Module Qcert.Data.OperatorsTyping.TOperatorsInferSub

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Compare_dec.
Require Import Program.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Types.
Require Import DataModel.
Require Import ForeignData.
Require Import ForeignOperators.
Require Import ForeignDataTyping.
Require Import ForeignOperatorsTyping.
Require Import Operators.
Require Import TUtil.
Require Import TData.
Require Import TSortBy.
Require Import TUnaryOperators.
Require Import TBinaryOperators.
Require Import TOperatorsInfer.

Section TOperatorsInferSub.
  Context {fdata:foreign_data}.
  Context {ftype:foreign_type}.
  Context {fdtyping:foreign_data_typing}.
  Context {m:brand_model}.

  Context {foperators:foreign_operators}.
  Context {foptyping:foreign_operators_typing}.

  Section b.

    Definition infer_binary_op_type_sub
               (b:binary_op) (τ₁ τ₂:rtype) : option (rtype*rtype*rtype) :=
      match b with
      | OpEqual =>
        let τcommon := τ₁ ⊔ τ₂ in
        Some (Bool, τcommon, τcommon)
      | OpRecConcat =>
        match τ₁ ==b ⊥, τ₂ ==bwith
        | true, true => Some (⊥, ⊥, ⊥)
        | true, false =>
           lift (fun _ => (τ₂, ⊥, τ₂)) (tunrec τ₂)
        | false, true =>
           lift (fun _ => (τ₁, τ₁, ⊥)) (tunrec τ₁)
        | false, false =>
          lift (fun τ => (τ, τ₁, τ₂)) (trecConcatRight τ₁ τ₂)
      | OpRecMerge =>
        match τ₁ ==b ⊥, τ₂ ==bwith
        | true, true => Some (Coll ⊥, ⊥, ⊥)
        | true, false =>
           lift (fun _ => (Coll τ₂, ⊥, τ₂)) (tunrec τ₂)
        | false, true =>
           lift (fun _ => (Coll τ₁, τ₁, ⊥)) (tunrec τ₁)
        | false, false =>
          lift (fun τ => (Coll τ, τ₁, τ₂)) (tmergeConcat τ₁ τ₂)
      | OpAnd =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ Bool, subtype_dec τ₂ Bool with
        | left _, left _ => Some (Bool, Bool, Bool)
        | _, _ => None
      | OpOr =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ Bool, subtype_dec τ₂ Bool with
        | left _, left _ => Some (Bool, Bool, Bool)
        | _, _ => None
      | OpLt
      | OpLe =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ Nat, subtype_dec τ₂ Nat with
        | left _, left _ => Some (Bool, Nat, Nat)
        | _, _ => None
      | OpBagNth =>
        match subtype_dec τ₂ Nat with
        | left _ =>
          let τ₁' := τ₁ ⊔ (Coll ⊥) in
          lift (fun τ => (τ, τ₁', Nat)) (tsingleton τ₁')
        | _ => None
      | OpBagUnion | OpBagDiff | OpBagMin | OpBagMax =>
        let τcommon := τ₁ ⊔ τ₂ in
        if (tuncoll τcommon)
        then Somecommon, τcommon, τcommon)
        else None
      | OpContains =>
        if τ₂ ==b
        then Some (Bool, τ₁, τ₂)
        else lift (fun τ₂' =>
                     let τ := τ₁ ⊔ τ₂' in
                     (Bool, τ, Coll τ))
                  (tuncoll τ₂)
      | OpStringConcat =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ String, subtype_dec τ₂ String with
        | left _, left _ => Some (String, String, String)
        | _, _ => None
      | OpStringJoin =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ String with
        | left _ =>
          if subtype_dec τ₂ (Coll String)
          then Some (String, String, Coll String)
          else None
        | _ => None
      | OpNatBinary _ =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ Nat, subtype_dec τ₂ Nat with
        | left _, left _ => Some (Nat, Nat, Nat)
        | _, _ => None
      | OpFloatBinary _ =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ Float, subtype_dec τ₂ Float with
        | left _, left _ => Some (Float, Float, Float)
        | _, _ => None
      | OpFloatCompare _ =>
        match subtype_dec τ₁ Float, subtype_dec τ₂ Float with
        | left _, left _ => Some (Bool, Float, Float)
        | _, _ => None
      | OpForeignBinary fb =>
        foreign_operators_typing_binary_infer_sub fb τ₁ τ₂

  End b.

  Section u.

    Definition infer_unary_op_type_sub (u:unary_op) (τ₁:rtype) : option (rtype*rtype) :=
      match u with
      | OpIdentity => Some (τ₁,τ₁)
      | OpNeg =>
        if subtype_dec τ₁ Bool
        then Some (Bool, Bool)
        else None
      | OpRec s => Some (Rec Closed ((s, τ₁)::nil) eq_refl, τ₁)
      | OpDot s =>
        if τ₁ == ⊥
        then Some (⊥, ⊥)
        else lift (fun τ => (τ, τ₁)) (tunrecdot s τ₁)
      | OpRecRemove s =>
        if τ₁ == ⊥
        then Some (⊥, ⊥)
        else lift (fun τ => (τ, τ₁)) (tunrecremove s τ₁)
      | OpRecProject sl =>
        if τ₁ == ⊥
        then Some (⊥, ⊥)
        else lift (fun τ => (τ, τ₁)) (tunrecproject sl τ₁)
      | OpBag => Some (Coll τ₁,τ₁)
      | OpSingleton =>
        let τ₁' := τ₁ ⊔ (Coll ⊥) in
        lift (fun τ => (τ, τ₁')) (tsingleton τ₁')
      | OpFlatten =>
        let τ₁' := τ₁ ⊔ (Coll (Coll ⊥)) in
        bind (tuncoll τ₁')
             (fun τ₁in =>
                lift (fun _ => (τ₁in, τ₁'))
                     (tuncoll τ₁in))
      | OpDistinct =>
        let τ₁' := τ₁ ⊔ (Coll ⊥) in
        lift (fun τ => (Coll τ, τ₁')) (tuncoll τ₁')
      | OpOrderBy sl =>
        let τ₁' := τ₁ ⊔ (Coll ⊥) in
        match (tuncoll τ₁') with
        | Some τ₁₀ =>
          match tunrecsortable ( fst sl) τ₁₀ with
          | Some _ => Some (τ₁', τ₁')
          | None => None
        | None => None
      | OpCount =>
        let τ₁' := τ₁ ⊔ (Coll ⊥) in
        lift (fun τ => (Nat, τ₁')) (tuncoll τ₁')
      | OpToString
      | OpToText =>
        Some (String, τ₁)
      | OpLength =>
        if (subtype_dec τ₁ String)
        then Some (Nat, String)
        else None
      | OpSubstring _ _ =>
        if (subtype_dec τ₁ String)
        then Some (String, String)
        else None
      | OpLike _ =>
        if (subtype_dec τ₁ String)
        then Some (Bool, String)
        else None
      | OpLeft =>
        Some (Either τ₁ ⊥, τ₁)
      | OpRight =>
        Some (Either ⊥ τ₁, τ₁)
      | OpBrand b =>
        if (subtype_dec τ₁ (brands_type b))
        then Some (Brand b, τ₁)
        else None
      | OpUnbrand =>
        if τ₁ == ⊥
          Some (⊥, ⊥)
          match `τ₁ with
          | Brandb => Some (brands_type b, τ₁)
          | _ => None
      | OpCast b =>
        if τ₁ == ⊥
          Some (⊥, ⊥)
          match `τ₁ with
          | Brand_ => Some (Option (Brand b), τ₁)
          | _ => None
      | OpNatUnary op =>
        if subtype_dec τ₁ Nat
        then Some (Nat, Nat)
        else None
      | OpNatSum
      | OpNatMin
      | OpNatMax
      | OpNatMean =>
        if subtype_dec τ₁ (Coll Nat)
        then Some (Nat, Coll Nat)
        else None
      | OpFloatOfNat =>
        if subtype_dec τ₁ Nat
        then Some (Float, Nat)
        else None
      | OpFloatUnary op =>
        if subtype_dec τ₁ Float
        then Some (Float, Float)
        else None
      | OpFloatTruncate =>
        if subtype_dec τ₁ Float
        then Some (Nat, Float)
        else None
      | OpFloatSum
      | OpFloatBagMin
      | OpFloatBagMax
      | OpFloatMean =>
        if subtype_dec τ₁ (Coll Float)
        then Some (Float, Coll Float)
        else None
      | OpForeignUnary fu =>
        foreign_operators_typing_unary_infer_sub fu τ₁

  End u.
End TOperatorsInferSub.