Require Import String.
  Require Import List.
  Require Import Sorting.Mergesort.
  Require Import EquivDec.
  Require Import Utils.
  Require Import BasicRuntime.
  Require Import ForeignReduceOps.
  Require Import ForeignToReduceOps.
  Require Import NNRCSystem.
  Require Import NNRCMRSystem.
  Require Import DNNRCSystem.
  Require Import NNRCtoDNNRC.

  Local Open Scope string_scope.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.
  Context {fredop:foreign_reduce_op}.
  Context {ftoredop:foreign_to_reduce_op}.

  Context (h:list(string*string)).

  Context {A plug_type:Set}.

  Definition map_res_id (mr_id: string) :=

  Definition gen_apply_fun (annot:A) (f: var * nnrc) (e2: @dnnrc _ A plug_type) : (@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :=
    let (x, e1) := f in
    DNNRCLet annot
            x e2
            (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot ((x, Vlocal)::nil) e1).

  Fixpoint gen_apply_fun_n (annot:A) (f: list var * nnrc) (eff: list (var * dlocalization)) : option (@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :=
    let (form, e) := f in
    match zip form eff with
    | Some l =>
      let form_loc :=

            (fun t =>
               let '(x, (y, loc)) := t in
               (x, loc))
           (fun t k =>
              let '(x, (y, loc)) := t in
              DNNRCLet annot
                      x (DNNRCVar annot y)
           (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot form_loc e)
    | None => None

  Definition dnnrc_distr_of_mr_map (annot:A) (input: var) (mr_map: map_fun) : (@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :=
    match mr_map with
    | MapDist (x, n) =>
      DNNRCFor annot x (DNNRCVar annot input) (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot ((x, Vlocal)::nil) n)
    | MapDistFlatten (x, n) =>
      let res_map :=
          DNNRCFor annot x (DNNRCVar annot input) (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot ((x, Vlocal)::nil) n)
      DNNRCUnop annot AFlatten res_map
    | MapScalar (x, n) =>
      let distr_input := DNNRCDispatch annot (DNNRCVar annot input) in
      DNNRCFor annot x distr_input (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot ((x, Vlocal)::nil) n)

  Definition dnnrc_local_of_mr_map (annot:A) (input: var) (mr_map: map_fun) : (@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :=
    match mr_map with
    | MapDist (x, n) =>
      let res_map := DNNRCFor annot x (DNNRCVar annot input) (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot ((x, Vlocal)::nil) n) in
      DNNRCCollect annot res_map
    | MapDistFlatten (x, n) =>
      let res_map := DNNRCFor annot x (DNNRCVar annot input) (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot ((x, Vlocal)::nil) n) in
      DNNRCCollect annot (DNNRCUnop annot AFlatten res_map)
    | MapScalar (x, n) =>
      DNNRCFor annot x (DNNRCVar annot input) (nnrc_to_dnnrc annot ((x, Vlocal)::nil) n)

  Definition dnnrc_of_mr (annot:A) (m:mr) : option (@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :=
    match (m.(mr_map), m.(mr_reduce)) with
    | (MapScalar (x, NNRCUnop AColl n), RedSingleton) =>
      Some (gen_apply_fun annot (x, n) (DNNRCVar annot m.(mr_input)))
    | (_, RedSingleton) =>
    | (map, RedId) =>
      Some (dnnrc_distr_of_mr_map annot (mr_input m) map)
    | (map, RedCollect red_fun) =>
      let map_expr := dnnrc_local_of_mr_map annot (mr_input m) map in
      Some (gen_apply_fun annot red_fun map_expr)
    | (map, RedOp op) =>
      match op with
      | RedOpForeign frop =>
        let map_expr := dnnrc_distr_of_mr_map annot (mr_input m) map in
        lift (fun op => DNNRCUnop annot op map_expr) (foreign_to_reduce_op_to_unary_op op)

  Fixpoint dnnrc_of_mr_chain (annot: A) (outputs: list var) (l: list mr) (k: @dnnrc _ A plug_type) : option (@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :=
    match l with
    | nil => Some k
    | mr :: l =>
      match (dnnrc_of_mr annot mr, dnnrc_of_mr_chain annot (mr_output mr :: outputs) l k) with
      | (Some n, Some k) =>
        Some (DNNRCLet annot
                      (mr_output mr)
                      (if in_dec equiv_dec (mr_output mr) outputs then
                         DNNRCBinop annot AUnion (DNNRCVar annot (mr_output mr)) n
                       else n)
      | _ => None

  Definition dnnrc_of_nnrcmr (annot: A) (l: nnrcmr) : option (@dnnrc _ A plug_type) :=
    let (last_fun, last_args) := mr_last l in
    let k := gen_apply_fun_n annot last_fun last_args in
    olift (dnnrc_of_mr_chain annot nil (mr_chain l)) k.