Module Qcert.NNRS.Lang.NNRSRename

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Max.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Peano_dec.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Decidable.
Require Import Utils.
Require Import DataRuntime.
Require Import NNRS.
Require Import NNRSVars.
Require Import NNRSEval.

Section NNRSRename.
  Context {fruntime:foreign_runtime}.
  Context (h:brand_relation_t).

  Section renames.
    Fixpoint nnrs_stmt_rename_mc
             (s:nnrs_stmt) (oldvar newvar:var) : nnrs_stmt
      := match s with
         | NNRSSeq ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLet v e s₀ =>
             v e
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLetMut v ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLetMutColl v ss₂ =>
             (if v == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSAssign v e =>
           NNRSAssign v e
         | NNRSPush v e =>
             (if v == oldvar then newvar else v)
         | NNRSFor v e s₀ =>
             v e
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSIf e ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSEither e xsxs₂ =>
             x₁ (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)
             x₂ (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc soldvar newvar)

    Fixpoint nnrs_stmt_rename_md
             (s:nnrs_stmt) (oldvar newvar:var) : nnrs_stmt
      := match s with
         | NNRSSeq ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLet v e s₀ =>
             v e
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLetMut v ss₂ =>
             (if v == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLetMutColl v ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSAssign v e =>
             (if v == oldvar then newvar else v)
         | NNRSPush v e =>
           NNRSPush v e

         | NNRSFor v e s₀ =>
             v e
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSIf e ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSEither e xsxs₂ =>
             x₁ (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)
             x₂ (nnrs_stmt_rename_md soldvar newvar)

    Fixpoint nnrs_expr_rename_env
             (e:nnrs_expr) (oldvar newvar:var) : nnrs_expr
      := match e with
         | NNRSGetConstant v =>
            NNRSGetConstant v
         | NNRSVar v =>
             (if v == oldvar then newvar else v)
         | NNRSConst d =>
           NNRSConst d
         | NNRSBinop b ee₂ =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env eoldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env eoldvar newvar)
         | NNRSUnop u e₀ =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env eoldvar newvar)
         | NNRSGroupBy g ls e₀ =>
             g ls
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env eoldvar newvar)

    Fixpoint nnrs_stmt_rename_env
             (s:nnrs_stmt) (oldvar newvar:var) : nnrs_stmt
      := match s with
         | NNRSSeq ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLet v e s₀ =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env e oldvar newvar)
             (if v == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLetMut v ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
             (if v == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSLetMutColl v ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
             (if v == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSAssign v e =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env e oldvar newvar)
         | NNRSPush v e =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env e oldvar newvar)
         | NNRSFor v e s₀ =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env e oldvar newvar)
             (if v == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSIf e ss₂ =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env e oldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
             (nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
         | NNRSEither e xsxs₂ =>
             (nnrs_expr_rename_env e oldvar newvar)
             (if x₁ == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)
             (if x₂ == oldvar
              then s
              else nnrs_stmt_rename_env soldvar newvar)

  End renames.

  Section rename_vars.
    Lemma nnrs_expr_free_vars_rename_env e v v' :
      nnrs_expr_free_vars (nnrs_expr_rename_env e v v')
      = replace_all (nnrs_expr_free_vars e) v v'.
      unfold replace_all.
      induction e; simpl; trivial.
      rewrite IHe1, IHe2, map_app; trivial.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars_rename_env s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v')
      = replace_all (nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s) v v'.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; intros
      ; repeat rewrite nnrs_expr_free_vars_rename_env
      ; repeat rewrite IHs
      ; repeat rewrite IHs1
      ; repeat rewrite IHs2
      ; repeat rewrite IHs3
      ; repeat rewrite replace_all_app
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *
      ; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLet"%string.
        + rewrite e in *; clear e v0.
          rewrite replace_all_remove_eq.
        + rewrite H.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        + rewrite e in *; clear e v0.
          rewrite replace_all_remove_eq.
        + rewrite H3.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        + rewrite e in *; clear e v0.
          rewrite replace_all_remove_eq.
        + rewrite H3.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        + rewrite e in *; clear e v0.
          rewrite replace_all_remove_eq.
        + rewrite H.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.
      - Case "NNRSEither"%string.
        repeat match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
        ; repeat rewrite replace_all_remove_eq; trivial.
        + rewrite H4.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.
        + rewrite H2.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.
        + rewrite H2, H4.
          repeat rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars_rename_md s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v')
      = replace_all (nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s) v v'.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; intros
      ; repeat rewrite IHs
      ; repeat rewrite IHs1
      ; repeat rewrite IHs2
      ; repeat rewrite IHs3
      ; repeat rewrite replace_all_app
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *
      ; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        + rewrite e in *; clear e v0.
          rewrite replace_all_remove_eq.
        + rewrite H1.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars_rename_mc s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v')
      = replace_all (nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s) v v'.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; intros
      ; repeat rewrite IHs
      ; repeat rewrite IHs1
      ; repeat rewrite IHs2
      ; repeat rewrite IHs3
      ; repeat rewrite replace_all_app
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *
      ; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        + rewrite e in *; clear e v0.
          rewrite replace_all_remove_eq.
        + rewrite H1.
          rewrite remove_replace_all_comm by congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars_rename_env_in s v0 v v' :
      In v0 (nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v')) ->
      v0 = v' \/ (v0 <> v /\ In v0 (nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s)).
      destruct (v0 == v')
      ; [left; trivial | ].
      intros inn; right.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl in *
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *
      ; repeat rewrite nnrs_expr_free_vars_rename_env in *.
      - intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLet"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|inn].
        + apply in_replace_all in inn.
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition
          ; right
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|inn].
        + intuition.
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition
          ; right
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|inn].
        + intuition.
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition
          ; right
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.
      - Case "NNRSAssign"%string.
        apply in_replace_all in inn.
      - Case "NNRSPush"%string.
        apply in_replace_all in inn.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|inn].
        + apply in_replace_all in inn.
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition
          ; right
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.
      - Case "NNRSIf"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|[inn|inn]].
        + apply in_replace_all in inn.
        + intuition.
        + intuition.
      - Case "NNRSEither"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|[inn|inn]].
        + apply in_replace_all in inn.
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition
          ; right; left
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition
          ; right; right
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars_rename_env s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars_rename_env s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars_rename_env s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars_rename_env s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars_rename_env s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars_rename_mcenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars_rename_mcenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars_rename_mcenv_in s v0 v v' :
      In v0 (nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v')) ->
      v0 = v' \/ (v0 <> v /\ In v0 (nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s)).
      destruct (v0 == v')
      ; [left; trivial | ].
      intros inn; right.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl in *
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *
      ; try solve [intuition].
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|inn].
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition; left
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.
        + intuition.
      - Case "NNRSPush"%string.
        match_destr_in inn; intuition; congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars_rename_mcenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars_rename_mcenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars_rename_mcenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars_rename_mdenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars_rename_mdenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars_rename_mdenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars_rename_mdenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars_rename_mdenv_in s v0 v v' :
      In v0 (nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v')) ->
      v0 = v' \/ (v0 <> v /\ In v0 (nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s)).
      destruct (v0 == v')
      ; [left; trivial | ].
      intros inn; right.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl in *
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *
      ; try solve [intuition].
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        destruct inn as [inn|inn].
        + apply remove_inv in inn.
          match_destr_in inn; unfold equiv, complement in *; subst
          ; intuition; left
          ; apply remove_in_neq; tauto.
        + intuition.
      - Case "NNRSAssign"%string.
        match_destr_in inn; intuition; congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars_rename_mdenv s v v' :
      nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v')
      = nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars s.
      induction s; simpl; intuition; try congruence
      ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

  End rename_vars.

  Section rename_id.

    Lemma nnrs_expr_rename_env_id e v :
      nnrs_expr_rename_env e v v = e.
      induction e
      ; simpl
      ; try rewrite IHe
      ; try rewrite IHe1
      ; try rewrite IHe2
      ; try rewrite IHe3; try tauto.
      - match_destr; congruence.
    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_env_id s v :
      nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; try rewrite nnrs_expr_rename_env_id
      ; repeat match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *
      ; try subst
      ; try rewrite IHs
      ; try rewrite IHs1
      ; try rewrite IHs2
      ; try rewrite IHs3
      ; trivial.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_md_id s v :
      nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *
      ; try subst
      ; try rewrite IHs
      ; try rewrite IHs1
      ; try rewrite IHs2
      ; try rewrite IHs3
      ; trivial.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_mc_id s v :
      nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *
      ; try subst
      ; try rewrite IHs
      ; try rewrite IHs1
      ; try rewrite IHs2
      ; try rewrite IHs3
      ; trivial.
  End rename_id.
  Section rename_nfree.

    Lemma nnrs_expr_rename_env_nin e v v' :
      ~ In v (nnrs_expr_free_vars e) ->
      nnrs_expr_rename_env e v v' = e.
      induction e
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros
      ; try rewrite IHe
      ; try rewrite IHe1
      ; try rewrite IHe2
      ; try rewrite IHe3; try tauto.
      - match_destr; tauto.
    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v' v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros inn
      ; try rewrite nnrs_expr_rename_env_nin by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs1 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs2 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs3 by tauto
      ; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSLet"%string.
        rewrite IHs; intuition.
        destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); congruence.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        rewrite IHs2; intuition.
        destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); congruence.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        rewrite IHs2; intuition.
        destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); congruence.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        rewrite IHs; intuition.
        destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); congruence.
      - Case "NNRSEither"%string.
        repeat match_destr.
        + rewrite IHs2; intuition.
          destruct (remove_nin_inv H3); congruence.
        + rewrite IHs1; intuition.
          destruct (remove_nin_inv H2); congruence.
        + rewrite IHs1, IHs2; intuition.
          * destruct (remove_nin_inv H3); congruence.
          * destruct (remove_nin_inv H2); congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_mc_nin s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v' v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros inn
      ; try rewrite IHs by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs1 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs2 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs3 by tauto
      ; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        rewrite IHs1; intuition.
        destruct (remove_nin_inv H0); congruence.
      - Case "NNRSPush"%string.
        match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
        subst; tauto.
    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_md_nin s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v' v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros inn
      ; try rewrite IHs by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs1 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs2 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs3 by tauto
      ; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        rewrite IHs1; intuition.
        destruct (remove_nin_inv H0); congruence.
      - Case "NNRSAssign"%string.
        match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
        subst; tauto.

  End rename_nfree.
  Section rename_involutive.

    Lemma nnrs_expr_rename_env_involutive e v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_expr_free_vars e) ->
      nnrs_expr_rename_env (nnrs_expr_rename_env e v v') v' v = e.
      induction e; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros inn
      ; try rewrite IHe by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHe1 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHe2 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHe3 by tauto
      ; trivial.
      - destruct (equiv_dec v0 v); match_destr; try congruence; tauto.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_env_involutive s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_rename_env (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v') v' v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros ninf ninb
      ; try rewrite nnrs_expr_rename_env_involutive by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs1 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs2 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs3 by tauto
      ; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSLet"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v'); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + subst.
          rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
        + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
          * subst.
            rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H3); eauto.
          * rewrite IHs; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); eauto.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v'); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + subst.
          rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
        + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
          * subst.
            rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H3); eauto.
          * rewrite IHs2; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); eauto.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v'); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + subst.
          rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
        + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
          * subst.
            rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H3); eauto.
          * rewrite IHs2; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); eauto.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v'); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + subst.
          rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
        + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
          * subst.
            rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H3); eauto.
          * rewrite IHs; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); eauto.
      - Case "NNRSEither"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v'); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + subst.
          ; rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
        + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
          * subst.
            { match_destr.
              - match_destr
                ; rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
              - rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; [| intuition].
                + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
                  * subst.
                    rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
                    destruct (remove_nin_inv H5); eauto.
                  * rewrite IHs2; intuition.
                    destruct (remove_nin_inv H6); eauto.
                + destruct (remove_nin_inv H1); eauto.
          * { rewrite IHs1; [| intuition..].
              - match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
                 + subst.
                   ; rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
                 + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
                   * rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_env_nin; intuition.
                     destruct (remove_nin_inv H5); eauto.
                   * rewrite IHs2; intuition.
                     destruct (remove_nin_inv H5); eauto.
              - destruct (remove_nin_inv H4); eauto.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_md_involutive s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_rename_md (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v') v' v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros ninf ninb
      ; try rewrite IHs by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs1 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs2 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs3 by tauto
      ; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v'); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + subst.
          rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_md_nin; intuition.
        + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
          * subst.
            rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_md_nin; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H2); eauto.
          * rewrite IHs1; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H0); eauto.
      - Case "NNRSAssign"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + match_destr; try congruence.
        + match_destr; try congruence.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_mc_involutive s v v' :
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_rename_mc (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v') v' v = s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff
      ; intros ninf ninb
      ; try rewrite IHs by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs1 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs2 by tauto
      ; try rewrite IHs3 by tauto
      ; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v'); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + subst.
          rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_mc_nin; intuition.
        + match_destr; unfold equiv, complement in *.
          * subst.
            rewrite nnrs_stmt_rename_mc_nin; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H2); eauto.
          * rewrite IHs1; intuition.
            destruct (remove_nin_inv H0); eauto.
      - Case "NNRSPush"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v); unfold equiv, complement in *.
        + match_destr; try congruence.
        + match_destr; try congruence.

  End rename_involutive.
  Section rename_eval.
    Lemma nnrs_expr_eval_rename_env c σ e v v' d:
      ~ In v' (nnrs_expr_free_vars e) ->
      nnrs_expr_eval h c ((v', d) :: σ) (nnrs_expr_rename_env e v v')
      = nnrs_expr_eval h c ((v, d) :: σ) e.
      nnrs_expr_cases (induction e) Case; simpl; trivial; intros nin
      ; try solve [ rewrite IHe by intuition; trivial
                  | rewrite IHe1, IHe2 by intuition; trivial
                  ] .
      - Case "NNRSVar"%string.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v)
        ; repeat (match_destr; try congruence).

    Lemma nnrs_expr_eval_rename_env_in c l σ e v v' d:
      ~ In v (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_expr_free_vars e) ->
      nnrs_expr_eval h c (l++(v', d) :: σ) (nnrs_expr_rename_env e v v')
      = nnrs_expr_eval h c (l++(v, d) :: σ) e.
      nnrs_expr_cases (induction e) Case; simpl; trivial
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff; intros
      ; try solve [ rewrite IHe by intuition; trivial
                  | rewrite IHe1, IHe2 by intuition; trivial
      - Case "NNRSVar"%string.
        repeat rewrite lookup_app.
        destruct (equiv_dec v0 v); unfold equiv, complement in *
        ; subst.
        + repeat match_option
          ; (try apply lookup_in_domain in eqq
             ; try apply lookup_in_domain in eqq0; try contradiction).
          repeat match_destr; congruence.
        + match_destr; simpl.
          repeat match_destr; congruence.

    Ltac disect_tac H stac
        unfold var in *
        ; cut_to H; unfold domain in *; [ | solve[stac]..]
        ; unfold lift2P in H
        ; (repeat match_option_in H; try contradiction).

    Ltac rename_inv_tac1 stac
      := unfold var in *
            ; repeat rewrite or_assoc
            ; try match goal with
                  | [ H: domain (_ ++ _) = domain _ |- _ ] =>
                    rewrite domain_app in H
                    ; unfold domain in H
                    ; symmetry in H; apply map_app_break in H
                    ; destruct H as [? [?[?[??]]]]; subst; simpl in *
                  | [ H: map (_ ++ _) = map _ |- _ ] =>
                    rewrite map_app in H
                    ; symmetry in H; apply map_app_break in H
                    ; destruct H as [? [?[?[??]]]]; subst; simpl in *
                  | [ H: _ :: _ = map _ ?x |- _ ] =>
                    destruct x; try discriminate; simpl in H; invcs H
                  | [ H: _ :: _ = domain ?x |- _ ] =>
                    destruct x; try discriminate; simpl in H; invcs H
                  | [H: _ * _ * _ |- _ ] => destruct H as [[??]?]; simpl in *
                  | [H: _ * _ |- _ ] => destruct H as [??]; simpl in *
                  | [H : nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?p1 _ _ _ = Some (?p2,_,_) |- _ ] =>
                    match p1 with
                    | p2 => fail 1
                    | _ => generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_domain_stack H)
                           ; intros [?[??]]
                  | [H: ~ (_ \/ _) |- _] => apply not_or in H
                  | [H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
                  | [H: ?x = ?x |- _] => clear H
                  | [ H: forall a b c, _ -> ?x :: ?x1 ++ ?dd :: ?x2 = _ ++ _ :: _ -> _ |- _] =>
                    specialize (H (x::x1) (snd dd) x2); simpl in H
                    ; match dd with
                      | (_,_) => idtac
                      | _ => destruct dd
                    ; simpl in *
                    ; cut_to H; [ | eauto 3 | reflexivity]
                  | [ H: forall a b c, _ -> ?x1 ++ ?dd :: ?x2 = _ ++ _ :: _ -> _ |- _] =>
                    specialize (H x1 (snd dd) x2)
                    ; match dd with
                      | (_,_) => idtac
                      | _ => destruct dd
                    ; simpl in *
                    ; cut_to H; [ | eauto 3 | reflexivity]
                  | [H : ?x ++ _ = ?y ++ _ |- _ ] =>
                    let HH := fresh in
                    assert (HH:domain y = domain x) by (unfold domain in *; intuition congruence)
                    ; apply app_inv_head_domain in H;[clear HH|apply HH]
                  | [H: _ :: _ = _ :: _ |- _] => invcs H
                  | [H: ?x = (_,_) |- _ ] =>
                    match x with
                    | (_,_) => idtac
                    | _ => destruct x; simpl in H
                    ; invcs H
                  | [H: (_,_) = ?x |- _ ] =>
                    match x with
                    | (_,_) => fail 1
                    | _ => destruct x; simpl in H
                    ; invcs H
                  | [|- _ /\ _ ] => try split; [| tauto]
                  | [ |- lift2P _ (match ?x with
                                     _ => _
                                (match ?x with
                                   _ => _
                                 end) ] => destruct x; try reflexivity
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?σ) ?ψcd ?s)
                                  _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                         ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?σ) ?ψcd ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ (?x :: ?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?σ) ?ψcd ?s with| Some _ => _
                                                                                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H (x::l) σ ψc ψd d); simpl in H
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ ?ψc (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψd) ?s)
                                  _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                         ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ ?ψc (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψd) ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ ?ψc (?x::?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψd)?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H (x::l) σ ψc ψd d); simpl in H
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s)
                                  _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                         ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ (?x::?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H (x::l) σ ψc ψd d); simpl in H
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac

                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?σ) ?ψcd ?s)
                                  _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                         ; disect_tac H stac

                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?σ) ?ψcd ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ (?x :: ?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?σ) ?ψcd ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H (x::l) σ ψc ψd d); simpl in H
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ ?ψc (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψd) ?s)
                                  _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                         ; disect_tac H stac

                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ ?ψc (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψd) ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ ?ψc (?x::?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψd) ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H (x::l) σ ψc ψd d); simpl in H
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s)
                                  _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                         ; disect_tac H stac

                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ (?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H l σ ψc ψd d)
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac
                  | [H:forall l es ec ed d,
                        _ -> lift2P _ (nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?s) _
                        |- lift2P _ (match nnrs_stmt_eval _ _ ?σ (?x::?l ++ (_, ?d) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s with
                                     | Some _ => _
                                     | None => _
                                     end) _ ] => specialize (H (x::l) σ ψc ψd d); simpl in H
                                                 ; disect_tac H stac

                  | [H : ~ In _ (remove equiv_dec _ _) |- _ ] =>
                    apply not_in_remove_impl_not_in in H; [| congruence]
                  | [H : In _ (remove equiv_dec _ _) -> False |- _ ] =>
                    apply not_in_remove_impl_not_in in H; [| congruence]
                  | [H1: ?x = Some ?y,
                         H2: ?x = Some ?z |- _ ] =>
                    rewrite H1 in H2; invcs H2
                  | [|- ?x = ?y \/ _ ] => destruct (x == y); unfold equiv, complement in *
                                          ; [left; trivial | right]
            ; try subst; simpl in *; intros
            ; try congruence
    Ltac unused_inv_tac := repeat progress (try rename_inv_tac1 ltac:( unused_inv_tac ; intuition unused_inv_tac); try rewrite nnrs_expr_eval_unused_env by tauto).

    Ltac rename_inv_extra_tac
      := match goal with
         | [|- context [nnrs_stmt_eval ?h ?c ((?v1, ?d1) :: ?l ++ (?v2, ?d2) :: ?σ) ?ψcd ?s ]] =>
           let HH := fresh in
           generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_unused_env h c ((v1,d1)::l) σ ψc ψd s v2 d2); simpl; intros HH; (cut_to HH; [|tauto])
           ; unfold lift2P in HH
           ; unfold var in *
           ; repeat match_option_in HH
         | [|- context [nnrs_stmt_eval ?h ?c ?σ ?ψc ((?v1, ?d1) :: ?l ++ (?v2, ?d2) :: ?ψd) ?s ]] =>
           let HH := fresh in
           generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_unused_mdenv h c ((v1,d1)::l) σ ψc ψd s v2 d2); simpl; intros HH; (cut_to HH; [|tauto])
           ; unfold lift2P in HH
           ; unfold var in *
           ; repeat match_option_in HH
         | [|- context [nnrs_stmt_eval ?h ?c ?σ ((?v1, ?d1) :: ?l ++ (?v2, ?d2) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s ]] =>
           let HH := fresh in
           generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_unused_mcenv h c ((v1,d1)::l) σ ψc ψd s v2 d2); simpl; intros HH; (cut_to HH; [|tauto])
           ; unfold lift2P in HH
           ; unfold var in *
           ; repeat match_option_in HH

    Ltac rename_inv_tac := repeat progress (
                                    try rename_inv_tac1 ltac:( intuition congruence ; intuition unused_inv_tac)
                                    ; try rename_inv_extra_tac
                                    ; repeat rewrite nnrs_expr_eval_rename_env_in by tauto).

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_env_in c l σ ψc ψd s (v v':var) d :
      ~ In v (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars s) ->
      lift2P (fun '(σ₁', ψc₁', ψd₁') '(σ₂', ψc₂', ψd₂') =>
                 (forall l' d σ'',
                     domain l' = domain l ->
                     σ₁' = l' ++ (v',d)::σ'' ->
                     σ₂' = l' ++ (v,d)::σ'')
                 /\ ψc₁' = ψc₂'
                 /\ ψd₁' = ψd₂'
              (nnrs_stmt_eval h c (l++(v',d)::σ) ψc ψd (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v'))
              (nnrs_stmt_eval h c (l++(v,d)::σ) ψc ψd s).
      revert l σ ψc ψd d
      ; nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl; intros l σ ψc ψd d ninl ninl' nine ninb
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in nine
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in ninb
      ; rename_inv_tac
      ; try solve [dest_eqdec; rename_inv_tac].
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        + revert σ ψc ψd d.
          { induction l0; intros σ ψc ψd d; simpl.
            - rename_inv_tac.
            - unfold lift2P.
              generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_unused_env h c ((v,Some a)::l) σ ψc ψd s v' d); simpl; intros eqs1.
              cut_to eqs1; [|tauto].
              generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_unused_env h c ((v,Some a)::l) σ ψc ψd s v d); simpl; intros eqs2.
              cut_to eqs2; [|tauto].
              unfold lift2P in *.
              unfold var in *.
              { repeat match_option_in eqs1
                ; try contradiction
                ; repeat match_option_in eqs2
                ; destruct p as [[??]?]
                ; try contradiction
                ; destruct p0 as [[??]?]
                ; try congruence.
                specialize (IHl0 σ m3 m4 d).
                repeat match_option_in IHl0
                ; try contradiction.
        + revert σ ψc ψd d.
          { induction l0; intros σ ψc ψd d; simpl.
            - rename_inv_tac.
            - unfold lift2P.
              specialize (IHs ((v0, Some a)::l) σ ψc ψd d).
              cut_to IHs; simpl; try tauto.
              unfold lift2P in *; simpl in *.
              repeat match_option_in IHs
              ; try contradiction.
              specialize (IHl0 σ m m0 d).
              repeat match_option_in IHl0
              ; try contradiction.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_mdenv_in c l σ ψc ψd s (v v':var) d :
      ~ In v (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars s) ->
      lift2P (fun '(σ₁', ψc₁', ψd₁') '(σ₂', ψc₂', ψd₂') =>
                 (forall l' d ψd'',
                     domain l' = domain l ->
                     ψd₁' = l' ++ (v',d)::ψd'' ->
                     ψd₂' = l' ++ (v,d)::ψd'')
                 /\ σ₁' = σ₂'
                 /\ ψc₁' = ψc₂'
              (nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ ψc (l++(v',d)::ψd) (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v'))
              (nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ ψc (l++(v,d)::ψd) s).
      revert l σ ψc ψd d
      ; nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl; intros l σ ψc ψd d ninl ninl' nine ninb
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in nine
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in ninb
      ; rename_inv_tac
      ; try solve [dest_eqdec; rename_inv_tac].
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        + repeat match goal with
                   [|- context [nnrs_stmt_eval ?h ?c ?σ ?ψc ((?v1, ?d1) :: ?l ++ (?v2, ?d2) :: ?ψd) ?s ]] =>
                   let HH := fresh in
                   generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_unused_mdenv h c ((v1,d1)::l) σ ψc ψd s v2 d2); simpl; intros HH; (cut_to HH; [|tauto])
                   ; unfold lift2P in HH
                   ; unfold var in *
                   ; repeat match_option_in HH
                 end; try contradiction; try congruence.
          rewrite eqq0 in eqq2.
          invcs eqq2.
          rename_inv_tac; unfold domain in *; try congruence.
        + rename_inv_tac.
      - Case "NNRSAssign"%string.
        repeat rewrite lookup_app; simpl.
        + rewrite (lookup_nin_none string_dec ninl).
          rewrite (lookup_nin_none string_dec ninl').
          repeat rewrite update_app_nin by trivial; simpl.
          destruct (string_dec v v); try congruence.
          destruct (string_dec v' v'); try congruence.
          simpl; repeat split; trivial; intros.
        + destruct (string_dec v0 v'); try congruence.
          case_eq (lookup string_dec l v0); simpl; [intros ? inn | intros inn].
          * repeat split; trivial; intros ???? eqq.
            generalize (lookup_in_domain _ _ inn); intros.
            rewrite update_app_in in eqq |- * by trivial.
            apply app_inv_head_domain in eqq
            ; [| rewrite domain_update_first; trivial].
            destruct eqq as [eqq1 eqq2].
            invcs eqq2.
          * generalize (lookup_none_nin _ inn); intros.
            repeat rewrite update_app_nin by trivial.
            destruct (string_dec v0 v); try congruence.
            destruct (string_dec v0 v'); try congruence.
            match_destr; simpl; trivial.
            repeat split; trivial; intros ???? eqq.
            apply app_inv_head_domain in eqq; [| trivial].
            destruct eqq as [eqq1 eqq2].
            invcs eqq2.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        revert l σ ψc ψd d ninl ninl'.
        induction l0; intros l σ ψc ψd d ninl ninl' ; simpl.
        + rename_inv_tac.
        + unfold lift2P.
          specialize (IHs l ((v0, Some a)::σ) ψc ψd d).
          cut_to IHs; simpl; try tauto.
          unfold lift2P in *; simpl in *.
          repeat match_option_in IHs
          ; try contradiction.
          specialize (IHl0 x1 σ m x2 o0).
          cut_to IHl0; unfold domain in *; try congruence.
          repeat match_option_in IHl0
          ; try contradiction.
    Lemma nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_mcenv_in c l σ ψc ψd s (v v':var) d :
      ~ In v (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (domain l) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars s) ->
      lift2P (fun '(σ₁', ψc₁', ψd₁') '(σ₂', ψc₂', ψd₂') =>
                 (forall l' d ψc'',
                     domain l' = domain l ->
                     ψc₁' = l' ++ (v',d)::ψc'' ->
                     ψc₂' = l' ++ (v,d)::ψc'')
                 /\ σ₁' = σ₂'
                 /\ ψd₁' = ψd₂'
              (nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ (l++(v',d)::ψc) ψd (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v'))
              (nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ (l++(v,d)::ψc) ψd s).
      revert l σ ψc ψd d
      ; nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl; intros l σ ψc ψd d ninl ninl' nine ninb
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in nine
      ; repeat rewrite in_app_iff in ninb
      ; rename_inv_tac
      ; try solve [dest_eqdec; rename_inv_tac].
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        + repeat match goal with
                   [|- context [nnrs_stmt_eval ?h ?c ?σ ((?v1, ?d1) :: ?l ++ (?v2, ?d2) :: ?ψc) ?ψd ?s ]] =>
                   let HH := fresh in
                   generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_unused_mcenv h c ((v1,d1)::l) σ ψc ψd s v2 d2); simpl; intros HH; (cut_to HH; [|tauto])
                   ; unfold lift2P in HH
                   ; unfold var in *
                   ; repeat match_option_in HH
                 end; try contradiction; try congruence.
          rewrite eqq0 in eqq2.
          invcs eqq2.
          rename_inv_tac; unfold domain in *; try congruence.
        + rename_inv_tac.
      - Case "NNRSPush"%string.
        repeat rewrite lookup_app; simpl.
        + rewrite (lookup_nin_none string_dec ninl).
          rewrite (lookup_nin_none string_dec ninl').
          destruct (string_dec v v); try congruence.
          destruct (string_dec v' v'); try congruence.
          repeat rewrite update_app_nin by trivial; simpl.
          destruct (string_dec v v); try congruence.
          destruct (string_dec v' v'); try congruence.
          simpl; repeat split; trivial; intros.
        + destruct (string_dec v0 v'); try congruence.
          case_eq (lookup string_dec l v0); simpl; [intros ? inn | intros inn].
          * repeat split; trivial; intros ???? eqq.
            generalize (lookup_in_domain _ _ inn); intros.
            rewrite update_app_in in eqq |- * by trivial.
            apply app_inv_head_domain in eqq
            ; [| rewrite domain_update_first; trivial].
            destruct eqq as [eqq1 eqq2].
            invcs eqq2.
          * generalize (lookup_none_nin _ inn); intros.
            destruct (string_dec v0 v); try congruence.
            destruct (string_dec v0 v'); try congruence.
            match_destr; simpl; trivial.
            repeat rewrite update_app_nin by trivial.
            repeat split; trivial; intros ???? eqq.
            apply app_inv_head_domain in eqq; [| trivial].
            destruct eqq as [eqq1 eqq2].
            invcs eqq2.
            destruct (string_dec v0 v); try congruence.
            destruct (string_dec v0 v'); try congruence.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        revert l σ ψc ψd d ninl ninl'.
        induction l0; intros l σ ψc ψd d ninl ninl' ; simpl.
        + rename_inv_tac.
        + unfold lift2P.
          specialize (IHs l ((v0, Some a)::σ) ψc ψd d).
          cut_to IHs; simpl; try tauto.
          unfold lift2P in *; simpl in *.
          repeat match_option_in IHs
          ; try contradiction.
          specialize (IHl0 x1 σ x2 m0 l2).
          cut_to IHl0; unfold domain in *; try congruence.
          repeat match_option_in IHl0
          ; try contradiction.
    Lemma nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_env c σ ψc ψd s v v' d:
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_env_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_env_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_eval h c ((v',d)::σ) ψc ψd
                     (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v') =
      match nnrs_stmt_eval h c ((v,d)::σ) ψc ψd s with
      | Some ((_,d)::σ',ψc',ψd') => Some ((v',d)::σ',ψc',ψd')
      | _ => None
      generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_env_in c nil σ ψc ψd s v v' d); simpl; intros HH.
      cut_to HH; try tauto.
      unfold lift2P in *.
      repeat match_option_in HH
      ; try contradiction.
      rename_inv_tac; trivial.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_mdenv c σ ψc ψd s v v' d:
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mdenv_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ ψc ((v',d)::ψd)
                     (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v') =
      match nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ ψc ((v,d)::ψd) s with
      | Some (σ',ψc',(_,d)::ψd') => Some (σ',ψc',(v',d)::ψd')
      | _ => None
      generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_mdenv_in c nil σ ψc ψd s v v' d); simpl; intros HH.
      cut_to HH; try tauto.
      unfold lift2P in *.
      repeat match_option_in HH
      ; try contradiction.
      rename_inv_tac; trivial.
      specialize (H1 nil o0 m2).
      cut_to H1; simpl; try congruence.
      invcs H1; trivial.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_mcenv c σ ψc ψd s v v' d:
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_free_mcenv_vars s) ->
      ~ In v' (nnrs_stmt_bound_mcenv_vars s) ->
      nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ ((v',d)::ψc) ψd
                     (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v') =
      match nnrs_stmt_eval h c σ ((v,d)::ψc) ψd s with
      | Some (σ',(_,d)::ψc',ψd') => Some (σ',(v',d)::ψc',ψd')
      | _ => None
      generalize (nnrs_stmt_eval_rename_mcenv_in c nil σ ψc ψd s v v' d); simpl; intros HH.
      cut_to HH; try tauto.
      unfold lift2P in *.
      repeat match_option_in HH
      ; try contradiction.
      rename_inv_tac; trivial.
      specialize (H1 nil l0 m1).
      cut_to H1; simpl; try congruence.
      invcs H1; trivial.
  End rename_eval.

  Section core.

    Lemma nnrs_expr_rename_env_core e v v' :
      nnrs_exprIsCore (nnrs_expr_rename_env e v v') <->
      nnrs_exprIsCore e.
      induction e; simpl; intuition.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_env_core_f s v v' :
      nnrs_stmtIsCore s ->
      nnrs_stmtIsCore (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v').
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl; intros isc.
      - Case "NNRSSeq"%string.
      - Case "NNRSLet"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2]; split; trivial.
        + apply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; trivial.
        + match_destr; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2]; split; trivial.
        + intuition.
        + match_destr; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2]; split; trivial.
        + intuition.
        + match_destr; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSAssign"%string.
        apply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSPush"%string.
        apply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; trivial.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2]; split; trivial.
        + apply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; trivial.
        + match_destr; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSIf"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 [isc2 isc3]]; split; trivial.
        + apply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; trivial.
        + split; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSEither"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 [isc2 isc3]]; split; trivial.
        + apply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; trivial.
        + split; match_destr; intuition.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_env_core_b s v v' :
      nnrs_stmtIsCore (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v') ->
      nnrs_stmtIsCore s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl; intros isc.
      - Case "NNRSSeq"%string.
      - Case "NNRSLet"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2].
        + eapply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; eauto.
        + match_destr_in isc2; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLetMut"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2]; split; trivial.
        + intuition.
        + match_destr_in isc2; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSLetMutColl"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2]; split; trivial.
        + intuition.
        + match_destr_in isc2; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSAssign"%string.
        eapply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; eauto.
      - Case "NNRSPush"%string.
        eapply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; eauto.
      - Case "NNRSFor"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 isc2]; split; trivial.
        + eapply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; eauto.
        + match_destr_in isc2; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSIf"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 [isc2 isc3]]; split; trivial.
        + eapply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; eauto.
        + split; intuition.
      - Case "NNRSEither"%string.
        destruct isc as [isc1 [isc2 isc3]]; split; trivial.
        + eapply nnrs_expr_rename_env_core; eauto.
        + split.
          * match_destr_in isc2; intuition.
          * match_destr_in isc3; intuition.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_env_core s v v' :
      nnrs_stmtIsCore (nnrs_stmt_rename_env s v v') <->
      nnrs_stmtIsCore s.
      - apply nnrs_stmt_rename_env_core_b.
      - apply nnrs_stmt_rename_env_core_f.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_mc_core s v v' :
      nnrs_stmtIsCore (nnrs_stmt_rename_mc s v v') <->
      nnrs_stmtIsCore s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl; intuition.
      - match_destr_in H4; intuition.
      - match_destr; intuition.

    Lemma nnrs_stmt_rename_md_core s v v' :
      nnrs_stmtIsCore (nnrs_stmt_rename_md s v v') <->
      nnrs_stmtIsCore s.
      nnrs_stmt_cases (induction s) Case
      ; simpl; intuition.
      - match_destr_in H4; intuition.
      - match_destr; intuition.

  End core.

End NNRSRename.

Global Hint Rewrite
     @nnrs_stmt_bound_mdenv_vars_rename_mdenv : nnrs_rename.