
Section cNRAEnvContext.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

  Fixpoint lift_nra_context (c:nra_ctxt) : cnraenv_ctxt :=
    match c with
      | CHole x'
        ⇒ CNHole x'
      | CPlug a
        ⇒ CNPlug (cnraenv_of_nra a)
      | CABinop b c1 c2
        ⇒ CANBinop b (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CAUnop u c
        ⇒ CANUnop u (lift_nra_context c)
      | CAMap c1 c2
        ⇒ CANMap (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CAMapConcat c1 c2
        ⇒ CANMapConcat (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CAProduct c1 c2
        ⇒ CANProduct (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CASelect c1 c2
        ⇒ CANSelect (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CADefault c1 c2
        ⇒ CANDefault (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CAEither c1 c2
        ⇒ CANEither (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CAEitherConcat c1 c2
        ⇒ CANEitherConcat (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)
      | CAApp c1 c2
        ⇒ CANApp (lift_nra_context c1) (lift_nra_context c2)

  Lemma aec_simplify_lift_commute c :
    aec_simplify (lift_nra_context c) = lift_nra_context (ac_simplify c).

  Lemma aec_holes_lift c:
    aec_holes (lift_nra_context c) = ac_holes c.

  Lemma lift_nra_context_subst c n a :
    lift_nra_context (ac_subst c n a) =
    aec_subst (lift_nra_context c) n (cnraenv_of_nra a).

  Lemma lift_nra_context_substs c ps :
    lift_nra_context (ac_substs c ps) =
    aec_substs (lift_nra_context c)
               (map (fun xy(fst xy, cnraenv_of_nra (snd xy))) ps).

  Definition cnraenv_eq_under h c env (op1 op2:cnraenv) : Prop :=
        ( (x:data)
                (dn_x:data_normalized h x),
          h ⊢ₑ op1 @ₑ x c;env = h ⊢ₑ op2 @ₑ x c;env)%cnraenv.

  Definition cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env (c1 c2 : cnraenv_ctxt)
    := (ps:list (nat × cnraenv)),
      match aec_simplify (aec_substs c1 ps),
            aec_simplify (aec_substs c2 ps)
      | CNPlug a1, CNPlug a2cnraenv_eq_under h c env a1 a2
      | _, _True

  Lemma cnraenv_eq_under_equiv (op1 op2:cnraenv) :
    ( h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env), cnraenv_eq_under h c env op1 op2)
    cnraenv_eq op1 op2.

  Lemma cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under_equiv (op1 op2:cnraenv_ctxt) :
    ( h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env), cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env op1 op2)
    cnraenv_ctxt_equiv cnraenv_eq op1 op2.

  Lemma roundtrip_env e h c env :
    Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c
    data_normalized h env
    cnraenv_eq_under h c env
                    ((cnraenv_of_nra (nra_of_cnraenv e )
                                     (‵[| ("PBIND", ‵(env))|] (‵[|("PCONST", ‵(drec (rec_sort c)))|] ‵[| ("PDATA", ID)|])))%cnraenv)

  Instance ae_under_equiv h c env : Equivalence (cnraenv_eq_under h c env).

  Instance aeu_Binop_proper h c env :
      (eq ==>
          cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
          cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
          cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANBinop.

  Instance aeu_Unop_proper h c env :
      (eq ==>
          cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
          cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANUnop.

  Instance aeu_Map_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env):
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANMap.

  Instance aeu_MapConcat_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANMapConcat.

  Instance aeu_Product_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANProduct.

  Instance aeu_Select_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env):
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANSelect.

  Instance aeu_Default_proper h c env :
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANDefault.

  Instance aeu_Either_proper h c env :
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANEither.

  Instance aeu_EitherConcat_proper h c env :
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANEitherConcat.

  Instance aeu_App_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
      (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==>
                       cnraenv_eq_under h c env) ANApp.

  Instance aec_under_refl h c env : Reflexive (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env).

  Instance aecu_Plug_proper h c env : Proper (cnraenv_eq_under h c env ==> cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CNPlug.

  Instance aecu_Binop_proper h c env :
      (eq ==>
          cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
          cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
          cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANBinop.

  Instance aecu_Unop_proper h c env :
      (eq ==>
          cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
          cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANUnop.

   Instance aecu_Map_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env):
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANMap.

   Instance aecu_MapConcat_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANMapConcat.

   Instance aecu_Product_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANProduct.

   Instance aecu_Select_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANSelect.

   Instance aecu_Default_proper h c env :
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANDefault.

   Instance aecu_Either_proper h c env :
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANEither.

   Instance aecu_EitherConcat_proper h c env :
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANEitherConcat.

   Instance aecu_App_proper h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
       (cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env ==>
                        cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_under h c env) CANApp.

 Lemma aec_substs_under_prop_part2 h c env (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c) (dn_env:data_normalized h env) e ps1 ps2 :
     Forall2 (fun xy1 xy2(fst xy1) = (fst xy2)
             cnraenv_eq_under h c env (snd xy1) (snd xy2)) ps1 ps2
          h c env
          (aec_substs (lift_nra_context e) ps1)
          (aec_substs (lift_nra_context e) ps2).

   Lemma f2_roundtrip h c env ps
     (dn_c:Forall (fun xdata_normalized h (snd x)) c)
       (dn_env:data_normalized h env) :
           (fun xy1 xy2 : nat × cnraenv
            fst xy1 = fst xy2 cnraenv_eq_under h c env (snd xy1) (snd xy2))
              (fun x : nat × cnraenv
               (fst x,
               (cnraenv_of_nra (nra_of_cnraenv (snd x))
                 (‵[| ("PBIND", ‵(env))|] (‵[| ("PCONST", ‵(drec (rec_sort c)))|] ‵[| ("PDATA", ID)|])))%cnraenv))
              ps) ps.

   Global Instance lift_nra_context_proper : Proper (nra_ctxt_equiv nra_eq ==> cnraenv_ctxt_equiv cnraenv_eq) lift_nra_context.

  Global Instance lift_nra_context_strict_proper : Proper (nra_ctxt_equiv_strict nra_eq ==> cnraenv_ctxt_equiv_strict cnraenv_eq) lift_nra_context.

This is just a restatement of lift_nra_context_proper which visually looks more like the paper version. For the mechanization, lift_nra_context_proper is nicer, since it explicitly states that lift_nra_context is a morphism between the two equivalences and registers that relationship with the rewriting infrastructure of Coq.