Module Qcert.DNNRC.Typing.TDNNRCBase

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Program.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataSystem.
Require Import DNNRCBase.

Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope list_scope.

Section TDNNRCBase.

  Context {m:basic_model}.
  Section tplug.
    Class TAlgPlug {plug_type:Set} {plug:AlgPlug plug_type} :=
      mkTAlgPlug {
          plug_typing : plug_type -> tbindings -> rtype -> Prop;
  End tplug.

Typing rules for NNRC
  Section typ.

    Fixpoint tcombine (l:list string) (l':list drtype) {struct l} : option tbindings :=
      match l with
      | [] => Some []
      | x :: tl =>
        match l' with
        | [] => Some []
        | (Tlocal _) :: _ => None
        | (Tdistr y) :: tl' =>
          match tcombine tl tl' with
          | Some tl'' => Some ((x,y) :: tl'')
          | None => None

    Inductive dnnrc_base_type `{tplug: TAlgPlug} {A} : tdbindings -> @dnnrc_base _ A plug_type -> drtype -> Prop :=
    | TDNNRCGetConstantout} tenv s :
        forall (a:A),
          tdot τconstants s = Some τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCGetConstant a s) τout
    | TDNNRCVarout} tenv v :
        forall (a:A),
          lookup equiv_dec tenv v = Some τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCVar a v) τout
    | TDNNRCConstout} tenv c :
        forall (a:A),
          data_type (normalize_data brand_relation_brands c) τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCConst a c) (Tlocal τout)
    | TDNNRCBinop {τ₁ τ₂ τout} tenv b e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          binary_op_type b τ₁ τ₂ τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e2 (Tlocal τ₂) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCBinop a b e1 e2) (Tlocal τout)
    | TDNNRCUnop {τ₁ τout} tenv u e1 :
        forall (a:A),
          unary_op_type u τ₁ τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e1 (Tlocal τ₁) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCUnop a u e1) (Tlocal τout)
    | TDNNRCLet {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e1 τ₁ ->
          dnnrc_base_type ((v,τ₁)::tenv) e2 τ₂ ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCLet a v e1 e2) τ₂
    | TDNNRCForLocal {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e1 (Tlocal (Coll τ₁)) ->
          dnnrc_base_type ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tlocal (Coll τ₂))
    | TDNNRCForDist {τ₁ τ₂} v tenv e1 e2 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e1 (Tdistr τ₁) ->
          dnnrc_base_type ((v,(Tlocal τ₁))::tenv) e2 (Tlocal τ₂) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCFor a v e1 e2) (Tdistr τ₂)
    | TDNNRCIfout} tenv e1 e2 e3 :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e1 (Tlocal Bool) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e2 τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e3 τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCIf a e1 e2 e3) τout
    | TDNNRCEitherout τl τr} tenv ed xl el xr er :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_base_type tenv ed (Tlocal (Either τl τr)) ->
          dnnrc_base_type ((xl,(Tlocal τl))::tenv) el τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type ((xr,(Tlocal τr))::tenv) er τout ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCEither a ed xl el xr er) τout
    | TDNNRCCollect {τ} tenv e :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e (Tdistr τ) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCCollect a e) (Tlocal (Coll τ))
    | TDNNRCDispatch {τ} tenv e :
        forall (a:A),
          dnnrc_base_type tenv e (Tlocal (Coll τ)) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCDispatch a e) (Tdistr τ)
    | TDNNRCAlgout} tenv tbindings op nl :
        forall (a:A),
          Forall2 (fun n τ => fst n = fst τ
                              /\ dnnrc_base_type tenv (snd n) (Tdistr (snd τ)))
                  nl tbindings ->
          plug_typing op tbindings (Coll τout) ->
          dnnrc_base_type tenv (DNNRCAlg a op nl) (Tdistr τout)

  End typ.