Module Qcert.NNRSimp.Lang.NNRSimpUsage

Require Import String.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Program.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataRuntime.
Require Import NNRSimp.
Require Import NNRSimpVars.
Require Import NNRSimpEval.
Require Import NNRSimpSem.
Require Import NNRSimpSemEval.

Section NNRSimpUsage.

  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.

  Fixpoint nnrs_imp_expr_may_use (e:nnrs_imp_expr) (x:var) : bool
    := match e with
       | NNRSimpGetConstant v => false
       | NNRSimpVar v => x ==b v
       | NNRSimpConst d => false
       | NNRSimpBinop bop ee₂ =>
         nnrs_imp_expr_may_use ex || nnrs_imp_expr_may_use ex
       | NNRSimpUnop uop e => nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x
       | NNRSimpGroupBy g sl e => nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x

  Inductive VarUsage :=
  | VarMustBeAssigned
  | VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
  | VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned.

  Global Instance VarUsage_dec : EqDec VarUsage eq.
    change (forall x y:VarUsage, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
    decide equality.

  Fixpoint nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage (s:nnrs_imp_stmt) (x:var) : VarUsage
    := match s with
       | NNRSimpSkip => VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned
       | NNRSimpSeq ss₂ =>
         match nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx with
         | VarMustBeAssigned => VarMustBeAssigned
         | VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment => VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
         | VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned => nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx
       | NNRSimpLet v oes₂ =>
         if match oewith
            | Some e₁ => nnrs_imp_expr_may_use ex
            | None => false
         then VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
         else if v ==b x
              then VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned
              else nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx
       | NNRSimpAssign v e =>
         if nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x
         then VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
         else if v ==b x
              then VarMustBeAssigned
              else VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned
       | NNRSimpFor v e s₀ =>
         if nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x
         then VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
         else if v ==b x
              then VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned
              else match nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx with
                   | VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment => VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
                   | VarMustBeAssigned => VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned
                   | VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned => VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned
       | NNRSimpIf e ss₂ =>
         if nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x
         then VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
         else match nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx, nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx with
              | VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment, _ => VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
              | _, VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment => VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
              | VarMustBeAssigned, VarMustBeAssigned => VarMustBeAssigned
              | _, _ => VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned

       | NNRSimpEither e xsxs₂ =>
         if nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x
         then VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
         else match x₁ == x, nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx, x₂ == x, nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage sx with
              | right _, VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment, _, _ => VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
              | _, _, right _, VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment => VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment
              | right _, VarMustBeAssigned, right _, VarMustBeAssigned => VarMustBeAssigned
              | _, _, _, _ => VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned

  Section vars.

    Lemma nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars e x :
      nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x = true <-> In x (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e).
      induction e; simpl; intuition; unfold equiv_decb in *.
      - match_destr_in H; rewrite e; tauto.
      - match_destr; congruence.
      - rewrite in_app_iff.
        apply orb_prop in H3.
      - rewrite in_app_iff in H3.

    Lemma nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg e x :
      nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x = false <-> ~ In x (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e).
      split; intros HH.
      - intros H.
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in H.
      - case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e x); trivial.
        intros H.
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in H.

    Lemma nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_eq {ee₂} :
      nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e₁ = nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e₂ ->
      forall x, nnrs_imp_expr_may_use ex = nnrs_imp_expr_may_use ex.
      intros eqq x.
      case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use ex); intros eqq2.
      - apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq2.
        rewrite eqq in eqq2.
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq2; eauto.
      - apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg in eqq2.
        rewrite eqq in eqq2.
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg in eqq2; eauto.
    Lemma nnrs_imp_stmt_free_used s x :
      nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s x <> VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned ->
      In x (nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s).
      nnrs_imp_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars
      ; try rewrite IHs
      ; try rewrite IHs1
      ; try rewrite IHs2.
      - Case "NNRSimpSkip"%string.
      - Case "NNRSimpSeq"%string.
        match_case; intuition congruence.
      - Case "NNRSimpAssign"%string.
        match_case; try congruence
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg.
        + intuition congruence.
        + unfold equiv_decb; destruct (v == x); intuition congruence.
      - Case "NNRSimpLet"%string.
        destruct o.
        + (match_case; intros eqq)
          ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq
          ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg in eqq.
          * intuition congruence.
          * { unfold equiv_decb; destruct (v == x); unfold equiv, complement in *.
              - subst.
              - intuition.
                right; apply remove_in_neq; intuition.
        + simpl; intuition.
          unfold equiv_decb in *; destruct (v ==x); try intuition congruence.
          apply remove_in_neq; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSimpFor"%string.
        (match_case; intros eqq)
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg in eqq.
        + intuition congruence.
        + unfold equiv_decb; destruct (v == x); unfold equiv, complement in *.
           * subst.
           * { match_case; intros eqq2; try congruence.
               rewrite <- remove_in_neq by eauto.
               right; apply IHs.
               intuition; try congruence.
      - Case "NNRSimpIf"%string.
        (match_case; intros eqq)
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg in eqq.
        + intuition congruence.
        + match_case; intros eqq1
          ; try (match_case; intros eqq2)
          ; try intuition congruence.
      - Case "NNRSimpEither"%string.
        (match_case; intros eqq)
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq
        ; try rewrite nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars_neg in eqq.
        + intuition congruence.
        + destruct (v == x).
          * { destruct (v0 == x)
              ; try intuition congruence.
              match_case; intros eqq1
              ; try (match_case; intros eqq2)
              ; try intuition congruence.
              right; right.
              rewrite <- remove_in_neq by eauto.
              apply IHs2; congruence.
          * { match_case; intros eqq1.
              - destruct (v0 == x)
                 ; try intuition congruence.
                 match_case; intros eqq2
                 ; try intuition congruence.
                 + right; left.
                   rewrite <- remove_in_neq by eauto.
                   apply IHs1; congruence.
                 + right; left.
                   rewrite <- remove_in_neq by eauto.
                   apply IHs1; congruence.
              - right; left.
                 rewrite <- remove_in_neq by eauto.
                 apply IHs1; congruence.
              - destruct (v0 == x)
                ; try intuition congruence.
                match_case; intros eqq2
                ; try intuition congruence.
                + right; right.
                  rewrite <- remove_in_neq by eauto.
                  apply IHs2; congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_imp_stmt_free_unassigned s x :
      ~ In x (nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s) ->
      nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s x = VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned.
      generalize (nnrs_imp_stmt_free_used s x); intros.
      destruct (nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s x)
      ; intuition congruence.
  End vars.

  Section sub.

    Definition var_usage_sub (vu1 vu2:VarUsage)
      := match vu1, vu2 with
         | VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment, _ => True
         | VarMustBeAssigned, VarMustBeAssigned => True
         | VarMustBeAssigned, _ => False
         | _, VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned => True
         | _, _ => False

    Definition var_usage_sub_dec (vu1 vu2:VarUsage) :
      {var_usage_sub vu1 vu2} + {~var_usage_sub vu1 vu2}.
      destruct vu1; destruct vu2; simpl; eauto.

    Global Instance var_usage_sub_pre : PreOrder var_usage_sub.
      constructor; red.
      - destruct x; simpl; trivial.
      - destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; trivial.

    Definition stmt_var_usage_sub (s1 s2:nnrs_imp_stmt) : Prop
      := forall x, var_usage_sub
                     (nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s1 x)
                     (nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s2 x).

    Definition stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted (s1 s2:nnrs_imp_stmt) : Prop
      := forall x, In x (nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s1 ++ nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s2) ->
                     (nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s1 x)
                     (nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s2 x).

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_is_restricted (s1 s2:nnrs_imp_stmt) :
      stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted s1 s2 <-> stmt_var_usage_sub s1 s2.
      unfold stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted, stmt_var_usage_sub.
      split; intros H; [ | eauto].
      intros x.
      specialize (H x).
      destruct (in_dec string_dec x (nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s1 ++ nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s2)); [ tauto | ].
      rewrite in_app_iff in n.
      apply Decidable.not_or in n.
      destruct n as [nin1 nin2].
      apply nnrs_imp_stmt_free_unassigned in nin1.
      apply nnrs_imp_stmt_free_unassigned in nin2.
      rewrite nin1, nin2.
      simpl; trivial.

    Definition stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted_Forall (s1 s2:nnrs_imp_stmt) : Prop
      := Forall (fun x =>
                     (nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s1 x)
                     (nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s2 x))
                (nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s1 ++ nnrs_imp_stmt_free_vars s2).

    Definition stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted_Forall_dec (s1 s2:nnrs_imp_stmt)
      : {stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted_Forall s1 s2} + {~ stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted_Forall s1 s2}.
      apply Forall_dec_defined.
      apply var_usage_sub_dec.
    Definition stmt_var_usage_sub_dec (s1 s2:nnrs_imp_stmt)
      : {stmt_var_usage_sub s1 s2} + {~ stmt_var_usage_sub s1 s2}.
      destruct (stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted_Forall_dec s1 s2)
      ; [left|right]
      ; unfold stmt_var_usage_sub_restricted_Forall in *
      ; rewrite Forall_forall in *
      ; rewrite <- stmt_var_usage_sub_is_restricted
      ; trivial.

    Global Instance stmt_var_usage_sub_pre : PreOrder stmt_var_usage_sub.
      constructor; red.
      - red; intros.
      - red; intros.
        etransitivity; eauto.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_to_maybe_used {x y} :
      stmt_var_usage_sub x y ->
      forall v,
        nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage y v = VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment ->
        nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage x v = VarMayBeUsedWithoutAssignment.
      unfold stmt_var_usage_sub, var_usage_sub; intros sub v.
      specialize (sub v).
      repeat match_destr_in sub; try contradiction.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_to_not_used {x y} :
      stmt_var_usage_sub x y ->
      forall v,
        nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage x v = VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned ->
        nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage y v = VarNotUsedAndNotAssigned.
      unfold stmt_var_usage_sub, var_usage_sub; intros sub v.
      specialize (sub v).
      repeat match_destr_in sub; try contradiction.

    Global Instance stmt_var_usage_sub_seq_proper :
      Proper (stmt_var_usage_sub ==> stmt_var_usage_sub ==> stmt_var_usage_sub) NNRSimpSeq.
      unfold Proper, respectful, stmt_var_usage_sub, var_usage_sub; intros s1 s1' s1eq s2 s2' s2eq x
      ; simpl.
      specialize (s1eq x).
      specialize (s2eq x).
      repeat match_destr_in s1eq; try contradiction.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_assign_proper {e e'}:
      incl (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e') (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e) ->
      forall x,
        stmt_var_usage_sub (NNRSimpAssign x e) (NNRSimpAssign x e').
      intros inclfv x v.
      specialize (inclfv v).
      case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e v)
      ; case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e' v)
      ; simpl; trivial
      ; try reflexivity
      ; intros eqq1 eqq2.
      - apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq1.
        specialize (inclfv eqq1).
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in inclfv.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_let_proper {s s'}:
      stmt_var_usage_sub s s' ->
      forall x e,
        stmt_var_usage_sub (NNRSimpLet x e s) (NNRSimpLet x e s').
      intros sub x e v.
      specialize (sub v).
      repeat (match_destr; simpl; trivial).

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_let_none_proper {s s'}:
      stmt_var_usage_sub s s' ->
      forall x,
        stmt_var_usage_sub (NNRSimpLet x None s) (NNRSimpLet x None s').
      intros sub x v.
      specialize (sub v).
      match_destr; simpl; trivial.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_let_some_proper {e e' s s'}:
      incl (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e') (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e) ->
      stmt_var_usage_sub s s' ->
      forall x,
        stmt_var_usage_sub (NNRSimpLet x (Some e) s) (NNRSimpLet x (Some e') s').
      intros inclfv sub x v.
      specialize (inclfv v).
      specialize (sub v).
      case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e v)
      ; case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e' v)
      ; simpl; trivial
      ; try reflexivity
      ; intros eqq1 eqq2.
      - apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq1.
        specialize (inclfv eqq1).
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in inclfv.
      - repeat match_destr; try reflexivity.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_for_proper {e e' s s'}:
      incl (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e') (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e) ->
      stmt_var_usage_sub s s' ->
      forall x,
        stmt_var_usage_sub (NNRSimpFor x e s) (NNRSimpFor x e' s').
      intros inclfv sub x v.
      specialize (inclfv v).
      specialize (sub v).
      case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e v)
      ; case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e' v)
      ; simpl; trivial
      ; try reflexivity
      ; intros eqq1 eqq2.
      - apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq1.
        specialize (inclfv eqq1).
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in inclfv.
      - repeat match_destr; try reflexivity.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_if_proper {e e' s1 s1' s2 s2'}:
      incl (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e') (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e) ->
      stmt_var_usage_sub s1 s1' ->
      stmt_var_usage_sub s2 s2' ->
      stmt_var_usage_sub (NNRSimpIf e s1 s2) (NNRSimpIf e' s1' s2').
      intros inclfv sub1 sub2 v.
      specialize (inclfv v).
      specialize (sub1 v).
      specialize (sub2 v).
      case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e v)
      ; case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e' v)
      ; simpl; trivial
      ; try reflexivity
      ; intros eqq1 eqq2.
      - apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq1.
        specialize (inclfv eqq1).
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in inclfv.
      - repeat match_destr; try reflexivity.

    Lemma stmt_var_usage_sub_either_proper {e e' s1 s1' s2 s2'}:
      incl (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e') (nnrs_imp_expr_free_vars e) ->
      stmt_var_usage_sub s1 s1' ->
      stmt_var_usage_sub s2 s2' ->
      forall x1 x2,
        stmt_var_usage_sub (NNRSimpEither e x1 s1 x2 s2) (NNRSimpEither e' x1 s1' x2 s2').
      intros inclfv sub1 sub2 x1 x2 v.
      specialize (inclfv v).
      specialize (sub1 v).
      specialize (sub2 v).
      case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e v)
      ; case_eq (nnrs_imp_expr_may_use e' v)
      ; simpl; trivial
      ; try reflexivity
      ; intros eqq1 eqq2.
      - apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in eqq1.
        specialize (inclfv eqq1).
        apply nnrs_imp_expr_may_use_free_vars in inclfv.
      - repeat match_destr; try reflexivity.

  End sub.

  Section eval.
    Lemma nnrs_imp_stmt_eval_must_assign_assigns {h σc s σ σ'}:
      nnrs_imp_stmt_eval h σc s σ = Some σ' ->
      forall x,
        nnrs_imp_stmt_var_usage s x = VarMustBeAssigned ->
        exists o, lookup equiv_dec σ' x = Some (Some o).
      intros eqq1 x; revert eqq1.
      revert σ σ'.
      nnrs_imp_stmt_cases (induction s) Case; simpl; intros σ σ' eq1 eq2.
      - Case "NNRSimpSkip"%string.
      - Case "NNRSimpSeq"%string.
        apply some_olift in eq1.
        destruct eq1 as [? eqq1 eqq2].
        symmetry in eqq2.
        specialize (IHs1 _ _ eqq1).
        specialize (IHs2 _ _ eqq2).
        match_destr_in eq2; eauto.
        destruct IHs1 as [o inn]; trivial.
        generalize (nnrs_imp_stmt_eval_lookup_some_some eqq2 _ _ inn); trivial.
      - match_destr_in eq2.
        unfold equiv_decb in *.
        destruct (v == x); try congruence.
        match_destr_in eq1.
        unfold equiv in *; subst.
        match_option_in eq1.
        invcs eq1.
        apply lookup_in_domain in eqq.
        rewrite lookup_update_eq_in; eauto.
      - Case "NNRSimpLet"%string.
        destruct o.
        + match_destr_in eq2.
          unfold equiv_decb in *.
          destruct (v == x); try congruence.
          unfold olift in eq1.
          match_destr_in eq1.
          match_option_in eq1.
          destruct p; try discriminate.
          invcs eq1.
          specialize (IHs _ _ eqq eq2).
          simpl in IHs.
          destruct p.
          apply nnrs_imp_stmt_eval_domain_stack in eqq.
          simpl in eqq; invcs eqq.
          match_destr_in IHs; try congruence.
        + match_option_in eq1.
          unfold equiv_decb in *.
          destruct (v == x); try congruence.
          destruct p; try discriminate.
          invcs eq1.
          specialize (IHs _ _ eqq eq2).
          simpl in IHs.
          destruct p.
          apply nnrs_imp_stmt_eval_domain_stack in eqq.
          simpl in eqq; invcs eqq.
          match_destr_in IHs; try congruence.
      - Case "NNRSimpFor"%string.
        match_destr_in eq2.
        unfold equiv_decb in *.
        destruct (v == x); try congruence.
        match_case_in eq2; intros eqq; rewrite eqq in *; try discriminate.
      - Case "NNRSimpIf"%string.
        match_destr_in eq1.
        match_destr_in eq2.
        match_case_in eq2; intros eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in *
        ; try discriminate
        ; match_case_in eq2; intros eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in *
        ; try discriminate.

        destruct d; try discriminate.
        destruct b; eauto.
      - Case "NNRSimpEither"%string.
        match_destr_in eq1.
        match_destr_in eq2.
        destruct (v == x)
        ; destruct (v0 == x)
        ; try discriminate
        ; try solve [repeat match_destr_in eq2; try congruence].
        match_case_in eq2; intros eqq1; rewrite eqq1 in *
        ; try discriminate
        ; match_case_in eq2; intros eqq2; rewrite eqq2 in *
        ; try discriminate.

        unfold var in *.
        destruct d; try discriminate.
        + match_option_in eq1.
          destruct p; try discriminate.
          specialize (IHs1 _ _ eqq eq2).
          simpl in IHs1.
          destruct p.
          apply nnrs_imp_stmt_eval_domain_stack in eqq.
          simpl in eqq; invcs eqq.
          invcs eq1.
          destruct (equiv_dec x s); try congruence.
        + match_option_in eq1.
          destruct p; try discriminate.
          specialize (IHs2 _ _ eqq eq2).
          simpl in IHs2.
          destruct p.
          apply nnrs_imp_stmt_eval_domain_stack in eqq.
          simpl in eqq; invcs eqq.
          invcs eq1.
          destruct (equiv_dec x s); try congruence.

  End eval.

End NNRSimpUsage.