Module Qcert.NNRC.Typing.TNNRCStratify

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Permutation.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataSystem.
Require Import cNNRCSystem.
Require Import NNRCRuntime.
Require Import cNNRCTypes.
Require Import TNNRC.

Section TNNRCStratify.
  Context {m:basic_model}.
  Fixpoint type_substs Γc (Γ:tbindings) (sdefs:list (var*nnrc)) (τdefs:tbindings) : Prop
    := match sdefs, τdefs with
       | nil, nil => True
       | (v₁, n)::sdefs', (v₂, τ)::τdefs' =>
         v₁ = v₂ /\
         nnrc_type Γc Γ n τ
         /\ type_substs Γc ((v₂,τ)::Γ) sdefs' τdefs'
       | _, _ => False

  Lemma type_substs_domain_eqc} {Γ:tbindings} {sdefs:list (var*nnrc)} {τdefs:tbindings} :
    type_substs Γc Γ sdefs τdefs ->
    domain sdefs = domain τdefs.
    revert τdefs Γ .
    induction sdefs; destruct τdefs; simpl; trivial; intros Γ typ
    ; try contradiction; destruct a; try contradiction.
    destruct p; simpl in *.
    intuition; subst.

  Lemma type_substs_app Γc Γ sdefs1 τdefs1 sdefs2 τdefs2 :
    type_substs Γc Γ sdefs1 τdefs1 ->
    type_substs Γc (rev τdefs1++Γ) sdefs2 τdefs2 ->
    type_substs Γc Γ (sdefs1++sdefs2) (τdefs1++τdefs2).
    revert Γ sdefs2 τdefs1 τdefs2.
    induction sdefs1; simpl; intros Γ sdefs2 τdefs1 τdefs2 ts1 ts2.
    - match_destr_in ts1; try contradiction.
    - destruct a.
      match_destr_in ts1; try contradiction.
      destruct p.
      destruct ts1 as [? [ts11 ts12]]; subst; simpl.
      repeat (split; trivial).
      apply IHsdefs1; trivial.
      simpl in ts2.
      repeat rewrite app_ass in ts2; simpl in ts2.

  Lemma stratify1_aux_preserves_types_fw
        {e: nnrc} {required_kind:nnrcKind} {bound_vars:list var} {sdefs1 n sdefs2} :
    stratify1_aux e required_kind bound_vars sdefs1 = (n,sdefs2) ->
    forall τdefs1 Γc Γ τ,
      type_substs Γc Γ sdefs1 τdefs1 ->
      nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs1 ++ Γ) e τ ->
      exists τdefs2,
        type_substs Γc Γ sdefs2 τdefs2
        /\ nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs2 ++ Γ) n τ.
    Opaque fresh_var.
    destruct required_kind; simpl; intros eqq; invcs eqq; intros.
    - existsdefs1++((fresh_var "stratify" bound_vars, τ)::nil)); simpl.
      + apply type_substs_app; trivial.
        simpl; intuition.
      + constructor.
        rewrite rev_app_distr.
        rewrite lookup_app; simpl.
        destruct (
              (fresh_var "stratify" bound_vars)
              (fresh_var "stratify" bound_vars))
        ; try congruence.
    - exists τdefs1; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw
        {n: nnrc} {sdefs τdefs}
        { Γc Γ τ} :
    type_substs Γc Γ sdefs τdefs ->
    nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs ++ Γ) n τ ->
    nnrc_type Γc Γ (mk_expr_from_vars (n,sdefs)) τ.
    unfold mk_expr_from_vars.
    revert τdefs n Γ.
    induction sdefs; intros τdefs Γ; destruct τdefs; simpl; intros n typs typn
    ; try destruct a as [? n2]; try contradiction; trivial.
    destruct p as [? τ2].
    destruct typs as [? [typn1 typs]]; subst.
    unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl.
    rewrite app_ass in typn.
    simpl in typn.
    simpl in *.
    econstructor; eauto.

  Lemma stratify_aux_preserves_types_fw
        (e: nnrc) (required_kind:nnrcKind) (bound_vars:list var) n sdefs :
    incl (nnrc_free_vars e) bound_vars ->
    stratify_aux e required_kind bound_vars = (n,sdefs) ->
    forall Γc Γ τ,
      nnrc_type Γc Γ e τ ->
      exists τdefs,
        type_substs Γc Γ sdefs τdefs
        /\ nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs ++ Γ) n τ.
    Local Hint Constructors nnrc_core_type : qcert.
    unfold nnrc_type.
    revert required_kind bound_vars n sdefs.
    induction e; simpl; intros required_kind bound_vars n sdefs inclb eqq Γc Γ τ typ.
    - invcs eqq.
      (* add this case to the nnrc_core_inverter Ltac *)
      invcs typ.
      simpl; exists nil; simpl; qeauto.
    - invcs eqq.
      simpl; exists nil; simpl; qeauto.
    - invcs eqq.
      simpl; exists nil; simpl; qeauto.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in eqq.
      invcs eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      destruct (IHe1 _ _ _ _ inclb1 eqq1 _ _ _ H5)
        asdefs1 [typdefs1 typn1]].
      assert (inclb2':incl (nnrc_free_vars e2) (domain l ++ bound_vars))
        by (unfold incl in *; intros; rewrite in_app_iff; qeauto).
      assert (type2':nnrc_core_type Γc (rev τdefs1 ++ Γ) (nnrc_to_nnrc_base e2) τ₂).
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs1) Γ); simpl; trivial.
        rewrite domain_rev.
        rewrite disjoint_rev_l.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typdefs1).
        eapply disjoint_incl.
        - rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same.
          apply inclb2.
        - apply (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1).
      specialize (IHe2 _ _ _ _ inclb2' eqq2 _ _ _ type2')
        asdefs2 [typdefs2 typn2]].
      existsdefs1 ++ τdefs2).
      + apply type_substs_app; trivial.
      + rewrite rev_app_distr.
        rewrite app_ass.
        econstructor; qeauto.
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs2 )(rev τdefs1 ++ Γ)); simpl; trivial.
        rewrite domain_rev.
        rewrite disjoint_rev_l.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typdefs2).
        eapply disjoint_incl;
          [ | apply (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq2)].
        intros x inn.
        destruct (stratify_aux_free_vars eqq1 inclb1 x) as [eqf _].
        repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      invcs eqq.
      destruct (IHe _ _ _ _ inclb eqq1 _ _ _ H4)
        asdefs1 [typdefs1 typn1]].
      exists τdefs1.
    - apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_remove in inclb2.
      apply (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_fw eqq nil); simpl; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl.
      + case_eq (stratify_aux e1 nnrcStmt bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
        destruct (IHe1 _ _ _ _ inclb1 eqq1 _ _ _ H4)
          asdefs1 [typdefs1 typn1]].
        apply (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw typdefs1 typn1).
      + case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in eqq.
        destruct (IHe2 _ _ _ _ inclb2 eqq2 _ _ _ H5)
          asdefs2 [typdefs2 typn2]].
        apply (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw typdefs2 typn2).
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_remove in inclb2.
      destruct (IHe1 _ _ _ _ inclb1 eqq1 _ _ _ H4)
        asdefs1 [typdefs1 typn1]].
      apply (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_fw eqq τdefs1); simpl; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in eqq.
      destruct (IHe2 _ _ _ _ inclb2 eqq2 _ _ _ H5)
        asdefs2 [typdefs2 typn2]].
      apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env ((v, τ₁)::nil) (rev τdefs1 ) Γ); simpl; trivial
      ; [ | apply (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw typdefs2 typn2)].
      + intros x inn1 inn2.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typdefs1) in inn1.
        destruct (mk_expr_stratify_aux_free_vars e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars) inclb2 x)
          as [eqf _].
        rewrite eqq2 in eqf.
        apply eqf in inn2.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb2 _ inn2).
        simpl in inclb2.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb2; destruct inclb2 as [inclb2 inclb3].
      destruct (IHe1 _ _ _ _ inclb1 eqq1 _ _ _ H3)
        asdefs1 [typdefs1 typn1]].
      apply (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_fw eqq τdefs1); simpl; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      + case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in eqq.
        destruct (IHe2 _ _ _ _ inclb2 eqq2 _ _ _ H5)
          asdefs2 [typdefs2 typn2]].
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs1 ) Γ); simpl; trivial
        ; [ | apply (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw typdefs2 typn2)].
        intros x inn1 inn2.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typdefs1) in inn1.
        destruct (mk_expr_stratify_aux_free_vars e2 nnrcStmt (bound_vars) inclb2 x)
          as [eqf _].
        rewrite eqq2 in eqf.
        apply eqf in inn2.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb2 _ inn2).
        simpl in inclb2.
      + case_eq (stratify_aux e3 nnrcStmt bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq3; rewrite eqq3 in eqq.
        destruct (IHe3 _ _ _ _ inclb3 eqq3 _ _ _ H6)
          asdefs3 [typdefs3 typn3]].
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs1 ) Γ); simpl; trivial
        ; [ | apply (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw typdefs3 typn3)].
        intros x inn1 inn3.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn3.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typdefs1) in inn1.
        destruct (mk_expr_stratify_aux_free_vars e3 nnrcStmt (bound_vars) inclb3 x)
          as [eqf _].
        rewrite eqq3 in eqf.
        apply eqf in inn3.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb3 _ inn3).
        simpl in inclb3.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb2; destruct inclb2 as [inclb2 inclb3].
      apply incl_remove in inclb2.
      apply incl_remove in inclb3.
      destruct (IHe1 _ _ _ _ inclb1 eqq1 _ _ _ H6)
        asdefs1 [typdefs1 typn1]].
      apply (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_fw eqq τdefs1); simpl; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      + case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in eqq.
        destruct (IHe2 _ _ _ _ inclb2 eqq2 _ _ _ H7)
          asdefs2 [typdefs2 typn2]].
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env ((vl)::nil) (rev τdefs1 ) Γ); simpl; trivial
        ; [ | apply (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw typdefs2 typn2)].
        intros x inn1 inn2.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typdefs1) in inn1.
        destruct (mk_expr_stratify_aux_free_vars e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars) inclb2 x)
          as [eqf _].
        rewrite eqq2 in eqf.
        apply eqf in inn2.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb2 _ inn2).
        simpl in inclb2.
      + case_eq (stratify_aux e3 nnrcStmt (v0::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq3; rewrite eqq3 in eqq.
        destruct (IHe3 _ _ _ _ inclb3 eqq3 _ _ _ H8)
          asdefs3 [typdefs3 typn3]].
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env ((v0r)::nil) (rev τdefs1 ) Γ); simpl; trivial
        ; [ | apply (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw typdefs3 typn3)].
        intros x inn1 inn3.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn3.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typdefs1) in inn1.
        destruct (mk_expr_stratify_aux_free_vars e3 nnrcStmt (v0::bound_vars) inclb3 x)
          as [eqf _].
        rewrite eqq3 in eqf.
        apply eqf in inn3.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb3 _ inn3).
        simpl in inclb3.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      assert (typ':nnrc_type Γc Γ (NNRCGroupBy s l e) τ)
        by apply typ.
      apply type_NNRCGroupBy_inv in typ'.
      destruct typ' as [? [? [? [? [subl type]]]]]; subst.
      destruct (IHe _ _ _ _ inclb eqq1 _ _ _ type)
        asdefs1 [typdefs1 typn1]].
      apply (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_fw eqq τdefs1); simpl; trivial.
      apply type_NNRCGroupBy; trivial.

  Lemma mk_expr_from_vars_stratify_aux_preserves_types_fw
        {Γc Γ} (e: nnrc) {τ} :
    nnrc_type Γc Γ e τ ->
    forall (required_kind:nnrcKind) (bound_vars:list var),
      incl (nnrc_free_vars e) bound_vars ->
      nnrc_type Γc Γ (mk_expr_from_vars (stratify_aux e required_kind bound_vars)) τ.
    intros typ required_kind bound_vars inclb.
    case_eq (stratify_aux e required_kind bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq.
    destruct (stratify_aux_preserves_types_fw _ _ _ _ _ inclb eqq _ _ _ typ)
      as [? [typs typn]].
    eapply mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_fw; qeauto.

  Theorem stratify_preserves_types_fw
          {Γc Γ} (e: nnrc) {τ} :
    nnrc_type Γc Γ e τ ->
    nnrc_type Γc Γ (stratify e) τ.
    intros typ.
    apply mk_expr_from_vars_stratify_aux_preserves_types_fw; trivial.

  Lemma type_substs_app_inv Γc Γ sdefs1 τdefs1 sdefs2 τdefs2 :
    type_substs Γc Γ (sdefs1++sdefs2) (τdefs1++τdefs2) ->
    length sdefs1 = length τdefs1 ->
    type_substs Γc Γ sdefs1 τdefs1 /\
    type_substs Γc (rev τdefs1++Γ) sdefs2 τdefs2.
    revert Γ sdefs2 τdefs1 τdefs2.
    induction sdefs1; simpl; intros Γ sdefs2 τdefs1 τdefs2 ts1 ts2.
    - match_destr; simpl in *; qeauto.
    - destruct a.
      match_destr; simpl in *; try discriminate.
      destruct p.
      destruct ts1 as [? [ts11 ts12]]; subst; simpl.
      invcs ts2.
      destruct (IHsdefs1 _ _ _ _ ts12 H0).
      repeat (split; trivial).
      repeat rewrite app_ass; simpl.
  Lemma type_substs_app_inv_exc Γ sdefs1 sdefs2 τdefs} :
    type_substs Γc Γ (sdefs1++sdefs2) τdefs ->
    exists τdefs1 τdefs2,
      τdefs = τdefs1 ++ τdefs2 /\
      type_substs Γc Γ sdefs1 τdefs1 /\
      type_substs Γc (rev τdefs1++Γ) sdefs2 τdefs2.
    revert Γ sdefs2 τdefs.
    induction sdefs1; simpl; intros Γ sdefs2 τdefs ts.
    - exists nil, τdefs; simpl; tauto.
    - destruct a.
      match_destr_in ts; simpl in *; try contradiction.
      destruct p.
      destruct ts as [? [ts11 ts12]]; subst; simpl.
      destruct (IHsdefs1 _ _ _ ts12) asdefs1defs2 [? [typs1 typs2]]]]; subst.
      exists ((s,r)::τdefs1), τdefs2; simpl; intuition.
      repeat rewrite app_ass; simpl.
  Lemma stratify1_aux_preserves_types_bk
        {e: nnrc} {required_kind:nnrcKind} {bound_vars:list var} {sdefs1 n sdefs2} :
    stratify1_aux e required_kind bound_vars sdefs1 = (n,sdefs2) ->
    forall τdefs2 Γc Γ τ,
      type_substs Γc Γ sdefs2 τdefs2 ->
      nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs2 ++ Γ) n τ ->
      exists τdefs1,
        type_substs Γc Γ sdefs1 τdefs1
        /\ nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs1 ++ Γ) e τ.
    Opaque fresh_var.
    destruct required_kind; simpl; intros eqq; invcs eqq; intros.
    - generalize (type_substs_domain_eq H); intros deq.
      rewrite domain_app in deq; simpl in deq.
      assert (nnildefs2 <> nil).
      { destruct τdefs2; simpl in deq; try discriminate.
        symmetry in deq; apply app_cons_not_nil in deq; tauto.
      destruct (exists_last nnil) asdefs2' [[x τ2] ?]]; subst.
      rewrite domain_app in deq; simpl in deq.
      apply app_inj_tail in deq.
      destruct deq as [deq ?]; subst.
      apply type_substs_app_inv in H.
      + destruct H as [typs1 typs2].
        exists τdefs2'; split; trivial.
        simpl in typs2.
        invcs H0.
        rewrite rev_app_distr in H2.
        simpl in H2.
        match_destr_in H2; try congruence.
        invcs H2.
      + rewrite <- domain_length, deq, domain_length; trivial.
    - qeauto.

  Lemma mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk
        {n: nnrc} {sdefs}
        { Γc Γ τ} :
    nnrc_type Γc Γ (mk_expr_from_vars (n,sdefs)) τ ->
    exists τdefs,
      type_substs Γc Γ sdefs τdefs /\
      nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs ++ Γ) n τ.
    unfold mk_expr_from_vars.
    revert n Γ.
    induction sdefs; simpl; intros n Γ typ.
    - exists nil; simpl; qeauto.
    - destruct a; unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl in *.
      invcs typ.
      specialize (IHsdefs _ _ H5).
      destruct IHsdefs asdefs [typs typn]].
      exists ((v,τ₁)::τdefs); intuition.
      rewrite app_ass; simpl.

  Lemma stratify_aux_preserves_types_bk
        (e: nnrc) (required_kind:nnrcKind) (bound_vars:list var) n sdefs :
    incl (nnrc_free_vars e) bound_vars ->
    stratify_aux e required_kind bound_vars = (n,sdefs) ->
    forall Γc Γ τdefs,
      type_substs Γc Γ sdefs τdefs ->
      forall τ,
        nnrc_type Γc (rev τdefs ++ Γ) n τ ->
        nnrc_type Γc Γ e τ.
    Local Hint Constructors nnrc_core_type : qcert.
    unfold nnrc_type.
    revert required_kind bound_vars n sdefs.
    induction e; simpl; intros required_kind bound_vars n sdefs inclb eqq Γc Γ τdefs typs τ typn.
    - invcs eqq.
      destruct τdefs; simpl in *; try contradiction.
    - invcs eqq.
      destruct τdefs; simpl in *; try contradiction.
    - invcs eqq.
      destruct τdefs; simpl in *; try contradiction.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in eqq.
      invcs eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      simpl in typn.
      apply type_substs_app_inv_ex in typs.
      destruct typs asdefs1defs2 [? [typs1 typs2]]]]; subst.
      repeat rewrite rev_app_distr in *.
      repeat rewrite app_ass in *.
      econstructor; qeauto.
      + apply (IHe1 _ _ _ _ inclb1 eqq1 _ _ _ typs1 τ₁).
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs2) (rev τdefs1 ++ Γ)); simpl; trivial.
        rewrite domain_rev.
        rewrite disjoint_rev_l.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typs2).
        eapply disjoint_incl;
          [ | apply (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq2)].
        intros x inn.
        destruct (stratify_aux_free_vars eqq1 inclb1 x) as [eqf _].
        repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *.
        specialize (inclb2 x).
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn.
      + assert (inclb2':incl (nnrc_free_vars e2) (domain l ++ bound_vars)).
        { apply incl_appr; trivial. }
        specialize (IHe2 _ _ _ _ inclb2' eqq2 _ _ _ typs2 τ₂ H6).
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs1) Γ); simpl; trivial.
        rewrite domain_rev.
        rewrite disjoint_rev_l.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typs1).
        eapply disjoint_incl;
          [ | apply (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1)].
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same; trivial.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      invcs eqq.
      simpl in *.
      econstructor; qeauto.
    - apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_remove in inclb2.
      destruct (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_bk eqq _ _ _ _ typs typn)
        as [? [typs' typn']]; simpl; trivial.
      simpl in typs'.
      destruct x; try contradiction.
      simpl in typn'.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl in *.
      invcs typn'.
      destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk H4)
        asdefs1 [ts1 tp1]].
      destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk H5)
        asdefs2 [ts2 tp2]].
      case_eq (stratify_aux e1 nnrcStmt bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq1
      ; rewrite eqq1 in *.
      case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq2
      ; rewrite eqq2 in *.
      simpl in *.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_remove in inclb2.
      destruct (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_bk eqq _ _ _ _ typs typn)
        asdefs2 [typs' typn']]; simpl; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl in *.
      invcs typn'.
      econstructor; [qeauto | ].
      destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk H5)
        asdefs1 [ts1 tp1]].
      case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq2
      ; rewrite eqq2 in *.
      simpl in *.
      apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env ((v, τ₁)::nil) (rev τdefs2) Γ); simpl; qeauto.
      intros x inn1 inn2.
      rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
      rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
      unfold var in *.
      rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typs') in inn1.
      generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
      specialize (inclb2 _ inn2).
      simpl in inclb2.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb2; destruct inclb2 as [inclb2 inclb3].
      destruct (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_bk eqq _ _ _ _ typs typn)
        asdefs2 [typs' typn']]; simpl; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl in *.
      invcs typn'.
      econstructor; [qeauto | | ].
      + destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk H5)
          asdefs1 [ts1 tp1]].
        case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq2
        ; rewrite eqq2 in *.
        simpl in *.
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs2) Γ); simpl; qeauto.
        intros x inn1 inn2.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typs') in inn1.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb2 _ inn2).
        simpl in inclb2.
      + destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk H6)
          asdefs1 [ts1 tp1]].
        case_eq (stratify_aux e3 nnrcStmt bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq3
        ; rewrite eqq3 in *.
        simpl in *.
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env nil (rev τdefs2) Γ); simpl; qeauto.
        intros x inn1 inn2.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typs') in inn1.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb3 _ inn2).
        simpl in inclb3.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb; destruct inclb as [inclb1 inclb2].
      apply incl_app_iff in inclb2; destruct inclb2 as [inclb2 inclb3].
      apply incl_remove in inclb2.
      apply incl_remove in inclb3.
      destruct (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_bk eqq _ _ _ _ typs typn)
        asdefs2 [typs' typn']]; simpl; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type in *; simpl in *.
      invcs typn'.
      econstructor; [qeauto | | ].
      + destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk H7)
          asdefs1 [ts1 tp1]].
        case_eq (stratify_aux e2 nnrcStmt (v::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq2
        ; rewrite eqq2 in *.
        simpl in *.
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env ((v, τl)::nil) (rev τdefs2) Γ); simpl; qeauto.
        intros x inn1 inn2.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typs') in inn1.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb2 _ inn2).
        simpl in inclb2.
      + destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk H8)
          asdefs1 [ts1 tp1]].
        case_eq (stratify_aux e3 nnrcStmt (v0::bound_vars)); intros ? ? eqq3
        ; rewrite eqq3 in *.
        simpl in *.
        apply (nnrc_core_type_remove_almost_disjoint_env ((v0r)::nil) (rev τdefs2) Γ); simpl; qeauto.
        intros x inn1 inn2.
        rewrite domain_rev, <- in_rev in inn1.
        rewrite <- nnrc_to_nnrc_base_free_vars_same in inn2.
        unfold var in *.
        rewrite <- (type_substs_domain_eq typs') in inn1.
        generalize (stratify_aux_nbound_vars eqq1 _ inn1); intros nbound.
        specialize (inclb3 _ inn2).
        simpl in inclb3.
    - match_case_in eqq; intros ? ? eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in eqq.
      destruct (stratify1_aux_preserves_types_bk eqq _ _ _ _ typs typn)
        asdefs2 [typs' typn']]; simpl; trivial.
      apply type_NNRCGroupBy_inv in typn'.
      destruct typn' as [? [? [? [? [subl type]]]]]; subst.
      cut (nnrc_type Γc Γ (NNRCGroupBy s l e) (GroupBy_type s l x x0 x1)); trivial.
      apply type_NNRCGroupBy; trivial.
      unfold nnrc_type; qeauto.

  Lemma mk_expr_from_vars_stratify_aux_preserves_types_bk
        {Γc Γ} (e: nnrc) {τ} :
    forall (required_kind:nnrcKind) (bound_vars:list var),
      incl (nnrc_free_vars e) bound_vars ->
      nnrc_type Γc Γ (mk_expr_from_vars (stratify_aux e required_kind bound_vars)) τ ->
      nnrc_type Γc Γ e τ.
    intros required_kind bound_vars inclb typ.
    destruct (mk_expr_from_vars_preserves_types_bk typ)
      asdefs1 [ts1 tp1]].
    case_eq (stratify_aux e required_kind bound_vars); intros ? ? eqq; rewrite eqq in *.
    eapply stratify_aux_preserves_types_bk; qeauto.

  Theorem stratify_preserves_types_bk
          {Γc Γ} (e: nnrc) {τ} :
    nnrc_type Γc Γ (stratify e) τ ->
    nnrc_type Γc Γ e τ.
    unfold stratify.
    intros typ.
    eapply mk_expr_from_vars_stratify_aux_preserves_types_bk; qeauto.

  Theorem stratify_preserves_types
          Γc Γ (e: nnrc) τ :
    nnrc_type Γc Γ e τ <-> nnrc_type Γc Γ (stratify e) τ.
    split; intros.
    - apply stratify_preserves_types_fw; trivial.
    - eapply stratify_preserves_types_bk; qeauto.
End TNNRCStratify.