Module Qcert.SQLPP.Lang.SQLPPSize

Require Import String.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataRuntime.
Require Import SQLPP.
Section SQLPPSize.
  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

  Section size.
   Definition sqlpp_string_option_size (name : option string) :=
 match name with
  | None => 0
  | Some _ => 1
    Fixpoint sqlpp_expr_size (q:sqlpp_expr) :=
      match q with
 | SPPositive expr
 | SPNegative expr
   | SPExists expr
   | SPNot expr
   | SPIsNull expr
   | SPIsMissing expr
   | SPIsUnknown expr
    => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size expr)
 | SPPlus e1 e2
   | SPMinus e1 e2
   | SPMult e1 e2
   | SPDiv e1 e2
   | SPMod e1 e2
   | SPExp e1 e2
   | SPConcat e1 e2
   | SPIn e1 e2
   | SPEq e1 e2
   | SPFuzzyEq e1 e2
   | SPNeq e1 e2
   | SPLt e1 e2
   | SPGt e1 e2
   | SPLe e1 e2
   | SPGe e1 e2
   | SPAnd e1 e2
   | SPOr e1 e2
    => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e1) + (sqlpp_expr_size e2)
   | SPLike e1 e2
    => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e1)
 | SPBetween e1 e2 e3
  => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e1) + (sqlpp_expr_size e2) + (sqlpp_expr_size e3)
 | SPSimpleCase e l o
  => match o with
  | None => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e) + (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => acc + (whenthen_size whenthen)) l 0)
  | Some oe => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e) + (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => acc + (whenthen_size whenthen)) l 0) + (sqlpp_expr_size oe)
 | SPSearchedCase l o
  => match o with
  | None => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => acc + (whenthen_size whenthen)) l 0)
  | Some oe => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => acc + (whenthen_size whenthen)) l 0) + (sqlpp_expr_size oe)
 | SPSome l e
    | SPEvery l e
  => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc p => acc + (1 + (sqlpp_expr_size (snd p)))) l 0) + (sqlpp_expr_size e)
 | SPDot expr _
  => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size expr)
 | SPIndex e i
  => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e) + (sqlpp_expr_size i)
 | SPIndexAny e
  => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e)
 | SPLiteral _ => 1
   | SPNull
   | SPMissing
    => 1
 | SPVarRef _
  => 1
 | SPFunctionCall _ l
  => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc expr => acc + 1 + sqlpp_expr_size expr) l 0)
 | SPArray l
 | SPBag l
  => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc expr => acc + 1 + sqlpp_expr_size expr) l 0)
 | SPObject l
  => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc pair => acc + (1 + (sqlpp_expr_size (snd pair)))) l 0)
 | SPQuery stmt
  => 1 + (sqlpp_statement_size stmt)
  with sqlpp_statement_size (stmt: sqlpp_select_statement) :=
   match stmt with
   | SPSelectStmt lets block unions (SPOrderBy orders)
    => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc p => acc + (1 + (sqlpp_expr_size (snd p)))) lets 0) + (sqlpp_select_block_size block) +
     (List.fold_left (fun acc u => acc + sqlpp_union_size u) unions 0) +
     (List.fold_left (fun acc o => acc + (let '(oo,_) := o in 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size oo))) orders 0)
   | SPSelectStmt lets block unions SPNoOrderBy
    => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc p => acc + (1 + (sqlpp_expr_size (snd p)))) lets 0) + (sqlpp_select_block_size block) +
     (List.fold_left (fun acc u => acc + sqlpp_union_size u) unions 0)
  with sqlpp_select_block_size (block : sqlpp_select_block) :=
   match block with
 | SPSelectBlock select froms lets1 whr groupby lets2 having
  => 1 + (sqlpp_select_clause_size select) + (List.fold_left (fun acc fr => acc + (sqlpp_from_size fr)) froms 0) +
   (List.fold_left (fun acc p => acc + (1 + (sqlpp_expr_size (snd p)))) lets1 0) +
     match whr with
     | SPNoWhere => 0
     | SPWhere e => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size e)
     end +
    (sqlpp_group_by_size groupby) + (List.fold_left (fun acc p => acc + (1 + (sqlpp_expr_size (snd p)))) lets1 0) +
  match having with
  | None => 0
  | Some expr => sqlpp_expr_size expr
  with sqlpp_union_size (union : sqlpp_union_element) :=
   match union with
   | SPBlock block => 1 + (sqlpp_select_block_size block)
   | SPSubquery q => 1 + (sqlpp_statement_size q)

  with sqlpp_select_clause_size (select : sqlpp_select) :=
   match select with
   | SPSelectSQL _ prs => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc pr => acc + (sqlpp_project_size pr)) prs 0)
   | SPSelectValue _ val => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size val)
  with sqlpp_project_size (proj : sqlpp_project) :=
   match proj with
   | SPProject p => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size (fst p))
   | SPProjecStar => 1

  with sqlpp_group_by_size (groupby : sqlpp_group_by) :=
   match groupby with
   | SPNoGroupBy => 0
   | SPGroupBy groups aspart => 1 + (List.fold_left (fun acc g => acc + (let '(gg,_) := g in 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size gg))) groups 0) +
    match aspart with
    | None => 0
    | Some (_ , pairs) => 1 + 2 * (List.length pairs)

  with sqlpp_from_size (from : sqlpp_from) :=
   match from with
   | SPFrom expr name joins => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size expr) + (sqlpp_string_option_size name) +
    (List.fold_left (fun acc join => acc + (sqlpp_join_size join)) joins 0)
  with sqlpp_join_size (join : sqlpp_join_clause) :=
   match join with
   | SPJoin _ expr name onexpr => 2 + (sqlpp_expr_size expr) + (sqlpp_string_option_size name) + (sqlpp_expr_size onexpr)
   | SPUnnest _ expr asname atname => 2 + (sqlpp_expr_size expr) + (sqlpp_string_option_size asname) + (sqlpp_string_option_size atname)

  with whenthen_size (wt : sqlpp_when_then) :=
   match wt with
   | SPWhenThen w t
  => 1 + (sqlpp_expr_size w) + (sqlpp_expr_size t)
  Definition sqlpp_size (e : sqlpp_expr) := sqlpp_expr_size e.

  End size.

  Section depth.
 Fixpoint sqlpp_expr_depth (e : sqlpp_expr) :=
 match e with
 | SPPositive expr
 | SPNegative expr
   | SPExists expr
   | SPNot expr
   | SPIsNull expr
   | SPIsMissing expr
   | SPIsUnknown expr
    => sqlpp_expr_depth expr
 | SPPlus e1 e2
   | SPMinus e1 e2
   | SPMult e1 e2
   | SPDiv e1 e2
   | SPMod e1 e2
   | SPExp e1 e2
   | SPConcat e1 e2
   | SPIn e1 e2
   | SPEq e1 e2
   | SPFuzzyEq e1 e2
   | SPNeq e1 e2
   | SPLt e1 e2
   | SPGt e1 e2
   | SPLe e1 e2
   | SPGe e1 e2
   | SPAnd e1 e2
   | SPOr e1 e2
    => max (sqlpp_expr_depth e1) (sqlpp_expr_depth e2)
   | SPLike e1 e2
    => sqlpp_expr_depth e1
 | SPBetween e1 e2 e3
  => max (sqlpp_expr_depth e1) (max (sqlpp_expr_depth e2) (sqlpp_expr_depth e3))
 | SPSimpleCase e l o
  => match o with
  | None => max (sqlpp_expr_depth e) (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => max acc (whenthen_depth whenthen)) l 0)
  | Some oe => max (sqlpp_expr_depth e)
   (max (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => max acc (whenthen_depth whenthen)) l 0) (sqlpp_expr_depth oe))
 | SPSearchedCase l o
  => match o with
  | None => (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => max acc (whenthen_depth whenthen)) l 0)
  | Some oe => max (List.fold_left (fun acc whenthen => max acc (whenthen_depth whenthen)) l 0) (sqlpp_expr_depth oe)
 | SPSome l e
    | SPEvery l e
  => max (List.fold_left (fun acc p => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth (snd p))) l 0) (sqlpp_expr_depth e)
 | SPDot expr _
  => sqlpp_expr_depth expr
 | SPIndex e i
  => max (sqlpp_expr_depth e) (sqlpp_expr_depth i)
 | SPIndexAny e
  => sqlpp_expr_depth e
 | SPLiteral _ => 0
   | SPNull
   | SPMissing
    => 0
 | SPVarRef _
  => 0
 | SPFunctionCall _ l
  => (List.fold_left (fun acc expr => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth expr)) l 0)
 | SPArray l
 | SPBag l
  => (List.fold_left (fun acc expr => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth expr)) l 0)
 | SPObject l
  => List.fold_left (fun acc pair => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth (snd pair))) l 0
 | SPQuery stmt
  => sqlpp_statement_depth stmt
  with sqlpp_statement_depth (stmt: sqlpp_select_statement) :=
   match stmt with
   | SPSelectStmt lets block unions (SPOrderBy orders)
    => max (max (max (List.fold_left (fun acc p => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth (snd p))) lets 0) (sqlpp_select_block_depth block))
     (List.fold_left (fun acc u => max acc (sqlpp_union_depth u)) unions 0))
     (List.fold_left (fun acc o => max acc (let '(oo,_) := o in (sqlpp_expr_depth oo))) orders 0)
   | SPSelectStmt lets block unions SPNoOrderBy
    => max (max (List.fold_left (fun acc p => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth (snd p))) lets 0) (sqlpp_select_block_depth block))
     (List.fold_left (fun acc u => max acc (sqlpp_union_depth u)) unions 0)
  with sqlpp_select_block_depth (block : sqlpp_select_block) :=
   match block with
 | SPSelectBlock select froms lets1 whr groupby lets2 having
  => max (sqlpp_select_clause_depth select)
     (max (List.fold_left (fun acc fr => max acc (sqlpp_from_depth fr)) froms 0)
     (max (List.fold_left (fun acc p => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth (snd p))) lets1 0)
        (max (match whr with
        | SPNoWhere => 0
        | SPWhere e => sqlpp_expr_depth e
     (max (sqlpp_group_by_depth groupby)
     (max (List.fold_left (fun acc p => max acc (sqlpp_expr_depth (snd p))) lets1 0)
     (match having with
     | None => 0
     | Some expr => sqlpp_expr_depth expr
  with sqlpp_union_depth (union : sqlpp_union_element) :=
   match union with
   | SPBlock block => sqlpp_select_block_depth block
   | SPSubquery q => sqlpp_statement_depth q

  with sqlpp_select_clause_depth (select : sqlpp_select) :=
   match select with
   | SPSelectSQL _ prs => List.fold_left (fun acc pr => max acc (sqlpp_project_depth pr)) prs 0
   | SPSelectValue _ val => sqlpp_expr_depth val
  with sqlpp_project_depth (proj : sqlpp_project) :=
   match proj with
   | SPProject p => sqlpp_expr_depth (fst p)
   | SPProjectStar => 1

  with sqlpp_group_by_depth (groupby : sqlpp_group_by) :=
   match groupby with
   | SPNoGroupBy => 0
   | SPGroupBy groups aspart => max (List.fold_left (fun acc g => acc + (let '(gg,_) := g in 1 + (sqlpp_expr_depth gg))) groups 0)
    match aspart with
    | None => 0
    | Some (_ , pairs) => 1 + 2 * (List.length pairs)

  with sqlpp_from_depth (from : sqlpp_from) :=
   match from with
   | SPFrom expr _ joins => max (sqlpp_expr_depth expr)
    (List.fold_left (fun acc join => max acc (sqlpp_join_depth join)) joins 0)
  with sqlpp_join_depth (join : sqlpp_join_clause) :=
   match join with
   | SPJoin _ expr _ onexpr => max (sqlpp_expr_depth expr) (sqlpp_expr_depth onexpr)
   | SPUnnest _ expr _ _ => sqlpp_expr_depth expr

  with whenthen_depth (wt : sqlpp_when_then) :=
   match wt with
   | SPWhenThen w t
  => max (sqlpp_expr_depth w) (sqlpp_expr_depth t)
   Definition sqlpp_depth (e : sqlpp_expr) := sqlpp_expr_depth e.

  End depth.

End SQLPPSize.