Module Qcert.JSON.Model.JSON

Require Import List.
Require Import Ascii.
Require Import String.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import FloatAdd.
Require Import ToString.
Require Import CoqLibAdd.
Require Import StringAdd.
Require Import Digits.
Require Import EquivDec.

Section JSON.
  Unset Elimination Schemes.

  Inductive json : Set :=
  | jnull : json
  | jnumber : float -> json
  | jbool : bool -> json
  | jstring : string -> json
  | jarray : list json -> json
  | jobject : list (string * json) -> json

  Set Elimination Schemes.

Induction principles used as backbone for inductive proofs on json
  Definition json_rect (P : json -> Type)
             (fnull : P jnull)
             (fnumber : forall n : float, P (jnumber n))
             (fbool : forall b : bool, P (jbool b))
             (fstring : forall s : string, P (jstring s))
             (farray : forall c : list json, Forallt P c -> P (jarray c))
             (fobject : forall r : list (string * json), Forallt (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r -> P (jobject r))
      fix F (j : json) : P j :=
    match j as j0 return (P j0) with
      | jnull => fnull
      | jnumber x => fnumber x
      | jbool x => fbool x
      | jstring x => fstring x
      | jarray x => farray x ((fix F2 (c : list json) : Forallt P c :=
                            match c as c0 with
                              | nil => Forallt_nil _
                              | cons j c0 => @Forallt_cons _ P j c0 (F j) (F2 c0)
                            end) x)
      | jobject x => fobject x ((fix F3 (r : list (string*json)) : Forallt (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r :=
                           match r as c0 with
                             | nil => Forallt_nil _
                             | cons sj c0 => @Forallt_cons _ (fun ab => P (snd ab)) sj c0 (F (snd sj)) (F3 c0)
                           end) x)

  Definition json_ind (P : json -> Prop)
             (fnull : P jnull)
             (fnumber : forall n : float, P (jnumber n))
             (fbool : forall b : bool, P (jbool b))
             (fstring : forall s : string, P (jstring s))
             (farray : forall c : list json, Forall P c -> P (jarray c))
             (fobject : forall r : list (string * json), Forall (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r -> P (jobject r))
      fix F (j : json) : P j :=
    match j as j0 return (P j0) with
      | jnull => fnull
      | jnumber x => fnumber x
      | jbool x => fbool x
      | jstring x => fstring x
      | jarray x => farray x ((fix F2 (c : list json) : Forall P c :=
                            match c with
                              | nil => Forall_nil _
                              | cons j c0 => @Forall_cons _ P j c0 (F j) (F2 c0)
                            end) x)
      | jobject x => fobject x ((fix F3 (r : list (string*json)) : Forall (fun ab => P (snd ab)) r :=
                           match r with
                             | nil => Forall_nil _
                             | cons sj c0 => @Forall_cons _ (fun ab => P (snd ab)) sj c0 (F (snd sj)) (F3 c0)
                           end) x)

  Definition json_rec (P:json->Set) := json_rect P.

  Lemma jsonInd2 (P : json -> Prop)
        (f : P jnull)
        (f0 : forall n : float, P (jnumber n))
        (f1 : forall b : bool, P (jbool b))
        (f2 : forall s : string, P (jstring s))
        (f3 : forall c : list json, (forall x, In x c -> P x) -> P (jarray c))
        (f4 : forall r : list (string * json), (forall x y, In (x,y) r -> P y) -> P (jobject r)):
    forall d, P d.
    apply json_ind; trivial.
    - intros. rewrite Forall_forall in H.
    - intros. rewrite Forall_forall in H.
      apply f4.
      intros. apply (H (x,y)). trivial.

Equality is decidable for json
  Lemma json_eq_dec : forall x y:json, {x=y}+{x<>y}.
    induction x; destruct y; try solve[right; inversion 1].
    - left; trivial.
    - destruct (float_eq_dec n f).
      + left; f_equal; trivial.
      + right;intro;apply c;inversion H; reflexivity.
    - destruct (bool_dec b b0).
      + left; f_equal; trivial.
      + right;intro;apply n;inversion H; trivial.
    - destruct (string_dec s s0).
      + left; f_equal; trivial.
      + right;intro;apply n;inversion H; trivial.
    - destruct (list_Forallt_eq_dec c l H). subst. auto.
      right; inversion 1. auto.
    - destruct (list_Forallt_eq_dec r l); subst; auto.
      + apply (forallt_impl H).
        apply forallt_weaken; clear; intros.
        destruct x; destruct y; simpl in *.
        apply pair_eq_dec; auto.
        apply string_dec.
      + right; inversion 1; auto.

  Global Instance json_eqdec : EqDec json eq := json_eq_dec.

  Section toString.

    Local Open Scope string.

    Fixpoint jsonStringify (quotel:string) (j : json) : string
      := match j with
         | jnull => "null"
         | jnumber n => toString n
         | jbool b => toString b
         | jstring s => stringToStringQuote quotel s
         | jarray ls =>
           let ss := map (jsonStringify quotel) ls in
           "[" ++ (concat ", " ss) ++ "]"
         | jobject ls =>
           let ss := (map (fun kv =>
                             let '(k,v) := kv in
                             "" ++ quotel ++ "" ++ k ++ ""
                                ++ quotel ++ ": " ++ (jsonStringify quotel v)) ls)
           in "{" ++ (concat ", " ss) ++ "}"

  End toString.