Type preservation for the translation from NRA to NNRC
Context {m:basic_model}.
Theorem tnraenv_sem_correct {τcenv} {τin τenv τout} (op:cnraenv) (tenv:tbindings) (vid venv:var) :
prefix CONST_PREFIX vid = false →
prefix CONST_PREFIX venv = false →
(∀ x,
assoc_lookupr equiv_dec (mkConstants τcenv) x
= lookup equiv_dec (filterConstants tenv) x) →
lookup equiv_dec tenv vid = Some τin →
lookup equiv_dec tenv venv = Some τenv →
(op ▷ τin >=> τout ⊣ τcenv;τenv) →
nnrc_type tenv (cnraenv_to_nnrc op vid venv) τout.
Reverse direction, main theorem
Theorem tnraenv_sem_correct_back {τcenv} {τin τenv τout} (op:cnraenv) (tenv:tbindings) (vid venv:var) :
prefix CONST_PREFIX vid = false →
prefix CONST_PREFIX venv = false →
(∀ x,
assoc_lookupr equiv_dec (mkConstants τcenv) x
= lookup equiv_dec (filterConstants tenv) x) →
lookup equiv_dec tenv vid = Some τin →
lookup equiv_dec tenv venv = Some τenv →
nnrc_type tenv (cnraenv_to_nnrc op vid venv) τout →
(op ▷ τin >=> τout ⊣ τcenv;τenv).
Theorem 7.4: NRA<->NNRC.
Final iff Theorem of type preservation for the translation from NRA to NNRC
Theorem tnraenv_sem_correct_iff {τcenv} {τin τenv τout} (op:cnraenv) (tenv:tbindings) (vid venv:var) :
prefix CONST_PREFIX vid = false →
prefix CONST_PREFIX venv = false →
(∀ x,
assoc_lookupr equiv_dec (mkConstants τcenv) x
= lookup equiv_dec (filterConstants tenv) x) →
lookup equiv_dec tenv vid = Some τin →
lookup equiv_dec tenv venv = Some τenv →
nnrc_type tenv (cnraenv_to_nnrc op vid venv) τout →
(op ▷ τin >=> τout ⊣ τcenv;τenv).
End TcNRAEnvtocNNRC.