destruct Hv; auto.
      apply remove_inv in H.
      repeat rewrite in_app_iff in H.
      destruct H.
      destruct H as [?|[?|?]].
      + auto.
      + match_destr_in H; [| congruence ].
        match_destr_in H; simpl in *; intuition.
      + match_destr_in H; [| congruence ].
        match_destr_in H; simpl in *; intuition.
    - Case "NRAEnvApp"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      rewrite in_app_iff.
      intros Hv.
      destruct Hv; auto.
      apply remove_inv in H.
      destruct H.
      clear IHop2; specialize (IHop1 _ venv v H).
    - Case "NRAEnvEnv"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      intros Hv.
    - Case "NRAEnvAppEnv"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      rewrite in_app_iff.
      intros Hv.
      destruct Hv; auto.
      apply remove_inv in H.
      destruct H.
      clear IHop2; specialize (IHop1 vid _ v H).
    - Case "NRAEnvMapEnv"%string.
      intros vid venv v.
      elim H; clear H; intros; [ intuition | ].
      apply remove_inv in H.
      destruct H.
      specialize (IHop vid ((fresh_var "tmape$" (vid :: venv :: nil))) v H).
    - Case "NRAEnvFlatMap"%string.
      intros vid venv v Hv.
      simpl in Hv.
      rewrite in_app_iff in Hv.
      destruct Hv.
      + auto.
      + apply remove_inv in H.
        destruct (IHop1 (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv v); intuition.
    - Case "NRAEnvJoin"%string.
      intros vid venv v Hv.
      simpl in Hv.
      rewrite in_app_iff in Hv.
      destruct Hv.
      + case_eq (fresh_var2 "tprod$" "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil)); intros.
        rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H.
        rewrite in_app_iff in H.
        destruct (string_eqdec s0 s0); try congruence.
        destruct H.
        * auto.
        * destruct (string_eqdec s0 s); try congruence; subst; clear e.
          apply remove_inv in H.
          elim H; clear H; intros.
          rewrite in_app_iff in H.
          elim H; clear H; intros.
          simpl in H.
          apply remove_inv in H.
          elim H; clear H; intros.
          rewrite in_app_iff in H.
          elim H; clear H; intros.
          simpl in H.
          elim H; clear H; intros; auto.
      + specialize (IHop1 ((fresh_var "tsel$" (vid :: venv :: nil))) venv v).
        clear IHop2.
        revert H IHop1.
        generalize (nnrc_free_vars
                      (nraenv_to_nnrc op1 (fresh_var "tsel$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv)).
        apply remove_inv in H.
        elim H; clear H; intros.
        rewrite In_app_iff in H; simpl in H.
    - Case "NRAEnvNaturalJoin"%string.
      intros vid venv v H.
      Opaque fresh_var.
      simpl in *.
      unfold nnrc_natural_join_from_nraenv in H; simpl in H.
      destruct (string_eqdec (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil)));
        try congruence; simpl in *.
      destruct (string_eqdec
                      (fresh_var "tprod$" (fresh_var "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil) :: vid :: venv :: nil))
                      (fresh_var "tprod$" (fresh_var "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil) :: vid :: venv :: nil)));
        try congruence; simpl in *.
      clear e e0.
      repeat rewrite in_app_iff in H; simpl in H.
      elim H; clear H; intros;[|contradiction].
      elim H; clear H; intros.
      + elim H; clear H; intros; [auto|contradiction].
      + assert (fresh_var "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil)
                <> fresh_var "tprod$" (fresh_var "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil) :: vid :: venv :: nil))
          by (apply fresh_var_fresh1; auto).
          (string_eqdec (fresh_var "tprod$" (fresh_var "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil) :: vid :: venv :: nil))
                        (fresh_var "tprod$" (vid :: venv :: nil))).
        * congruence.
        * clear H0 c.
          rewrite app_nil_r in H.
          apply remove_inv in H.
          elim H; clear H; intros.
          rewrite In_app_iff in H.
          elim H; clear H; intros.
          rewrite <- H in H0.
          rewrite app_nil_l in H.
    - Case "NRAEnvProject"%string.
      intros vid venv v Hv.
      Opaque fresh_var.
      simpl in Hv.
      rewrite in_app_iff in Hv.
      destruct Hv.
      + auto.
      + intros;
        simpl in *; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *;
        destruct (IHop (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv v); intuition;
        destruct (string_eqdec (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil))
                               (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil))); try congruence;
        simpl in *; contradiction.
    - Case "NRAEnvGroupBy"%string.
      intros vid venv v Hv.
      Opaque fresh_var.
      simpl in *; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *;
    - Case "NRAEnvUnnest"%string.
      intros vid venv v Hv.
      Opaque fresh_var2.
      case_eq (fresh_var2 "tmc$" "tmc$" (vid :: venv :: nil)); intros.
      simpl in *.
      rewrite H in Hv.
      simpl in Hv.
      repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *.
      destruct (string_eqdec s2 s2); try congruence.
      elim Hv; intros; clear Hv.
      + elim H0; clear H0; intros.
        apply IHop; assumption.
        destruct (string_eqdec (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil))
                               (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil))); try congruence.
        destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.
        simpl in H0.
        destruct (string_eqdec s2 s1); simpl in *.
        destruct (string_eqdec s1 s1); try congruence.
      + destruct (string_eqdec (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil))
                               (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil))); try congruence.
        simpl in H0.

  Section Top.
    Definition init_vid := "id"%string.
    Definition init_venv := "env"%string.
    Definition nraenv_to_nnrc_top (q:nraenv) : nnrc :=
      NNRCLet init_venv (NNRCConst (drec nil))
              (NNRCLet init_vid (NNRCConst dunit)
                       (nraenv_to_nnrc q init_vid init_venv)).

    Lemma lift_nraenv_to_nnrc_top (h:list (string*string)) cenv q :
      @nnrc_eval _ h cenv nil
                    (NNRCLet init_venv (NNRCConst (drec nil))
                             (NNRCLet init_vid (NNRCConst dunit) q)) =
      @nnrc_eval _ h cenv ((init_vid,dunit)::(init_venv,drec nil)::nil) q.
      unfold nnrc_eval; simpl.
    Theorem nraenv_to_nnrc_top_correct
            (h:list (string*string)) (q:nraenv) (env:bindings) :
      nnrc_eval_top h (nraenv_to_nnrc_top q) env = nraenv_eval_top h q env.
      unfold nnrc_eval_top.
      unfold nraenv_eval_top.
      unfold nraenv_to_nnrc_top.
      rewrite lift_nraenv_to_nnrc_top.
      rewrite (nraenv_sem_correct h (rec_sort env) q
                                  ((init_vid,dunit)::(init_venv,drec nil)::nil)
                                  (drec nil)); try reflexivity.
      unfold not; intros.
      unfold init_vid, init_venv in *.

  End Top.
Lemma and proof of linear size translation

  Section size.

    Theorem nraenvToNNNRC_size op vid venv :
      nnrc_size (nraenv_to_nnrc op vid venv) <= 19 * nraenv_size op.
      Transparent fresh_var2.
      revert vid venv.
      induction op; simpl in *; intros; trivial.
      - lia.
      - lia.
      - lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 vid venv); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv);
          specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - repeat match_destr.
        specialize (IHop1 (fresh_var "tmc$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 vid venv); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 (fresh_var "tsel$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 vid venv); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 (fresh_var "teitherL$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv); specialize (IHop2 (fresh_var "teitherR$" (fresh_var "teitherL$" (vid :: venv :: nil) :: vid :: venv :: nil)) venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop2 vid venv); specialize (IHop1 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 (fresh_var "tapp$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 vid (fresh_var "tappe$" (vid :: venv :: nil))); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop vid (fresh_var "tmape$" (vid :: venv :: nil))); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 (fresh_var "tmap$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv);
          specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 (fresh_var "tsel$" (vid :: venv :: nil)) venv);
          specialize (IHop2 vid venv); specialize (IHop3 vid venv); try lia.
      - specialize (IHop1 vid venv); specialize (IHop2 vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop vid venv); lia.
      - specialize (IHop vid venv); lia.

  End size.