Module Qcert.Imp.Lang.Imp

Imp is a simple imperative intermediate language.

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Max.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Peano_dec.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Decidable.
Require Import Utils.

Declare Scope imp_scope.
Section Imp.

  Section Syntax.
    Context {Constant: Set}.
    Context {Op: Set}.
    Context {Runtime: Set}.

    Definition var := string.

    Unset Elimination Schemes.
    Inductive imp_expr : Set :=
    | ImpExprError : string -> imp_expr (* raises an error *)
    | ImpExprVar : var -> imp_expr (* local variable lookup ($v) *)
    | ImpExprConst : Constant -> imp_expr (* constant data (d) *)
    | ImpExprOp : Op -> list imp_expr -> imp_expr (* operator (e₁ ⊠ e) *)
    | ImpExprRuntimeCall : Runtime -> list imp_expr -> imp_expr (* runtime function call *)


    Inductive imp_stmt :=
    | ImpStmtBlock : list (var * option imp_expr) -> list imp_stmt -> imp_stmt (* block ([{let x=e₁; let x=e₂; s₁; s₂}]) *)
    | ImpStmtAssign : var -> imp_expr -> imp_stmt (* variable assignent ($v := e) *)
    | ImpStmtFor : var -> imp_expr -> imp_stmt -> imp_stmt (* for loop (for ($v in e₁) { s₂ }) *)
    | ImpStmtForRange : var -> imp_expr -> imp_expr -> imp_stmt -> imp_stmt (* for loop (for ($v = eto e₂) { s₂ }) *)
    | ImpStmtIf : imp_expr -> imp_stmt -> imp_stmt -> imp_stmt (* conditional (if e₁ { s₂ } else { s₃ }) *)

    Set Elimination Schemes.

    Inductive imp_function :=
    | ImpFun : var -> imp_stmt -> var -> imp_function

imp is composed of a list of function declarations
    Inductive imp :=
    | ImpLib : list (string * imp_function) -> imp.

    Section RectInd.
Induction principles used as backbone for inductive proofs on imp
      Definition imp_expr_rect (P : imp_expr -> Type)
                 (ferror : forall v : string, P (ImpExprError v))
                 (fvar : forall v : string, P (ImpExprVar v))
                 (fconst : forall d : Constant, P (ImpExprConst d))
                 (fop : forall op : Op, forall el : list imp_expr,
                       Forallt P el -> P (ImpExprOp op el))
                 (fruntime : forall rt : Runtime, forall el : list imp_expr,
                       Forallt P el -> P (ImpExprRuntimeCall rt el))
          fix F (e : imp_expr) : P e :=
            match e as e0 return (P e0) with
            | ImpExprError msg => ferror msg
            | ImpExprVar v => fvar v
            | ImpExprConst d => fconst d
            | ImpExprOp op el =>
              fop op el ((fix F2 (c : list imp_expr) : Forallt P c :=
                            match c as c0 with
                            | nil => Forallt_nil _
                            | cons d c0 => @Forallt_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F2 c0)
                            end) el)
            | ImpExprRuntimeCall rt el =>
              fruntime rt el ((fix F3 (c : list imp_expr) : Forallt P c :=
                                 match c as c0 with
                                 | nil => Forallt_nil _
                                 | cons d c0 => @Forallt_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F3 c0)
                                 end) el)

      Definition imp_expr_ind (P : imp_expr -> Prop)
                 (ferror : forall v : string, P (ImpExprError v))
                 (fvar : forall v : string, P (ImpExprVar v))
                 (fconst : forall d : Constant, P (ImpExprConst d))
                 (fop : forall op : Op, forall el : list imp_expr,
                       Forall P el -> P (ImpExprOp op el))
                 (fruntime : forall rt : Runtime, forall el : list imp_expr,
                       Forall P el -> P (ImpExprRuntimeCall rt el))
          fix F (e : imp_expr) : P e :=
            match e as e0 return (P e0) with
            | ImpExprError msg => ferror msg
            | ImpExprVar v => fvar v
            | ImpExprConst d => fconst d
            | ImpExprOp op el =>
              fop op el ((fix F1 (c : list imp_expr) : Forall P c :=
                            match c as c0 with
                            | nil => Forall_nil _
                            | cons d c0 => @Forall_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F1 c0)
                            end) el)
            | ImpExprRuntimeCall rt el =>
              fruntime rt el ((fix F2 (c : list imp_expr) : Forall P c :=
                                 match c as c0 with
                                 | nil => Forall_nil _
                                 | cons d c0 => @Forall_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F2 c0)
                                 end) el)

      Definition imp_expr_rec (P:imp_expr->Set) := imp_expr_rect P.

      Definition imp_stmt_rect (P : imp_stmt -> Type)
                 (fblock : forall el : list (var * option imp_expr), forall sl : list imp_stmt,
                       Forallt P sl -> P (ImpStmtBlock el sl))
                 (fassign : forall v : string, forall e : imp_expr, P (ImpStmtAssign v e))
                 (ffor : forall v : string, forall e : imp_expr, forall s : imp_stmt, P s -> P (ImpStmtFor v e s))
                 (fforrange : forall v : string, forall e1 e2 : imp_expr, forall s : imp_stmt, P s -> P (ImpStmtForRange v e1 e2 s))
                 (fif : forall e : imp_expr, forall s1 s2 : imp_stmt, P s1 -> P s2 -> P (ImpStmtIf e s1 s2))
          fix F (e : imp_stmt) : P e :=
            match e as e0 return (P e0) with
            | ImpStmtBlock el sl =>
              fblock el sl ((fix F1 (c : list imp_stmt) : Forallt P c :=
                               match c as c0 with
                               | nil => Forallt_nil _
                               | cons d c0 => @Forallt_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F1 c0)
                               end) sl)
            | ImpStmtAssign v e => fassign v e
            | ImpStmtFor v e s => ffor v e s (F s)
            | ImpStmtForRange v e1 e2 s => fforrange v e1 e2 s (F s)
            | ImpStmtIf e s1 s2 => fif e s1 s2 (F s1) (F s2)

      Definition imp_stmt_ind (P : imp_stmt -> Prop)
                 (fblock : forall el : list (var * option imp_expr), forall sl : list imp_stmt,
                       Forall P sl -> P (ImpStmtBlock el sl))
                 (fassign : forall v : string, forall e : imp_expr, P (ImpStmtAssign v e))
                 (ffor : forall v : string, forall e : imp_expr, forall s : imp_stmt, P s -> P (ImpStmtFor v e s))
                 (fforrange : forall v : string, forall e1 e2 : imp_expr, forall s : imp_stmt, P s -> P (ImpStmtForRange v e1 e2 s))
                 (fif : forall e : imp_expr, forall s1 s2 : imp_stmt, P s1 -> P s2 -> P (ImpStmtIf e s1 s2))
          fix F (e : imp_stmt) : P e :=
            match e as e0 return (P e0) with
            | ImpStmtBlock el sl =>
              fblock el sl ((fix F1 (c : list imp_stmt) : Forall P c :=
                               match c as c0 with
                               | nil => Forall_nil _
                               | cons d c0 => @Forall_cons _ P d c0 (F d) (F1 c0)
                               end) sl)
            | ImpStmtAssign v e => fassign v e
            | ImpStmtFor v e s => ffor v e s (F s)
            | ImpStmtForRange v e1 e2 s => fforrange v e1 e2 s (F s)
            | ImpStmtIf e s1 s2 => fif e s1 s2 (F s1) (F s2)

      Definition imp_stmt_rec (P:imp_stmt->Set) := imp_stmt_rect P.

    End RectInd.

    Section dec.
      Context {Constant_eqdec: EqDec Constant eq}.
      Context {Op_eqdec: EqDec Op eq}.
      Context {Runtime_eqdec: EqDec Runtime eq}.

      Global Instance imp_expr_eqdec : EqDec imp_expr eq.
        change (forall x y : imp_expr, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
        decide equality;
          try solve [apply binary_op_eqdec | apply unary_op_eqdec
                     | apply Constant_eqdec | apply Op_eqdec | apply Runtime_eqdec | apply string_eqdec].
        - revert l; induction el; intros; destruct l; simpl in *; try solve[right ;inversion 1].
          + left; reflexivity.
          + inversion H; subst; clear H.
            elim (H2 i); intros; subst; clear H2.
            * specialize (IHel H3); clear H3.
              elim (IHel l); intros; clear IHel.
              -- subst; left; reflexivity.
              -- right; congruence.
            * right; congruence.
        - revert l; induction el; intros; destruct l; simpl in *; try solve[right ;inversion 1].
          + left; reflexivity.
          + inversion H; subst; clear H.
            elim (H2 i); intros; subst; clear H2.
            * specialize (IHel H3); clear H3.
              elim (IHel l); intros; clear IHel.
              -- subst; left; reflexivity.
              -- right; congruence.
            * right; congruence.

      Global Instance imp_stmt_eqdec : EqDec imp_stmt eq.
        change (forall x y : imp_stmt, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
        decide equality;
          try solve [apply imp_expr_eqdec | apply string_eqdec | apply option_eqdec].
        - subst; clear l.
          revert l0; induction sl; intros; destruct l0; simpl in *; try solve[right ;inversion 1].
          left; reflexivity.
          inversion H; subst; clear H.
          elim (H2 i); intros; subst; clear H2.
          + specialize (IHsl H3); clear H3.
            elim (IHsl l0); intros; clear IHsl.
            * subst; left; reflexivity.
            * right; congruence.
          + right; congruence.
        - clear H.
          revert l; induction el; intros; destruct l; simpl in *; try solve[right ;inversion 1].
          left; reflexivity.
          destruct a; simpl in *; destruct o; simpl in *;
          destruct p; simpl in *; destruct o; simpl in *.
          + elim (IHel l); intros; clear IHel.
            * elim (imp_expr_eqdec i i0); intros; [|right; congruence].
              assert (i = i0); auto; clear a0; subst;
                destruct (string_dec v v0); subst; [left; reflexivity| right; congruence].
            * right; congruence.
          + right; congruence.
          + right; congruence.
          + elim (IHel l); intros; clear IHel.
            * destruct (string_dec v v0); subst; [left; reflexivity| right; congruence].
            * right; congruence.

      Global Instance imp_function_eqdec : EqDec imp_function eq.
        change (forall x y : imp_function, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
        decide equality; subst;
          try solve [apply imp_stmt_eqdec | apply string_eqdec | apply option_eqdec].
      Global Instance imp_eqdec : EqDec imp eq.
        change (forall x y : imp, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
        decide equality.
        revert l0; induction l; intros; destruct l0; simpl in *; try solve[right ;inversion 1].
        left; reflexivity.
        destruct a; simpl in *; destruct p; simpl in *.
        + elim (IHl l0); intros; clear IHl.
          * elim (imp_function_eqdec i i0); intros; [|right; congruence].
            assert (i = i0); auto; clear a0; subst;
              destruct (string_dec s s0); subst; [left; reflexivity| right; congruence].
          * right; congruence.
    End dec.

  End Syntax.
End Imp.

Tactic Notation "imp_expr_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "ImpExprError"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpExprVar"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpExprConst"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpExprOp"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpExprRuntimeCall"%string].

Tactic Notation "imp_stmt_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "ImpStmtBlock"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpStmtAssign"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpStmtFor"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpStmtForRange"%string
  | Case_aux c "ImpStmtIf"%string].

Tactic Notation "imp_function_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "ImpFun"%string].

Tactic Notation "imp_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
  [ Case_aux c "ImpLib"%string].

Delimit Scope imp_scope with imp.